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pink cigarette + 100 posts, oneshot - Printable Version

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pink cigarette + 100 posts, oneshot - toboggan - 09-08-2018

//long post, so tl;dr: leroy gets drunk, makes a mess of his collection of old stuff around his home, and decides on a last name

//a lot of noise was being made, so y/c could come investigate??

Antique license plate and similar vintage commodities littered the surface of the home. If one were to intrude upon the scene, they’d feel like they were caught in a time-warp, transported spontaneously to a 40’s junkyard. Cardboard boxes, ones that were transferred into the home with the help of some other Tanglers, were toppled over, spewing their contents unto the chilly floor.

Leroy was a collector of this stuff, a hoarder one may say, and his specialty was the days of yore. Musical records, worn-in leather jackets, dusty photographs, and a broken jukebox were just some parcels from the cache, and to say it wasn’t expanding would be a lie.

A bitter cloudburst was lickety-split growing outside, each diligent drop knocking on the walls like a rent collector anxiously sweating it out for their fees. Days seemed to be growing nippier with each morning, and it was only a matter of time before patches of ice started showing up. The post-summer blues were even now nailing a portion of people, the tall Irish Wolfhound not being an exception. Yeah, the colours of Autumn were nice and chaotic (and he loved chaos), though he’d instantly trade them for year-long warmth and comfort. All these mixed feelings - he hated them. What had happened to him being a cold, callous browbeater? He didn’t necessarily miss being a bully, yet he didn’t aim to be a hero either. Tanglewood was in the middle, henceforth it was the perfect clan for him; but, as of late, his good-deeds-to-bad ratio was severely unbalanced.

Contemplating all this cramped the hound - that’s what good and bad people did in unity: thinking about their actions. His goals should only be for the best interest of Tanglewood, not his own, or other people’s.

At this point, the guardsman had enough. A true reason behind all this mulling over morality was lacking. Perhaps he had believed he was of some worth in this messed up world for a second? If that was the case, he needed a method to remind himself that those were not the circumstances he was currently in. How long was it since he last got buzzed? Some months ago? Today, that would change. Under the influence of alcohol, Leroy had the potential to commit some pretty impulsive things, the fact of which was the perfect way to “wake him up”.

Scotch whisky. He used it more often as a currency than a specialty, Leroy’s defence being that, as hardcore as he was, he did not drink, or ingest drugs on a regular basis. Cowardice had nothing to do with that, it was more along the lines of him having better things to do, although dope has eternally held a special position of interest in his mind. The liquid went down tingling, and two rounds of it was the ample formula to get him tipsy. Getting absolutely hammered was not a priority, the hound wanted to do something bad that he’d regret later, and puking in a bucket followed by falling asleep was too cliché.

Merely seconds ensuing consumption, he left the bottle to sit on a counter, shifting his gaze to the two containers that Aya and Vigenere helped move inside. Those looked fun. CRASH!! cried the first box as it toppled over, its freight painting the ground in rusty artifacts and old garments. The same fate was shared with the other receptacle, and before long, his entire home was flooded with odds and ends.

Unsatisfied with making the worst mess possible, the hound next began thoroughly inspecting each and every article present, starting with some old records. A lot of this stuff hadn’t seen sunlight in years, which upset him, as he had quite the selection of rare oddities. One thing he wished for in his collection was a hand-operated record player, as his jukebox was broken and had no power source. If, in the days to come, he could get his filthy paws on one of those, the mongrel could consider his collection complete, as he could finally audibly enjoy “Jim Croce”, or “Eric Clapton”, or another human musical artist he had on vinyl. The canine set those aside, groggily picking up a dark leather coat - and at once spotting an item that appeared of high interest.

A photograph, one not vintage nor old. It was a family, a human one, featuring a smiling husband and wife duo with a child. The thing that caught his attention wasn’t the man’s formal clothing, or the city backdrop; along with a homo-sapiens group, there was a family of canines, ones that looked exactly like him - two adults, three pups. If that wasn’t enough, along the bottom was written in pen: Starkweather family, ‘12.

"Holy... shit... hic!".

He had been in a family. He had been loved.

If that was true, how did he end up on his own? There was more to this story, and though discovering it’s plot seemed unlikely, there was an entire room full of possible clues.

Starkweather. That was a cool last name.

Re: pink cigarette + 100 posts, oneshot - DELILAH. - 09-08-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
Delilah had her round of drunken fits, although she didn't remember it too well. All she remembered was waking up with Renegadeanthem beside her. However, they had not.. Slept, slept together. Thank the gods, she was still eager to stay pure (kinda) for her special someone.

Nevermind that, Delilah had been on a walk around the territory when she had heard loud crashes, obnoxious noises, causing her to speed up in pace. What was happening? Did someone knock over something?

Come to find, it was a little bit of both of her own experience with drinking and stuff being knocked over. Delilah's soft voice rang out at the front door of Leroy's home softly as she called out to him, announcing her presence. "'Leroy? Are you okay, dear?" Delilah meowed out, shouldering the door open and limping inside. Leroy had taken her leg, but she didn't blame him for it. She had no choice. Without him taking her leg, she would have died. That's all there was to it.

The sight she saw wasn't one that she exactly.. Enjoyed. Jesus, she could smell the reek of alcohol coming from him, and just the scent sent flashbacks of her own drunken stupor through her brain, sending shivers down her spine. Nope, never again.

"Leroy, did you drink yourself into wonderland?" Delilah asked softly, approaching the much larger wolf with caution. He was holding something in his paws, muttering under his breath. Ah, she probably needed to give him something for his liver.. He'd have one hell of a hang over when he was sober..

Delilah reached into her satchel, digging around in the worn out bag to find the small amount of Milk Thistle pulp. The herb was hard to find, but thanks to the Ascendants, she had obtained it through a trade with their members. She popped the cap off of the vial, telekinesis holding it up in midair as she got a bit closer. "Can.. Can you drink this for me? It'll help to make sure your liver doesn't get bad from the alcohol.."

Re: pink cigarette + 100 posts, oneshot - arrow - 09-09-2018

[color=grey]"Jesus Christ, you're loud." Arrow muttered in disapproval as he stood behind Delilah, originally drawn over by the sound of the crash, even though she'd much rather be home alone and resting. But she always went against her better judgement and now she was here.

The place was a mess, bits and pieces from god knows when strewn about the floor and most likely the source of the previous noise. Leroy was investigating something else, the reek of alcohol causing the edges of her mouth to twitch into a disapproving frown. It wasn't the drunkness that three her off, that was whatever in her eyes. People got drunk often here it seemed, and that was their own decision, their liver could take the blow. However, the mix of alcohol and staring at a mess of old trinkets and whatnot was an oddly concerning combo. [color=grey]"You coulda knocked something onto your skull." There was an edge of concern to her otherwise stern and irritated voice, but she really did care about Leroy's wellbeing, especially in a shit storm like this. God knows what he was thinking about.


Re: pink cigarette + 100 posts, oneshot - toboggan - 09-09-2018

At the audible cue of his door creaking ajar, the swigged-up hound swung his head behind him to spot the three-legged feline, whose injuries he deliberately caused for her own good. Her honeyed words suggested that she was attempting to return the favour, with some anti-alcohol prescription. Hate to break it to you, Delilah, but that was not happening.

"Y’know, Petals" he began crookedly, offering an attempted-educating grin, there’s three main levels of being drunk. Level one is tipsy, ‘t makes ya think you’re a good dancer or a sweet talker when ya ain’t. Level two is drunk, where ya start fallin’ into stuff and crap. And level three, tha’s the worst one, is when yer completely smashed, and ya puke everywhere.”

”Me? I’m only only level A, gumdrop. Maybe A an’ a half. Only drank two rounds, afta all.”

Finishing his lesson, he retreated to his previous post, denying the feline’s treatment. Sure, she may care about his health, but he wasn’t that plastered - right? No, he wasn’t. ”Wanna show ya somethin’” he’d state wonderfully, retrieving his family photo for Delilah’s, and now Arrow’s, viewing pleasure. ”Tha’s baby me! In the picture! And my last name’s Starkweather, apparently! Holy shit!”

He’d sit his unkempt rump on the ground, sharp items being his seat. Amazing how in all of this he hadn’t harmed his leg. Or, rather, he had, but he didn’t notice.

Damn. He was being really foolish right now, wasn’t he? He couldn’t tell from his point of view, but judging by the funky looks on his clanmates’ faces, he was doing something wrong. Sadness arose in him at the fact. He was one of the oldest in the camp, so he played in a position as a role model, and good role model doesn’t act like a moron to younger people.

Shooting the two a morose glance, he’d sloppily apologize, ”Fuck, guys, I’m sorry, didn’t needja two ta see me like this. Maybe something shoulda fallen on my skull, Arrows, serves me right for fucking chopping off her fucking leg.”

Re: pink cigarette + 100 posts, oneshot - DELILAH. - 09-09-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
Delilah's eyebrows knitted when he denied her medicine, and she merely put it back in her satchel, walking closer to view this picture he spoke of. Leroy was so little, he was a baby here? She rubbed at her eyes as she stared down at the scribbles of something, magenta eyes widening in surprise. Holy shit. "You have a surname! Starkweather, huh? Sounds amazing!" She meowed happily, telekinesis sweeping the sharp objects away from Leroy absent-mindedly while he was too drunk to notice.

She didn't really care about the levels of drunkeness, she had gotten plastered herself just a few days ago and had flirted with both Arrow and Renegade. Poor guy, he probably had to tie her to the bed so she didn't make a move on him. After all, he did share a home with her.

When Leroy spoke of how he should have gotten bashed on the skull, Delilah tossed a nervous glance at Arrow before a high-pitched whine left her. "No, leroy!" Her voice was desperate, needy, as she brushed a paw against her missing leg. "If you didn't do it, I would have died. I would have bled out, but you saved me. Please don't blame yourself for that, love." Delilah mewed, scooting in closer to him to let the scent of cherry blossom waft over the canine, hoping to soothe him as she snuggled up next to Leroy.

Re: pink cigarette + 100 posts, oneshot - toboggan - 09-12-2018

Delilah’s eye-opening response has surprised Leroy - the reason why he was excited about it was that he was boozed up. In a perfectly normal situation, it was possible that the topic went unmentioned considering how causeless it was. However, if it forced a confounded echo out of the femme, then that meant she felt at least something for Leroy, even after what he had done. Likewise, concern is all that left her maw once he mentioned her leg and thereafter. Sighing, his headlights flickered to Delilah’s for a moment. She was certainly not innocent, but she was still a good dame.

One could consider that it was good that Leroy drank a little bit of alcohol; evidently, the stuff allowed him to reveal some more sensitive areas of the confusing landscape which was his personality, stuff that he’d never dare speak of while in full control of his emotions. Yet, most rational people could agree that getting the canine groggy was a shitty decision from the get-go; there he was, greatly exaggerating problems, all while sitting in objects that must have went decades without being disturbed until now. "Whether’r not I saved ya, I harmed a Tangler, and that ain’t cool," he’d force out, returning to the topic of her leg. ”I’m sorry ‘bout it all, and I don’t get sorry”.

Neck lowering until the head rested on the ground, weariness began clouding his skull. Two rounds was simply not enough to keep him drunk for long, and now he’d have to deal with the consequence of having a high - crashing. Amber hues darted between Delilah and Arrow, who currently took the form of pink and brown blurs. Attempting to keep conversation alive, though in a silly position, he’d speak, or try to, at least. ”I’d offa ya guys food, but it’s, uh, undaneath all this shit.”

Re: pink cigarette + 100 posts, oneshot - arrow - 09-13-2018

[color=#208030]"Aw, you were a cute little thing." The family photo managed to bring a small smile to her face despite her overall mood, the concept of a little happy family warmed her bitter bitch heart. She didn't remember her family either, but unlike Leroy, had no evidence that they ever existed let alone what they looked like. They were far away now, too. Probably dead. Not that she needed them, she had the Tanglewood family now.

Her ears shot up at the mention of Delilah's leg, attention turning immediately to the older roguemate. So that's where her leg went. Amputation. She opened her mouth, shutting it when the cherry blossom-trailing medic beat her to it, looking around at the mess Leroy made in a drunken stupor again. [color=#208030]"Wasn't there for that." She muttered bluntly, shifting the weight of her back leg when it began to burn ever so slightly from the mere thought of why she'd missed such a wild event such as losing an entire fucking leg. Between her, Leroy, and Delilah now, it was a miracle if anyone could keep their limbs here. Guess Stocking started it with that crash landing, cursed them all it seemed. Her subtle tension subsided as the other girl reassured that it was not malicious in any sense, lord knows why Leroy ever would go around chopping limbs off. [color=#208030]"Sacrifices gotta be made, shit happens, would've hurt more to let her bleed out there." Her tone had that firmness again, which for the most part was her shoving her emotions down as far as she could get them and slamming the mental door shut and locking it. Dramatic, yes, but in the wake of letting herself so and completely falling apart with them, it was necessary.