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UNBENT JUSTICE && visiting/trading. - Printable Version

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UNBENT JUSTICE && visiting/trading. - DELILAH. - 09-08-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
The Ascendants felt a long ways away from Tanglewood, especially for the struggling three-legged feline. It felt like forever that she walked on, her paws never stopping to rest as she carried her basket of herbs in her jaws and her satchel around her waist. The Tanglewood medic wasn't familiar with the world outside of her clan, having been too afraid to leave the safety of it since she had arrived there so many moons ago.

It took a while, but the sight of the unfamiliar observatory in the distance was what made her stop right at the scent of a borderline. The Ascendants. Didn't they get locked in for a while? Well, those were rumors, she wasn't going to question it..

Delilah's presence was announced by the cherry blossom petals that seemed to radiate from her pastel pink fur, her aesthetic element a sign of her mood. It was a fluid amount, but not overwhelming, just basking the air with the scent of sakura in their wake. She was quite nervous, but she kept the amount of petals small, in order to not annoy the people of the Ascendants.

Settling her basket down onto the ground, the recently made amputee lifted her muzzle to the air in a gentle, loud call of her arrival. "Uh.. My name is Delilah Evergarden,  I'm a medic from.. T-Tanglewood, and I'm here to trade herbs!" She announced, biting her lip soon after. Was she too loud?

/feel free to reply before roman does!

Re: UNBENT JUSTICE && visiting/trading. - trojan g. - 09-08-2018

[align=center][div style="width:60%;overflow:auto;font-family:verdana;font-size:11px;text-transform: lowercase;text-align:justify"]The Ascendants had, in fact, gotten stuck inside the observatory, though some had been stuck outside of it. Roman had been one of the lucky few that had been trapped outside, though he had been captured. When he had returned to the clan, he had been weak, and as far as he knew everyone was stuck inside the observatory. He had tried opening the door so much that he had used up the remaining energy that he held to try and get it open to no avail. But things were better now. His clanmates were outside and roaming around again, free to make friends and meet new people, and even go other places if they wanted to. Though some of them were no longer around, he liked to think that their time outside of he Observatory had been a happy one, so he decided not to dwell on the matter too much.

Despite his own knowledge, and the recommendation of those others that knew medicine, Roman was walking around, his appendage that no longer held the bottom half of it bandaged up and hurting. He did not miss this part of the healing process, the part where things hurt too much, and only that of time and medicine would help. It was why when he was younger he had locked himself in a room, leaving himself to his paintings for a month, only coming out to eat and then scurry away back inside the room. It was something he was not proud of, which was why he was walking around now, trying to make sure he didn't lock himself up until the healing was done. It was while he was walking around that he caught the scent of the cherry blossoms that Delilah grew from her body, and he started to make his way towards the border, curious as to what the scent was, exactly, when he heard the call.

Making the rest of the way to the border, Roman would tilt his head slightly, looking the feline over before offering a smile and dipping his head. She seemed friendly enough, and she announced her arrival and reason for coming - a sign of a good being that meant no harm in his eyes. "My name's Romanempire," He would offer to her, looking up from his dipped head for a moment before bringing it back up and looking down slightly at the feline. "What kind of herbs do you have, and what kind are you looking for?" The Ascendants territory and Tanglewood territory were vastly different, he knew that, but he couldn't recall which kinds grew in their deeply wooded marhsy place.

Re: UNBENT JUSTICE && visiting/trading. - DELILAH. - 09-08-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
Upon the arrival of one who Delilah assumed to be a member of the Ascendants, the pastel feline dipped her head to the male in a sign of respect. While she prided being a medic, she was way too submissive to even think about looking him in the face, let alone standing up straight. It was something that had been traced into her brain from her past traumas, ever hauntingly following her at the edge of her vision.

He was much larger than her, she noticed. He could easily snap her in two, could easily hurt her, but she didn't think he would. His posture told her a different story. No sooner did her silent staring start, as her magenta eyes found themselves searching Romanempire's body, catching sight of his bandaged, and seemingly missing leg.

Then, his question interrupted her thinking. "A-Ah! Uhm.. Milk Thistle, Mint, and Goatweed.. We can't.. Find those herbs in our marshy territory, so I.. Was going to ask you i-if you had them, Sir." Delilah stuttered out, her eyes clenching shut as her inevitable anxiousness to men outside of her clan set in. Her cherry petals increased in amounts, piling around her in a small pile as paranoia set in. Would he chase her out for asking stuff like that? Would he kill her? Gods, she didn't want to die without seeing Ren again..

"I-I have.. Calamus Root Powder, Zhi Mu, Chervil, and Meadowsweet

Re: UNBENT JUSTICE && visiting/trading. - trojan g. - 09-09-2018

Roman noticed her stature, the way she seemed scared of him and the way she didn't really want to look at him. He also noticed the slight lingering on his hind leg before he had spoken, though that was something he had gotten used to already, especially as it was so new. Listening to her words, Roman would think for a moment, recalling what the herbs were in his head and what they looked like for the ones that she had asked for, thinking of the names of the herbs that she had mentioned. Though he couldn't put a look to the names, he could remember vaguely what they were used for, and he would  nod. "I know we have Milk Thistle and Mint, though Goatweed I'm unsure about." They had never really used it, though it would be useful for some of the younger members of the clan at this point in time. "I can go get the Milk Thistle and Mint." He would speak, excited for the opportunity to potentially use other herbs later on, see how well they worked - though he hoped they wouldn't have to any time soon.

Turning around, Roman would wonder off for a couple minutes, hoping that Delilah didn't mind before he came back, having been picking some herbs in the middle of the territory. He carefully carried them in a small makeshift wraps made of leaves, before carefully placing them down on the ground. Milk Thistle and Mint, just as he had said, each in their own little wrap.

Re: UNBENT JUSTICE && visiting/trading. - DELILAH. - 09-09-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
Delilah knew she shouldn't be acting like this. He wouldn't hurt her, if he wanted to he would have already done it. With a glance at the herbes, Delilah's ears perked up at the sight. Milk Thistle and Mint, just as she asked!

Scooting her own basket forward, she pulled the cover off of it and showed off the herbs she brought to trade. "Pick two, Mr. Roman." She almost sang out, her tail wagging as her stature relaxed. He was like her, excited by herbs and how they worked. Was he a medic here? Or an ex-medic?

"Uhm.. Have.. Have you ever been a medic before?" Delilah asked softly, her tail sweeping over the edge of the basket.

Re: UNBENT JUSTICE && visiting/trading. - BASTILLEPAW - 09-09-2018

[Image: 2NB1bDh]
[Image: 2LFVCD6]
[Image: ru8sUY1.png]
[Image: 2LLq52q]
Romanempire was an oddity, if Bast was going to be completely fucking honest. Sure, the guy was friendly and unassuming and seemed to be chill enough; he never really made a fuss or started shit, and was just... there, a lot of the time, offering vague aid or just silent support for whatever the fuck was going on. Reasonably average citizen. No cause for alarm, right? But sometimes he got this look when he studied Bast, and it was... odd. Like familiarity, in a way, only Roman struck no cord of recognition in Bastille. Sometimes he felt like he should know who this guy was just because he looked like he knew who Bast was, and that was... odd.

But he supposed he couldn't just avoid the guy, and thus there he was, grudgingly coming to play nice with their visitor because it was his patriotic duty or something along those lines. Look, Ascendants had a living, breathing Seraph who didn't hate his job and would be a good boy and greet neutrals! Right. Totally. As it was he only passed an idly curious stare over this stranger's pelt — were those cherry blossoms? — before he nodded a lazy greeting. [b]"Yo," he supplied, arching a brow, "You're a trader? From Tangle? Huh. Would'a thought Sunhaven." A pause. "I'm Bast, by the way."
[B]ASTRAL SERAPH — THE ASCENDANTS — [color=#e2e2e2]TAGS[color=#e2e2e2]MOODBOARD[color=#e2e2e2]PLAYLIST

Re: UNBENT JUSTICE && visiting/trading. - ★ HAZEL - 09-09-2018

as love filled night gives way to day
Hazel, still riding the good mood Feyre had shone upon her in the wake of a horrible Latin attempt, had discovered the energy to take a trip out to the border. Arion gleefully followed, frolicking about with the occasional whinny or nicker after the girl, excited to have her walking where he could see her again. Hazel herself found that the duration of her solitude - namely her lack of appetite and hydration - kept her body from firing on all pistons, which explained the the airy-ness in her head and her winded manner of breathing.

Her state of well being was of little concern to her, though, as she stopped beside Bastille to regard the soft pink of the Tanglewood feline. It reminded Hazel of a friend she once had in Tanglewood; the name had unfortunately escaped her mind's grasp, but she recalled the crocodile her friend had kept. "I knew someone from Tanglewood...she was a medic, too." The girl contributed, eyes still a little fever-bright. "Do you all still keep crocodiles as companions?" 

Re: UNBENT JUSTICE && visiting/trading. - DELILAH. - 09-09-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
Delilah felt her pelt shed more petals as two more people arrived, and she scrambled to her paws to dip her head to them anxiously. "A-Ah! My name.. My name is Delilah! Uhm. I think you're speaking of Iota? She disappeared for a while, I believe.." She meowed out, her paws fumbling with each other. She didn't like dealing with crowds, but the presence of a female seemingly made her less nervous. She was beautiful, but from the way the pastel feline's eyes wandered over Hazel's body, she knew that she hadn't been keeping her health up. When Delilah cleared her throat, she moved a bit closer, only a step, her nose idly smelling the earthy tones of stones on the girl. "You smell like nature, it's quite a wonderful smell. A.. Different smell from the marshes where I live." She meowed, turning her head to her bag.

With telekinesis, Delilah lifted a flower crown from her satchel around her waist, the petals dried but preserved. She had originally made this for Renegadeanthems, but the guy next to the pretty femme seemed a bit out of it. "Here's a gift from Tanglewood, even if we're neutral. I'm rather fond of stars, though. Maybe you could trade me pictures of the stars the next time I visit? I could bring more stuff." Delilah offered the flower crown anxiously, silently hoping that Roman agreed to this. Something about the male caught her attention and held it. Maybe it was because of her own eagerness to learn? Or his? Who knows.

"Not that we know of..? We just take in any animal that needs us."

Re: UNBENT JUSTICE && visiting/trading. - trojan g. - 09-10-2018

Roman tried to make it not obvious whenever he saw Bastille, but it was difficult, he was so much like the Bast he had known when he was younger, and now this Bast was someone younger. The same appearance, the same attitude, but a different animal. It was something that he had to get over - there were different animals here, he was just going to have to stop comparing. But it wouldn't stop. It was the same with Hazel though, and it didn't help that she didn't seem to be taking care of herself, he wanted to talk to her about it, make sure that she took care of herself more, but maybe later on he could talk to those that were still grieving, those not taking care of themselves, do a counseling type thing.

He was glad when Delilah noticed Hazel's state and scooted closer to the other female, seemingly relaxing, causing Roman concern. Had his presence been the thing that had been causing her more discomfort? Not the fact that she was on a neutral clan's border? He hoped not, as he wanted to get to know her more. She was someone who seemed nice, something that he needed to have in his life more - niceness.

When she told him to pick two, he would look down at the herbs that she presented to him, picking out the Zhi Mu and the Meadowsweet, head dipping once more in thanks. "These two will be lovely, thank you." He would respond, listening to her question and nodding his head. "I was a halo here for a while, but growing up in a different clan I was the medic apprentice there for a long time." He had learned many things through Aster, and was appreciative of his services.