Beasts of Beyond
BORN TO DIE - open; MASS HERBAL TEACHING - Printable Version

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BORN TO DIE - open; MASS HERBAL TEACHING - rhosmari - 09-07-2018

Despite his wounds and despite everything that had been happening the shark feline was trying to keep a positive attitude. But it was hard. There were hard pressing matters that were starting to leech into his mentality and he struggled with not wanting to fight back, to harm and to hurt. So to distract him he had planned this day to at least try to keep himself busy and to just work on something that made him feel better. He'd talk about both land plants and aquatic plants and it would give a booster to the other groups he was going to be inviting he was sure of it. The heavily scabbed and still healing male shifted as he moved around the greenhouse, finding the plants he would need for teaching. His pearl colored eyes seemed dull and hazed even as he mindless worked on checking that he had the necessary equipment for such a thing. After all as the Head Divine he needed to make sure that the Medicine Guild was prepared for anything. There was no telling when a disaster could strike and he cleared his throat as he hauled an aloe vera plant out of the greenhouse and sat it down near the others where he was about to have his lesson on the boardwalk. Shifting from one paw to another he calmly and very slowly sat down, feeling his skin pull and tug against deep wounds that were still healing. It was going to be okay. Mentally he was half checked out and just on auto pilot. "Sunhaven an' friends, gather 'round for a mass herbal session. We'll be goin' over ya basics and also good herbs verses the stuff that'll kill ya."

Re: BORN TO DIE - open; MASS HERBAL TEACHING - Beatles. - 09-08-2018

An herbal-training session? Healing wasn't Tadashi's forte, really. He could patch up a wound if needed, though he left all of the complicated stuff to the certified medics. He wouldn't want to go messing something up, now wouldn't he? However, this lesson could probably be beneficial to him. Knowledge was power, and the more he knew about the subject, the better. What could it hurt?

Tadashi made his way over, and had noticed Monroe's appearance. The gashes in his skin. He nearly winced at the sight; what had happened? Those looked pretty bad.

Nonetheless, he shuffled into the crowd and remained quiet for now. Perhaps he'd try and ask him later.

Re: BORN TO DIE - open; MASS HERBAL TEACHING - Tena M. - 09-08-2018

[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: constantia; font-size: 11px;"]Tena Moonspinner
Healing and herbs were not Tena's strong point.  Her brother had been rather decent at all of that but... The small feline flicked her ear, unusual blue eyes glazing over distantly.  Quietly, she settled into the crowd, finding a place near Tadashi.  She supposed it was a useful skill to have.  No doubt her brother would agree, knowing her and the reckless antics she often got into.

With a soft hum of acknowledgement, her long tail curled neatly over her paws, eyes flickering as she ran her gaze over Monroe.  Was he in a state to teach?  She was all for learning something new - and potentially life saving when she was stupid - but wondered if maybe he should be resting. Tena would admire his determination, but sometimes health should come first.
[align=right]I tell you this story, save your life, set you free


[Image: mfTikER.gif]
Monroe had invited Tanglewood to such an event, and while Delilah was greatful, she was also scared of the crowd which followed arriving to their allies territory. It was hotter here, something Delilah wasn't used to as she limped to the front of the crowd to stand beside Monroe, magenta eyes downcasted as she settled down the basket she had been previously been holding in her jaws. The basket contained all of the herbs that naturally grew in Tanglewood's marshy territory, something unfamiliar to those who lived in bright sun constantly. Tanglewood's territory was surrounded in shade, giving them herbs that couldn't be grown in other places.

The medic was interested in the different herbs grown here in Sunhaven, however, and made it obvious by the way she anxiously lifted her gaze up to Monroe, adjusting herself in place. The sakura petals that flew from her pelt cushioned her single back leg, allowing her to sit on a plus pillow-like pile of petals that comforted her with its scent.

"Ready when you are, Monroe." Came Delilah's soft, raspy voice as the shaky felidae settled down to listen. If he gave her a turn to speak about her herbs, she would, but it didn't really matter either way.

Re: BORN TO DIE - open; MASS HERBAL TEACHING - Owlie - 09-08-2018

Forensic Analyst and “part time” medical examiner at the GCPD. Three clean murders under his belt, and none of them were the wiser.
He’d been promoted. He’d yet to find any pills or just anything to get him an edge yet. Hallucination inducing drugs sounded good around now.... what was he thinking?

"I’d like to participate, Monroe.”