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An expanse of mass graves | Open, Joining - Printable Version

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An expanse of mass graves | Open, Joining - Luciferr - 04-06-2018

/here comes the creepy boi/
A dark blot stained the pristine white snows of this land - the slow steady treading of snow under myriad paws the only thing that broke an eerie silence that seemed to follow this particular one, as though the creatures of the land shied away from nearing the beast.

The thing, for while it be resemblance to some canine couldn't accurately be called such - for it looked wrong to gaze upon, an Anathaema to nature's careful designs - misshapen, twisted, with more limbs and twisted appendages than was normal on such a creature.

Long tapered ears jutted forwards, craning to hear sound in the silence as the shambling deceiving slow gait of the creature brought it forwards - for it was a deception, it looked sluggish and malformed but it belied the frightening speed and strength of the creature - still it's natural shambling meander, made it look like a dead thing walking.

Perhaps it was - with its twisted raised flesh, morphing and malformed second skin like the fusions of many others, the strange half exoskeleton and its seeming melted half armour fused to its chest and shoulders - what once was lost, indeed.

Jaws stretched wider than a natural animal and the thing gurgled lowly as it stopped shy of the border, it's head - a horrible eyeless gaze of solid dark hollow spaces like a bare skull - turning to and fro for signs of life, like it could still see with seemingly no visible eyes - it's neck cracked at the movement, the spine of the creature seemingly bulged and burst from its skin in its horrible twisted design - a mockery of 'mans best friend' - a nightmare in flesh.

The creature's two pairs of front limbs dug into the snow, tendrils - far too many - jutting out from the cracks of armour and the seams of its limbs writhed in the silent air as it waited, this misshapen and u pnfathomable thing - a creature hideous but strangely entrancing in its own horrificness.

Silentgrave was their name, it fit them and was poetic, a name that spoke to something more - They'd had a different name before, but They existed together now, two corpses in one grave.

The beast was quiet as it - he, they, them, the many and the one - waited.

code by spacexual

Re: An expanse of mass graves | Open, Joining - london r. - 04-06-2018

Mum had taught London to never judge based on appearances, and the girl had done her best to always have an open mind, but oh dear, that seemed rather difficult to recall at the moment. There was a trace of sympathy within the young girl's brilliant blue gaze as the creature of a much more gentle sort approached. It was almost painful to imagine what had caused one to gain suck a twisted appearance, not to mention how much bullying one might receive. People could be so cruel, and though the she didn't know the half of it, having lived a sheltered life, she still somehow knew it to be true.

The fluffy, youthful girl was quick to approach, her dainty paws lithe, and with such grace, she appeared to be dancing through the snow. Though it was just to make a good first impression, as the clouded leopard happened to be terribly clumsy most all of the time. Bandages wrapped up a somewhat recent wound on her chest, but it didn't seem to pain the girl in any way. In fact, she wore a soft, welcoming smile upon her vibrant features. She wanted to show this stranger as much kindness as she could muster, not out of fear, but just because it seemed like the right thing to do. Surely anyone else would agree?

"Hello." the soft spoken voice chimed, revealing a trace of her British accent. "Welcome to the Snowbound, my name is London. Is there anything I can help you with mister?" her voice was as fine as powdered sugar, glossing over her kind words. Her accent became more apparent as she spoke again, cheeks taking on a rosy hue from the frigid air. She had first come here rather recently as well, and she was still getting used to the wintry atmosphere. It would be so much easier just to remain huddled in a million blankets, but she wasn't sure how others would respond if a blanket monster came to greet them. She wasn't even sure how she herself might respond in such a strange situation.

Re: An expanse of mass graves | Open, Joining - jacob w.c. - 04-06-2018

JACOB W. corleone
✯ — he'll be the best of us
Jacob had met plenty of monsters both in the city and on his way here. There had been creatures between here and there, feral things that would tear at his throat without a thought. They always looked sickly to Jacob and he found himself being more sympathetic towards them than anything. No one had taken them in, taught them any better. He believed that if they'd been shown such care when they were young, if they'd been taught, then maybe they wouldn't attack without a thought for the thing they stole life from. The monsters in the city had smiling faces and sly paws. Paws that thought they were too clever to be caught but Jacob learned it was all too easy to manipulate the deck they were dealt. All of that was in the past, though. The journey here, the things he'd done in the city under the advisory of his Babbo and Jersey. He knew he couldn't blame his upbringing for all his actions but he'd done what he had to do to keep his family safe and he didn't regret it. He'd never really hurt anyone, he was proud of that fact. It was better than what most people had done and, considering the night before he left, he thought he'd shown considerable restraint. But there was another monster. The one that reared it's head that night before he left. It had consumed him, filling him with hatred and anger. He'd been so sure that night. He'd almost done the thing he swore to never do. He hadn't gone through with it but coming that close wasn't something the boy cared to do again and now he was in Snowbound. Things like that wouldn't happen here. They were safe.

He was out for a walk. A constant reminder of what he'd lost in those old days. The ache of his legs never left now and he knew from all his books that he'd be better off getting rid of them and finding new means of transportation but he couldn't part with his dying legs. There was no saving them, with the deteriorating, muscles and nerves, but he hoped his procedures and treatments would keep them around for as long as possible. His mind was pulled from thoughts of his own legs, though, when he caught an unusual scent. He assumed it was one of the many joiners and began to make his way towards it. Then it came into view. What was it? It looked to be some sort of canine but he wasn't too sure about... anything that was going on. "Um, hello? Can we help you? Who are you n' what business do ya' got with Snowbound?" He also wanted to ask if they needed medical treatment but he was worried that'd be rude or, at the very least, premature. For all he knew, this creature was here to attack them or something. He really wasn't sure what to make of all that was before him. He didn't like judging anyone by their looks but after all the weird things he'd seen on the way here, he wasn't sure about just accepting anything that showed up at the border.

//rip ninja'd

Re: An expanse of mass graves | Open, Joining - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-07-2018

He had seen many horrid scenes in his life. When anyone deals in a business that requires the death of others, they are bound to see some horrible things across their journey's from place to place. He had always been quick to adapt to the events that were placed in front of him especially at a young age. Having seen his own blood over and over again, he grown used to the sight of the liquid and wouldn't shy away from it in any manner. He had killed butlers that hahd worked for the Zoldyck family just becuase he had been in a bad mood. Meaning that he knew what it was like to see the inner workings of someone throat. There were plenty of reasons as to why one would try and hire an assassin, such as a troublesome group that was causing another group trouble. This could mean that the troublesome group was just a group of rogues that kept killing other animals or just constantly left bodies everywhere that they went. Killua remembered a distinct group that had to sacrifice other creatures in order to do the rutuals that they wanted. Killua didn't care the beliefs of others, as it had nothing to do with him and he could easily make his own decisions when it came to religion. Which he wasn't part of obviously. The wildcat had been told that he was going to have to get rid of the entire group, because if one of them survived they would just recruit others into their bloody religion. The assassin didn't think much about the mission and just did what he was told to do. Just like the good puppet he was, he followed his orders that were given to him by his brother. A conditioning that had been done when he was extremely young. Killua had approached their blood covered camp, and they seemed to be living in it. He couldn't really consider them savages as he had seen a lot worse than what they were doing to the sentient animals that were around them. Killua didn't really bother with stealth because he wanted the other animals to find him. So, he had dropped himself in the middle of the camp, probably saying a sarcastic remark as soon as he appeared. That's when the massacre began. He was fairly young still at this point and his killing method wasn't exactly perfect. Almost all of the animals were domestic cats so he already had an upp hand when it came to dealing with combat. Back and forth the fight went, as they tried to drive him toward a pit that they had used for sacrifices in hopes that it would get rid of the Zoldyck member. The assassin saw this obviously, having scouted out all the locations of the camp that they lived in. He didn't know how many layers of blood ended up on his paws and around his chest from all the arteries he had cut from the savage domestic cats. Once it was all over, there was a pile of bodies that were on the ground, and Killua was left standing with minor scratches and a burn when someone had tried to throw flaming coals at him. Killua hadn't felt any sort of emotion during the task, the facial expression he had was completely emotionless. He had done the job that the client had wanted, and there was no reason for him to stay there any longer. Blood leaked into their already blood covered camp, and it was almost ironic that they themselves became the sacrifices that they had entitled themselves to do on a daily basis. He doubted that they knew who a Zoldyck was and what they were capable of and that they would be targetted by one. They probably felt shame on the factor that they had gotten themselves by a child. Their pride never going to return to them from that point on. Killua did decide to rest in the area though, not having enough stamina to travel all the way back home with the news. Instead, he sent a hawk that was with his family to the Zoldyck mansion, their usual way of communicating as it always had an encrypted message for the hawk to deliver. This way they wouldn't be waiting for his response and they inform his client that he had succeeded in his mission. When he woke up the next morning, the stench of the slowly rotting bodies didn't bother him at all. What did bother him was that he was coated in blood and had forgotten to wash the blood from his body. Each movement he made, made a crunchy sound thanks to the dried blood in itself. Several scavangers from different areas of the forest came to gather up the free food into their eager mouths, paying no attention to the serval. Well, they did pay enough attention to the serval in order to avoid him so they didn't end up having the same fate. Killua was almost to the point of killing someone if they simply decided to move. Like any predator, quick movements usually caught his eyes first. Slaughtering more than just one target a time almost became his specialty than just taking out one creature in the end. Killua knew that his time was running out in Snowbound whether he liked it or not. His interaction with Typhoon had really made him think what he had done in his life that he couldn't remember anymore. Someone tainted his memory, and he was fairly certain that there would be no way for him to try and get it back. He wasn't about to hire someone to dwell into his memories to see if they could dig anything up. And if he did, he would just end up killing them because they would know too much information about him and the Zoldycks. There were too many risks in doing something like that, and his brother's voice became more and more apparent as each day passed. Him not sleeping definitely didn't help his condition either as the more exhausted he was, the more his brother was able to travel into his mind.

The assassin couldn't sleep though thanks to the damn nightmares that his brother kept on giving him. The sight of Amorette bloody on the ground quick to wake him up. The albino serval had to do something that would keep him occupied so that he wouldn't end up going insane. He knew the traits of insanity, and he was slowly starting to fill in the gaps to be considered so. He had started to isolate himself from the rest of the animals that were in Snowbound. After all, he didn't actually want to kill any of them. Or did he? He couldn't tell anymore. Memories, emotions, and actions all jumbled up inside the skull of his. The young male stayed close to the borders, so that he could potentially leave the territory to cool his head if he needed to, or just talk to someone that could potentially be joining. Sure he would possibly have an attitude, but he didn't care right now. Killua blinked his sapphire blue eyes as the large ears on the top of his head began to swivel in the direction that he heard voices coming from. He recognized each and every one of them. Jacob and London. He would have expected London to take it easy since her attack, but it seemed like she wanted to do something else in the meantime. The assassin huffed to himself as he got up onto his paws, and leaned on the branch that he was on. Killua's light made it didn't make the lower branch creak in the slightest, as he knew how to distribute his weight when it came to regarding trees. His air elementals made it impossible to catch his scent unless he wanted someone to, and it kept his pawsteps completely muffled with each step he took. He would leap from branch to branch. climbing slightly higher with each jump that he made as he arrived on the scene. The hell was that? And what the hell was with this guy's scent? It smelled pretty awful, but Killua showed no sign of this in his body language or facial features. The other was obviously large and heavily mutated in some shape or form. His metal claws sank into the branch that he was on, several feet above the ground as he laid himself on the branch he was on. He opened his mouth and conjured up a lollipop, in which the smell of candy could be smelled from his current perch. This guy was definitely strange, and Killua immediately got a bad vibe from him. What kind of guy that looked like that wanted to join a peaceful clan? He expected this from a group that was practically warbound. The albino serval wasn't afraid of the other, just like the rest of the Snowbound members that had arrived to introduce themselves to the other. "The hell did you come from? A radioactive cesspool?" Killua commented on the other's appearance, his tone almost completely monotone. It was honestly a geniune question. Most animals didn't have so many mutations one after the other. The things that moved across his body reminded him a little bit about worms and didn't exactly make him feel all that great. He was definitely on alert with this guy just in case he tried to attack him.
snowbound -- apprentice -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: An expanse of mass graves | Open, Joining - melantha - 04-07-2018

[div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]how anybody managed to not to scream at the sight of the terrifying creature at the border is beyond melantha. perhaps it is because clan animals are exposed to more unique creatures from a young age as compared to melantha who grew up in isolation, far from the mutated, monstrous horrors of the world. mel was raised to fear humans with bears and guns. those were her boogeyman, the monster under her bed. every moment she spent out on her own was one filled with paranoia that something bigger than her and stronger than her might attack. but never could she fathom that strange creatures which only vaguely resemble anything she's seen before could possibly show up off the border. it took every ounce of willpower within her young body to resist the urge to growl and hiss at the sight of silentgrave, instead swallowing it down after a moment's hesitation and trotting up behind jacob and killua.

she moves with a predatory grace, calculating green eyes the shade of greek olives sweeping over every creature gathered. already, she is in much better shape than when she arrived. no longer does she appear just moments away from collapsing; her sandy coat gleams with a beautiful, healthy sheen and her movements are fluid. although she still maintains a natural expression which borders on the line of disgust and disinterest, there is a bit more brightness in her eyes. the wildcat naturally gravitates away from jacob and london. while she is actually quite fond of the pair in secret, their natural... goodness makes her a tad uncomfortable. mel has yet to adjust to the knowledge that some creatures can just be genuinely good people. rolling back onto her haunches, she takes the time to reasses the situation now that she has got her paranoia and fear under control. after the initial surprise, which (thankfully) occurred out of killua's judging line of sight, melantha realized that although silentgrave is strange looking, he is not that scary. maybe mel is just a country bumpkin, after all, if everyone else is acting like it's normal. "the hell did you come from? a radioactive cesspool?" or maybe not. a single brow arches with mild amusement as melantha turns to regard killua with a faint smirk. oh, he just makes this too easy. "you are aware that albinism is generally caused by inbreeding, right?" well, it actually could happen to anyone if they happen to reproduce with someone with the same broken genes, and inbreeding only increases the risk, but that's just semantics. "so take the time to think before you start insulting the origin of someone's...unusual appearance." satisfied with her sarcastic comment, mel returns her attention to the stranger as if she had not spoken a word in the first place.

Re: An expanse of mass graves | Open, Joining - Luciferr - 04-08-2018

flesh and minds to greet them - they, he, didn't care for superficial appearances, thus insults to his own hardly phased the dark creature.

The beast's head turned as the first approached - dainty, the minds supplied, graceful, others said, - his neck cracked lightly at the movement, where the spine bulging outwards grotesquely shifted with the movement.

His mouth lolled open to answer - and a secondary set jutting downward from the first spoke "well met miss London" the rumbling bass growl of the person the beast was before said - overlaid in slight by a hushed roar of numerous others, barely detectable - wouldn't do to overly spook them, yet the appearance did that well enough.

"I come to find a place to rest my weary limbs" they spoke, two sets of forelimbs shifting and planting further forwards into the snow with the words, clawed more than paws in appearance ate into the White flesh of the ground beneath its feet.

Their eyeless, hollow gaze lurched to the second to address and ask of their business - they simply tilted their head and let their prior answer to speak for them - he snorted a breath through his nostrils - a slight gurgling sound rumbling in their chest - he, they, noted the slight hesitance of the two - understandable - the tendrils coating their shoulders and elbows writhed slightly in the stretch of quiet.

Of course another voice broke it and their gaze moved towards the serval joining them - his mouth stretching and the thin cords near the edges like freshly split viscera shifted into something of a mockery of a smile - like a poor imitation of someone who had forgotten how - at the rudely posed question.

"something like that"

They did incline their head to the fourth however "there is no need to defend my appearance, much worse has been said of me" not that they'd lived long enough to regret it, or at least they did regret it now - if the screaming cacophony as they were assimilated spoke to - a faint shudder in the collective minds imprisoned attested to it.

"where are my manners, I am Silentgrave Silentium, silent for short"

Hm, in truth they could just devour them - but with a world of flesh and minds to consume, they needed a respite, an area to lay down, to be defended by those that didn't know, so yes, they could leave their bodies and minds untouched - there was time and they had been patient for eons longer than this small stretch of time before.

They could wait.

/OOC: yeah don't mind him he's creepy c; also sorry if I can't fully flesh out each person, I'm a lil sick atm.

code by spacexual

Re: An expanse of mass graves | Open, Joining - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-08-2018

Just because he was an assassin didn't mean that there were other things that couldn't get under his fur. He was still technically a child in most regards, even if his mind was slightly manipulated compared to others. He enjoyed getting in trouble and causing some attention to turn toward himself. He enjoyed playing pranks and messing with others. He definitely liked getting himself into trouble by going to the other clans to see exactly how much they could tolerate both him and his actions with them. The way his mind was made up though, he had made sure that he kept everything about himself relatively clean. He constantly washed his fur, this also helped him hiding his scent, and it helped with this specific territory for him to blend into the place at the same time. He was an albino serval, after all, he had to take care of himself. Killua also didn't like the feeling the something on his pelt in the first place. Whether that be mud or anything that could stick to his skin once it bypassed his fur, it would annoy the hell out of him. It made him feel dirty. When he was done killing someone and was usually covered in blood, or at least his paw was covered in blood, he was quick to find the nearest water source in order to clean him off. He wasn't about to let the blood cake on his body in different layers. That was just a dumb idea because then he really wouldn't be able to hide his scent as others would just be able to track the smell of old blood. There was also usually flesh in between his claws at the same time, and if he were to live that it would just rot in between the metal and cause a disgusting smell to constantly emit from him. He couldn't have that. Killua also secretly had a distaste for other insects, such as spiders and other creepy crawlies. At one point his adopted sister decided that it would be a bright idea to adopt a massive tarantula, he didn't really understand what went through her mind to make it seem like that was a good idea, and he refused to be around it. Killua had never been afraid of the idea of the spider biting him, it wouldn't even do anything anyway, he just didn't like the thing. If someone asked him why, he probably wouldn't be able to give them a proper answer either. Killua also couldn't exactly kill the thing either, as his sister really did enjoy that spider too. The assassin also had a dislike for worms. He didn't know what it was, he just didn't like them, or even really want to touch them. He didn't feel the same about maggots though. Maybe because he was around maggots a lot more compared to that of the worms, which he rarely ever interacted with. Seeing one was quick to make a shiver run down his spine, despite him being the one to have enjoyed dissecting bodies at a younger age to look at the inner workings of an animal. Killua knew that others would probably agree that the other's appearance was one to be worried about. Could anyone that looks like that not be a murderer? Sure he was judging a book by its cover, but he felt like everyone would end up agreeing with him. Hearing Mel though, a low growl escaped his jaws as he shot a glare at the female. "Shut up. It's obvious you aren't around here still, cause literally, everyone in each of these clans is going to have a mutation. And if you're that smart, why do you think he looks like that?" Killua's tone had been snapping when he first starting speaking, but then the tone dwelled into sounding like his usually cocky self. It wasn't unusual for Killua to snap at others when they mocked him about something, but even for his standard, it seemed a little bit much for him to stay something like that. However, his attention soon was drawn back toward the beast that was on the border. He had to admit that he was feeling a little bit uneasy just with the way that the other was talking. The other seemed polite for a creepy monster that had a lot of limbs.

At least to Killua's mind. His brother was someone that he considered to be a monster and he didn't look like anything like this mutated animal that was here. His brother was someone to really be afraid of though in Killua's mind. He blinked his sapphire blue eyes when the other seemed to almost agree what he said. He claimed a mini victory, looking at Mel. "See, told you." The assassin stated as he pointed one of his paws in the animal's direction. Was it even an animal though? Who the hell knows at this point. The other's name was certainly interesting as the apprentice watched the way the other's body move. It put him on edge. He was going to have to literally wash his eyes out after this one. "Got a lot of 'silent' in your name there." Killua stated in somewhat of a teasing manner, reverting back to his usual self when he talked. He was just trying to mess with the other a little bit, as they were bound to interact more than once out of consideration that he was going to live here for a bit. "Snowbound basically accepts everyone. So feel free to do whatever the hell you want." Killua says in a nonchalant tone as he ways his paw in the air for a little bit of a dramatic effect. He does pause however as he regards Silent. "What are you though?" It was a curious question from someone that had never seen anything like him before. It was bound to come up and while everyone was here, it was best to get their answers quickly and prepare for the worst. Gather as much information as much as possible on the other.
snowbound -- apprentice -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: An expanse of mass graves | Open, Joining - melantha - 04-09-2018

[div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]her enjoyment of all things sarcastic grants melantha the ability to ignore the primal fear inspired by the sight of silentgrave. in fact, she barely even notices, as she practically buzzes with a plethora of snarky phrases to use in conversational banter. the only time she is even mildly interested in exchanging words with these people is when she can drag or be dragged. life is more fun that way. plus, there is no danger of losing friends to her bad jokes when she has no friends to begin with. had melantha not already come to terms with the probability that she would spend the rest of her time in snowbound friendless and loveless, she might have been hurt by killua's reaction to her teasing. but the words did not sting, nor did they surprise her in the slightest. in fact, it only fosters a greater love for giving others a hard time. the young mountain lioness deadpans in the face of killua's outburst, gazing at him with a soulless, blank stare. it took everything within her to resist the urge to burst out laughing. "bite me, candy boy," she replies tauntingly after a long pause, offering the serval a challenging arch of a nonexistent brow. mel really cannot resist an opportunity when it presents itself. she is not bothered by the accusation of being a newb. of course she is. there's nothing to be ashamed of.

melantha then fixes her gaze upon the terrifyingly strange beast at the border. its response amuses her. defending it? sure, perhaps her actions could be interpreted in such a way. in reality, all the puma did was take advantage of an opportunity to tease someone she (sort of) respects. odd way to show it, huh? "alas, it is my nature as a true gentlelady to defend the honor of the innocent," replies the female dramatically, bowing to emphasize her words. when one creates a sarcastic persona, they commit to it. nothing is out of the question. a faint smile flickers across her typically blank visage before she sobers. "my name is melantha. welcome to snowbound."