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GOD'S SLAVE && ambassador visit. - Printable Version

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GOD'S SLAVE && ambassador visit. - DELILAH. - 09-04-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
Delilah had been worried about the state of Snowbound ever since her last visit with Vigenere. When was that? A long time ago, it seemed.

The three-legged felidae had trekked a bit too far for her tastes, and by the time she had gotten to the snowy lands of Snowbound, something didn't feel right. She felt strange tension in the air, and the smell of blood was faint yet she didn't venture into the territory.

She merely sat instead, magenta eyes staring off into the distance as she waited for someone to meet her there. She didn't want to surprise anyone. The thing that announced her presence was the cherry blossoms that bloomed from her pelt, the petals drifting off into the wind behind her in high amounts.

Re: GOD'S SLAVE && ambassador visit. - Luciferr - 09-05-2018

"I've never seen someone so pink" a young voice speaks up - informal childish address slightly at odds with the sight of a dark set of scales and many spikes with wings comically large for a young dragon.

Twin eyes of silver narrow slightly at the pink feline - inherently cautious and suspicious of anyone new - even his new clanmates were afforded the same.

"why're you here?" the cautious question is asked.


Re: GOD'S SLAVE && ambassador visit. - ATBASH CIPHER. - 09-05-2018

is someone else in me,
waiting to break free?
Tanglewood hadn't visited in a while, although Atbash was kind of thankful about it. If they didn't come, they didn't have to see what state Snowbound was in and therefore, Vigenere wouldn't be up her ass worrying about her. Sure, his worrying was justified, but they were no longer travelling together. He chased her off and claimed he needed space, and so she went off in search of a group to help take care of her and protect her from Caesar because clearly Vigenere didn't want to. Despite that, Atbash held no ill will towards her brother; she just didn't want him being here and hovering over her.

But unfortunately Tanglewood made an appearance and Atbash swallowed down a bit of worry as she came to stand next to Dahaka. "Hey there." The one-eyed she-cat greeted. "How's Tanglewood?"
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: GOD'S SLAVE && ambassador visit. - DELILAH. - 09-05-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
Delilah was always one to be quite nervous, skittish around those who were massive or threatening in appearance. Anything bigger, meaner looking than her caused flashbacks to rush through her head, and she had to shake her head for a moment as the blackened dragon arrived.

"Ah, uhm.." Delilah hesitated anxiously, cherry blossoms piling up around her as proof that her nerves were getting to her already. God, she needed to stop being like this.. She was a medic of Tanglewood, she needed to stand up more for herself!

After a few moments of awkward silence, and a few checks over her fur insecurely, the three-legged feline dipped her head to the dragon submissively both in respect and greeting to Atbash as she arrived. "He.. Hello, my name is Delilah. I'm.. A medic in Tanglewood." She nervously introduced herself to both of them, her tail twitching slightly as she soon buried her cheek in the fluffy, pink tail, as she usually did as a tic.

When asked how Tanglewood was doing, Delilah seemed to panic a bit as she tried to think of what to say. "E-Everything is fine! We've had a few accidents happen, but other than that, Morgan has been having a lot of reparations done to the territory, it looks really good!" She meowed, paws fiddling with her tail anxiously. Should she explain about the Pitt? "We heard about what was happening with the Pitt. They captured one of our members recently, but she was returned by a slave of theirs, thankfully. Uh, other than that.. I.. Have nothing else to report, Lady Atbash." Delilah addressed the leader of snowbound with a regal term, something Delilah was used to when it came to someone of higher rank than her. She knew where she stood.

"How is Snowbound faring?" She asked softly, magenta eyes moving over the wounds that had healed on the woman.

Re: GOD'S SLAVE && ambassador visit. - rushy - 09-06-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: verdana;"] Envy came over Cosette as she took in the Tanglewood ambassador- Delilah, had she heard through her angsty haze? She was the prettiest shade of pink the sphynx had ever seen, fur decorated naturally in different shades and marks, and by god were those cherry blossoms flowing from her body? It was almost too much for the superficial feline.

Cosette put on a sickly sweet smile as she appeared beside of her mother, shifting uneasily from foot to foot in her extreme discomfort. Her narcissism felt vaguely threatened by the presence of this stranger, even if no one had stated specifically that they had found Delilah more attractive whatsoever. Nonetheless, she felt compelled to speak. "Hello, I'm Cosette," the sphynx greeted, still slightly gritty before adding "Snowbound has seen better than late." She wouldn't spill any of the juicy details, just leave that tiny snippet up for interpretation.

Re: GOD'S SLAVE && ambassador visit. - delphinium - 09-06-2018

- Delphinium knew that scent. Tanglewood. Truth be told she had not expected to encounter the group so soon after her departure. It was only one Tangler though. One Delphinium was not familiar with, but one that unsettled the kitsune deeply as she slowly crept across the tundra to stand alongside Atbash. Her unusual colours and affinity to flowers - it reminded her strongly of Iota, a similarity that disturbed Delphi. She had been a medic when Delphinium left, as well. She had replaced Iota in Tanglewood. Thankfully, Delphinium had no reason to speak, either- she had little idea as to what was truly happening in Snowbound, having joined so soon. Perhaps if she stayed in the village more she would have a better understanding, but instead the navy kitsune was partial to wandering the lands and learning it. Tundra was much more monotonous than overgrown swamp, and landmarks much more scarce. Delphinium did not want to become lost in her own land. Coming to a stop alongside the Snowbound Hailcaller, Delphinium gave a minute dip of her head in greeting to Delilah, remaining silent.


Re: GOD'S SLAVE && ambassador visit. - ATBASH CIPHER. - 09-06-2018

is someone else in me,
waiting to break free?
Lady Atbash? Atbash blinked in surprise at the title, not expecting to be treated in such a way. She honestly didn't think of herself as much higher than her tribemates - or even Delilah - so to be addressed in such a respected way surprised her. Atbash frowned upon the mention of the recent events of The Pitt and her short tail flicked. If Delilah heard, then it was likely Vigenere had as well. He probably hadn't wanted to come in fear of seeing her injured, which was still kind of relieved. Vigenere wasn't unpredictable as Caesar but she knew her elder brother would be pissed and extremely unhappy upon hearing somebody injured her. Atbash couldn't bare to think of how he would feel upon seeing Stryker had disabled her.

"Cosette is right," Atbash replied with a sigh, deciding not to beat around the bush and avoid the subject. After all, Delilah did mention it. She looked over at Delphinium as the other female made her way over before turning her gaze back to their Tanglewood visitor. "The Pitt has gone, though. We're... recovering from what happened."
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi