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BIG BANK && drunk. - Printable Version

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BIG BANK && drunk. - DELILAH. - 09-04-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
Delilah thought it would be a good idea to have a few drinks at Malphas' party, maybe take some jello shots. She had never drank before, after all. She thought that if she had a few drinks, it wouldn't like make her.. Get alcohol poisoning or something.

She never thought about how she could possibly get drunk, or well.. Plastered, is the better word. She was truly, utterly, fucked up on alcohol at this point. She was a giggly mess, hanging across a few tree roots that stuck out of the ground with a bottle of vodka in her paws. It was already half-way empty, she had drank too much already.

The world felt light, fluffy, as the pink, three-legged feline rolled onto her back, sakura petals cushioning her from the effects of being drunk. Strangely, her petals worked in a way to support her at times like these, so she discovered. Magenta eyes stared up at the darkened sky, scanning over the stars and galaxies that she had once hated so eagerly. She hated the stars back then, because she couldn't reach them. She couldn't escape.

A soft hiccup left the drunken felidae as she took another sip from the bottle of vodka, setting it on the ground beside her.

//i'm not sorry.

Re: BIG BANK && drunk. - cavalrychoir - 09-06-2018

[div style="background-color:;border:;width:135px;overflowConfusedtretch;font-size:8.5pt;color:darkred;text-align:left;text-transform:uppercase;font-family:tahoma;margin-bottom:-10px;margin-left:7px;float:left;"]RENEGADEANTHEM—
Ren wasn’t a party kind of guy nor did he think he was. Gatherings such as parties were loud and had the possibility of getting out of hand at an alarming speed. It was nice in theory, however: individuals gathering to get to know each other better and have fun. The lynx wouldn’t be able to relax in such an environment but dropping in for a few minutes wouldn’t hurt anyone. He has no intentions of staying and no amount of persuasion would deter him, but he couldn’t help but be curious as to what it was like. Primarily the kinds of foods and drinks.

He’s heard of the party Malphas had hosted though he didn’t attend for previously mentioned reasons. He knew others have and despite not seeing eye to eye when it came to such a lively ocassion, he refrained from spoiling the mood. Malphas must have worked hard to put it together in the first place... It would be rude of him to speak poorly of it. He was more accustomed to quiet places, hence why he was taking a stroll through the territory; his companions the faint buzz of insects and his thoughts... And flower petals? He blinked his eyes a couple times, head tilted to the side as he stared down at the petals, a sign Delilah was close or has past through here. He hummed to himself, acknowleging the petals though doing nothing about it. She was probably sleeping or studying various remedies for wounds so he didn’t want to disturb her. At least, that’s what he thought she was doing. So you could imagine his surprise to see her looking up at the sky with a half-drunken bottle of vodka within arms length. A single hiccup let him know just how drunk she was and he forced himself not to bring his paw to hos face and sigh.

Inhaling slowly, Ren walked over to join her, dark red eyes gazing down at her softly as invisible brows furrowed in mild concern. “Miss Ever- Delilah,” he corrected himself. “You’re drunk.” He knew this but did she? Just how out of it was she? Much like a lot of things he’s come to notice, he had no idea what to do in this situation.

[[ mobile + apology not accepted ]]

Re: BIG BANK && drunk. - DELILAH. - 09-06-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
Delilah didn't mind parties, but she didn't like being socialized with a lot at them. It made her anxiety sky rocket, and she just preferred to dance or talk with one or two friends. Surprisingly, though, she had convinced herself to drink this time. The first time she drank was tonight, and it was completely obvious by the way magenta eyes seemed to stare at the black lynx for a few silent moments, trying to process what he said.

Then, she realized he had almost called her Miss Evergarden. "Renny..~" Delilah purred out, her voice deepened with a flirtacious edge as she moved onto her side, pushing her bottle of vodka aside as she sat up, forgetting the only had one back leg and ungracefully stumbling off of the root with a soft huff. "Renny, renny.. You almost called me by Evergarden. How meaan! I wanted you to call me Delilah from now on!" She complained softly, her paw reaching out to gently rest upon the larger feline's cheek, or attempting to.

A soft hiccup left her jaws as she leant forward, wobbly single back leg holding her up as she tried to wrap her arms around his neck to hug him. "How lucky am I to be visited by the handsome Renny tonight? It must be faaate.~" She cooed, ears twitching at his statement about her being drunk.

"Nuh, I'm not drunk.. I'm plastered. Plastered, Renny!"

Re: BIG BANK && drunk. - arrow - 09-06-2018

She smelled alcohol, and that was the first thing that pulled her over. The second was the flirtatious voice of Delilah, confessing the earlier suspicion. It felt almost wrong for Delilah to be drunk, especially when there were so many others that would make more sense getting wasted. Hell, even Morgan, the upstanding dad, could get drunk and it would make more sense than her. But here she was, drunk and flirty and generally just catching Arrow of guard. Now, was she amused? Yes, of course, but it was also concerning.

[color=grey]"Alright flower girl, no drunk sex in public." While her tone severely lacked the jovial energy it had prior to her disappearance, there was still an edge of amusement in there. Granted, having to drag around a useless extremity did more than enough to damper her mood, and at times it still caused her pain, and sleeping at night since her return was hard. But maybe this little spectacle would be enough to temporarily give her relief. But unlike the soft pink girl, she still had her leg. Which the medic gone and lost during her absence. Guess she couldn't complain.

She blinked at the drunk feline, shaking her head with an almost blank stare. [color=grey]"Guess you're the next drunkard in Tanglewood. How much did you drink?"


Re: BIG BANK && drunk. - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 09-06-2018

Re: BIG BANK && drunk. - DELILAH. - 09-06-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
"Arrow and Viggy! You should'a seen the party Malphas held.. It was like woosh, boom! Magic!" Delilah cooed over Renegades shoulder, her cheek gently nuzzling against the male's own for a moment. She didn't care much for their disliking over her PDA with Ren, she was sure the male would take her off of him anyways. It wasn't like he liked her, anyways. Who would?

"What, jealous? You can come join, Arrow.~" Delilah mrowed with a wink, her tail lashing side to side, sweeping up cherry blossoms in the process. "I can handle myself- hic!" She scolded Vigenere, ears twitching at his facial expressions.


Re: BIG BANK && drunk. - cavalrychoir - 09-06-2018

[div style="background-color:;border:;width:135px;overflowConfusedtretch;font-size:8.5pt;color:darkred;text-align:left;text-transform:uppercase;font-family:tahoma;margin-bottom:-10px;margin-left:7px;float:left;"]RENEGADEANTHEM—
The wildcat knew of the effects of alcohol on an individual- none of which ended well for them. However, he wasn't expecting the feline before him to act the way she did and he didn't know how to react. Frozen, he stared down at her as she purred. The gears in his head turned as he tired to think of the best solution to this situation. Without thinking, he held out a paw to steady her as she stumbled so she could balance herself. He wasn't sure if it was the alcohol or she was genuinely off-balance due to the missing limb. "A-ah, um... Right. I apologize." He said slowly, dark eyes watching as she first reached out to touch his face then shift to hang loosely around his neck in what the lynx assumed is a hug. His heart was beating wildly as he looked elsewhere to focus on something that wasn't Delilah. He had to else he was certain he'd say something stupid. Especially after being complimented. "Delilah... I'm not sure about fate but we do live together." They even shared the same living quarters but that was too embarrassing to say aloud. Now more than ever as Arrow joined them with a statement that would have made his soul leave his body. If he had one to begin with. He opened his mouth to object, but stopped quickly when he realized if he said anything now, his voice would falter. Taking a quick breath, Ren called himself and spoke. "No such thing will happen." He said solemnly, struggling to calm himself down and ignore the way his ears and face burned.

He wanted nothing more than to remove himself from the situation, but his thoughts changed when Vigenere's hiss reached his ears. He wasn't wrong... Ren couldn't help but grow a bit upset himself. He acknowledged at her age, it wasn't uncommon to have a couple glasses of alcohol but even so, she shouldn't have drank any. Or rather, not to the point of being completely wasted. Plastered, according to the pastel feline. He remained quiet though, listening to her lively description of Malphas' party and reaching to steady her when he thought she would fall. He wasn't one for PDA and it showed through the occasional awkward shuffling of his paws or quick glances at her only to be swiftly torn away. He made no attempts to return it and remained stiff and proper. At least, until Delilah invited Arrow to join them. It took Ren all his strength to hold back a growl as he bit down on his tongue. Dark luminaries flashed in a challenging way towards Arrow before shifting to look elsewhere, stubbed tail twitching every so often. "Arrow probably has more important things to be doing with her time. We should not be rude and impose on her schedule without asking beforehand." He grunted, hoping the chocolate oriental was catching his drift. It was a small warning; Ren had no interest in sharing- wait. Why not? It's not like he liked her or anything... Right? No... He likes her... But that's all there was to it. He's been down this road before. He'll eventually lose interest in them or they don't return the feelings and find someone else. His job is to protect her, nothing more, nothing less. Complicated things like feelings isn't in his job description. Delilah could do whatever she wanted as long as it isn't a threat to her safety.

Forcing himself to think of something else, he continued. "Whether you are able to handle yourself or not isn't what's in question," he started slowly, thinking of what to say next. "I assume you know your limit now so please do not go past it." He advised with a huff. For both our sake. My heart cannot handle another situation like this. He thought to himself with a mental sigh.

Re: BIG BANK && drunk. - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 09-07-2018