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LOVELY NIGHT / open - Printable Version

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LOVELY NIGHT / open - COSMIIX - 09-03-2018

Re: LOVELY NIGHT / open - ATBASH CIPHER. - 09-03-2018

i know i should stop believing
i know there's no retrieving
Snowbounders were probably naturally small and frail, due to the tribe's terrain. Being in a tundra, it meant prey was going to be hard to come by even in the summer. Of course, in the winter, it got worse, but Snowbound was able to manage. In addition to the territory there were natural, feral predators, as Tamaghna soon figured out. Atbash had heard about the three new joiners from words of her tribe and growls among The Pitt, but she was glad to see the tribe thriving despite what was going on right now. More people meant more fighters to gain back control.

Hearing Tamaghna cry out, Atbash immediately got to her paws as quickly as she could without falling over and stumbled out of the medicine den, her ears pricked as she scanned the village for the source of the person that yelled. "Wh-what happened?" She stammered out, concern clear in her voice as she scanned the wound over Tamaghna's body.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: LOVELY NIGHT / open - rhosmari - 09-03-2018

He too had noticed the solemnness in the air, the way in which the Snowbounders seemed to look over their shoulders. There was something going on that he did not yet understand but he had seen some unsavory individuals running around as of late as well. But he had simply thought they were those of Snowbound's members. But perhaps looking deeper in the stench of those creatures he would understand that they were not members here but invaders who had sought to take these lands. His nostrils flared a bit as he took in a deep breath, body relaxed and eyes narrowed as he watched a pair of them now. The seemed to be bullying someone and his muzzle curled, smoke unfurling past large sharp sword like teeth and that got their attention. They moved off to leave the Snowbounder alone and he lifted his head up after a moment, tail swiping across the snow when he turned his gaze and saw his son flying in. His head cocked to the side and he moved lifting his massive form off of the ground to make his way over.

Talons dug into the ground, carving up the harden and frozen soil as he approached. But his eyes widened a bit, all four with pupils turning into slits as he smelled the iron tang in the air and he allowed his jaws to part, low growl funneling through his throat. His sharp gaze turned to Atbash although he as marginally certain that they were not the one whom hurt his son. His tail thudded hard against the ground, shaking the very earth as he lowered his head to press the tip of his snout against his son's shoulder. "Dii kul, wo los hi ahraan? Wo ahraan hi?" He spoke in his dragon tongue before he turned to look at Atbash once more, voice holding a searing amount of anger despite sounding so calm. "Do you have any medical herbs you can spare? Haas."

translation: Dii kul, wo los hi ahraan? Wo ahraan hi? - My son, why are you hurt? Who hurt you?
Haas - health
[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #C5B358; font-size: 24px;"]— VALINOR

Re: LOVELY NIGHT / open - rushy - 09-03-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: verdana;"]She wouldn't say anything, but Cosette found it odd that a dragon could be injured, either physically or mentally, in any capacity. She'd been under the impression that they were supposed to be impenetrable beasts who hunted anything smaller than them... Perhaps even people. Of course, it wasn't uncommon for her to overthink things- to overestimate individuals or even allies- only to be disappointed.

Now, she figured, wasn't a good time to be an asshole though. Valinor was a Snowbounder, just like her, and he needed medical attention. The sphynx appeared, reluctantly dragging her paws through the snow and hanging a small bag of herbs from her jaws as she stepped onto the scene. "I know some bare-minimum type shit," Cosette grumbled around a mouthful of leather before dropping it so she could rifle through the small collection. "Where all did you get injured?" She continued, not allowing any room for comments about her skill or knowledge before getting down to it.

Re: LOVELY NIGHT / open - guts - 09-03-2018

It didn't take her long to figure out what was really going on here. Whether it was because of her straight-forward nature, or just her anxiety about staying here, she had asked around what was going on a while after they arrived. It was hard not to ignore how off they acted, or how strangers would come simply to bully their members and go. In her little 'investigation,' she found out about the takeover. Apparently some brutish group was trying to keep them under their clutches. She wasn't too happy about the news for multiple reasons, not only because of them being mistreated, but because her and her family were in the middle of it now. She would be damned if anyone harmed Val or Tama.

When it came to the young, bubbly dragon, she didn't just view him as a nephew. To her, he was like a son, though she already had a few children of her own. Wherever they were, anyways. She had gotten close to them both, especially after her mate's death, so she had made a promise to herself to protect them. Valinor could handle himself well enough, sure, but she still wanted to support him.

Haishe was led by the tangy smell, the scent of blood making her lips curl in distaste. Then her face contorted into an expression of surprise when she realized the source. "Kirr, what happened?" she came to stand beside him and nudge him with her nose, dotting on him like an overprotective mother. She hoped it wasn't the people who were terrorizing these people.

kirr - child

Re: LOVELY NIGHT / open - COSMIIX - 09-04-2018

Re: LOVELY NIGHT / open - ATBASH CIPHER. - 09-04-2018

i know i should stop believing
i know there's no retrieving
Atbash blinked up at Valinor as he came over, confusion fluttering over her face as he spoke to his son in their language. Eventually, the dragon addressed her in English (thankfully) and she gave a small nod in response to him. "Yeah, I'll-" She cut herself off as her adoptive daugther, Cosette, came over and she winced a bit upon hearing the small feline curse. Luckily though, Cosette did have herbs with her, which meant that Atbash didn't have to go get Izuku or Nui, or even Gwen, but she still was surprised that the sphinx had such knowledge. "Don't curse," The Hailcaller said gently to Cosette before looking back at Tamaghna.

"Are they still around?" Atbash asked him. If they were still around, they were definitely going to cause a problem later. Potentially. Once the issue with The Pitt was taken care of, she'd have to send patrols out to scout around for some feral pack of wolves and try to chase them out.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: LOVELY NIGHT / open - arcy - 09-04-2018

Izuku took his job as Frosthealer very seriously. He took his job very seriously just in general, to be fair. He's .. Izuku isn't sure if there's much to him besides what he's dedicated to Snowbound at this point, and isn't that scary? He thinks, sometimes, about how he'd survive if he ever went back to UA, or if he was shoved back into the wilds. And, y'know, the short answer was that he wouldn't. Physically, he could take care of himself, but mentally, he'd just sort of ... fall apart. And wasn't that sad? Nobody had told him to be anything more than his job, that he was even allowed to.
"Don't worry about it, Cosette, everybody. I can take care of it," Izuku says as he approaches, and there's a little, weak smile on his face. In a little, tiny way he feels threatened. Not, like .. danger threatened. If other people could take care of his job, was there a purpose to him? Could he help? Was he worth keeping around? Izuku's self worth hinged on how helpful he could be, after all, and so maybe he feels a little defensive. He doesn't ... doesn't want to become obsolete. But regardless, he's as warm and soft as he ever is, attempting to gently flick the kitten with a tail. He wouldn't stop Cosette if she properly insisted, but he needed to do something. So, he conjures his supplies wordlessly. He has enough of those, luckily, though he's running low. He'll ... need to go out to stock up again soon. Eventually. When Izuku feels secure enough to leave his clanmates. Uh .. hm. Marigold to start. "I do appreciate i though, Cosette. And, um, thank you, too, Tama. I -- It's very kind of you," The dragon allows the smaller one a little grin, eyes fairly bright, though maybe a little sad. He .. always looked sad, though. Once he finishes speaking, though, he's already making to the injuries. Marigold first, it's already in his claws. Thank god for convenient poultices. .. Thank himself, really though, because he made them for just this purpose. He shakes his head, and then makes to start slathering it over the other's wounds. It might sting, but that's just how injuries were. Izuku is mindful of his own talons -- they were long and sharp and he'd perfected the art of 'not hurting people' with them, but he'd only been like this for like .. a month. Maybe two. Not long, at least.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: LOVELY NIGHT / open - MirrorEdge - 09-04-2018

The kitsune had been a bit late, and could only watch quietly, Izuku, and maybe even Cosette, being more qualified to help. She knew Izuku had a good knowledge of herbs, but wasn't sure how extensive Cosette's was, due to not knowing the little kitten well.

One eye was on how Izuku was actually applying the poultices to injuries, wanting to take note of as much as possible, and one eye was on how the dragons interacted with each other, which, for some reason, caused a pang to be felt in her heart. That was how family should be. Not broken up because of power, or the lack of it, or because the disagreements they had ended up causing a rift between family members.

"I-if you need h-help, or need anybody to fetch anything, I can try." She finally offered, breaking her train of thought for now.

Re: LOVELY NIGHT / open - Ikanaide - 09-05-2018

Try, try, try again.
Now Ikanaide had seen everything, well everything that results in mythical creatures.  Dragons.  Fire breathing dragons, well they weren't sure on the fire breathing part, and they surely hoped that it didn't come to it.  Since where they lived, there wasn't much trees for the next good forty miles perhaps more.  Tree's didn't thrive here, and if they did it was the sturdy stubborn type. 

The young kitsune walking over in the general direction catching up brief parts of the discussion,  something to do with one of the dragons, the smaller of the three, er as small as a dragon could get.  Soon enough they found themselves right beside their sister. " Hello Cottonears. What did I miss?" they asked in a low tone to the sphnix. 
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