Beasts of Beyond
The News - September 1st meeting - Printable Version

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The News - September 1st meeting - Morgan - 09-02-2018

Morgan found himself almost dragging himself over to the statue, climbing up without a word. The week wasn't just a quiet one; it was a darker one than usual. The samoyed sighed out and dropped his bag on the statue, then closed his eyes. "Hello, Tanglers. Welcome to our meeting this week!" He did his best to flash his usual samoyed smile, preparing himself for his usual long speech.

"I don't have a lot of announcements this week, so don't worry about me taking up so much of your time today." He preemptively took a scarf out of his bag and set it beside himself. "First, we should welcome the family of three - Crow, Pastel, and Selby - who have now joined us. Thank you all for becoming Tanglers." New people were always good, especially as things slowed down like they had recently.

"Next, I have some quick promotions and a demotion. Zimavich is now demoted, but I do hope he's doing alright. I haven't seen him in a while. Anyway, we have two promotions: Leroy is now a Guardsman, and Delilah is now a Medic due to Abathur's recent disappearance. You both have been through a lot recently; I think you can handle these new ranks."

"I have three shout-outs to give now. One for Axle, one for Ophelia, and one for Stocking. Keep up the good work. I also have a Gatorbait badge and scarf to give to Delilah." Morgan used his usual method to fly the garment off toward its destination, then nodded and closed his bag with his nose.

"As you may or may not have heard, Arrow has gone missing. Please keep an eye out for any information or clues to her situation, but be careful. Whoever attacked her might still be around our territory."

"In more positive news, we'll continue our renovations as usual. Last week we managed to cut down a decent amount of trees, so we'll be returning to the beach - this time with a stack of logs. My plan is to fix the docks to make our beach an even nicer place to hold activities in. Once we've gotten that done, it'll be even easier than before to get fish for our group. Of course, I'll be heading to the beach as soon as I'm finished here."

The samoyed took a look around one more time, then stepped down from the statue, wordlessly walking off toward the clean Tanglewood shores.

  • Welcome to Crow, Pastel, and Selby!
  • Zimavich is now a Tangler.
  • Leroy is now a Guardsman.
  • Delilah is now a Medic and has received a scarf and a Gatorbait badge.
  • Shout-outs to Axle, Ophelia, and Stocking!
  • Arrow has gone missing (IC)...
  • We'll be going back to the Shore to renovate the docks!

Re: The News - September 1st meeting - toboggan - 09-02-2018

Tired gray shanks hobbled towards the statue, where he had witnessed this week’s rather short meeting de novo. Indelicate amber hues upon his face were shaken, as he had seen a greater amount of blood this week than any other - he had chopped off two legs, and stumbled upon the weakened figure of Ophelia. God, he hoped her and Delilah were okay. Over the past fortnight, so much care and respect was shared by the entire clan, more so than he had encountered throughout his entire life, and the fact that Tanglewood’s people were falling apart absolutely gutted him. It wasn’t until a few days ago when the mutt truly discovered the amount of flame he had for the swamp, so now, with his new unexpected promotion, Leroy promised to do his best to preserve the righteousness of his home - and take it out on those who attempt to harm it.

"Gotcha, boss-man," he’d reply respectfully to the icy pooch, subsequently slowly trailing his leader to the shore. He hated cleaning up, destroying things was his field (like with the trees), though as a responsibility of being a guardsman, he saw that it was required.

Wow. What a journey it’s been so far. Leroy’s initial intentions were of ill-purpose, now his goals were to shape Tanglewood better.

”Good job ta you guys who’re promoted; and demoted”.

Re: The News - September 1st meeting - DELILAH. - 09-02-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
She was promoted to medic? How unlikely was that? Would she do her job right? Ah, no. She would. She'd try to, at least.

Pastel paws carried the pink feline over as she lifted up the fallen scarf and badge off of the ground, tying the scarf around her neck momentarily. She'd find a different place to put it later, but for now, this was fine. Slowly, the three legged feline made her way back to leroy, settling down beside him with a wince.

"Are we going to send a patrol out to rescue Arrow?" Asked Delilah, tensing up as she found her place in the matter. "Ah, I mean.. Congratulations."

Re: The News - September 1st meeting - selby roux ! - 09-03-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Selby, being both new to this group and new to groups in general, had been extremely confused when he heard Morgan call out. He vaguely remembered the dog from his joining, but hadn't known he was leader or anything. Still, he came and listened to the announcements. He remembered Delilah from his joining as well, and he remembered that he had thought her fur was pretty. Other than that, he was a little out of the loop when it came to the news. He hoped that Crow or Pastel could explain everything later.

Re: The News - September 1st meeting - SOCKING - 09-05-2018

✯ — if you don't fuck with us then motherfuck you
it was this time that stocking rushed over, tilting her head diligently towards the leader's announcements.

this was one of the more briefer meetings; their joiners had been few and far in between, though stocking supposed that they were lucky to have more to add to their ranks, as slow as things had been going.

zimavach-- she had not seen the polarbear for a while-- hardly seen him at all, and then quickly dismissed the other from her mind with the news of the recent shoutouts.
she refused to let the placid gaze change from her face, but she did tilt her cranium upwards, ever so slightly in acknowledgment.

then there was arrow.

a friend to her, missing for a while now. snatched out from under their noses. stocking allowed herself to push down the possibilities of what might have happened to the oriental for the past week, but with the remembrance of the other guardsman, a new wave of anxiety came roiling to her belly like acid. her tongue felt heavy in her throat, and everything-- from the rest of the announcements to her clanmates voices, had buzzed faintly in her ears from there.
✯ — female. tanglewood. moderate difficulty. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: The News - September 1st meeting - ophelia. - 09-06-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 65%; line-height:120%; text-align: justify;font-family: verdana;"]Ophelia made her appearance within the gathered group, though she didn't flutter down to make her normal entrance. Instead, she slowly padded her way over, one of her normally broad and perfectly kept wings pushed against her side, wrapped in clean bandages, the stark white color standing out among the black of her feathers and fur. Her eyes weren't as sharp as they normally were, gaze tired as it flicked over the group. She hadn't slept well after her incident, kept up by the shaking sensation of lingering pain in her wing and the understanding that something was about to change. The attacks recently weren't for nothing; she was smart enough to figure that out.

Her gaze moved up to Morgan as he spoke. Normally, she kept up with his words easily. This time, it was almost as if there was cotton in her head. It was probably just the sleeplessness. She shook her head, blinking hard before trying to listen up. There were promotions, shout-outs, the task they'd be doing this week, and a mention of Arrow's disappearance. Her brow furrowed at the reminder, an uncomfortable ache in her chest.

Right. Taking a deep breath, she got up to go help out where she could, expression subdued and pensive.