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open, joiners [★] I bet my life - Printable Version

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open, joiners [★] I bet my life - Tena M. - 09-01-2018

Sidetracked again.  Perhaps the truth of it was the petite sand cat did not feel the call to return to the tundra as strongly as she had before.  She had not been there long nor known many of the faces.  Not to mention it was not the most comfortable environment, even if she could withstand freezing temperatures.  The desert at night was not like the tundra at night.  Sand and snow.

Tena knew the one who followed her did not mind, though perhaps her change of heart puzzled him still.  She felt a bit like a failure, if she was honest.  Like she did not deserve to return, since she had not been a very useful member anyhow.  What had she ever done for them?  Even when they gave her a place to call 'home'.  You'll never feel at home though, will you?  No matter where you go.

A jedi was less likely to be very attached anyhow and even if Tena tossed him uncertain glances, she realized Lavi would stick by her before he'd think of returning to the snowy lands on his own.  His loyalty still perplexed her.  She chalked it up to the fact traces of his sister had gone dark, and after he'd journeyed with her on an unsuccessful mission to her birth home, he felt he needed to stay with her.  The desert dweller decided that it was no use making sense of the jedi and focus on her new surroundings.

It was all very beautiful here.  The mountains reminded her of a place she'd found moons ago, where one of her own people had found himself as well.  He'd been lost though.  Did not remember the stories she carried in her heart.  He was different now... But there was no use dwelling on the dead.

In the distance she could spot an odd assortment of colors.  A city?  Atop the water?  Tena had never seen or heard of such a thing.  Living on the water was so... Strange.  Her distinct blue eyes narrowed in fascination, paws itching to explore but accepting it'd be rather rude to just waltz down through someone's lands straight into their town.  Better to wait here.  Even if patience was not one of her strong points.

[ feel free to post before [member=869]lavi s.[/member]  ]
[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: lowercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px steelblue; font-size: 12px;"]— tena moonspinner

Re: open, joiners [★] I bet my life - lavi s. - 09-01-2018

Tena was more right than she knew.  The young Andean mountain cat was not sure what to do now that attempts to track down his twin had gone awry.  She'd been amongst these lands... These groups but... Perhaps she had felt called somewhere else.  Perhaps something had drawn her away.  Someone.  Lavi knew she loved one deeply and if he was gone too, no doubt she'd gone with him.  For that reason, the Jedi truly did not mind being left behind so much.  She had not known he was out here, not when their bond had been cut by distance and... She'd cut herself from the Force... He was not sure why, but he understood it was the reason he no longer felt their connection.  Unfortunate, now that he did not know where she was, but... Lavi could not dwell on it forever.

So he devoted his time and attention to another.  Another who'd known his sister.  Another who he'd joined rather impulsively on a trip away from their mutual home and, though they were not returning, had decided to stay with on the journey back to these lands.  Lavi found himself happy to be away from the deserts of her home and relaxed as they found themselves amidst shallow mountains.  With the calm radiance of someone at peace with himself, Lavi followed Tena's curious gaze across the place before them.  How long, he wondered, would it take for her to find her place in this world?  It was like she could not settle in, no matter where she found herself.  She was restless.  She was sad.  She was angry.  A sandstorm waiting to unleash itself.

Lavi supposed he had to be the calm to the storm.  He did not mind.  More than once, he had to spend time reasoning with her.  Careful words.  Sympathetic heart.  He could not leave her when he was certain she'd get herself into trouble without him.  Not that Lavi ended up involved in quite a bit of trouble on his own.  Even more - not that'd admit to it - when he had a partner in crime.  Someone to lure him into the depths of matters outside of his business.  Into the eye of the storm.

His lips quirked into an amused smile as he took a seat beside the watchful feline.  This place was lovely.  Hopefully a nice group resided here.
code by spacexual

Re: open, joiners [★] I bet my life - rhosmari - 09-02-2018

--retro to injuries

Truly the ocean was something he knew better than the land in which he had first walked. He had been born on land, had been something other than what he was now and sometimes he wondered if it was a good for him or bad. He missed Nerida, but at the same time he felt as if he was better for the curse that had been brought upon him. He had gotten better and wiser for it. Spending time alone and in the ocean had taught him many things and when he had finally decided that he would return to land he had found that he was anxious, scared of what others would think. Especially when others looked at him. He was an anomaly for sure and he knew he wasn't very soft on the eyes. Nothing with skin a shadeless gray and with gills that moved on the side of his neck could be appealing. His dorsal fin that rose along his spin and a thick tail that held an asymmetrical fin that spoke of a viciousness that he could possess. He was mutated with that of a tiger shark, classified as very aggressive and though he tried to keep his own head high he was worried always about the opinions of others.

But since living in Sunhaven and knowing the denizens, the self loathing and anger at himself was fleeting. He felt appreciated and accepted him. The aquatic feline slipped out of the waves of the ocean, skin glimmering with water that slid off his body with ease. Shaking himself he pulled his ears forward as he noticed two figures close to their home. Oh, that was interesting. Making his way forward with ease the Goldenblood tilted his head a bit, eyes narrowing just a little as he took in their appearances. Well, he could say for sure that he had never seen their kind before but he guessed there was a first to everything. "Oi, there!" He spoke up with ease as his webbed paws carried him closer to the pair whom looked to be close but then again looks could be deceiving. He allowed a smile to pull at his muzzle although he kept his lips closed to not show off his serrated and sharp teeth, but he did wave his tail in greeting before he settled down and curled it around himself a small distance away. "So, ya guys have reached Sunhaven. Do ya need something? I'm Monroe by the way and it's a pleasure tae meet the both of ya."

Re: open, joiners [★] I bet my life - buckingham barnes - 09-02-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
When Buckingham got up and decided to patrol the territory, the maine coon made the decision to pad in a different direction. Generally, when the former assassin patrolled the territory, nine times out of ten he went towards the beach. Bucky is more used to seeing joiners waiting at their beach, rather than the mountains. He almost headed towards the beach today, but reminded himself that the whole territory has to be patrolled. Not just a portion, he can patrol the beach later.

When Buckingham got half way up the mountain, Tena's and Lavi's scents entered his nostrils. Buckingham has enhanced senses, meaning he can hear and smell better than the average feline. It certainly has it's advantages, like picking up scents early on and far away. The maine coon couldn't help it but be a little surprised at the scents- they are quite fresh, meaning two people are waiting up on the top of the mountain. The last time Bucky headed towards the mountain for a joiner was with Levi, but the japanese bobtail managed to slide down the mountain during a rainstorm, causing a huge mess. Bucky wasn't upset about having to get to the top, if anything he'll get more exercise in while reaching the strangers.

The male continued his climb, ears drawing back to his skull as he followed the scents. After a little bit of climbing, the male found himself at the top, noticing Monroe already greeting the two individuals. He silently made his way over to the Goldenblood, his light blue gaze landing on Tena and Lavi. A petite Sand Cat and a Andean Mountain cat, interesting. Considering Monroe beat him to asking their names and business with Sunhaven, the former assassin decided to introduced himself instead. "I'm Buckingham Barnes, you both can call me Bucky," He said, with a swish of his bushy tail.

Re: open, joiners [★] I bet my life - Tena M. - 09-02-2018

[div style="width: 520px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: constantia; font-size: 11px;"]Tena Moonspinner
The small feline squared her shoulders, always conscious of her friend's eyes, seeming to relax whenever he turned his focus elsewhere.  Lavi was far too analytical for her at times.  Granted, Tena herself often could not help trying to puzzle others out.  Piece together what went on in their minds.  Figure out what it was that made them tick.  Lavi's analyzation was often purely out of concern and his seeming eagerness to play therapist.  That was her opinion at least, and it often made her skin itch when he was looking at her too long with that thoughtful look on his face.

Oh well.  No matter.  Her unusual blue eyes flickered away from the city before her, the strange jedi beside her, to the unique creature in front of her.  Certainly a strange being, but Tena was not one to judge on looks.  If anything, he was rather intriguing.  Even a little on the 'cool' side, though perhaps if she had known what a shark was, she would've been a little uneasy.  There were no such creatures in the desert.

"Lavi Solo," she inclined her head towards her companion, long tail flicking.  "and I'm Tena Moonspinner." She chewed the inside of her cheek before rolling her shoulders back.  "We're looking for a place to stay, if you don't mind taking us in." Sunhaven.  Indeed, the sun did shine here, but not unpleasantly as it did in the desert.  It was a good name, suggesting it was a safe place.  For the longest time, and the wariness still lingered in her eyes, Tena did not quite view anywhere as 'safe', her head often tossed over her shoulder.

It was hard to get over that habit.  Especially when their mission to her home had gone south.  Tena reminded herself no one was following them.  Besides, between her and a jedi, it would be hard for someone tailing them to go unnoticed.  Just stop, Te.  "It's nice to meet the two of you as well."
[align=right]I tell you this story, save your life, set you free

Re: open, joiners [★] I bet my life - PIERCE - 09-02-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me
Pierce loved it here. He had been in Sunhaven for almost a month now, and while it wasn't very long, he felt like he'd already been here forever. He had a life here, with people he liked and a job to do. His clanmates - or, most of them - were kind, respectable people, and he hadn't found himself having much trouble with any of them so far. The territory itself was gorgeous, with sprawling mountains, a pristine beach, and their little town floating upon the water, which, at night, looked to glow from a distance. It was a same place to raise his daughter, too- everything he could have possibly asked for, when it came right down to it, and he couldn't be more grateful; he just wanted to possibly share what Sunhaven and its people had given him with others, now.

He had been wandering the territory, partially patrolling and partially just enjoying himself, when he spotted the group- two strangers, and Monroe and Bucky. The speckled tom felt his nose twitch ever so slightly at the sight of the Maine coon, who he hadn't really seen eye-to-eye with for the majority of their  time together. Of course, he hadn't known the other long, so there wasn't a ton of room for judgement, but at the moment, they didn't get along the best. Regardless of personal feelings, Buckingham didn't seem like a bad guy, and, of course, he wasn't going to get treated any differently.

Pierce approached next, an amiable smile upon freckled features as he drew to a halt before the two newcomers just in time to hear Tena speak. "Of course," he purred, honey gaze flicking between Tena and Lavi. "It's a pleasure to meet you both, by the way- I'm Pierce, a Dawnguard here! Feel free to ask me for any help you may need, okay?" He was always more than happy to help, and that was complete honesty- there wasn't much else for him to do, and he knew what it was like to be new and feel a bit lost in a new clan.


Re: open, joiners [★] I bet my life - Owlie - 09-03-2018

New people. Edward was getting used to walking- he didn’t have a tree right now and the thought of being the high swinging gibbon both terrified and fancinated him.  He couldn’t wait. Edward was seen more walking on two legs. He thought it was a little better for his hands. It gave the impression he was still human-like and that he wasn’t giving into some beastly tendencies.

"Tena. Lavi.” He had to talk to other animals as if they were people and just wondered why they all came from and why. "Edward Nygma, E. Nygma.”

He held up his hand, pointing at Tena. "How do you know a pilot is confident in their skills?” Two, his hand pointing next to Lavi. "I’m small and rough, but one of many. What am I?” would they get these? Did they even know what a pilot was?


Re: open, joiners [★] I bet my life - lavi s. - 09-03-2018

The youth shuffled his paws, intelligent brown eyes locking on the one ahead of him, curious.  He was... Not a typical feline... Creature. Yet Lavi was the last one on earth who would ever judge someone based on their looks.  He was more likely - and in this case, it was true - to think something 'odd' or 'disturbing' was actually cool.  Especially a feline who looked like they'd been smashed together with a shark.  The entire makeup of that was simply fascinating.  Did he have lungs and gills?  Was the Jedi staring?  Perhaps a little bit.  He was going to stop now.  He wondered if Tena knew what a shark was an how odd the combination was, or if she had no idea.

Just as the mountain cat opened his mouth, said companion spoke first.  Not for the first time and Lavi simply dipped his head when he was introduced, fluffy tail resting on his paws.  "Pleasure," he agreed, an easy smile resting on his features as names and pleasantries were traded.  As far as first impressions go, Lavi quite liked this place already.  Very lovely place, very polite inhabitants.  He was glad they decided to head in this direction.

As he rested his gaze on Peirce, his brows creased briefly.  "Anything the two of us should know coming in?" He figured the location of the camp was obvious enough and Lavi was, though it was not quite obvious on his face, excited to explore the buoyant city.  The young male was a quick learner, and he figured he'd piece together the ranks and traditions fairly fast, no matter where he went, but he was always ready to ask ahead anyhow.  It made the process faster, really, allowing him to master other things.

Swiftly, his attention turned to Edward, somewhat taken aback at his launch into... Were those riddles?  Lavi's brow quirked up immediately.  Was this normal around here?  Or was it this one Sunhavener?  "Sand?" Truly a shot in the dark but it was the first thing that popped into his head, especially after spending some time in the desert.  The Jedi wondered if he really needed an answer right this second, but he felt like going ahead and putting one out there, still rather confused.
code by spacexual

Re: open, joiners [★] I bet my life - Tena M. - 09-05-2018

[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: constantia; font-size: 11px;"]Tena Moonspinner
The smaller feline just stared blankly, even as Lavi spoke.  Her brows creased sharply in confusion, followed by a flicker of light irritation.  A riddle? Really?  Tena frowned.  She grew up on stories of tricks.  Tricks.  Carefully worded lies.  But this was not a riddle like of home.  Not a story.  Just a riddle.  Her lips parted with a sharp huff, disinterest glittering in her eyes.

She knew what pilots were.  She'd been a mechanic at home, although she had never worked on flying machines.  Or seen one, but they weren't unknown.  Nonetheless, Tena grumbled.  She didn't know.  The size of their ship?  "..." Finally, she just rolled her eyes.  "Nice to meet you too, Edward.  But I don't like riddles." She did like to work out physical puzzles though and to conduct general michief.  He didn't need to know that.

She glanced at Lavi, noting with some appreciation he had asked Pierce the question on her mind.  Force, he did sound so formal sometimes though.

[ Mobile ]
[align=right]I tell you this story, save your life, set you free

Re: open, joiners [★] I bet my life - Owlie - 09-05-2018

Edward clicked his tongue, feeling slightly awkward, and falling onto his bum as Tena gave her answer. His smile dropped and he clicked his tongue again. "Oh-kay. Well, your friend there was correct. Your answer though," He pulled himself back up, waving his arms, "Was a solo." See. It was funny, right? RIGHT?
Maybe interacting was harder for him than he thought.

The gibbon sast back down, grumbling and looking at his companions. He was still pretty new here but he would try his best. "What do we do now? Show them around, give them a rule book? What?"