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UNRAVEL MY SOUL && trap + amputation. - Printable Version

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UNRAVEL MY SOUL && trap + amputation. - DELILAH. - 08-30-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
[member=1538]leroy[/member] this will be a near-death experience where she almost bleeds to death. feel free to come across her! leroy has been given permission to rip off her leg.

Delilah had thought everything was getting better, now that she had settled down a bit more. Renegades was here, everything was calm again. She had taken on her hobby of medicine once more, collecting all of the necessary herbs and grinding them into syrups that makes it easier to drink. She had figured out a few ways to make the syrups less bitter, but it seemed to lessen the effects of the medicine..

Delilah had been so focused on searching for more herbs, that she hadn't thought of where she had been stepping until she felt the painful snap of bones and tearing of flesh. Delilah was once not too fond of pain, and she absolutely hated it now. This was the second time she had ventured into a trap. This time, it wasn't a cage. Delilah glanced back with watery magenta eyes as she saw her misfigured leg trapped in a fox trap, the sharp jaws tight against her appendage.

The pain didn't hit her completely until the realization set in. Before she knew it, she was panicking, and trying to yank her leg out of the trap as hard as she could. No, no, no. Not again. She didn't want to go through this again. Her mothers weren't here to help her this time. She could die. She was going to die all alone. She didn't want to die.

Then, skin tore from bone, and blood spilled to the ground. Delilah didn't know what happened, but everything had began to grow blurry, before the pink felidae fell to the ground, blood staining the marshland grasses under her. She couldn't yell, couldn't do anything. If she moved, she'd bleed out more.

Magenta eyes fluttered open weakly as her face paled, her pink cherry blossoms being stained a deep red igor. Blood, so much blood. What was going on? She could see her basket of herbs and vials toppled over, becoming soaked with the crimson of her blood, but then things faded out once again.

//injuries: her back left leg which was previously mangled to an awkward angle is now nearly ripped off, half-way sliced open. she is currently bleeding out.

Re: UNRAVEL MY SOUL && trap + amputation. - toboggan - 08-31-2018

Was it now a trend in Tanglewood to fall victim to crippling disfigurement? Sure as hell felt that way, not a single week went by without Mr. Hopkin’s tail falling off or some shit. Kudos to Malphas, all the labour the one medic must manage was bizarre.

A sharp tang of gore scampered through the air, with the tall, rumpled Chaser eagerly tracing it. He understood that this was not Ophelia’s blood that caught his attention - this scent’s taste was a lot stronger. A lot more urgent, as if this was a do or die situation.

He had been in a rough spot before while not paying attention - just a couple weeks back, the whole gator incident happened, with Leroy barely escaping with a broken ankle. Yet, today Delilah found herself in a stickier situation. A trap, one meant for animals, ought to be one of the remnants of Beck’s antics. The relationship he had with her wasn’t developed whatsoever; the few times any interaction transpired was with the pie, that fantastic pie, and Ophelia’s injury. Lack of any connection, however, must be put aside.

Dispatching haphazardly to the pink femme, whose cruor-stained pelt nearly shook him, attempting to feebly revive her once by her side. To jumble with the trap would only injure her more, its grip seemingly immovable. Suddenly, a burdensome brainchild grew inside of that mind of his, one so awful that it would change both Delilah’s and everyone's lives. It will work. Her leg had to go.

"Flowas, if ya are in there, I needja ta to wake up." his tone demanded, a softer voice replacing the typical rowdy one. ”Ya may not like it, butcha got a leg tha’s not gonna be attached by th’ end of tha day. I need ya p’mission ta help ya.”.

In the case of him getting no response or being denied, he’d off the limb anyway. She’d die otherwise, and that wasn’t going to be good on his résumé.

Re: UNRAVEL MY SOUL && trap + amputation. - SOCKING - 08-31-2018

// track :eyes:

Re: UNRAVEL MY SOUL && trap + amputation. - DELILAH. - 09-01-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
The gods were truly cruel to her, making her suffer like this.

Maybe she was the epitome of bad luck, or maybe her existence was cursed. It was moments like these where she wished that she could have ended all of the bad things that happened to her, to just end everything. No more suffering, no more heartbreaks, no more pain.

But life wasn't so easy, was it?

Blood pooled at the edge of her body, her torn appendage never ending its relentless bleeding even as she remained still, fading in and out of consciousness. Her mind felt foggy, the neverending loop of what Leroy spoke spinning her head through circles and loops.

Delilah made no move to adjust herself or nod or even speak, merely sputtering out her consent to such a thing. She didn't want to lose her leg, but she didn't want to die. She had to keep an eye out for Renegade. He needed her.

Magenta eyes began to roll into the back of her head as Delilah's head rolled onto its side, too much pain and adrenaline rushing through her to truly focus.

//Feel free to reply!

Re: UNRAVEL MY SOUL && trap + amputation. - toboggan - 09-02-2018

Fuck it.

A humble carry-on resting round his back contained some tools. Lowering his meaty neck to the earth below, the bag’s strap slid off his body in response to Leroy’s hasty shimmying. Black leather collided upon soil with a clonk, to which the mutt drew a brand, a rather sharp blade revealing a curve designed for sawing through bone. This thing saw more action on others’ bodies in the past week than he did in quite a few years. Most often only one cleave was all it took, though due to the current conditions surrounding her positioning, Delilah may require some extra effort to work on; extra effort may be too time-consuming, however, judging by how quickly the pink femme’s vital fluids surged out of her bodice.

He was ready. She had to be, whether she liked it or not.

"Sorry fa’ this," the pulverized canine apologized in advance, in case his clientele didn’t hear those words afterwards.

The site of dismemberment was the gap between steel and skin, hoping to sever the bone at that exact location, though any sudden movements from Delilah would mess up the job.

Here goes nothing.


Re: UNRAVEL MY SOUL && trap + amputation. - cavalrychoir - 09-04-2018

[div style="background-color:;border:;width:135px;overflowConfusedtretch;font-size:8.5pt;color:darkred;text-align:left;text-transform:uppercase;font-family:tahoma;margin-bottom:-10px;margin-left:7px;float:left;"]RENEGADEANTHEM—
So far, it's been a good day. Things were quiet and no one bothered him to the point of aggravation. He held small conversations and went about his business as per usual. He enjoyed the quiet or the soft buzz of his busy companions. Of course, he still felt odd about living with others still and was still guarded around them, but he was learning to relax- slowly, but surely. But like most good things, it must come to an end. It hurt. The sight of the familiar pink flower petals on the ground brought him up, made his heart swell and the corners of his lips curl in a smile. Seconds later he was plummeting to the ground. The smell of blood wrapped itself around his nose as his heart rate increased. Fearing for the worst he broke into a sprint, trailing after the scent. It wasn't long before he was standing a couple meters away from the two, breathing hard with claws outstretched. Opening his mouth to say something, he was cut off with swift movements from Leroy as he amputated her leg. For a second, Ren was frozen in place. His blood ran cold and his skin beginning to crawl as wide red eyes shone in disbelief. Leroy... Leroy was on their side, was he not? So why...

Mad wasn't a strong enough word to express how he felt. Enraged? Livid? He wanted to shout at Leroy, rip him to shreds and he would have. Every fiber in his body was telling him to put some distance between Delilah and him. But instead, he found his eyes trailing to the trap, then to the canine's expression. Milliseconds later, alarms went off in his mind and as swiftly as his murderous intent towards Leroy started, it stopped. The wildcat was now running over to them, naturally slipping himself by Delilah's head and pressing his nose to her cheek carefully. He wanted to do something... He wanted to help but he didn't know where to begin. He was scared he'd do something wrong and make matters even worst. "Delilah..." He murmured, doing his best to keep his voice from cracking. "Dark optics turned up to look at Leroy, "B-bandages, right? I do not..." He had no idea what to do but Delilah was hurting and he wanted to somehow make that stop.

Re: UNRAVEL MY SOUL && trap + amputation. - DELILAH. - 09-04-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]

The eerie sound of her leg being amputated was something Delilah surely couldn't miss as she faded in and out of consciousness, her head rolling once more at the feeling of a nose being pressed into her cheek. The blood was a bit much, in Delilah's opinion. A soft pant left the medic as magenta eyes opened once more, adrenaline rushing through her veins from the pure fear she felt. Everything was blurry, a mess, and it smelt like nothing but blood.


Blood splattered walls, pavements, cages, as the tortures had begun. It felt like forever since she had come here, lurching into the bars of cages that not only encaged her, but trapped her sense of confidence as well. Her side burned, ached, bled, from the rose branding they had laid upon her body. She belonged to them. She always did.


The sight of Renegade's worried red eyes enraptured the panicking feline, however the only evidence of such was the speeding up of her breathing and increasing amount of cherry blossoms that soaked themselves in the blood that poured out of her.

Everything was fading.

"Bandage.. Stop bleeding.. Heat.. Need wound cauterized.." The felidae whined out, just loud enough for the two of them to hear, before her magenta eyes moved to the satchel that was around her neck. Bandages were in there, Leroy should know how to stop the bleeding if he knew how to cut off the limb, right? Right? She hoped so.

At one point, maybe Delilah would have wanted to die. Death seemed to welcoming to her before she met Ren and the others. The day Morgan saved her from drowning herself in the swamp was the day she had looked at things more clearly. Life was beautiful, magical, enrapturing. Its beauty was unparalleled to the space and stars above them. Maybe it was the stars that destined Ren to come here and live in the same home as her, but Delilah was thankful for him. She was thankful for all of her friends here, even if she didn't know Leroy very well.

A soft gasp shook the feline's body as she began to gasp for air, quick, low gulps eminating the telltale signs of blood loss and hyperventilation. She could feel her body growing cold, almost too cold. No, no, no. She didn't want to die. She didn't want to die here. "I don't want to die.." Whimpered out the girl almost inaudibly in between breaths, her lip trembling as her eyes began to roll back once more.