Beasts of Beyond
CHAMPAGNE POURING OVER US - open, party - Printable Version

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CHAMPAGNE POURING OVER US - open, party - madster - 08-30-2018

oh, was he supposed to be clean?

well, he could celebrate with a little drink, couldn't he? tanglewood was his home, and under morgan it was only getting better. on a whim, the medic decided he'd host a little party- not only to celebrate the future of their swamp-home, but also to give the clan something to do. it had been a little slow, which was understandable- it was the hottest part of the year, and nobody really wanted to go outside.

"sup, tanglers. hey, i got some alcohol and some food. i want to make a toast to tanglewood- and morgan- so get your asses over here." he said, beginning to pour himself a glass of cheap champagne he got from merihem. 

Re: CHAMPAGNE POURING OVER US - open, party - ophelia. - 08-30-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 65%; line-height:120%; text-align: justify;font-family: verdana;"]Pulled forth by the smell of food and the sound of Malphas's voice, Ophelia made her appearance. She trotted up, eyes scanning the party that had been set up. It looked nice, and she was never one to turn away from events. This should be fun, and she was just thinking about getting something to eat. It seemed she wouldn't have to look very far for that anymore.

"This looks lovely, Malphas. Thank you." she said as she turned toward the food that was set out, making herself a plate. She kept the amount she got small, not wanting to take too much and limit options for the others. She could always eat what she had at home if she got hungry later. At the prospect of alcohol, she hesitated. She didn't want to be a bad example, and she'd never really drank before, but... Well, she did want to participate in the toast. Making up her mind, she poured herself a small glass of cheap wine, taking a seat to wait for the others to arrive.

Re: CHAMPAGNE POURING OVER US - open, party - DELILAH. - 08-30-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
Delilah had heard about alcohol from a few friends, but she had never really tasted it herself. Her ex-lover kept her away from stuff like that constantly, stating that it would 'taint' her, so she just simply..  Stayed away from it. But, that didn't matter now. Now, she had the freedom to do what she wanted.

"I want.. To try some." Came Delilah's soft, whisper-like voice as the skittish pink feline limped over, long fluffy tail waving behind her awkwardly. She wanted to drink, just like everyone else. "What do you have?" Asked Delilah curiously, ears twitching.

Re: CHAMPAGNE POURING OVER US - open, party - toboggan - 08-30-2018

Drawn by the assertions of alcohol and partying, the wounded wolfhound was next to enter the scene. It was nice to see at least one of the medics around - the spider kind of just ditched, never to be seen again. That’s not to say Malphas was present as of late, though; the hosiery-clad cat vanished for a good few days as well. At least he actually reappeared.

"Look’s like th’ gas has already started," Leroy reported eagerly, notifying the presence of Delilah, Ophelia, and, of course, Malphas. By all means, the good times didn’t sure as hell start until everybody got buzzed. Amber eyes scanned the booze pulpit with a goal of finding his favourite, scotch whiskey, ere ultimately settling on the same champagne that medic-boy earnestly poured for himself. The stronger stuff could be for later, after the initial celebration.

”Hey, Socks, are ya rationed? Thought’cha died for a bit, there.” the hound greeted slyly as he limped over, before pouring himself a glass of bubbly. Mirroring the cajolery Ophelia immersed Malphas in, Leroy would state ”I like whatcha did with the place.”

All that was missing was music, then all the ducky shincrackers could really bust out their moves. 

Re: CHAMPAGNE POURING OVER US - open, party - SOCKING - 08-31-2018

✯ — if you don't fuck with us then motherfuck you
the smell of booze was sharp in the air. painfully so.

she had drunken-- many times before, though not to the point of obsession. the food, however.

that was her main attraction.

like a demon, stocking was quick to scuttle over. pale blue eyes roamed hungrily over the assortments set out, mouth watering liberally before she took a few, hearty inhales.

sometimes the best part about the food was not the taste, but the smell.

the guardsman wasted no time in taking a healthy slice from a pie, but not before sidling up to her boyfriend, placing a quick peck upon his cheek.
"thanks for this, mouth ass. did you know that food was going to lure me out of my bunker, or what?" through a mouthful of crumbs.
✯ — female. tanglewood. moderate difficulty. REF. BIO. — ✯