Beasts of Beyond
what have i lost | 100 posts + injured | that's so defeating - Printable Version

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what have i lost | 100 posts + injured | that's so defeating - ophelia. - 08-30-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 65%; line-height:120%; text-align: justify;font-family: verdana;"]Patrolling wasn't uncommon for Ophelia. She actually did it so much that it was more often that she could be found in the skies over the swamp or treading carefully along the border than in the town. The only real times she showed up in camp was when there were events, to sleep, to eat, or to visit with her friends. Other than that, she was always out, sometimes to hunt, sometimes to just keep watch. Today, it seemed to be the latter.

She'd been flying for some time today, so it wasn't unsurprising that she chose to land down near the border, mainly just to allow her wings a moment of rest. She would probably walk back home after she was done checking the borders one last time; the muscles in her wings felt a deep ache, and she didn't want to push it. Besides, today had been fairly uneventful. It wasn't likely than anything strange would happen, given the quiet nature that the world seemed to be holding within it on a day like this. It was nice, to have a slow day after so much chaos had happened only recently. She just hoped it stayed like this a little longer.

Picking her way along the border, she took a deep breath of the air, letting it out in a quick huff. Maybe she'd visit Venus again, after this. Or Leroy. And Leroy. They'd probably enjoy the company, and she could bring them some snacks. It'd probably make them pretty happy to have something other than the normal things they were given while on the mend. Happy with the idea, she walked just a little faster, mainly just to get done with enough time left to make something for them.


Re: what have i lost | private for now | that's so defeating - MirrorEdge - 08-30-2018

She had taken to using other bodies when she was investigating the other territories, the Ascendents' territory just not cutting it for the female anymore, who's scent now reeked of the poisonous marsh she was trudging through, a hint of garlic hidden deep beneath it, and blue eyes settled on the winged creature, expression brightening.

Wings. She'd never challenged anybody with wings. It could be harder, it could be easier, and the wolf came forward, that sweet expression on her face, the same when somebody gave her a compliment, or when she was slitting somebody's throat. Not that little Thea knew the difference, and which was was wrong, or which one was right, and she chirped, "'Scuse me, miss, but are you willing to help me?"

Help you? Please. You just want to see whether she'd be a challenge or not. That little voice in her head was there again, picking away at the corners of her mind, egging the young female on.
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Re: what have i lost | private for now | that's so defeating - ophelia. - 08-30-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 65%; line-height:120%; text-align: justify;font-family: verdana;"]At the sound of a slightly pitched voice, Ophelia's ears immediately pricked and she turned her head toward the sound. Her muscles had tensed a bit, mainly out of nervous habit. Just when she thought today was going to be a slow, peaceful time- Oh. A young wolf. Surprise wearing off to give way to a softer expression, she offered the stranger a small smile, muscles easing up at the knowledge that it was likely just another joiner.

"Name and business in Tanglewood? I may not be able to help much if you aren't joining, but, if you are, I would be happy to assist you." she said easily, taking a couple of steps forward to put herself nearer to the other animal. She paused when she caught her scent, something about it throwing her off. Her eyes narrowed just a bit, but not enough to be entirely noticeable. "Are you an ambassador..?"

Re: what have i lost | private for now | that's so defeating - MirrorEdge - 08-30-2018

"Nah. I'm not either of those. You know what I really want, miss?" She paused, the grin on her face growing wider before she teleported, aiming to slam a paw into the domestic cat's chest, to knock the wind out of her. "A challenge. Think you can provide it to me? Those wings look interesting, and pretty."

Hopefully she'd fight. Even if she'd try to flee, Thea should be able to follow, for a short time, anyways, with her teleportation. She wanted to surprise the rest of her clanmates with how strong she'd get. Teach them that her beliefs were right, cause they were, right? "But I think they'd be prettier with blood on them."
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Re: what have i lost | private for now | that's so defeating - ophelia. - 08-30-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 65%; line-height:120%; text-align: justify;font-family: verdana;"]The sudden movement caught her by surprise, having not been wary enough of the potential danger. She coughed at the sudden burst of pain in her chest, stumbling. In that moment, though, it seemed that her instincts caught up with her. She didn't want to hurt someone so young, but she also wasn't sure if the youth was a trick or not. Possession was a thing, and so was shapeshifting. Either way, it felt wrong to try to harm her enough to incapacitate. She'd just have to defend herself and hope for the best.

Spreading out her wings a bit to steady herself, she'd try to counter the attack by turning quickly, aiming to slam her wing into the other to knock her back. The attack was clumsy, though, as she was still disoriented.

Re: what have i lost | private for now | that's so defeating - MirrorEdge - 08-30-2018

Thea took the attack, hell, welcomed it, and with the chance given to her, sharp teeth aimed to clamp down on the wing, and if it was successful, apply more and more pressure until a crack of the bones could be heard. "Y'know, you're not much of a challenge. Maybe I'll just leave you here, miss. To rot with the swamp you live in. I mean, you'll die anyways." It was true, at least, to her. It was getting easier and easier to believe it. That the strong could never die. The agony of others was the only thing that could truly calm the darker essences inside her, and if the attack was successful, the young wolf would remove her teeth, and hopefully get a bit of flesh as well. "Bird's wings are hollow, right? Are yours?"
Template by Quill

Re: what have i lost | private for now | that's so defeating - ophelia. - 08-30-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 65%; line-height:120%; text-align: justify;font-family: verdana;"]The feeling of pain shot through her body, making her face contort with the feeling of it. She reacted immediately as the wolf sunk her fangs deeper into her flesh, finally unsheathing her claws to aim a strike at her muzzle, then another at her cheek. She pulled as she did, trying desperately to get her wing out of the animals mouth. Her efforts weren't quite fast enough, though.


Immediate, surging pain shot through her whole body, white moving forth in her vision and forcing her to blink hastily in an attempt to clear it as quickly as possible. Panting, she ripped herself backwards. She felt the wolf let her go, felt flesh go with her, but it didn't matter as long as she was out of her grasp for now. Ophelia's wing fell to the muddy ground, much like those of injured birds often did. Bile rose to her throat at the thought of how often she went after little birds with broken wings, knowing they'd be too fragile to get away.

That wasn't her, though. For the first time since she'd joined Tanglewood, she felt real anger welling in her gut, and she swallowed thickly against the pain and the bile. "Death isn't an option for me." she replied, falsely hoping that her voice didn't shake from the pain tingling along her body. She'd never broken anything before, but definitely not her wings. She was normally so careful...

Her gaze flicked up toward the wolf, and she grit her teeth before lurching forward, trying to force the stranger to move back over the border, out of Tanglewood and away from the friends she could potentially hurt, by aiming a few sloppy strikes at her chest.

[is it okay to make the thread open after this? >:3c]

Re: what have i lost | private for now | that's so defeating - MirrorEdge - 08-30-2018

"It's not really a choice, or an option. For you, anyways." Thea's grin was still there, before dematerializing as she teleported, out of sight by the time anybody arrived.

She had other places to be, after all. Thea was quick to leave the poisonous marshes that Tanglewood resided in, for now, offering no evidence she had been there, save for the domestic cat with the broken wing.

//rushed and sure!
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Re: what have i lost | private for now | that's so defeating - ophelia. - 08-30-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 65%; line-height:120%; text-align: justify;font-family: verdana;"]The wolf disappeared, out of sight. Gritting her teeth, Ophelia pushed down the pit of anxiety in her gut; she'd probably gone home, seeing that Ophelia wouldn't take this laying down. At least, she hoped that was it.

Nevertheless, the rush of energy she had felt before was dying down, and she let the hiss of breath she wasn't aware she'd been holding pass through her teeth. Fuck. She wasn't one to swear, normally, but she couldn't help the steam of curses running rampant through her thoughts now that she could relax a little, the pain increasing as she did. This was... This wasn't good. She wasn't supposed to get hurt like this. She was supposed to protect the others. This wasn't an option, she wasn't allowed-

The pain doubled when she tried to lift her wing, and she let out a strangled sound as she stumbled. This wasn't a great situation to be in, and she definitely didn't look good with the amount of blood that was now pooling around her wing, around her as she stood there, breathing heavily and trying to collect herself. The problem was, it was getting very hard to think.

Despite this, she turned and forced herself to move forward, trying to make it closer to town as the pain kept increasing and increasing with the feeling of her broken wing dragging on the ground.

"H-Hello? Is there..." She sucked in another breath, then, fighting hard not to let herself break at the seams. She didn't like admitting that she needed help, she didn't like being like this, but... "I'm not..." Fuck. Fuck.

Re: what have i lost | 100 posts + injured | that's so defeating - DELILAH. - 08-30-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
/retro to her amputation

Delilah was busy, constantly busy. Both emotionally, and physically. She had been shuffling through her batch of herbs, hoping that she had gotten everything she needed before she planned to head back to Malphas and provide some sort of support to the medic.

But, well.. It seemed her plans wouldn't go as she wanted right now. She heard the call of Ophelia not far off, ear twitching in anxiousness. Was she hurt?  Oh gods.. What if.. What if someone ate her? Delilah didn't want to see her clanmate get eaten. But then again.. Ophelia could fight back. She wasn't weak, not like Delilah was.

Telekinesis lifted her basket of herbs, her satchel around her neck swaying with her quick but stumbly running. It seemed a lot of people were getting hurt, and she didn't want to let anyone die. Not anytime soon. She'd keep people alive until the real doctor, Malphas, had come to finish the job.

"O-Ophelia! Are you okay? Who did this? What happened to your wing?!" Delilah squeaked out nervously, setting her herbs down as well as her satchel before she limped over to the raven-furred feline. Silently, Delilah activated her X-Ray Vision, her magenta eyes dulling a bit as she searched through the bone structures one at a time. "Don't move, I need to see your wing better.." She meowed softly, paws shakily reaching for the fragile wing.

//list of any other injuries for me and malphas? ^^