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NO LIGHT, NO LIGHT / o, Typhoon envoys - Printable Version

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NO LIGHT, NO LIGHT / o, Typhoon envoys - Character Graveyard. - 08-28-2018

He vaguely remembered signing up for this, a while back along with Caesar and somebody named Keona. He wasn't sure when Pincher would want the three of them to visit the Rosebloods, but that day had come. The young male would wander onto the territory, a basket of seashells, fish and other materials from his home in it.

Since he didn't want to be accused of trespassing, he would decide to walk back over the border and he would await for one of the Rosebloods' members to arrive on the scene, his ruby-colored eyes alert.
tags :: updated 8/23:

Re: NO LIGHT, NO LIGHT / o, Typhoon envoys - rushy - 08-29-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: verdana;"]Lydia was a highly sociable individual. She always had been. The tabby's personality was some odd mixture between an easily excitable high school freshman and a slightly tipsy soccer mom. Though she never seemed to do well with strangers who appeared on The Rosebloods' borders. It was almost like every time she went to check and see who it was, she was reminded with a pang of embarrassment at her own mistakes when joining, though no one really remembered them.

Thus, she appeared outwardly uneasy as she approached the Typhoon envoy, scenting him immediately as one of their only (if not their only) ally. "Hey!" Lydia chirped extra happily, trying to make up for her initial expression "The name's Lydia, nice to meet you! What brings you here today?"

Re: NO LIGHT, NO LIGHT / o, Typhoon envoys - sephiroth - 08-29-2018

[Image: tumblr_p18fkxSdpR1ugq03no1_r1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]At a foreign scent at the border the lion would approach from the fog, muscles shifting underneath his pelt as he padded up next to Lydia.  Sephiroth wasn’t terribly familiar with the Typhoon, but they were an ally so he supposed that they could be here.  The silvery lion would look down at his fellow Roseblood and actually give her a small nod of acknowledgement, something rare to even come out of him.

He wouldn’t say anything though as he looked at Kirishima with his unblinking luminescent eyes.  He was quite the presence among most gatherings, with his size and the look in his eye and his silence.  Sephiroth would stand stone still, not even a flick of his tail or movement of his whiskers as he waited for the Typhooner to speak.

Re: NO LIGHT, NO LIGHT / o, Typhoon envoys - rhosmari - 08-29-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]There was little to do in the way of work so she was more than likely found moving along the border at a steady pace. Her body rigid and her posture straight as she walked through the gloomy forest as if she truly belonged there. The old tales of spirits and daemons had long since disappeared from here and now they were being protected by some deity that she had no real interest in. It was curious that was for sure but the female didn't question it and she only lived to prove her worth and that was all. Currently her gaze had lifted up as she heard voices that lifted up into the air, eyes pensive before she decided to make her over to the area. The scent was familiar to her and she immediately understood it to be the Typhoon. The one ally that they had currently. Pushing through some foliage the woman would show up and she detected the scent into their territory, a glare flashing across her gaze before she merely sat down and curled her thick tail around her paws. She was sure that someone had already spoke to them so there was no need for her to say anything. At least not yet and it seemed that they were here for a leisure visit considering the gifts that were also present.

Re: NO LIGHT, NO LIGHT / o, Typhoon envoys - Keona. - 08-29-2018

✯ — female. striker of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
The tiny feline popped up behind her crewmates, ears flicking.  Her pale sea-green hues flickered aimlessly ahead of her as she followed the sounds of new voices.  She was not entirely sure why she opted to do this.  It was a lot of walking.  Especially for her tiny legs. Nonetheless, she was present, nose twitching in curiousity to her new surroundings.  Her father - and uncles - were probably going to have a fit when they realized she was not in home territory, but she was sure they'd calm when she explained she'd decided to become an envoy.

She tilted her head upward, brows creased as she tried to locate the first speaker.  "Aloha." Her soft voice mingled with an odd accent.  Not quite Hawaiian.  Not quite Irish.  "'m Keona... They're Kir-i-shima an' Caesar." Tail flicking, she hoped she pronounced the latter's name correctly, but they were not a very familiar crewmate to her after all.  "We're Typhoon envoys."
code by spacexual

Re: NO LIGHT, NO LIGHT / o, Typhoon envoys - Luciferr - 08-29-2018

But heed the zealot's lesson well,
when the weak court death, they find it.
oh? Another group come to call - he vaguely knew there were others from the chatter around the area but considering he was new to this group and this world entire he believed he could be forgiven for his ignorance on who was who.

Still the Sith Lord turned indoraptor merely stayed to the back of the greeting party, content to watch and observe - always analysing for any small parcel of information - he could feel the regard of another in the back of his mind, well well, seemed Vitiate found the 'peimitive' people's amusing if not intriguing enough to watch from behind his own eyes - annoying a s that phantom sensation was.


Re: NO LIGHT, NO LIGHT / o, Typhoon envoys - emil - 08-29-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]"it's a pleasure to meet you all." the snow leopard joined the group with a smile to the typhoon crew, coming to stand in front of his members with a twitching tail. his eyes flickered briefly down to the basket of gifts, silently appreciative of them. he made a mental note to visit them himself when he got the chance to. he hoped they wouldn't take to the absence of visits harshly, but if he couldn't find time in his day for the trek, he would simply assign the task to someone else.

prestige rolled his shoulders and let out a soft hum. "anything big happen in the typhoon? it's been an unfortunate while since my last visit, how are things on your island?" he queried lightly, tail curling as he spoke to the envoys. "can we get you anything?" though a reply had not been given, the pharaoh signaled for someone to fetch water for them, in case the small group was tired from their journey.

Re: NO LIGHT, NO LIGHT / o, Typhoon envoys - rhosmari - 08-30-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]"Envoys?"The word and question dripped from her tone as her orange red eyes focused on the ones that held such a position. She was curious about what they were supposed to be doing here and why. It didn't seem like it was a business trip and Prestige had asked a lot of questions she wouldn't mind having the answers to. There wasn't much to it and she allowed a breath to leave her throat as she finally decided to introduce herself. After all they were allies of theirs which meant that they had to be nice to them without fail. "My name is Blueridge. What is your job as an Envoy?" Her eyes caught the signal for water to be fetched and the soldier rose from her seated position and departed on swift light paws. Her gaze intent and it didn't take her too long before she returned with a large bowl of water, carried by an npc who was kind enough to help her. Placing it in front of the Typhoon envoys the woman then settled back down and waited for the information to flow from the group that was visiting them.

Re: NO LIGHT, NO LIGHT / o, Typhoon envoys - Character Graveyard. - 08-30-2018

As a few of the Rosebloods members started to arrive, Kirishima would slightly tense up, though he tried his best to not show his discomfort. He wasn't the best person to talk to people he didn't really know, but he had signed up for this. He would blink and open his mouth to speak, when Keona arrived on the scene and spoke first. He felt bad for her as it had taken the three of them to get here, plus he had forgotten to ask her if she needed one of them to carry her while on the way.

The young male would release a quiet sigh before turning to Prestige, offering the Pharaoh a nod of respect. "Everything in the Typhoon has been doing good as of lately." With one of his front-paws, he decided to slide the basket of goodies over to Prestige. Then he would hear Blueridge's question about what their jobs as Envoys were. He would eye the older female and he began to speak. "It's our job to visit allied groups every few weeks and we're supposed to deliver goodies and news to the other groups. We also visit allied groups if our group happens to be in trouble, I believe."
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