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SILVER TEETH IN SHADOW | Murder - Printable Version

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SILVER TEETH IN SHADOW | Murder - Luciferr - 08-28-2018

/idk slight gore warning? just in case I guess.

it had been an easy thing,

even as pitiful enemy-hive feared them, they still let their enemy-prey roam free and alone more often than accompanied - but for all that Blacktide was affronted at enemy-hive's stupidity, he saw its opportunity and found that he reaped the rewards well enough, if enemy-hive would be stupid then Blacktide would take his due.

it was why now a Gorey viscera stained the snows, insides strewn outward from the fallen prey - the big cat had been easy to surprise, nobody ever thought to look upwards when they were so assured that nothing above was equal in predation.

foolish, Blacktide chittered at the memory.

for now the xenopanther was happily chewing on the juciest of organs torn from the corpse - the snows would preserve the corpse from rot, so the beast took its time taking from the frozen screaming gaze of the dead snowbounder, it's last moment hadn't been kind - liver first and then the once beating life and then followed by the various other organs and viscera.

he'd progress to the muscle and flesh then - the last would be the bones, his teeth as strong as a hyena's jaws, for nothing would be wasted, there would only be fur or skin left perhaps in the end.

for now the chittering eyeless creature happily ate, bladed tail curling in the snows behind him as a content purr left the alien beast.


Re: SILVER TEETH IN SHADOW | Murder - Ikanaide - 08-28-2018

Try, try, try again.
Oh Jesus.  If this was what carnage and death looked like then Ikanaide was going to have to swallow a whole lot of bile and terror to come across a moment like this.  Better expose yourself than never right?

The young fox kept a healthy distance from the xenomorphic panther for good reason, one they were probably nothing but a good two bites tops and they didn't want to become next on the list.

But the question is was the person or whatever is left of them someone somebody knew or had relation to?  How much longer before Blacktide turned on them looking for a easy snack or a challenge?

code by spacexual

Re: SILVER TEETH IN SHADOW | Murder - tikki - 08-28-2018

[align=center][div style=" width: 425px; font-family calibri; font-size: 12px; color: darkgrey; text-align: justify; padding: 7px; line-height: 130%"]The smell of blood was something that Boston was never going to be able to forget, especially with the picture that lay before him being the thing that would come up for the rest of his life when he ever thought about blood, at least for the time being. An uneasy feeling crept into the Akita pup's stomach as he watched in horror as the eyeless creature ate his fellow Snowbounder, and then he felt as though he was going to be sick, the smell catching in his nose and staying there, the metallic thing.

Unlike Ikanaide, Boston was going to say something though. His words might not be something that would scare the other off - his voice being nothing but a frail, shaking squeak at this point in time - but it was something that might startle the other at first. Of course, he didn't think about the possibility of potentially becoming the next meal, or snack in his case, of the creature. "L-leave them be!" he'd bark out, chest puffing out as soon as he had done so, proud of himself for just the moment. "They w-wasn't food!"

Re: SILVER TEETH IN SHADOW | Murder - Ikanaide - 08-28-2018

Try, try, try again.
Ikanaide had two point two seconds from stopping someone else who seriously looked a small snack meaning Boston.  The fox bristles in response to the yipping bark the Akita pup gave. "Shut up! Don't draw attention to yourself. That thing doesn't care. We are food to and a threat at the same time to them. The last thing we need is give them a bellyache from over eating."

"At this point I believe dog is on the menu, since they sure don't discriminate against whatever gets into it's appendages. Do us both a favor and keep quiet." Ikanaide turned their head towards Boston and advised and warned. At least from watching Blacktide from a distance, their assumptions were sorta correct? Whatever Blacktide was, acted like a half feral half Apex predator.
code by spacexual

Re: SILVER TEETH IN SHADOW | Murder - Luciferr - 08-29-2018

Pitch ears twitch backwards and silence descends where once a pleased constant rumbling from the alien creature had been - not even the sounds of nature's creatures filled the echo, for all had scurried away upon the entrance of this beast.

An eyeless face Riss from the carcass, Gordy viscera cloning in dregs from Ivory teeth as blood still warm conceals and drips to the snow stained by the crime scene.

It's smooth face tilts and finds them from yards away with eerie pinpoint accuracy for something that appears blind at first glance - slowly black lips peel back from those teeth-


Echoes up from the dark ribcage before the creature moves vaulting over its carcass - the prey would keep, the cold would see it so - and barrelling forwards with feline yet alien grace towards the two, he'd kill them if he caught them or take them back to pale-mother.

He had his meat - but he would not suffer a threat and that small bark though pitiful constituted for an enemy-drone of enemy-prey-hive seeking a fight.

The pitt's often thought mindless beast was a hazard to all and sundry in this snow home turned hells ape with the takeover.


Re: SILVER TEETH IN SHADOW | Murder - Ikanaide - 08-29-2018

Try, try, try again.
Oh shit. Oh shit, shit, shit.  Ikanaide was nearly rooted with terror and amazement towards the creature the second it started moving towards them. One would say run right now, but alas no. They didn't think they would make it that far since a single bound was nothing compared to how hard Ikanaide would have to haul ass to get away from the nightmare fuel that was Blacktide.
code by spacexual

Re: SILVER TEETH IN SHADOW | Murder - NUI HARIME - 08-29-2018

狡猾 / THE SLY

// *sweats nervously* forgive me for this long ass post. Mobile, please excuse any errors

nui dropped from the skies.

like a comet. a pink-clad comet. laced in frills and fur of wheat. she was zooming fast-- falling from seemingly nowhere.

she had only came because she smelt blood. crimson. brightfully sweet and icky. she was the shark-- once more drawn to the waters by the life force of another seeping from their vessel. her senses had been fine tuned to the scent of death-- long ago honed to taste it in the very air and seek it out.

and she had come across the beast feasting upon a fallen member.

nui was salivating, stomach rumbling tenderly to the sight of fresh blood. she had not had her own fill of proper, unadulterated meat within days, scraping by on baked sweets and crumbs. bread and wheat and sugar-- and whatever she could get her hands on. whatever remained within snowbound's nearly raided into obscurity kitchen cabinets. anything that was not fresh, red meat was hard to come by since the moment the pissants invaded snowbound and began draining their resources.

and now, this.

prior to her descent, her languid body had been stretched over the roof of her own cabin. a rotund, roiling gaze blinked lazily down as the alien stripped the body of it's tender fat. oh the blood. how she ached for it. it had been the one thing she'd been denying herself-- starved in the hopes that she could direct her frustration towards the pitt. a singular gaze roamed over the sight greedily, a fat coral tongue drawn over her lips tightly with longing.

she was one of the few who had yet to flee the scene. why would she? nui had no interest in feeding roaches. predator, prey. they were all bloodbags within her gaze. to cede fear to such unworthy organisms was hardly befitting of her calibre. perhaps it was boldness-- or a well placed trust in what she knew herself to be capable of. to doubt her own abilities would be a waste and an insult to ragyo, herself, and the very life fibers her dainty form was weaved of.

children. they were oblivious-- ultimately foolish. she, herself had been surprise when the pup had so fearlessly barked at the perpetrator of the crime. the polarheart blinked her surprise, her perpetual, flat smile ebbing away as it hardened into a line of quaint confusion. did he not see what this creature had done-- what it could do to him? she had known he was something of an ignorant youth, but this had far extended her expectation of the boundaries of stupidity.

long before blacktide had leapt from his perch, and ikanidae began to shush him, nui's body tingled. with a certain sense something terribly wonderful was 'bout to go down. she always had a knack for sensing trouble, and from what she had seen of the hybrid so far, his capacity for attacking any and all who crossed his metaphorical sight knew no bounds.

gently, with a tug of telekinisis upon the parasol, nui rose into the air rapidly with nothing but a thought of will upon her mind. she had hoped that the feral would be far too distracted by his meal or the blabbing children to notice her sudden presence. her favorite method of battle was to take her opponents by surprise-- nothing was better than the look of surprise upon a target's face at the sight of a seemingly harmless gal, effortlessly sewing herself into the fray of war and outclassing her enemy with brutal efficiency.

perhaps it would be better to let the beast devour them-- or perhaps it was better to save them. incur their debt and gratefulness; and play them like a harp when the opportunity presented itself.

nui fell with nary a whistle to accompany her swiftly falling form, her vessel jettisoned with the aid of her own telekinesis pulling her towards earth. a power that brought her form blurring with movement. unparalleled trajectory aimed for the black rodent-- head for the base of the head or the neck, or shoulder blades. if she was lucky, maybe she'd crack something of the pittian's. if her aim failed, it would be her who might end up with something cracked. but the prospect failed to worry her. it excited her, even. nui was a thrill seeker. longed for the blood and the sweat and struggles that came of life. masochistic? maybe, for one who could feel no pain. all she longed for where situations where she knew she'd have difficulty in. situations that would make her think as her heart beat in an ancient tandem to adrenaline. she itched for a fight, and the feline was nowhere near as helpless or quite as peaceful as her clanmates. there was nothing greater than dominating a worthy opponent, and nui wished to see if the invader was worth a rat's tail in a fight.

the momentum of her fall given aid to her power, nui came singing from the skies, aiming to send her form slamming into the feral with the force of a battering ram, intent on landing betwixt his spine, neck or head with the intent of using her force to bodily drive him into the snow, effectively halting his charge towards the youth and driving him off path. she hoped to stun the other-- maybe if she was lucky she managed to jiggle a bit of brain fluid within that skull. that would be nice.

"mind if I... drop in?" her smile was wide and obnoxious. all gleaming teeth and rosy cheeks, far too pleased at her joke, as if she were unaware of the situation she had gotten herself into. but she knew full well, and could handle herself just fine.

barely halting her assault, the feline lifted her parasol by the handle, channeling uncanny strength and aiming to bring the butt of the canopy slamming into his head for good effect and grinding the snub against smooth ebony chitin.

perhaps the secondary attack wouldn't do much itself, but nui played with fire. and she liked to think she was doing the equivalent of tossing salt to stoke the flames.

"run along now children, and be good-- or watch. I wouldn't mind." was she not a gracious thing? risking the reserves of her energy upon making an effort to stall this killer beast? if either of them made it out alive and with their bodies intact, they owed her double time.

Re: SILVER TEETH IN SHADOW | Murder - Ikanaide - 08-30-2018

Try, try, try again.
Ikanaide pretty much was going to stay to watch the fight, after all they were first to stumble a upon the grisly scene, so they were going to to stay. The child sat on their haunches as if to take mental notes of the situation.

They didn't know if Boston was going to stay, but that didn't seem to matter to them. After all as long as they stay out of the fringe and hell fire so be it.
code by spacexual

Re: SILVER TEETH IN SHADOW | Murder - tikki - 08-30-2018

[align=center][div style=" width: 425px; font-family calibri; font-size: 12px; color: darkgrey; text-align: justify; padding: 7px; line-height: 130%"]The second the creature turned around and made the horrible noise, Boston made a small squeak of surprise and stumbled back a few steps, saddened by the fact that his call had worked in making it so that the other thing left the dead Snowbounder alone, but made it turn back on himself and Ikanaide instead.

When Nui dropped in, Boston's would stop scrambling, watching as the other tried to fight the seemingly blind creature, eyes wide with wonder as he did so. It was cool, watching someone fight. He had never really seen it before.

Re: SILVER TEETH IN SHADOW | Murder - TSUYU. - 08-30-2018

A soft giggle rustled the bushes not too far away from the eating form of Blacktide, before Tsuyu stepped out, deranged charcoal eyes focusing on the xenopanther for a moment. She had affection in them, really. Blacktide had been pretty chill, she didn't really care for his killing sprees, either. Slowly, the frog-manx hybrid watched as Nui tried to attack Blacktide, a look of amusement in her cold, calculating black orbs.

A soft croak of a laugh left Tsuyu, as she merely watched her newfound clanmate go after Snowbounders. They deserved this. They did, it was all of their faults that they were weak. "I brought some food, Blackie, ribbit!" She croaked, hopping back into the bushes to pull the form of a rather large rabbit out by her tongue, its eye sockets empty and bleeding.

"Oh- a pest. Well, he'll probably eat them anyways. Tsuyu can always freeze them if Blacktide runs off.." She mumbled, a frown on her face.