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tourner dans le vide | struggling - Printable Version

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tourner dans le vide | struggling - pallid-i - 08-27-2018

One Chance
Ever since Cosette joined, Yes Man felt like a small part of him was missing. The ardent wanted to forget about it, but something just didn't feel right.. Something had to be missing.. Why else would his brain hurt every time he tried to think too much? He tried to reach into the darkest pits of his mind, but all that came was a foggy blur and a sharp pain. So sharp it made the male groan and his eyes roll to the back of his head for a brief moment. The bastards that.. Changed him, fucked him up more than he could ever imagine. They took something from him.. He just knew it. If they hadn't, then why did he feel like this?

The savannah forced himself to get up from his comfortable bed in the sun pyramid and stumbled outside. A headache was beginning to form after thinking about Cosette so much and why she stirred such feelings of desperation in him. His white eyes looked cloudy, and Yes Man wasn't even trying to hide his troubled look.
code by spacexual

Re: tourner dans le vide | struggling - melantha - 08-27-2018

[align=center][div style="font-family: georgia; font-size: 9pt; width: 60%; text-align: justify;"]There is no denying that Melantha took a special shine to Yes Man. Even Esklav is not free from her stubborn personality, and the girl is tasked to serve him and protect him. But Yes Man? She will willingly do just about anything for him. She is not entirely sure why she feels that way towards the Ardent, but she possesses the vague notion that something about him reminds her of her father--whoever that may be. Sometimes she tries to force her conscious backwards through her memories, trying to push through the invisible barrier blocking her from the rest of her life experiences. It is frustrating, sure, but it has yet to cause her physical pain. All she wants is for the world to give back what it's taken from her.

She thinks about her lost memories as she rounds the corner of the pyramid, heading to speak with Yes Man about some information she received from a traveler. But all is forgotten upon spotted the Ardent stumbling weakly through the sands. "Manny--" she breathes, concern breaking through her carefully constructed walls. "Sir, you look like you could use some rest." It was only a momentary slip up, and thankfully it was soft enough so that only Yes Man would be close enough to hear it.

Re: tourner dans le vide | struggling - EROS - 08-28-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]Day by day he toiled and worked, never once thinking about the former life he held back when he was but a simple child. He can hardly remember those days anyway as they were but fleeting passages of time and he didn't want to inspire something that went against the very life and nature provided to him by the Pitt. His life mattered more to him anyway and he wasn't about to jeopardize that in a lethal manner. Though he didn't truly have memories of where he came from all he can remember was how the air moved like thick fluid, a dark face and then he was 5 months old and being taken by the Pitt. Not something he often thought about but he guessed it was just how fate wanted things to be. In his mind his parents were dead after fighting for their very livelihood after he was taken but he push those thoughts away as he stumbled upon the two high members and easily his head bowed. One of them was the leader as he had seen him around quite  bit and so he bowed even lower to show his understanding of things.

Lifting his head up a bit he noticed how weakly he moved, now he sagged his shoulders and he looked like he might fall over any moment. A frown pulled at the slave's muzzle before he settled down slowly, tail still remaining tucked between his legs as he glanced to Melantha after she had spoken. Never speak out of turn and he waited for just a moment before he glanced at Yes Man again though he looked away so that he didn't make any eye contact, pink marble eyes looking to the ground. "I...I could prepared something so that he may relax..." Was his murmured offer to the both of them as he didn't address any of the two directly.

Re: tourner dans le vide | struggling - guts - 08-28-2018

Cosette couldn't say that she didn't feel the same way, as that empty feeling was painfully there in her own chest. There was a gap, and while she had her memories, she still couldn't place the reason for these feelings. Whenever she saw Yes man, she felt that flicker of recognition, a sense of homeliness that she had never experienced before. It was weird, considering she and him had never met before--at least not that she knew or remembered. She didn't remember much from her early childhood, really.

The serval approached the three curiously, taking note of the disheveled state of the leader. It was obvious that there was something weighing on his mind, though she somewhat doubted he would be willing to talk about it. He just seemed like that kind of guy.

So, she stood awkwardly off to the side, glancing between them and wondering what to say. Or if she should say anything at all. Unable to come up with anything, she stays silent, giving the other savannah a concerned look. She wasn't sure why, but she was worried for him, more-so than she usually would be.

Re: tourner dans le vide | struggling - ; albion - 08-29-2018

benny probably shouldn't be here. the topic of yes mans brainwashing was one that even the fox didn't quite enjoy retelling or even calling back to. not out of guilt or regret, but because it was a different time of his life. it was when he less strategic or more reckless without thought of consequences. it was when he manipulated swank into being his right hand and plotting bingo's death so they could take over.

it was the beginning that caused his tribe's end. going along with those shady as hell slavers. trying to see what had made them so powerful, and ended up being tasked with... him. he felt no remorse in giving a hand in what had happened to the savannah cat in the end. the wastes were ruthless. the world was cruel. it was your own strengths and luck that either saved you or killed you, and benny saw himself as the former, with yes man as the latter.

the fox took slow strides in his approach, halting beside cosette. he lowered his head to whisper in her ear, his tail brushing over hers. "you wanna head outta here, doll?" he watched yes man with a sideways stare, blue eyes narrowed in suspicion.

Re: tourner dans le vide | struggling - pallid-i - 08-31-2018

One Chance
Manny. The soft voice of Mel made him lift his head, and he looked at the strong arm. His ears flattened lightly though his weak smile grew a smidge larger. "I've been resting for far too long, Melantha. If I rest anymore I will surely cause the downfall of the Pitt. We don't need a lazy leader now do we?" He murmured before wincing from the pounding headache he had. He then looked over to the slave with his fur fluffing up. "Please.. Go prepare something for me. This headache will be the death of me." Yes Man rumbled as he lifted a paw and placed it gently on his head. The ardent was left unaware of Benny and Cosette's appearances as he was too busy trying to soothe himself. If he had noticed them, the male would have said something. Probably would have gone silent, or become bitter. Perhaps he would even ask Cosette to meet up with him.. In private.
code by spacexual

Re: tourner dans le vide | struggling - EROS - 09-01-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]The irrefutable command came so the slave had no choice but to move off. He was going to do what was instructed of him and nothing else. Especially if it came from the highest position in the clan. Such orders could not be negated or turned away for someone else's wishes. It took him little time to find the things that he needed chamomile and raspberry leaves. He was going to make a brew and sweeten it with honey. The raspberry leaves would leave a bitter tang in the tea since they were not commonly used for brewing but the honey would make it better. His paws worked slowly, stirring the brew as it heated up and turned the water into a murky brown coloration. As time went on he started to get worried that he wasn't going fast enough and he would be reprimanded for taking so long but he couldn't help how long it took tea to be made an instead he just hoped that the ingredients would work for the Ardent. The raspberry leaves was for his pain while the chamomile was to soothe him and strength his heart and fortitude. The honey well, as stated before was for taste alone and after a moment he took off the small pot and brought a cup with him.

Gaze staying on the ground he slowly put the pot before Yes Man and the cup as well. Then even with his large paws he gently turned it up and began to pour the contents of the tea into the cup. After a moment he added a dollop of honey and mixed it with the steaming liquid before he pushed it to the leader with his nose, making sure to keep his form as submissive was possible before he took a few steps back. "This is a mixture of chamomile, raspberry leaves, and honey. It'll help you, master." The sha creature's words were soft, quiet as he awaited any further instructions that were to be given to him and if he was dismissed he'd just go and find some other work to do as was his own mandate.

Re: tourner dans le vide | struggling - guts - 09-01-2018

Her worry for Yesman was short lived as Benny approached, a small smile on her face at the sight of him. His presence was calming yet nerve wracking at the same time. Her face growing warm at how close he was, she'd pause at his question, glancing between him and the Ardent. She didn't know why she was hesitant to leave, this odd bond she had with him keeping her there. But she wanted to make Benny happy, too. It was all so confusing and frustrating.

Cosette finally huffed, admitting defeat. At least Mel and Valkyr were here to take care of him. "Sure. Um, where were you thinking?" she asks before turning, beginning to walk away and hoping the fox would follow. Normally she would wait for him to lead but she wanted to get away from all these confusing feelings, and the leader himself before she changed her mind.