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BAD INTENTIONS -- disappearance - Printable Version

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BAD INTENTIONS -- disappearance - arrow - 08-27-2018

[glow=#001200,2,300]☆ ARROW - TANGLEWOOD - TAGS ☆[/glow]
Arrow was not...useful. Now anyone could lie through their teeth and say she had worth in the long run, or meaning to the whole of Tanglewood, but at the end of the day she couldn't keep up with nor compete with the other residents, whether they were just strong, knowledgeable in medicine, or had useful powers at their disposal. Arrow had nothing. Not even the ability of flight in the case of Stocking and Ophelia. She was, to put it bluntly, the most useless member of the group.

And that was probably why she lost.

It was a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, one of her isolation walks to wrestle with her self doubt when she had a run in with some...stranger. Not one of the usual joiners no, this one was a threat, and of course the confrontation caught her, the one person who couldn't fight off these seemingly paranormal beings. There was a struggle, of course, even with that in mind Arrow was not one to roll over and accept defeat. But even with her stubbornness, she was simply outmatched.

All there was left was some claw marks in the mud and a small splatter of blood where her head collided with the ground.

Re: BAD INTENTIONS -- disappearance - ophelia. - 08-27-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 65%; line-height:120%; text-align: justify;font-family: verdana;"]Something was wrong. That much was obvious. Ophelia didn't have any fancy powers to tell her exactly what had happened or to help track down the cause, but she was aware that splattered blood and the smell of an outsider wasn't good. Face contorted in concern, brows drawn together, she sniffed the ground softly before lifting her head and looking around. She had no idea where the cause could have gone, nor how this had been missed by any of the others. They were normally so quick to respond to these kinds of things; she was normally so quick to respond. What happened?

"Someone is hurt." she called out, hoping that others would arrive soon, others with the ability to figure out what happened so they could fix it. She would charge off by herself if no one else would follow whatever leads they could find together. There was no way they could just let this go.

Re: BAD INTENTIONS -- disappearance - Morgan - 08-27-2018

Morgan was more or less on the complete opposite side of territory when the attack happened. Sensing Ophelia in the middle of nowhere worried him as he entered town, so he headed her way with his mask and armor at the ready.


"Ophelia!" Appearing behind the winged feline after a few short minutes, the dog's nose twitched and picked up the distinct stench of blood. He followed his senses to the fluid, picking it up with his powers before noticing that a faint aura emanated from it. The aura had mostly faded over a short time, but he recognized its unique shade in a matter of seconds. "Arrow..." Morgan gasped out, looking back at the only other Tangler in his vicinity. "Have you seen her, Ophelia?!" His mask melted from his face to leave an expression of pure anxiety. "What could've happened? Why? Why weren't we here...?"

Re: BAD INTENTIONS -- disappearance - HAMMOND - 08-27-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]The male was everywhere and nowhere all at once. With an uncanny ability to ghost many situations without so much as a sound, this was the one situation where it perhaps would've been useful to be nothing more than a whisper in the wind. Panicked voices caused the Heeler to approach, head kept drooped and low to the ground as specks of blood entered his vision, followed by the living. Instead of addressing those present, Axle got down to his forensic work, snorting when he picked something odd up. "Scent, dunno who from," he announced, frozen in position with his snout buried into the dirt. You let us die... he hadn't been there to safe his precious her. What about this one, would she suffer a similar fate? Too weak to save herself the thought suddenly popped up in his head, a distraction from the guilt he was feeling. You couldn't save everyone, why did he actually feel something when this Tangler was clearly catnapped? You promised to help me! Axle flinched. Thump. Thump. Thumpthump. Thumpthump, his heart raced on, teeth bared as he stared off into space. This one could still be alive.

"Strung here if dead," he pointed out begrudgingly, snapping out of his trance whilst turning towards Morgan. Unless the perpetrator was a cannibal... Axle stopped himself there, not wanting to think about that possibility. Too many savages out in the wilderness as it was. "Still alive, maybe. Could track, if its worth losing time and supplies," he suggested, not realising quite how stern his pragmatic approach may've been.

Re: BAD INTENTIONS -- disappearance - venus - 08-27-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"]arrow - venus knew that one now didn't they? yeah, it suddenly came to mind just who the individual was: she had been there when venus found themselves dragging their broken form to the border. again. now it was ironic to see the roles reversed; arrow injured, missing. it wasn't as if venus knew the girl particularly well, but the feline had interacted and knew of her at the moment and that was more than enough for venus' attention to be snatched. a mystery always great fun. the fact that it may have come to the cost of arrow's life not really crossing venus' mind - mindless fun was mindless fun.

silvery-hued form coming up at the side of orphelia's older frame, azure hues fixated themselves upon what little remained as a reminder that arrow did in fact exist. claw marks intrigued the feline, their size somewhat useful in determining what kind of creature had taken the girl. not that it particularly aided the case in any way. venus did get a chuckle out of orphelia's remark though. "good observations, blood is not typically as efficient in carrying oxygen when it's outside of the body." arrogance dripped from the teenager's words, as venus began hoisting their bandaged broken leg into a more comfortable position calmly. sapphire gaze drifted towards the two males that venus had never met before before opening their maw to once more speak. "if i may; the first twenty-four hours are the most important if you intend on finding the missing alive. so we'd better form a search patrol quickly." offering their two cents with a quick suggestion, the feline was quick to add. "i'd be willing to help search."

Re: BAD INTENTIONS -- disappearance - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 08-27-2018

Re: BAD INTENTIONS -- disappearance - ophelia. - 08-28-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 65%; line-height:120%; text-align: justify;font-family: verdana;"]It didn't take long for others to arrive, their voices a blur of soft noise at her side. It should have been comforting. All the noise around her usually was. This time, though, something was different. This wasn't good, and they needed to do something. They needed to help Arrow. Something like this happening to one of them shouldn't have been allowed to happen, no matter what.

"I didn't see what happened. I wasn't here. I wasn't..." She trailed off, swallowing thickly. Right. She needed to control herself. Lifting up her head, she steeled over her shocked features, masking the anxiety that was trying to creep up on her. "I will go with you. We need to find her, and soon."

Re: BAD INTENTIONS -- disappearance - DELILAH. - 08-30-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
"What happened?" Delilah asked softly, tilting her head to the side in confusion. She didn't understand yet, but when she caught sight of blood, and Axle standing nearby, Delilah tensed. What did he say? Search? For Arrow? "She.. She probably knocked her head on something and ran off. Yeah.. We should go find her."

Re: BAD INTENTIONS -- disappearance - madster - 08-30-2018

being a medic and a cannibal meant he had a heightened sense of blood. it drove him mad, almost, to smell blood and not find its source and treat it- or lap it up. as he approached the smell, he could hear voices blurring together- delilah, vigenere, morgan... and a lot of others. if both morgan and vigenere were there, it meant it was serious business.

"what is it?" the manx retorted, clearly arriving late to the scene. "search patrol? for who?" then the smell hit his nose. it smelled like... arrow, but she wasn't in the crowd. "was it arrow? jesus christ," he asked, gritting blood-stained teeth. "i sweat to god, if another clan took her..." malphas' voice trembled.