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Gaze at fate with clarity || Family joining - Printable Version

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Gaze at fate with clarity || Family joining - Pastel - 08-26-2018

We are the weirdos mister.
They'd been roaming for as long as she could remember, barely stopping anywhere for long. Crow told her people like them were called 'nomads', she liked her family being called 'witches' more. That's what she truly believed they were. Nomad just didn't sit right with her at all.

One night, Crow came back saying they were going to somewhere permanent, a forever home. She'd been confused at first, why now? Why didn't they make any of the places before a forever home? He didn't answer, just telling them to pack up and for her to rest up. They'd need the broom for this trip. She liked that part at least.

Pastel remembered a time when they walked to all the places they went, until she discovered, and began training, her new power. Once she could fly for longer than a few minutes, she'd made herself a dressy little broom with Selby's help. When she'd showed it to her dad, she'd proudly proclaimed that she was a 'real witch now!' flying in a little circle around him with her brother. Since then, they'd walked short distances, and she'd flown them part of the way to places farther off. Now she could fly a whole hour!

Crow didn't tell them where they were going, just where to turn. It wasn't too worrying, but she had a feeling he didn't really know where they were headed, they never had before.

They'd been flying on/off for about a week now, and she was beginning to tire of the constant travel. Nothing had been seen for miles and at one point they'd been over the ocean for a bit. However when she finally descended, flopping onto the ground in exhaustion, she could smell others. Other creatures, other things like them.

"Papa are we home now?"

//please dont reply until [member=1477]Crow Roux[/member] and [member=2072]selby roux ![/member] do
Penned by Elumina - "SPEECH"

Re: Gaze at fate with clarity || Family joining - DELILAH. - 08-26-2018


Re: Gaze at fate with clarity || Family joining - selby roux ! - 08-26-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Selby appeared behind his older sister, confusion apparent on his kittenish face. 'Home' was a foreign concept to him, a nomad who slept in a new den almost as soon as the old one became familiar. So when his father had explained to him that they were to have a forever home, he hadn't known what to think. When his sister had talked about perhaps meeting other people, he had almost flown into panic. The only people besides Crow and Pastel that he had ever known he could barely remember, though he knew that his family had been upset when they weren't around anymore.

Of his early life, Selby could recall very little details. The days ran together like a watercolor left in the rain. He could remember helping Pastel to build a broom, but he suspected that he only remembered because she used it nearly every day. He couldn't remember his mother, and Crow never spoke of them. Selby had never thought to miss them, though. As far as family went, Crow and Pastel were more than enough to satisfy him.

The journey here had been difficult. They had walked until he was certain he couldn't take another step and then some. His feet were sore and he could feel the beginnings of hunger claw at his belly. His throat was more than a little dry as well, but he hadn't said anything in fear of slowing down his family.

Taking in the surrounding area, he noticed a heavy, boggy smell in the air. It wasn't bad per se, but unfamiliar at best and intimidating at the very least. He saw a weird looking animal in a tree- was that a squirrel with two tails? How was that possible? Selby felt overwhelmed. He looked back at his father, worry written across his face. "Papa, are you sure about this place?" he asked slowly, voice thick with emotion.

Re: Gaze at fate with clarity || Family joining - Crow Roux - 08-26-2018

[align=center]action — "speech"thoughts
[div style="background: linear-gradient(to right, #464C5A, #757f96, #464C5A); width: 500px; height: 2px;"]

The past seven months of Crow's life were a rollercoaster of events, emotions... things. Gods, how he wished he could start over again from the beginning. Then maybe none of the events that brought him to his current situation would have happened. He would be happy—they all would be happy—and that never stopped bothering him. It came in night visions of angry beasts and the sickening feeling when he opened his eyes in the morning and Ben could not. It was the scar across his lip and the way his heart raced at the snap of a limb in the distance. It was the necklace of string that rested among parched lavender at the bottom of the satchel he carried.

The silver feline felt Neville flutter nervously on his back, and he glanced up to see the deformed rodent that caught Selby's eye. He could sense his son's nervousness, and truly, he felt bad for leading them here. It was unfamiliar and scary and unpredictable. A swamp, with mutated residents? Genius, asshat. "Yeah, I'm sure..." Crow would say. "Everything will work out with time."

He was probably lying.

Crow sat, and gestured with his tail for his children to come closer. He was not going to let anything else happen to them, even if it cost him his life.

// alright, you guys can start replying now

Re: Gaze at fate with clarity || Family joining - DELILAH. - 08-26-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
Children were unusual things, in Delilah's opinion. She loved them, she wanted some of her own, but she was much too young for such a huge step in life. Especially when she could barely take care of her own mental health. Sometimes she imagined how her children would look like. Would they inherit the aesthetic element she had? No, her sakura blossoms were hers and hers only. Her children would look more beautiful than she would, she knew they would. And Renegade would be there to protect them, to protect her.

Delilah had been gathering herbs when she had heard three voices not far off, her ears twitching in unison before she turned her head to listen more. Joiners? Using telekinesis, Delilah lifted her basket of herbs up into the air, walking through the boggy swamp to greet the three newcomers. Two children, and one adult. She deducted that this was a family, but who were they?

As always, the cherry blossoms flowing through the air, landing on the ground surrounding her symbolized her arrival, her presence. It was her aesthetic element, to have cherry blossoms flow from her pelt like shedding fur. It wasn't useful in battle, but it helped alert her tribemates to her presence, or when she was near.

Delilah seemed to hesitate when she began to spoke, but soon got over her looming anxieties. "Hello there," She greeted the family, a tired smile on her pretty features as magenta hues watched them all curiously before speaking again. "My name is Delilah, how can I- Er, we help you?" She stuttered a bit, her smile twitching as she had to rethink her words. Her clanmates would be here soon, so it wasn't just her who would greet the family.

Re: Gaze at fate with clarity || Family joining - selby roux ! - 08-26-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Selby frowned at his father's reassurances, sensing an emotion he couldn't quite place a name to. Hesitation? Uncertainty? Apprehension? Selby couldn't decide, but he knew he didn't like it on his father. Still, he came closer at Crow's beckoning, sitting down and pressing his body into his father's side. He didn't know why he had felt the impulse to do this. To comfort? To get comfort?

Attempting to push aside his nervousness, he wrapped his tail around his body as neatly as he could. However, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get it to stay still. It was as though the racing of his thoughts needed some physical outlet.

Sensing somebody approaching, he pulled his attention from his tail to the outside world. Selby looked at the approaching cat and audibly gasped. He was reminded of his sister when looking at her pink pelt. He thought perhaps that all animals around here looked strange in some way and he felt awfully plain. His own black tabby fur, while perhaps not being common among normal cats, was not pink and did not have flowers falling from it. Though, now that he really got to thinking about it, would he really want flowers falling from his pelt? Selby imagined bees would be attracted to it, and his last encounter with a bee had not ended in his favor. Not that he had cried or anything.

Suddenly, he realized with a jolt that she had said something and that he had missed it while being focused on himself. He looked sheepishly up at Crow, waiting for him to say something.

Re: Gaze at fate with clarity || Family joining - arrow - 08-26-2018

[glow=#001200,2,300]☆ ARROW - TANGLEWOOD - TAGS ☆[/glow]
Arrow, on the other hand, did not want children. She wouldn't say she disliked them, not at all. As long as they were cool anyway, some offspring were the spawn of Satan. Not to mention she just couldn't see herself as a mother, at least not a responsible one. She was really more of the cool aunt.

The familiar scent of soft flower petals offset the unfamiliar scent and voice of the newest batch of joiners, relaxing her slightly as she headed into the direction of the family, meeting up with Delilah. "How's about we start with introductions? What do you call yourselves, gang?" Arrow asked, something in the back of her mind causing suspicion, but that was a little ridiculous wasn't it? They were just a dude and some kids.

Re: Gaze at fate with clarity || Family joining - Pastel - 08-27-2018

We are the weirdos mister.
Pastel flopped onto her younger brother with a wheeze. Nothing more comforting and it wasn't an uncommon occurrence. They were as close as twins could be sometimes, despite the one month age difference and adoption.

One who favored and one who was waiting, that was how she saw the two who approached. Perhaps the suspicion came from the witching part of things, or from Crow's apparent unease. She was almost physically bouncing to start talking to these people, but he'd warned against that when they were first in new places. He always had to speak first, then the next command was either 'run' or 'its okay'. She assumed its okay would follow in this case.
Penned by Elumina - "SPEECH"

Re: Gaze at fate with clarity || Family joining - cavalrychoir - 08-27-2018

[div style="background-color:;border:;width:135px;overflowConfusedtretch;font-size:8.5pt;color:darkred;text-align:left;text-transform:uppercase;font-family:tahoma;margin-bottom:-10px;margin-left:7px;float:left;"]RENEGADEANTHEM—
Ren liked children. They were young, full of potential and awe-struck with the world around them. He'd do his best to preserve their curiosity and hunger for knowledge but to have his own? It was a frightening thought. To be depended so heavily on by another... To be watched closely and easily influences by his actions. The pressure was too much and he was scared he'd lead them astray. One wrong move could have catastrophic results that Ren and the child would have to live with for the rest of their lives. With that being said, as he took his place close beside Delilah, he stared at the two kittens for a moment before looking elsewhere, hesitance in his otherwise hardened dark red stare. Since both Delilah and Arrow voiced the usual questions, Ren decided to stay quiet. Lowering himself to a sitting position, he kept his posture proper and though he seemed to lack interest in what was going on, attentive angled ears said otherwise. The older feline with them must be their caretaker. Was he alone? Did he not have help in raising them? Ren knew he'd have trouble with one child, let alone two. When it came to children, Ren took on the fatherly role present in the animal kingdom. He would make sure they were always safe from harm and would take blades and bullets for them... But that's all he knew how to do. Not surprising considering one of his strengths - more like his only strength - is combat.

Re: Gaze at fate with clarity || Family joining - Morgan - 08-27-2018

It had been some time since Morgan last greeted newcomers, but a recent lull in personal involvement with the group spurred him to return to his old habits. Scanning around the borders for strangers, he found himself alerted to not one, not two, but three completely new presences in a group. By the time he arrived, it seemed that three of his fellow Tanglers had already gotten to the scene first. Arrow and Delilah asked some essential questions already, but the dog felt the need to add something as well. He rarely had to deal with younger Tanglers before; usually, the parents would keep their children indoors to avoid early deaths in the wild. Out of inexperience, he chose to speak to the two young ones just as he would to their father alone.

"This is Tanglewood, by the way. I'm Morgan, the General of this town... and these two are Arrow and Renegadeanthem. I think Delilah already introduced herself over there." He bowed his head down to show respect, then sat back on his haunches. As the canine looked back up to memorize the strangers' unique auras, a friendly samoyed smile found its way onto his maskless face. "I take it you're all here to join."