Beasts of Beyond
∆ - August 25th meeting - Printable Version

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∆ - August 25th meeting - Morgan - 08-26-2018

Morgan sat himself down on the statue as usual, his head held high as he prepared for the crowd. It had definitely been a slow week in Tanglewood, but there were still some announcements to be made. He looked down at the statue below him, patting it with his paw and smiling wide. The broken, ruined statue was just another thing he'd change for the good of Tanglewood.

"If everyone's ready, we'll start the meeting." He looked through the crowd, eager for everyone to stop talking. Once things were quiet enough, he barked, "First, welcome to our one newcomer this week: Sigmund. I'd also like to welcome back Venus, who has returned to us. Also, Cavalrychoir has changed his name to Renegadeanthem now, so be sure to call him the right thing. To our newcomer and our returner - please, make yourselves at home as we continue to renovate and fix this territory."

"Next, we have two promotions. Axle will now be a Chaser, and Ophelia will be a Guardsman." Though it had only been a week since she was last promoted, Ophelia seemed to be around very frequently. Axle did not appear to want to stay in Tanglewood for very long, but the samoyed figured a rank would be a way of showing him some respect. "I also have several shout-outs! Arrow, Aya, Delilah, and Stocking, thanks for being model Tanglers this week."

"I have two titles to give this week: Malphas will be getting a Good Noodle badge for being so helpful with tasks recently, and Leroy will be getting a scarf and a Gatorbait badge for being a consistent Tangler. Thank you both so much!" He opened up his usual satchel and pulled out the scarf and badge, sending the grey scarf to Leroy and the star-shaped badge to Malphas.

"Some other announcements - Medic training was held recently, and will still be going for another week. Since many of us seem to be acquiring 'powers', our Captain of the Guard has set up a lesson on how to use them. I'll also be holding my own training soon, but not until after his is finished. Finally, there was a bonfire held by Ophelia. Hopefully some embers still remain..."

"I have just a few more things to announce. First, thank you to those who helped scavenge for tools and machines in the Junkyard. Soon enough, we'll be using those things to make our own buildings and factories here. Speaking of which, the next phase of our efforts to improve Tanglewood will be taking place in the forest. This week, we'll be cutting down some trees to get some logs. My hope is that with the wood, we'll be able to fix up some of the buildings in town and rebuild the docks by the beach. I'll be providing some two-man saws, so even if you don't have powers that can cut down trees, you can still be helpful."

"My final announcement is that Tanglewood now has its own logo." Morgan pulled a stream of water out of one of his bracers, then shaped it into a triangle with sides of varying thicknesses. "This ∆ symbol represents our change - our improvement as a group and as individual people. Feel free to place these marks around our territory or on borders if you'd like." It was not exactly a very special announcement to end on, but the samoyed thought it would be a good idea to make it known anyway.

"That's all. As usual, you can follow me if you'll be helping with cutting down the trees."

  • A warm welcome to Sigmund (and Venus, who's returning to Tanglewood)! Also as an FYI, Cavalrychoir is now Renegadeanthem.
  • Ophelia is now a Guardsman, and Axle is now a Chaser!
  • Shout-outs to Arrow, Aya, Delilah, and Stocking!
  • Leroy now has a scarf and the Gatorbait badge, and Malphas now has the Good Noodle badge!
  • Medical tryouts are here, a power lesson is here, and a bonfire is here.
  • To improve Tanglewood this week, we'll be cutting down some trees in the nearby forest here in order to fix or make new buildings later.
  • Tanglewood has its own logo now: a ∆ (delta). Not really too important, but it may or may not come up later.

I'll be updating the guide with these changes as soon as possible.

Re: ∆ - August 25th meeting - ophelia. - 08-26-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 65%; line-height:120%; text-align: justify;font-family: verdana;"]Approaching the area as the meeting was called, Ophelia took a seat near the front of the crowd, curling her tail around her paws comfortably as she looked up and listened to Morgan's words. The announcements weren't very surprising to her, most of them things she was aware of. Aside from the promotions and the titles, of course. Her ears pricked at the mention of her own name, again, and she had to admit that she liked the sound of Guardsman. She was moving up the ranks very quickly, it seemed, and that was something she found herself proud of.

When the meeting was drawing to a close, she stood up again and turned her gaze out over the crowd. "Congratulations to those promoted, or to those who earned titles." she said, giving a nod before she departed to go help with the forest.

Re: ∆ - August 25th meeting - aya - 08-26-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify;"]Another week, another shoutout! Aya grinned at her shoutout, glancing over at Ophelia. "Hey, congrats on the promotion." She purred, though the single joiner bothered her a little.

tags | updated 19/8:

Re: ∆ - August 25th meeting - toboggan - 08-26-2018

Gatorbait. How fitting. While there was no shoutout or promotion for him this week, Leroy received a badge, which he figured held as much significance as one of those previously mentioned. The main issue he had with it was its namesake; gatorbait. Was the badge given to him simply because of the alligator incident a week back, and they thought it would be funny to humiliate him? Or was did the little decoration possess another meaning?

"Good job t’ya," he’d mouth over to Ophelia, mirroring what Aya had to say. The winged feline had been promoted once more, the fact almost seemed wonky, but he was happy for his friend all the same.

Re: ∆ - August 25th meeting - DELILAH. - 08-26-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
A shout-out? Delilah didn't realize that she had gotten better at being around more, but apparently it was true. Maybe she was getting better in general? No, she couldn't accept such things yet. She had much more to work on. At the mention of Cavvy- Erm, Cavalrychoir, changing his name, which she already knew about, a soft purr of agreement came out of her throat. Rumbling, accepting, gentle.

To newcomers, Delilah dipped her head to any of them, a tired smile gracing her gentle features of pastel pink and magentas. Cherry blossoms seemed to pile up at her feet from the oncoming anxiety waves she felt, but it soon slowed down when her name was mentioned in a shout-out. Ah, ah.. "Thank you for the shout-out, Morgan." She mewed softly, her tone of voice quiet but still slightly nervous. "And.. Congratulations to those promoted." Delilah meowed, dipping her head to the mentioned people.

Now then, it was good that a lot of people were mentioned today, and a few events were being held. She attended the medic event, she wanted to be a doctor but she couldn't just.. Expect to be given the rank. She had to put her good memory to use.

There was even a powers training event going on because she unlocked her telekinesis ability. How thoughtful. She couldn't really keep up her power for too long or she'd get dizzy and throw up, but she was trying.

Re: ∆ - August 25th meeting - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 08-26-2018

Re: ∆ - August 25th meeting - HAMMOND - 08-27-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]Hiding within untouched pockets of the territory as he contemplated his future within the group, Axle had spent the last few days going against his productive nature to think. It was a period which he scorned himself for, but in hindsight it seemed fully necessary. It was foolish to grow attached to those that lived around here, anytime he found himself warming up to them he'd remind himself that such commitments would be his downfall, but as the winter started to show more signs of changing these lands, the Heeler wasn't sure he'd have a choice. Snow was something he'd witnessed before, but the effects it had on unclaimed soils might make hunting a bit more challenging than he'd like. At least in places like this, prey could be stockpiled in preparation of the worst. That was why, as the tricoloured canine lumbered over towards the familiar meeting place, he decided that he'd stay until the tree's leaves had returned to their vibrant, green colours. Hearing his name for promotion didn't stir him to stay, though it did cause his ears to perk just that little bit more upright in surprise. Even after making it clear that he had no loyalties to the place... they still wished to reward him with such a thing. It's not what I want.

Apathy caused him to ignore his chance to refuse such a thing, shoulders shrugging in nonchalance as congratulations echoed across the clearing. He didn't deserve it, all he'd done was his job, nothing more and certainly nothing less. "Hmph," came a grunt of acknowledgement towards the others who had earned a rank that day, nodding his head in a gesture of 'well done' before settling down to hear the rest of the news. They were rebuilding human civilization here, a fantasy along the lines of the American Dream, for as Axle knew as clear as day, it'd break down one day. Kids would die, discord and anarchy would be rampant across the lands... that'd be the day he bailed. Finally, a logo came, a Delta symbol. "Ok," was all the Cattle Dog said in acknowledgement, deciding that he'd follow Morgan at the end of the meeting to assist in woodcutting.

Re: ∆ - August 25th meeting - SOCKING - 08-27-2018

✯ — if you don't fuck with us then motherfuck you
stocking slid over gracefully on stocking laced paws and a placid gaze. Her general lack of interest for these things was unmatched, she had once thought. but she noticed another who seemed to show a genuine disinterest in going ons. It was the canine who had showed upon their border seals ago. in broken dialect. But she truly could not blame him for his nonexistant enthusiasm. She herself could not sit through these things. not necessarily out of dislike for Morgan or tackywood, but her inability to sit through long speeches or lectures without turning off her mind for some period of time. Though she appeared stoic and outwardly calm, her mind was roiling and she absentmindedly pressed her paws deeper into the dirt.

"Thanks for the shout out, boss man," she called gratefully towards the wheat hued canine. Under his leadership, tackywood was going through drastic changes, and fast. It had not been long. Barely a month-- but he was quick to impliment the idea of the scarf badges, the utilization of their resources, and future machines. Morgan was ambitious. Progressive? Perhaps. She wasn't sure how to feel about it; wasnt sure If she liked it, or if she despised it. Her general outlook on most things, tended to drift towards neutral indifference, if said object of her attention was lucky, rather than plain disdain.

She did not linger too long. Stocking tended not to squander her time on pointless pleasantries. Once the meeting was dismissed, she'd be sure to make way for the woods for the next activity. Better doing something than nothing.
✯ — female. tanglewood. moderate difficulty. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: ∆ - August 25th meeting - venus - 08-29-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"]following the masses venus found themselves sittuating their body as close to the medic's den as possible to listen to the leader's announcement. as for it not be such a problem when they had to drag themselves back over again. it was comforting to be up to date with the group, venus pleased when morgan blessed their return.
