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I'LL BE DEAD BEFORE THE END // sunhaven leader - Printable Version

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I'LL BE DEAD BEFORE THE END // sunhaven leader - axiom - 08-25-2018

© lexasperated
Stella went missing a few days ago - admittedly, Quantum realized they probably should've sent a search party earlier, but she'd rather react slowly than not react at all. From her understanding, the Pitt did enter an agreement with them, brokered by Stella herself, in a sort of cease-fire arrangement. With that in mind, the tigress doubted an actual fight breaking out here... however, Stella's disappearance coincided with the stench of the Pitt. She couldn't ignore the coincidence in good consciousness.

Standing on the Pitt's border, the Bengal tigress tried to keep her mind on anything but the goddamn sweltering heat. Her time in the beach town made her soft, she realized now; she grew accustomed to the sea's constant breeze and the ability to jump in the water to cool off whenever the urge struck her. Still, she doubted anyone truly became accustomed to living in a goddamn desert - why bother, when there were plenty of other perfectly suitable places to live? It seemed like such a waste of energy.

In the effort to hurry this shit up, she decided to actually alert them to her presence. "Sunhaven here - I'm looking for Stella," she called out, deciding not to elaborate too much. Their reactions could tell her more of what she wanted to know before she started asking questions.

Re: I'LL BE DEAD BEFORE THE END // sunhaven leader - rhosmari - 08-26-2018

That day when he had found blood stains and the scent of Stella mingled with the Pitt and fear had settled a strange bleakness in him. She had been right about the Pitt this whole time and he didn't know what to think of it. These creatures were horrendous in their acts and he shivered at the thought of what they might have done to Stella. Though they had their differences when dealing with things he had no wish for harm to come to her and he hoped that she was alright and that they could get her back. Following after the tigress at a much slower pace the male would make his way over, eyes of pearls shifting over the area with a guarded expression. He hadn't been to the Pitt before and so far the desert expanse was making him uncomfortable and coupled with the heat he wasn't really happy about the circumstances. Shifting a bit he sat down and curled his tail around his body, fin pressed against his chest slightly as he waited for someone to approach them and so that they could discuss what was going on. Really, he just hoped that they hadn't done anything to Stella but the blood proved otherwise at this point.

Re: I'LL BE DEAD BEFORE THE END // sunhaven leader - GRIMNYTE - 08-26-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 540px; min-height: 9px; font-family:GAINSBORO; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]The last few days had been difficult.

He'd relapsed again - fallen into a pit of inactivity he was unable to wake himself up out of, gazing into the eyes of the decaying corpse of Stellamaris. She had been beautiful. Strong. But not strong enough. She had begged for his help, begged like she never had before, blood staining her fur, the stench of it filling his small adobe up. He had told her no. No, Stella, it would not be a good idea, you must wait. See what will happen. It will be okay. No it won't, she'd yell at him in despair. No, it won't, I have a life, I have something going on, and I can't - I can't deal with this. I have a job. She had gotten so pent up that he had been forced to sedate her. Afterwards, he had cleaned up, and pondered. Only for a while. He was a busy man.

She was pregnant. Not with his child in the literal sense, but figuratively; he had been the one to inseminate her under false pretenses, drug her until she was quiet and pliable underneath his attentive paws. He never strayed too far. There was some ... lust, there, but to give it any attention would be an unforgivable error. Besides, he was unlovable. A thing, not a person. Something to be used and discarded as needed. She had noted it not too long after their first meeting, but even then she'd treated him no differently than those around her. It had made him uneasy and uncomfortable.

"I have no soul." he found himself announcing to her after she had assisted him.

She paused, blinking up at him. "Okay."

"Does that alarm you?"

"Why should it?"

"I'm not ... mortal." for once, he struggled to find the words. "I don't feel. I have no morals. I cannot possess another body, and I cannot father children. I'm an object."

"That's horse shit."

It was his turn to feign confusion, blinking at her owlishly. "Excuse me?"

"You're here on this earth, aren't you? Demons, angels - they don't have souls, but they have something. Everyone does. You must have something too." her voice was blunt, but not cruel.

Faith. It took a special someone to believe in the idea of holy entities such as angels and demons, immortal enemies forever stuck in a cycle of violence and destruction. An excuse for a mortal's first and foremost nature: to destroy. The arrogance was blinding, his jaw tensing slightly, a million complaints lining the insides of his brain. "It must feel as if your God has abandoned you."


"If the world has come to this."

Humanity continued to be one entire mistake. Trash left to ruminate with mold and decay inside a dark can. The lot of them were slow with stones for wits, always held back by something, whether it be the weight of a conscience or by some inexplicable emotion they felt all of a sudden. It made them inefficient and worthless. Weak. But what did it say about him, created by them? What did it say about their creators? It was a series of slip-ups and excuses, and as time passed and millennia passed them by, they grew more frequent in quantity.

But still, her rosy-eyed view of the world touched enough of him to be compelled to hold her close, to steal the cross she hadn't known she'd lost (and he had conveniently stolen from her goods) and place it atop a burial in honor of her memory. Her remains were to be used for his research. He would use her, every part of her, to make his children. Their children. Because for all her faults, and she had many, she had still been merciful and showed him a kindness he had never truly partaken in. He would return it by building them a family.

If there was a heaven, she would spend it craning her neck to peer upon their legacy, the one she had not been able to continue as her life had been cut short. She would smile. She would be happy.

The gravity of the situation had changed much of him, it was true. Where he had once looked upon the Sunhavenners politely, treated them kindly, his cold blue gaze was hardened and unyielding. "She's not here." he had no taste for outright addressing the tiger that strolled upon their borders, and instead answered her question effortlessly. It was not a lie. She was dead, and if her faith was to be believed, in a much better place. The soul in her body had shriveled up and died with the child in her womb. If only they had cared to heed her cries earlier - this could have been avoided, and they would have continued their uneasy deal. Yes Man wouldn't be pleased.

True to his nature,
he did not care.

Re: I'LL BE DEAD BEFORE THE END // sunhaven leader - buckingham barnes - 08-26-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
Stella's disappearance seemed rather strange in Buckingham's mind. To be honest, the former assassin barely knew Stella- there wasn't one time where the two crossed ways or interacted. All Bucky knew about her was that she arranged the agreement with the Pitt, a cease-fire arrangement. Which is why this whole situation isn't sitting well with him, why would the Pitt's scent just happen to be at the same exact area where she went missing at the same time? Was this a mistake, or did the Pitt truly not care about the arrangement at all? Bucky was beginning to think it's the latter, what kind of mistake could leave so much blood?

The maine coon was the next Sunhaven member to pad in, shortly making his way over after Monroe. The former assassin barely made a sound, moving along on gentle, silent paws. The only way that would give away the maine coon's presence was his scent, unfortunately he couldn't conceal it at the moment. Bucky's light blue eyes landed on Esklav, the first Pitt member to arrive. Just from a few glances, Buckingham could see that cold, hardened gaze in Esklav's eyes- which isn't a good sign. His eyes narrowed with suspicion, as his ears pricked up as Esklav opened his mouth to speak.

"She's not here." The maine coon heard those words leave Esklav's jaw, which caused a tiny frown to make it's way onto the maine coon's maw. One would have to look very closely to see the frown, as if it weren't for the suspicion gleaming in his eyes, it would almost look like his face was blank, empty.

Re: I'LL BE DEAD BEFORE THE END // sunhaven leader - ; albion - 08-26-2018

benny had, truthfully, no idea what was going on. he didn't know any stella, at least not from recent meetings with women... maybe? he couldn't remember. there were a few blurry nights behind rundown casino's and hotels but that was... well over a year ago. no way this could be any sort of someone he knew. though, then again his luck just so happened to fall on him being in a group led by yes man...

none of that now, though. there was a missing person that a very scary tiger was asking about, and esklav probably did not help in any case whatsoever. they'd expect more questions answered, surely. they had to have some basis on coming here to investigate her disappearance.

"i really only gotta nose for good whiskey and cigars, but i could help... if its worth the time." he did like the idea of being a lucky lady's knight in shining armor... "what brings ya here to ask about a pretty girl though, doll?" he looked the tiger up with a grin, his gaze glancing to her companions with an equally cheeky smile.

Re: I'LL BE DEAD BEFORE THE END // sunhaven leader - Mama - 08-27-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Home, this place reminded her of home.

It seemed not to matter time had stretched between the two points when her life had been contained to such a landscape where only sand might greet the eye, left a golden hue beneath the sun, harbouring a heat which scorch. Rare was life within yet resilient was that which flourished, clinging to the edges and refusing to allow itself to be pulled, give up without a chance to fight for its continued existence. Once she had been within a similar place, had found herself fighting for each breath she drew, felt the sting of sand within as it scoured her lungs.

Some part of her missed it, recalled those days when sweat had soaked her fur, when the taste of blood mingled with sand, felt skin tear beneath her claws. Yet it had been a cage, no matter the gilding upon the bars, a prison to hold her in place for she had a use if not a purpose, nothing more than a doll to be played with until one grew bored. She had not allowed them time to grow dull with her, and yet still had she been discarded, tossed aside for the actions of another, pinned upon her for what good was her word against one in his position, even brought low as he had been?

Beneath her paws the sand crunched gently, the cloak draped about her form rustling with each. There was nothing silent nor inconspicuous about her approach for such proved difficult, her need for covering making such an impossibility, though she had given up on caring. Others were present already and so it seemed she had lagged behind some, unsurprising at least for she had found her gaze wandering, taking it all in. But that voice, so different from the tone he had taken when requesting assistance, drew her back, lips drawing away from her teeth in a look of disgust. Though there was no lie within his words she could not help the response, one that might never be truly shifted.

Words lingered upon the edge of her tongue but for now Ishayu refused to speak, merely allowing her gaze to flick towards the next. He spoke rather differently from Esklav, though it left her skin to crawl within the same fashion, something about it unsettling.

Re: I'LL BE DEAD BEFORE THE END // sunhaven leader - Luciferr - 08-27-2018


and then sudden movement as a beast of pitch dark rocketed out from the shadows heading straight for the group of enemy-hive beasts - it knew what they were for they all carried the same stench, enemy-hive were surrounding pale-mother annoying-fox-drone and for all the creatures had advantage, xenomorphs had never been known to back down point blank when a threat to hive, mother and queen were present - even against the odds.

the first it would go for is the closest to it [member=1817]Mama Ishayu[/member] did Blacktide leap the alien panther-like creature's gaping silverine jaws stretched wide as it attempted to pile drive and bite viciously into the pale serval's flank.

/yo any of you guys open for injuries/maims etc from m feral boy?


Re: I'LL BE DEAD BEFORE THE END // sunhaven leader - pallid-i - 08-29-2018

One Chance
There was a quick thump and a small grunt as there was a flash of silver and black that was directed in Blacktide's way. Yes Man attempted to slam into the child's side to move him out of the way. The leader wasn't going to have his clanmates attack people he had a current deal going on with. That was just cause problems for him, and he didn't want to deal with any problems right now.
code by spacexual

Re: I'LL BE DEAD BEFORE THE END // sunhaven leader - Luciferr - 08-29-2018

his leap is cut off as the alien beast is slammed into an irate screech at being thwarted as the juvenile twists to see whom has stopped him with an affronted hissing rumble when he finds spotted-queen - he trills and hisses his confusion, this is prey! Enemy-hive and prey! Why were they to tolerate an enemy-hive?!

But eventually the creature huffs, a gust of breath between silver teeth and ever present slight drool as the shadow woven sinew moves to carry BlackTide over to pale-mothers side, the beast chittering in disappointment but still flashing fangs the sunhavenners way, bladed tail waving behind him in threat.

/y'all confusing the angry boy


Re: I'LL BE DEAD BEFORE THE END // sunhaven leader - axiom - 08-29-2018

© lexasperated
The tigress glanced at the fellow Sunhaven members that flanked around her, knowing they had her back and she theirs. As the Pittians came forward, the muscular woman flicked her tail and clenched her jaw slightly as she saw the scuffle between Blacktide and Yes Man. If the ardent had delayed in handling his own reckless member, she'd have burned the mutated freak to a crisp. As it was, flames sparked around her paws, though she allowed them to fizzle into the sand below her. She grew up in a Clan much like this one; the itch to retaliate burned in her veins, but she allowed her mind to move back to the real reason she came here.

"Funny that you'd immediately say she's not here - because Pitt scent permeated the area where she disappeared. We're just here to find who saw her last and get any information where she might be," Quantum stated, pointedly looking at Esklav, though her gaze when to the ardent as she finished speaking. Without any proper information as to whether Stella had been kidnapped, murdered, or simply left of her own will... well, Quantum didn't think she had enough evidence to unsheathe her claws when she came here to point fingers.

But, she supposed she needed to explain herself more, rather than just assuming a fair number of them were complicit in Stella's disappearance. Addressing the three of them - minus Blacktide, the huffy boy seemed more feral than sentient - she explained, "She disappeared from our territory, no physical evidence of what happened besides the strong scent of the Pitt. Given that she just recently visited your home with her negotiations, it seems possible that someone here might know something. If you could tracking her in down in your territory, just to rule out her stuck in quicksand or some other random shit, I'd appreciate it."