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fell for these ocean eyes (✚) returning - Printable Version

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fell for these ocean eyes (✚) returning - venus - 08-25-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"]what was this now? the third, fourth time venus had made their miserable heap of a body traverse these beaten paths again? at what point did all this indecisiveness become pitiful, at what point should maybe venus stop and reconsider their life? never. because that required integrity, and whatever being anyone was particularly inclined to believe in somehow had forgotten that component when he had blessed this feline. no, venus was happy in letting those who foolishly trusted in the deceitful individual down. all over again. whatever, most likely no one in tanglewood had particularly cared that venus was missing, nor had venus been expecting that to be the case either. not that venus' pride wasn't hurt by this inescapable truth, because it was, but it was just that; inescapable. damn the truth hurt - maybe that would be a great scapegoat for venus' antics. food for thought.

visage sullen and biting back a grimace, venus had never been one for the dramatic public displays of humility, but couldn't come to care for their own health anymore. hence the crawling back to that strange ecto boy's shambles for a "group" or whatever. surely venus could just find ska'arq and get the help that the feline hated to receive. surely. but flashing over the angora's mind came a sudden realisation that most likely than not the familiar medically inclined boy would not be here anymore. shit.

torn and tattered the remains of what once might have been a passable sling were dragging ever so precariously behind the sulking form of the typically elegant silver angora. now venus looked run-down and was seeping blood seemingly exponentially. it was admittedly very hard to care for your own injuries when you had the proper use of only one wrist and one leg. the former medic was not happy. "야!"*

* "hey!" pronounced "yah"
(sorry for the abrupt post, im doing homework while writing lol. if you are interested heres my previous thread which has more backstory to read.)
[injuries include: left hind leg broken, semi-deep wound around the knee(lol do cats have knees??), and a sprained right wrist.]

Re: fell for these ocean eyes (✚) returning - cavalrychoir - 08-25-2018

[div style="background-color:;border:;width:135px;overflowConfusedtretch;font-size:8.5pt;color:darkred;text-align:left;text-transform:uppercase;font-family:tahoma;margin-bottom:-10px;margin-left:7px;float:left;"]RENEGADEANTHEM—
Ren had little to no ties with Tanglewood and he had no problems in letting them know this. He was grateful to them for allowing him to stay and he has no interest in stirring up any trouble for them as that would be very rude. Also inconvenient for him since he has enough to worry about and wants to take things easy. He wasn't eager to interact with his new companions, save for Delilah and possibly Zimavich, but he could be spotted every so often conversing with a couple for the sake of keeping up appearances. He wasn't used to this environment... There was a lot less screaming and shouting which was both lovely and unnerving to the brute. To be cared about and considered was peculiar and often times, he finds himself growing suspicious of them. Where he's from, nothing was done out of the kindness of someone's heart and to suddenly be in the presences of (mostly) selfless individuals was weird. It shouldn't be, he knew this, but is was and he didn't know how to respond aside from constantly being on guard.

He didn't feel this way if he was alone. Being by himself ensured other's safety and he could drop his guard to a more comfortable level. He could breath freely and not have to worry about being seen by another. And because of this, Ren spent most of his time outside the territory or in unfrequented areas within it. It was only on rare occasions did he encounter another individual, though Venus was the first person he met on his quiet walks that wasn't apart of Tanglewood. They were injured, the wildcat observed through narrowed dark red eyes. Ren saw their silver fur before their call to make their presence known. It wasn't until he drew near did he smell blood coming from their direction. That wasn't good. Were those injured caused by another or was it the result of misplaced paws? They appear to need aid, but he wasn't inept when it came to medicine. Did the feline want their help anyways? His expression remained stoic, though pointed ears were now angled forward in an attentive manner. What did they say to him when he joined? The individuals who greeted him at the border wanted to know his name and what he wanted with Tanglewood... Should he follow what they did? It seemed logical to ask who a stranger was and their business with them even if they weren't intruding on their borders. A stranger is a stranger and they should be evaluated for hostile intent. The demon gave a soft hum in acknowledgment as he stopped before Venus, hoping to cut off their path should they have continued to walk. "This is Tanglewood territory," he began, posture proper and stiff. "state your name and intentions." He finished, his deep voice rough and demanding. Seconds later, he realized his mannerism could be taken as hostile or in a negative way and he took a step back to alleviate any tension that he may have caused. "Please." He added, less asshole-y this time.

Re: fell for these ocean eyes (✚) returning - ophelia. - 08-25-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 65%; line-height:120%; text-align: justify;font-family: verdana;"]It was only a few moments later that Ophelia would land nearby, eyes fixated on the battered form at their border. She wasn't sure if the visitor was an enemy or not, but they would surely pose little threat to them in the state they were in. That was why she stepped up to Ren's side, glancing at him and giving a nod of greeting before returning her gaze to the joiner. They needed to answer those questions if they wanted in, but... They also needed help.

Ophelia's eyes flicked behind her, hoping one of the medics would come soon. "The medical team can check up on you when they arrive, if you're here to join. For your health's sake, I dearly hope you are." she said.

Re: fell for these ocean eyes (✚) returning - venus - 08-25-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"]sounds of pattering feet had the angora at attention, their sapphire eyes scanning the horizon that moments before had lain bare - only the subtle scurrying of those mutated "things" to bring any sort of life to tanglewood. now it was adorned with the inhabitants of these lands, people who venus came to the glum conclusion; they didn't know. gaze scanned over the forms of both renegadeanthem and ophelia to conclude both were seemingly older than the adolecent themselves, and when both spoke venus concluded the pair were incapable of aiding the teen. great.

the first to come forth was somewhat of a different one, lynxs something of an oddity to the feline's eyes. but not too much so. tanglewood's founders, the people who beck had invited to provide foundation, they were also made up of a majority in big cat species. it was almost second nature to see such large animals inhabiting the land. when the sudden harsh words left the large brute's maw though, venus almost found themselves hissing in recoil. instead however a chuckle was escaping at the older boy's stiff and militaristic nature. weird. "i know." the curt reply was instated with a flat gaze fixating upon ren's form, the angora formulating just how exactly they were going to word their reply. it wasn't as if the pair recognised the feline, and visa versa. "my name is venus, i used to be a resident here." see? that was easy enough, smooth sailing. now venus just had to bring their pride all the way to the ground and drag it through the mud to beg for a position again - easy. "...i was looking to come back." azure eyes pointed downwards, venus began chewing on the insides of their cheeks to try and take away the burning sensation brewing in their stomach. shame. maybe it would have been easier to not have come crawling back again, but it would have insured venus's death to come prematurely as well. the power of fragile mortality was frightening.

the second form to grace the pitiful scene had venus feeling even more queasy as the angora's insides churned, a motherly and gentle one; ophelia appeared genuinely concerned. wow. but her lack of first aid had the feline almost worrying for her instead. tanglewood did most certainly have medics, ophelia confirmed that, then why did no one even know the most basic of aid? first response was important. yeah it wasn't going to save a life in the long run, but what was the point of second responders when no one can keep the injured alive long enough for the trained medics to arrive? frustration built up in the feline, cultivating in a curt huff from the adolescent's smaller form. "it doesn't matter when they will get here! just get these dirty bandages off of me and get something sterile in it's place before i develop septicemia and end up dead." the agitated huffs from the smaller teen made the angora's long fur puff up ever so slightly as the frustration ebbed away. "please." might as well show the same obliged respect ren had.

Re: fell for these ocean eyes (✚) returning - ophelia. - 08-25-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 65%; line-height:120%; text-align: justify;font-family: verdana;"]The understanding that the young cat before them was joining made Ophelia a bit less worried for them, knowing now that they'd find treatment here, but she was still tense. The medics hadn't arrived yet, and, while she was decent at fighting, the winged feline had little knowledge of medicinal practices. Still, Venus was right. She did need to make sure they were stable until someone more trained arrived to take over.

"I'm afraid I don't have a first aid kit with me, nor the power to summon forth the things I need like some others seem to possess, but I'll do what I can." she said, stepping forward and leaning down to gently begin removing the dirty bandages caught around Venus's form. Her movements were slow and careful, trying to minimize pain as much as she could. She would then attempt to gently move a wing under her most injured leg, making sure to keep a barrier between the wound and the muddy ground below. Her gaze shifted over to Venus's face as she tugged off the remaining fabric and cast it aside to be cleaned up later. "I'm sorry if this is causing you any more pain."

Re: fell for these ocean eyes (✚) returning - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 08-25-2018

Re: fell for these ocean eyes (✚) returning - arrow - 08-26-2018

[glow=#001200,2,300]☆ ARROW - TANGLEWOOD - TAGS ☆[/glow]
"Welcome back to the swamp then, Venus. You might find that the place isn't the same as you left it." Arrow looked the injured stranger up and down before switching her attention to waiting for the medics to arrive. Hell, she didn't know anything about medicine, a child could do more in this situation than she could. But that wasn't surprising.

"Sorry your welcome committee is a bit lacking in medical knowledge, they drop like flies here." The casual comment might have been too crass or blunt, but welcome to Arrow's mind, where filters were a thing of fantasy. She frowned, lacking proper powers as well to help the situation. In a split second decision, the chocolate feline snapped her jaws at an insect or two that seemingly had taken interest in the bloody leg wound, before attempting to lay her front leg over it, to at least keep it covered until it could be properly bandaged. She knew how to clean a wound well enough, but something told her that if she licked Venus's leg they would not take too kindly to that.

Re: fell for these ocean eyes (✚) returning - cavalrychoir - 08-26-2018

[div style="background-color:;border:;width:135px;overflowConfusedtretch;font-size:8.5pt;color:darkred;text-align:left;text-transform:uppercase;font-family:tahoma;margin-bottom:-10px;margin-left:7px;float:left;"]RENEGADEANTHEM—
So they had been here previously? Ren didn't care so much about their reason for leaving as much as he was grateful they had came back. Medic were important and they seemed to be knowledgeable in the field. He didn't take their outburst at Ophelia well and gave a warning growl in response, but quickly retreated when they finished in a more mannerly fashion. He didn't take it to heart. They were injured after all and those who greeted them lacked medicinal abilities. The demon especially had no idea where to begin. So as Vigenere and Arrow joined them, he took a couple steps back to shift the attention to them. Seating himself down, he decided to introduce himself with a respectful dip of his head. "I am Renegadeanthem. Renegade or Ren will suffice." Raising his head, he continued evenly. "Welcome back, Venus."

Re: fell for these ocean eyes (✚) returning - DELILAH. - 08-27-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
What came wasn't exactly a medic, but Delilah did have the knowledge of medicine. The felidae of cherry blossoms and herb-scent had pranced over, telekinesis holding up her satchel full of bandages and herbs in the air as the pastel pink feline limped over to the scene. She had to get there soon enough.

"Move over, please. I'll clean up the wounds for Malphas, so he can properly fix everything." Delilah mewed, lifting a vial of water out of the hatch slowly. With a wince of pain, the satchel was set down, allowing her to manipulate her ability better now.

She moved forward, grimacing at the broken bone and sprained wrist. Geez, what did this one get themselves into? "It'll be alright. My name's Delilah, by the way." She introduced herself quickly, sniffing towards Ren for a moment to calm down, her anxiety causing her paws to shake slightly. No, she had to stay calm.

She got to work on setting the broken bones and sprained appendages, soon holding up a vial of a thick liquid for Ophelia to take. "Wash out the deep wound with this. It'll burn, but they'll get over it." She ordered slowly, a soft sigh leaving her mouth. The liquid was a mix of a bunch of herbs she had made, giving the same affects as rubbing alcohol did on wounds, but a cleaner disinfectant.

Re: fell for these ocean eyes (✚) returning - ophelia. - 08-27-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 65%; line-height:120%; text-align: justify;font-family: verdana;"]Ophelia watched as the others arrived, thankful for Arrow and Vigenere's help. She found herself oddly touched by Ren's growl of defense for her, even if it wasn't something she exactly needed. She'd never really experienced others being defensive of her, so even though the gesture was small, it was still something warm to her, despite everything.

When Delilah arrived, she let her muscles relax a bit, knowing that the smaller feline had at least some medical knowledge, which was much more than she or the others seemed to have. When given a vial, she nodded and gently began to apply it, trying not to move too much or too quickly and jostle Venus's wounds. "Thank you, Delilah. Your arrival is a great relief." she murmured as she did, placing the vial aside once she was done.