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walked all over me — tw(?) - Printable Version

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walked all over me — tw(?) - guts - 08-23-2018

//wasn't sure if this needed a trigger warning but basically cos has a panic attack bc im Evil and love to torture my babies ok bye

She had never been a sociable person, even without all their superiors barking at them to be quiet and obey orders. She preferred the company of silence, or the moon when it was out at night. Unfortunately quiet times were not very frequent back then. Now, the silence was almost unnerving. It was suspicious how quiet things were in this place, the female unable to help looking behind her every time she was out and about. Maybe she was overthinking things, as she often did, but she still couldn't help the low panic that always seemed to accompany her now.

Sometimes Cosette wondered if they would come looking for her, or if they just assumed she was dead. Maybe these new people worked with them and they were planning on bringing her back. Despite the reasoning against such claims, she could feel her heart in her throat, only making the whole situation worse as she approached the market place. She needed to get a few things and she was less than happy to be here around all these people.

It wasn't necessarily bustling, but there were just enough people around to make her uneasy, having to slide through them to survey what wares were for sale. She took deep breaths, trying to tune out the hum of conversations that hung in the air. But nothing was helping to keep the rising fear at bay. Soon she stood in place, her chest heaving as she took sharp inhales, staring ahead at nothing in particular. Her mind was buzzing and she struggled to ground herself.
tags :: updated 8/18:

Re: walked all over me — tw(?) - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 08-24-2018

//aa I apologize in advance for Dante being so uncaring ^^' I suppose this in of itself could be triggering too, in case people are bothered by others harassing them for having an attack
Also, trigger warning in the first paragraph for a brief mention of abuse

Dante never had to deal with anxiety or anything that caused him to obsessively worry about things. The reason he smoked so damn much was for other reasons, and although one of those reasons was to prevent panic attacks, the hybrid hadn't had one in a while. He believed that smoking (and drinking, though he didn't do that as much) help ease his mind on whatever his brain decided to bother with, whether it be from the fights he was forced to participate in, or the violent torture methods the scientists gave him as punishment for not doing what he was told. Anxiety was a lot different than dealing with trauma in his opinion, and he also believed that pushing back said trauma was a lot easier than facing it head-on. Hence, the smoking and drinking, if it became too unbearable. It was easier just to numb yourself to the pain than deal with it.

"Hey." Dante snarled as he came across Cosette, his lips peeled back in disgust as he watched the female try to calm herself down. He had no idea she was dealing with a panic attack right now, mostly because he didn't care to look out for the signs. What she was doing was despicable, utterly disgusting in his eyes. Cosette was unfit to be here and quite honestly, Dante didn't understand why she wasn't a slave yet. Dante barely gave COSETTE any time to react to his voice before he tried to shove her. "Get back to work."
[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px darkorange; font-size: 24px;"]— DANTE

Re: walked all over me — tw(?) - GRIMNYTE - 08-27-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 540px; min-height: 9px; font-family:GAINSBORO; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]The Pitt was a magnet for tortured souls.

He would not labeled himself tortured... to anyone else, perhaps his former predicament were tell-tale signs of an abusive parental figure manipulating a poor creature into slavery, but to him it was normal. Expected. He deserved it, because he was not the standard creature, and mortals had a penchant for not understanding things that were unlike them. Just another reason to feel his blood curdle slightly, the disgust palpable behind a ice-blue mask and worn smile, whenever they treated him brashly. He may understand it - empathize with it - but that did not mean he took to it like a lapdog.

Esklav had not experienced much pain in his life. He could not imagine dealing with it. He heard it was awful.

The warpriest had been wandering about the drab market district inspecting the wares of humbled merchants. None of them were very good. Why would they be when The Pitt mainly focused on the trafficking of slaves? No matter. As he was just leaving an eager dog hell-bent on having him buy a hunk of metal he claimed came from the moon, he spotted Dante. And where Dante tented to be, trouble followed. "Sire, if you could remove yourself from the situation, that would be most appreciated." the warpriest would politely order, his eyes flitting to the panicked shape of Cosette. She was smaller than him, but her breed was fierce. A serval. "Madame, focus on my voice and temper your breathing. It's okay to be fearful."

Father had often suffered from seizures, causing him to reach out to books for a possible cure. If he was right, she was having a panic attack. Nasty things, but not troublesome at all if one was in their right mind to treat it well. Luckily for her, he had enough medical experience to help. Esklav made it his duty to be knowledgeable in all fields possible. He had been made to be efficient, after all.

Re: walked all over me — tw(?) - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 08-27-2018

Even if Esklav was technically higher-ranked than him, Dante did not appreciate being ordered around. No, the hybrid believed the only one that could order him around was Yes Man, but that was only due to the guy's ranking. If Dante didn't want to be Ardent himself, he likely would be disrespecting Yes Man left and right. At Esklav's order, Dante turned to him with a snarl, completely disregarding the fact that the leopon was trying to help Cosette. "Don't tell me what to do." He growled a warning. "She needs to get back to fuckin' work, is what she needs to do. Don't fuckin' listen to him." He barked the order to Cosette, his words harsh and sharp as he spoke. Dante didn't care what Cosette was going through, she could do this shit on her own damn time, but not his.
[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px darkorange; font-size: 24px;"]— DANTE

Re: walked all over me — tw(?) - melantha - 08-28-2018

[align=center][div style="font-family: georgia; font-size: 9pt; width: 60%; text-align: justify;"]Wherever Esklav goes, Melantha follows shortly after. The young huntress has grown accustomed to her existence as the male's shadow, even if she would rather be anywhere else but here. After that crazy shit that Esklav pulled with Stella-whatever, she is unsure of how she feels about him. Mel used to think the warpriest was pretty alright, but now? Regardless of her personal feelings, the tawny wildcat must guard and protect Esklav because it is her duty to do so. Which is why Melantha finds herself in the unfortunate presence of Dante. That bastard.

Suffice to say that the strong arm finds many of the Pitt inhabitants to be extremely insufferable, but Dante especially. He is a little bug that needs to be crushes, as far as she is concerned. "What authority do you think you have over a warpriest, little fish?" hisses the mountain lioness as she glares down at her fellow strong arm. "You are just as low in rank as this girl, are you not?" She is testing him, poking at him to see if he will make the mistake of revealing his secret rank. Theirs is one of subterfuge, of watching in silence and delivering the killing blow to any threats to Yes Man and the other high ranking officials. As far as any of the regular members know, Dante and Melantha are no different from them. But Dante has been dangerously close to revealing himself on several different occasions. She will not hesitate to use one slip up as an excuse to get him jettisoned from his position.

Re: walked all over me — tw(?) - pallid-i - 08-29-2018

One Chance
"Dante. Melantha." There was warning in his voice as the smiling savannah made his way over and stood near the small group. "Give her space, yes? We don't want the miss sunshine over here to panic even more." There was a small pause as Yes Man looked over to Dante, whiskers twitching. "We don't need to overwork our compatriots too much, kiddo. That just means their work performance would be very poor, and I don't like poor work." His voice was soft, yet cheery all the same.
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