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I'll Be the Watcher of the Eternal Flame // Open, Medical Check ups - Printable Version

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I'll Be the Watcher of the Eternal Flame // Open, Medical Check ups - Revan - 04-04-2018

Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Darth Revan — Male — The Typhoon — House Acolyte — Very Difficult
The feline had finally settled into his place within the Typhoon quite well. They certainly didn't have the kind of herbs he was used to dealing with, but luckily he knew how to twist the earth below his paws to bend to his will. The island had taught him a few plants that he hadn't known of before and surely they would have a medicinal use if applied properly, although of course preliminary testing would need to be done. Most likely on willing victims unfortunately unless the other members of the Typhoon would end up bringing him subjects to test upon. The effectively limitless supply of salt, both in the nearby earth and the water, was one of the best things about the sea side clan. It was one of the things he'd always had to search for when living in the forests he was used to.

Today though none of the fun testing would occur, or at least he sincerely doubted that. No, Revan wanted to see the current shape of the crew. As far as he was aware there was no one particularly medically talented in the group of pirates. That happened to come with the unfortunate fact that likely many of them wouldn't be entirely up to proper shape. Serviceable enough for combat was not the same as being healthy, and if the pirates wanted to plunder than they would need to be in top form. More importantly though the stronger his clan members were, the stronger the Typhoon's defense. That meant more time to hone his powers and study the arcane arts of Sith alchemy he was still in the process of fully realizing the potential of. The Voodoo that the Typhoon seemed closely tied to seemed like it would be a very useful addition to his repertoire, the black magic resonating with his own personally designed techniques quite closely.

"Typhoon crew! I want everyone who isn't already doing something to present themselves for a medical exam. I'll have no complaints either. If you turn the analysis down, don't expect me to fix you when you take a blade to the throat," Revan ordered in a commanding voice, metal mask causing the tone to have a certain warbled reverberation to it. The Sith's time was valuable, but so was the physical condition of his new allies. As for their mental conditon? Well, he couldn't care less. If they brought something up than he would address it, but they were surely mistaken if they thought their new sinister medic was going to heal their psyche as well. Revan preferred that some things stayed broken.

Re: I'll Be the Watcher of the Eternal Flame // Open, Medical Check ups - Verdigris - 04-07-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]Indeed, there wasn't much to be found in the way of a skilled doctor here. While he had managed to recover from his injuries within a couple weeks after the initiation, that had been more due to a few NPCs with basic knowledge and a lot of rest on his part than anything else. He doubted he'd be the only one to accidentally sprain an ankle during the initiation, and assuming that they would begin launching raids soon, they needed to have someone who could treat more major wounds.

  The unfamiliar voice that echoed across the beach drew the jackal over solely out of curiosity. As he approached, he noted that the other creature was wearing a mask of some sort, that was probably the cause of the reverberation. Interesting. As for the prospect of a medical examination, he doubted he really needed one, but the person seemed determined to look everyone over.

  "Alright," he muttered finally, flicking an ear. "I think I'm fine, but if you insist."

Re: I'll Be the Watcher of the Eternal Flame // Open, Medical Check ups - Keona. - 04-07-2018

✯ — female. typhoon. beta. blind rusty spotted cat. ref. bio.
Keona is fairly certain, though she does not ask aloud, that they had no official witch doctor yet, so she was a little uncertain about just doing what the voice said.  Besides, she was also rather certain, just as Papercutter was, that she was just fine.  Aside from having gotten pinched by a crab the other day of course.  Her paw still hurt just a little, but Bee had taken care of it.  She was fine.  Not to mention, she did not plan on taking a knife to the throat.

She was only a beta.  Besides, a knife to the throat, on someone as small as she, would most likely mean no more head.  In that case, there was not a lot this strange speaker could do for her, now was there?  The kitten frowned.  That was not a nice thought.

After a moment, the tiny beta followed after Papercutter, thinking if anything, her father might appreciate hearing she had a clean bill of health.  She flicked an ear as she arrived, skidding softly on the sand.  She walked on her recently injured paw very carefully, but since it was too terribly bad - it would have been considerably worse had the crab been larger -  growing more and more daring with every step.

Keona angles her head upward, to face the larger feline more directly.  His voice sounded strange.  Was he wearing something maybe?  Or was just that how he sounded?  Odd. "fine too," she mumbled after Papercutter.  "Should wait papa," she added quickly, tail swishing to and fro.  Mostly, she did not want any strange-speaking cat giving her a checkup without her father.
code by spacexual

Re: I'll Be the Watcher of the Eternal Flame // Open, Medical Check ups - Revan - 04-09-2018

Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Darth Revan — Male — The Typhoon — House Acolyte — Very Difficult
(Apologies for the late reply! Last couple of days were pretty busy rip. Anything you want Rev to find other than the already mentioned injury like Keona has?)

The metal masked feline looked over the first that had arrived, eyeing the male with an analytical gaze from behind the visor. Of course most individuals looked fine from a cursory glance, but that was what full medical examinations were for. There were plenty of awful things someone could have that simply had very dull symptoms in the beginning. Revan didn't particularly like the idea of any of the crew he'd be staying with dying from some untreated disease they picked up after being bitten by a mosquito. Not if he could help it at least.

"That's what most people say. A few of them died a couple steps after saying so," the melanistic feline casually mentioned, tone perfectly even in his delivery of the grim subject. It was simply the truth that came with an accurate moral behind why such a thing was necessary. No one liked getting a medical exam of any kind, both because of the invasion of privacy and the fear of bad news, but that didn't mean it wasn't important.

The cloak clad feline took a couple of steps towards Papercutter to close the distance between them, stride confident and calculated in its approach. "I'm going to have to press on a few nerves here and there, and check your reflexes as well. If anything hurts let me know immediately," Revan explained to the jackal, movements slow in order to show his lack of aggression in case the other male had the wrong idea. Then he attempted to reach forward with one paw delicately, trying to press on Paper's front right paw to check for any unusual sensitivity in the reaction. If this wasn't met with resistance he'd continue the medical exam, looking for anything out of ordinary on his crew mate.

While beginning to administer the check up his gaze turned to Keona, a nod of his head towards the smaller feline before he noticed her eyes. They were relatively normal save for a certain dilation in the iris commonly associated with blindness, but not usually accompanied with such green eyes. Often they were a blue color or almost a white. Strange. Perhaps she hadn't been born with sight problems, or maybe she was simply a special case of a rare problem occurring. It was hard to say for sure as his knowledge could only go so far without looking in her mind, but he'd learned enough to get an idea for what was going on. His nod likely had mattered very little lest she heard the sound and connected the gesture. "Of course little one, you can wait for your father. Though I promise I'm a friend, hopefully one you can rely on in the future," Revan assured, altered voice a much more soothing tone to assuage the smaller feline's worry.

Re: I'll Be the Watcher of the Eternal Flame // Open, Medical Check ups - Kian. - 04-09-2018

hold fast, tides are turning
Kian was not keen on any medical check-ups.  Not for himself, anyway.  He supposed, in the end, he could appreciate his daughter's willingness, although he was rather confident in his abilities to look after her himself; he was not after all, ignorant in terms of the medical field.  He was no doctor, however, and truthfully he did not like doctors and their tendency to start poking around.  The doctor on his crew was a tad like that, he remembered unenthusiastically.  He bit back a scowl as he joined the group, ear flicking, his own sea green eyes intently alert, gleaming with an almost icy calm.

Masks were not trustworthy as far as he was concerned.  Of course, one could argue there were multiple kinds of masks.  In this doctor's case, it was physical.  The fae smiled fondly at his daughter, though he knew she would not see it, she would know he was there at least.  "Sib had a run in with a crab the other day," he kept his voice light, allowing a teasing tone to creep in.  He did not want Keona worried he was upset about the incident, although he did indeed not appreciate the way she had crept off on her own.  That would be left for a future conversation.

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Re: I'll Be the Watcher of the Eternal Flame // Open, Medical Check ups - georgie - 04-10-2018

Bodily awareness wasn’t Georgie’s strong suit. It wasn’t that she didn’t feel symptoms of illness, it was more that if she did, she didn’t consider them such. The idea that ‘Ah, something is wrong with me’ was one she would just as quickly ascribe to being hungry, thirsty, or tired without pausing to consider the possibility that she had caught something. Such was the trouble with having form.

Currently, the serval was in tip-top shape. Shaken from the entrance ritual, definitely, but that was only in ways she kept close to herself, or so it seemed when she had no difficulty flouncing forward as carefree as ever for a check-up.

[color=#d4af37]Oh, me too please, mister!” She called, stilt-legs nearly tangling an tripping her again in the midst of all that dancing. She could never seem to get used to the damn things.