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UNHAPPINESS BECOMES MEDICINE — open, medic tryouts - Printable Version

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UNHAPPINESS BECOMES MEDICINE — open, medic tryouts - madster - 08-21-2018

morgan had approached him with the idea of medic tryouts. of course, he himself was just a medic, but if morgan asked of this... then maybe a promotion was in store? maybe not, but if morgan asked him to do anything medicine related, he'd do it. he wanted to soar above everybody else. he agreed to the samoyed, and today he found himself sitting in the middle of the ghost town. he tilted his head, stretching the muscles there, releasing tension.

"sup, tanglers, i've been asked by morgan to hold a medic tryout. so let's get right to it," he announced, crimson eyes focused. "if you're interested, just come sit down. of course- don't think you need a giant knowledge of herbs. i've been doing this for months and i still don't know everything, kay'? i want to see how passionate you are about it." he spoke, stretching again. "anyways, this will also act as a herb training, so if you want to learn but you're not interested, just tell me and i won't consider you."

Re: UNHAPPINESS BECOMES MEDICINE — open, medic tryouts - DELILAH. - 08-21-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
Delilah had once said that she had given up her dream of being a doctor, but she just couldn't.. Officially do that. She found herself making syrups for Malphas, staying close to his den, and collecting herbs without thinking. Maybe it really was time for her to come out from under her rock of comfort and go do something useful with herself. Make a difference.

Slowly, the petal-releasing pastel feline made her way over to Malphas, a tired smile on her face. The bags under her eyes were less noticeable since Cav got her to sleep in his nest, and she got some decent sleep next to him, but she was still slightly tired. His scent clung to her pelt, freshly cleaned from the swim they took together in a clean pool of water. After all this time not bathing, it felt good to finally be clean again.

Thankful for the anti-depressants, she felt a lot better. She still had her moments, but she could get better. The past was what made her.. Well, Delilah. One day she'd confront her past and move on, but not now.

Magenta eyes focused on her doctor, and friend(?), before she opened her mouth to greet Malphas. "I'm here for the tryouts.. How did the syrup fare for your fainting spells?"

Re: UNHAPPINESS BECOMES MEDICINE — open, medic tryouts - ophelia. - 08-24-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 65%; line-height:120%; text-align: justify;font-family: verdana;"]Walking over the the try-outs, Ophelia moved to stand by Delilah's side. She had never really considered being a medic, so she figured that was proof enough that she didn't personally need or want to be one. Her focus was mainly on being as strong as she could be to protect others, and she couldn't really see herself sitting out of fights to tend to the wounded. It would make her much too antsy. Still, she had a large amount of respect for the medics, and it would be good to brush up on her knowledge a bit.

"I'm only here to watch and learn a bit more about herbs. I am not looking for a position on the team." she said, taking a seat and curling her tail around her paws.

Re: UNHAPPINESS BECOMES MEDICINE — open, medic tryouts - Morgan - 08-27-2018

Morgan entered next, surprised to only see one Tangler intending to potentially try out for the Medical Team so far. "I'll just be here for the lesson, Malphas," he explained. It was rather obvious that he wasn't going to step down to become a Medic, but he doubted Malphas would mind his presence. He sat down opposite from Ophelia, nodding in approval at Delilah. "Learning medicine could be helpful for everyone. There's no such thing as too many Medics."

Re: UNHAPPINESS BECOMES MEDICINE — open, medic tryouts - HAMMOND - 08-27-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]"No medic," the dog rumbled huskily as he approached, finding the word 'interested' too long for him to even try and say. Dedicating a portion of his life to helping others after spending his youth being an unofficial guard dog for his family would be a traumatic trip down memory line, but there was no harm in learning about medicine for when he was back on the road. After his declaration, Axle slinked into a lying down position by himself, head resting on ginger paws as he waited for the show to begin. Ears were perked forwards and eyes were kept attentive despite his vision being tainted by the backs of a few creature's heads (he'd stand when it was time to learn), making sure that no details would be missed in case he'd need them down the line.

Re: UNHAPPINESS BECOMES MEDICINE — open, medic tryouts - venus - 08-27-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"]medicine; now there was something in the crazy haze of day by day life that venus could somehow, someway actually make sense of. clarity soothing the soul. science always had an answer - perhaps no one knew that answer yet, but it was most certainly there and just waiting to be solved. it was comforting to know that at least some things in life are black and white. "i'm interested too i guess - if we need to announce that or something."

sitting themselves down near enough to malphas, venus wasn't quite sure who he was exactly but made an educated guess that he was one of the medics. weird. tanglewood had no official medics last time the feline was here, just people all helping out in any way they could. venus guessed this was the best way to provide that same help once more.

the teen eagerly awaited the older man to start so the silvery angora could be just absorbed in their element once more. let their mind be free of worries and pain.

(i got a headache sorry for the short post :'()