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we're not the same ;; name change - Printable Version

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we're not the same ;; name change - cavalrychoir - 08-20-2018

[div style="background-color:;border:;width:120px;overflowConfusedtretch;font-size:8.5pt;color:darkred;text-align:left;text-transform:uppercase;font-family:trebuchet ms;margin-bottom:-10px;margin-left:5px;float:left;"]RENEGADEANTHEM—
It consumed his thoughts like a plague, drowning his subconscious in darkness until just thinking about it left behind a hazy feeling of uncertainty. He was hesitating. Why was he hesitating? It was getting harder and harder to breathe and the weight on his broad shoulders only increased as time dragged on... Slowly... Painfully. It was like a band-aid, he would think to himself, he just had to rip it off. It's going to hurt, he knew that much, but he felt it was best to get it done and over with. Which brings us back around: why was he hesitating? Perhaps he liked his name more than he thought? Perhaps he enjoyed the way it rolled off the tongue of his victims or the way it danced out the mouths of his bastard mentors who's teeth were forever a pale pink, stained with blood. Maybe he thought his parents chose correctly in naming him, Cavalrychoir, and held a certain pride in it. He shouldn't, he knew that. He wanted nothing to do with his parents, let alone the name they gave him. So why? It wasn't a big deal, names changes. A name defines who you are-

Another thought.

If his name defines him, what kind of person was he? 'Cavalrychoir' was coated in blood, filled with disgusting pus that slowly leaked out from the side as it throbbed like a failing heart ever so often. It was a sick name that would make Pestilence himself shiver. He carried it around in a bag thrown over his shoulder in a manner that is clear to see he doesn't want it, but refuses to let it go. He was stuck with it; the shackles of his name imprisoned him, never failing to remind him of what he once was - what he's capable of doing. He was trapped in a cage he had the key to but has developed a sort of Stockholm Syndrome. The name wasn't so bad, he'd convince himself, it reminded him of what he doesn't want to become. It reminded him of everything he's done to lead him to this point of his life. Abandoning it would be a terrible thing to do after everything they went through. The cycle of persuading himself to change it then finding a reason to keep it was a never ending one. At least, until he thought about it in a different light.

He wasn't going to pretend the name given to him had any value. That died along with his tribe. He was doing his best to start anew and a good way to act on it is assuming a new name. The demon with great thought decided to keep the general idea of his name but with a few adjustments. He suppose he was comparable to a renegade, betraying his previous home and all. He did his best to reason with them but when that proved pointless, the lynx resorted to violence. As gruesome as it was, he doesn't regret his actions. As the chaos around died down, he was left with a brief moment of peace. The disgusting, barbaric place he originated from existed no longer and he couldn't help the relief that washed over him. His mind was strangely clear and the area around him was silent. His loud heartbeat sang to him, an anthem of freedom and encouragement and fulfillment. Then, of course, reality kicked in seconds later and the mental and physical breakdown as well as the identity crisis to name a couple began. It was a big thing, to him at least. Letting go of his name. However, the way he executed it gave no hints about the emotions swirling deep within him.

Walking into town, Cav made sure to wait until a good amount of individuals were around before clearing his throat to gather their attention. That seemed to have done the trick as it earned him a couple of curious stares, though it wasn't nearly enough. He wanted to make this announcement once and only once. "If I may have your attention for a moment," he spoke, deep voice carrying in the air as large paws continuously sheathed and unsheathed their claws. Was he nervous? Of course. But more so about the name change rather than public speaking- he's gotten over that fear a long time ago. When enough head turned, he continued. "I'm changing my name to Renegadeanthem so do address me as such. However, Renegade or Ren will suffice." He wanted to release a wheezy exhale as the weight on his shoulders lifted, though he held a solemn expression and professional stance for the sake of appearances.

It was done and he was feeling a whole lot better.

Re: we're not the same ;; name change - toboggan - 08-21-2018

This face was unfamiliar to his amber stare. Perhaps if he did not stray from the edge of the territory, Leroy would have some knowledge of the nuts and dames joining this sequestered place. Evidently, the Lynx was another bedlamite in the lineup for mental drama. Changing your name is changing the title your parents gave you at birth, an action that is disloyal and narrow-mind d; that is, if slicker here was in the same territory as the mongrel, where the identity of your parents are unknown, to that Ren’s actions may be forgiven.  "Gotcha" he’d exclaim to the sudden announcement, only to resume his actions of doing nothing seconds later.

Re: we're not the same ;; name change - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 08-25-2018

Re: we're not the same ;; name change - DELILAH. - 08-26-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
Delilah had thought of changing her name multiple times in her life, especially since the name carried such a large burden behind it. She couldn't contain herself when people mentioned her name being beautiful. Her name was dreadful, carrying such a nasty past to it. She wasn't pleasing, her name wasn't either. It was a weight she didn't need.

But Cav- well, Ren now, gave it meaning. Whenever her name slipped from his tongue, it was like she was a new entity. A new person, a new girl. He gave her a meaning, so when he decided to change his own name, Delilah chose to support this decision of his. As he would have done for all of the other choices she makes, she accepted this decision of his without a complaint.

Delilah had walked over right after Renegade mentioned his new name, wanting to be called such things as nicknames. She had plenty of those. Flower girl, Deli, and many more. With her arrival came the same cherry blossoms that usual signaled her arrival to her destinations, their colors a bit darker than normal due to the chilling weather that the pastel feline could faintly feel coming. Fall was on its way.

"I think whatever name you choose is a wonderful one, Renny." She meowed, a tired smile on her kind features. Carefully, the pink felidae paced over to brush her side against Vigenere's before sitting down beside Renegade. The maine coon was pleased with how he seemed to be more comfortable with this name, from what she saw, but she couldn't just assume things, could she?