Beasts of Beyond
poke poke snap [★] open, crab attack - Printable Version

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poke poke snap [★] open, crab attack - Keona. - 04-03-2018

✯ — female. typhoon. ref. bio.
Should she be on the beach by herself? Perhaps not.  Keona did not feel particularly bothered by her solitary adventure.  She had been here before, so it was easy going, bolting across the open beach.  She was not worried about getting lost, and thus far, she had little trouble running, aside from her usual lack of perfect coordination.  The child was creeping along the shore, getting close to the waves, but not quite touching the water.  The sound was familiar, and soothing, the taste of salt in the air making her light and happy.

She missed the boat, and the crew she and her father came from, but in all truth, she was adjusting well. She loved the feel of the sand beneath her paws - though less so when it got stuck to her fur - and the fact that she could run and run and run, and not fall into the ocean.  Unfortunately, she did have a few mishaps already; running into trees when she was too eager, and tripping over sticks and pebbles.

Land life was not the same as sea life. But the ocean was close, and she was thoroughly enjoying her explorations of the island, though she often did not get very far before someone spotted her wandering, or something new scared her back home.  And most things were brand new.

Turtles, for one.  Crabs for another.  The rusty spotted cat had ran into a turtle, or rather, nearly tripped over it, as it made it's way across the beach.  Quickly realizing it was small and not at all dangerous, she tailed it until it reached the water, giggling whenever she accidentally got too close and nearly topped over it.  Unfortunately, she crept a little too close to something a little less kind.

Keona detected the movement first, surprised something else was near by.  She very nearly stepped on the poor creature, but she did not have a second to wonder just what it was, before she made a startled cry of pain as her paw was pinched.  She stumbled backwards, flailing her paw until it let go of her.  Immediately, she began to feel tears trickle down her cheek.  She hoped she did not hurt it too badly by sending it flying, but now her paw really hurt.  "That was mean," she mumbled, gingerly lifting her paw off the sand.
code by spacexual

Re: poke poke snap [★] open, crab attack - galexiux - 04-04-2018

  Bee, herself, was normally trapped inside. She hated it, but it was how she lived. It was as simple as that. The honey glazed cat wasn't exactly in the best condition ever, so she had to play it safe in order to make it through life. As terrible as it was, she was no quitter. She was going to live as long as her aching body held her anchored to this earth. So. That begs the question. Why was she walking down a path with pollen as plentiful as oxygen in the air? ... She wasn't sure. Her allergies were not that fiery as most, anyways. It was one of the things she was safe from.

  The young feline inhaled through her mouth, consciously acting to keep her breathing calm as she spotted the other on the beach. Why was she out here all alone? That did not seem too smart. Bee hummed, tilting her head. She seemed... hurt... And...  oh. She let out a breathy chuckle. That poor crab. Bee rolled her eyes, padding closer to the cub. You probably scared it. She retorted. It might have been mean to a big creature like... Kena... Kelly... Why couldn't people have normal names again (She thought having a name like Bee)? But to that poor crab, it was life or death. Poor thing.

  Bee hummed, tilting her head. Most crabs normally hung on for dear life when they pinched someone. How strange that this one let go. The cat huffed, sitting down and flinging her bag off her shoulders. I should have some ointment in here somewhere. Its used, but it should still work fine if you're not infected with some like bacterial disease or something. The cat coughed. She sighed, resuming her breathing exercises. She blinked, digging through the bag. She cheered out in success as she tore out a small yellow container. She hummed, tilting her head, So... your not sick, are you? Procausions were needed. Sorry, cub.


Re: poke poke snap [★] open, crab attack - Kian. - 04-04-2018

hold fast, tides are turning
Kian honestly had himself a short panic when he realized Keona was not in camp.  The former captain was used to almost always knowing she was somewhere nearby, and someone else was bound to be watching her.  It was hard to lose track of someone - even someone as tiny as Keona - on a boat in the middle of the ocean.  On land, however, she had more space to wander and disappear from sight.  Like the fretful father he was, the rusty-spotted cat did a full search of camp, before taking off towards the beach, having caught the scent, along with someone else's. Good.  Maybe she was not alone then.

"Sib? Páiste?" Kian breathed in as he skidded to a stop on the sand, brightening up when he spotted two figures on the beach.  Thank goodness.  Spotting the way his daughter held her up her paw, he frowned, and quickened his pace once again until he came to a stop at their side, immediantly zeroing in on her paw.  He did not see the crab anywhere - which was no doubt good for the crab - he saw the tears on the kit's face.  "She ain't sick, lass," he murmured, nodding to Bee before looking at Keona directly.

"I'm sure he didn't mean to be... Rude, love," he explained gently.  "He might've thought you were gonna step on him that's all."
code by spacexual

Re: poke poke snap [★] open, crab attack - Keona. - 04-07-2018

✯ — female. typhoon. beta. blind rusty spotted cat. ref. bio.
Keona sniffed softly, uncertain if she was crying because of the pain, or that she had sent the poor creature flying.  Instinctively, she wanted to go find it, make sure it was alright, but something told her it may not appreciate the gesture.  Actually, she thinks rather sullenly, it might just grab her again.  After a moment, she managed to settle her breathing down, tilting her head up towards the sound of Bee's voice.

"Didn't mean to..." She mumbled, ears flattened.  She had not even known the crab was there.  Still.  She was glad it had let go, and that it was not large enough to take her rather tiny paws off with it.  Were there crabs that could do that?  The thought made her a little antsy.  The shore was not as familiar to her as it once was.

A distinctly irish voice cut her ears, and her head snapped in the direction.  Suddenly more sheepish, she focused her sightless eyes down as her father arrived on the scene, barely listening as he addressed Bee's question - of course she was not sick... She was pretty sure anyway - then supporting the other's statement as well.  By this point, she had managed to stop the tears, mumbling a quiet affirmation to her fretful father's words.

At least he did not sound angry with her running off.
code by spacexual