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why dont you do right ;; joining - Printable Version

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why dont you do right ;; joining - ; albion - 08-19-2018

their wasn't much to look at coming into the desert. not that benny expected much of it anyway. for too long he had been away from his home, but he couldn't quite... go back. nevada just wasn't the same anymore. the boot riders were gone, wiped out by the other tribes that he couldn't protect them from.

swank... the fox looked down at the crumpled, aged polaroid he held of his best friend. both of them had been drunk that night, and found an old dusty camera in a rundown cottage. took dumb pictures across the wastes for a bit before it ran out of film. this one in particular had the both of them in frame. with benny's foreleg slung around his friends shoulder and both of them wearing the goofiest smiles on their faces.

light blue eyes blinked at the photo, a soft sigh leaving his lips. he tossed it over his shoulder, letting the sand and dust swallow it up with the wind. the marbled fox nodded his head to the caravaneers that had let him hope on their little trip. they returned the same notion and benny was off, walking through the desert as he had done so many times before. though this time, not home. not back to nevada. not back to his friends and family. just to wander, until something showed up.

over time the wind had settled, and the spots of white on his fur and yellowed with the sand under his coat. a small shake of his pelt helped rid of it, and benny grumbled some sort of annoyed complaint underneath his breath before his gaze caught a jungle ahead.

"holy shit...!" by maria, that better not be some fucking mirage. he bolted for it, using what little energy he had left to dive straight into the river that cut through it. the fox groaned as his burning skin was cooled by the waters, and sunk deeper into it until just his nose and eyes were above the surface. he drank to his hearts content, and climbed out of the river to lay out on the bank. this place seemed good enough, maybe he would stay a while. hopefully it wasn't already claimed, either. it seemed like a pretty good gig to have all to himself.

//kinda rushed but oh well lmao

Re: why dont you do right ;; joining - melantha - 08-19-2018

[align=center][div style="font-family: georgia; font-size: 10pt; width: 60%; text-align: justify;"]Unfortunately for Benny, this land already belongs to someone else. Many someones who unfortunately have tendencies towards murder, torture, and enslavement. Most of them, at least. Suffice to say that the stranger is extremely lucky that the one who finds him is a little more..forgiving. "What are you doing here?" demands the golden huntress as she looms over the relaxing fox. Her approach was almost silent, the solitary predator easily navigating the shifting sands and broad leafed foliage. A deep scowl mars otherwise lovely features, pallid olive eyes narrowed to slits as she glares down at the smaller creature.  The puma moves in a way that would force the fox to step backwards or else she might step on him. "You are on the Pitt's territory, runt." her raspy voice is deep and menacing, knife-sharp canines glinting in the dappled sunlight as black lips pull back into a snarl.

Re: why dont you do right ;; joining - ninazu - 08-20-2018

"Thank you for defiling our resources," the serval remarked drily, walking over to stand by the puma. The serval looked small by comparison to the larger wildcat, though she hardly seemed to care - indeed, she probably didn't even notice her dwarfed size. Her short tail flicked behind her as she eyed the fox's bushy one, her bronze eyes narrowing in interest.

She thought it might make a good accessory for her laboratory. And she never got the chance to view a fresh fox's liver. "Well, do you have a good reason for intruding?" she asked, her voice frigid and moody.

Re: why dont you do right ;; joining - ; albion - 08-20-2018

it was a shame the fox couldn’t claim the land as his. benny would have likely tried reforming the tribe, seeing how he could reorganize and fix it. improve on what flaws were present before the legion had wiped them all off the desert. before their homes were nothing but ash and their women and children were taken off into the night. benny wouldn’t say he was cowardly in escaping while he could, but he felt no pride in surviving. 

melantha's sharp tone had caused benny to jolt up and whirled around to face her. the fur along his spine prickled, though his expression held no aggression; just surprise. ”hey-a girlie, what’s the issue?” he puffed his cheeks up at the ‘runt’ comment, and looked her up and down. he felt no intimidation by her size, growing up in a world where just about everything was out to eat you or just plain slaughter you. he found her... attractive, but with her teeth and claws out it didn’t feel right to tell her that. 

”’m relaxin’. you know there’s a whole fuckin’ desert out there, right?” oh... there was another one. 

shit. shit, shit. okay, back up. Maybe, just maybe he was in the wrong here. maybe he was ass deep in some sort of tribe and- yeah... oops.

”okay, okay let’s take a breather, okay? lets see both sides of this real quick. y'all live in a desert. i see water, it’s natural right? now i see i might’ve done wrong comin’ into your home but... you should put up signs, maybe?” he looked between the two, a casual smirk on his maw as he shot a wink in ninazu’s direction. ”i can make it up to ya’s. how about we strike out some sorta deal, alright dolly?”

Re: why dont you do right ;; joining - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 08-21-2018

”And what sorta deal are you talking around, pal?” Dante growled in response as he lumbered over, narrowing his green eyes at Benny. The hybrid appeared to have smoke coming out from the side of his mouth, although that was only because of the cig that was placed in between his fangs. It didn’t really help with actually being able to smoke the damn thing, but Dante was honestly too lazy to keep it in his paws as he walked. Plus, he didn’t want sand to get in it. That would be disgusting.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px darkorange; font-size: 24px;"]— DANTE

Re: why dont you do right ;; joining - pallid-i - 08-22-2018

One Chance
"Melantha.. I want you to grab him. Hold him down." His glowing, white eyes stared at the four as Yes Man made his way over and stood next to Dante. He remembered Benny. He remembered him and all the things he did in perfect detail. His smile widened and his claws unsheathed. "It's been a while, eh sport?" The savannah rumbled as the fur on his back bristled.
code by spacexual

Re: why dont you do right ;; joining - guts - 08-22-2018

Cosette wasn't a violent individual--well, not unless there was a reason, anyways. If someone was cruel towards her or someone she cared for, it was likely she would carry a grudge against them until the grave, but she wasn't exactly open about it. She'd rather play the passive-aggression card, rather than speaking out and possibly getting her ass handed to her. She knew she was the equivalent of trash and had no right to speak to people in such a way. Back then, the punishment was severe, and despite being free, her old habits hadn't died.

She had yet to fully adjust to life in this clan, either. She wasn't used to living as an equal, and through all the confusion and fear, she made to isolating herself from her 'clan-mates.' She rarely left the building she set up home in, and when she did, she didn't speak to anyone. She barely looked at anyone, for that matter, at least not in the eyes. It was too intimate for her liking and, as she had been taught, disrespectful. You weren't supposed to look your superiors in the eyes.

Somehow the serval found herself in this situation, watching the scene unfold with wide and worried eyes. What was going on? Was this guy bad or something? By Yes Man's orders to hold him down, it seemed so. It wasn't like when she had come here, at least. She wanted to ask what he planned on doing to him, but kept her mouth shut, too afraid to open her mouth. She still felt like she wasn't supposed to, at least not until someone addressed her. So, she waited, standing by the ardent and waiting for further action.
tags :: updated 8/18:

Re: why dont you do right ;; joining - Luciferr - 08-23-2018

Bblacktide unlike the ohers had no compunction on his actions, no the half-feral juvenile creature half shadow half void and all worst nightmares in one shot forward aiming to for the throat of this stranger to bite and rend [member=1555]benny g.[/member] unless he was stopped,

Intruder! intruder took Hive's resources! but intruder would pay back, for prey was weak to his obsidian claws and glinting sets of teeth "HISSSSS"

//ye hes half-feral and basically attacks all strangers so oof this is IC cx


Re: why dont you do right ;; joining - ; albion - 08-25-2018

"the deal, cool cat, is that i live, and maybe you guys will get something out of it. i mean, i'm a pretty resourceful fella, and lady luck has always been a friend of mine." the fox's white patched muzzle lifts as he gives a cheeky smile toward dante. he paused for a moment to look between the three of them now, considering a chance of escape until another voice broke through to his attention. light blue eye's narrowed and his head turned back to see the savannah sit next to dante.

benny took a step back, their paw stepping in water and he looked over his shoulder to see he was at the edge of the river. he looked back to yes man and scoffed, rolling his eyes. "i don't know who ya are, doll, but you're not talkin' to the same guy you think." he lied through his teeth with an easy tone, tail lashing. "never met'cha in my damn life. get your eyes checked, baby."

he barely had any time to react when blacktide forcefully pushed him over. the fox instinctively tensed and pushed against their back paws to slide underneath from the hybrid, his chest heaving for breath and looking around.

"what. the fuck...?"

Re: why dont you do right ;; joining - Cosmic - 08-25-2018

Hope had no idea what was going on here, but clearly Yes Man knew this fox, well enough to have Melantha go after him to pin him down. To say that the hybrid Xenofeline wasn't slightly entertained by this would be a lie. As his brother and hivemate rushed towards the stranger, the domestic demiboy did not stop him. There was no doubt Blacktide would try and kill him, but it wasn't in Hope's place to challenge his instincts. In fact, he was fighting the same need to protect and preserve resources and territory.

No words were said as the plated and scaled creature came to stand near the rest of the Pitt, hoping that Esklav would arrive soon to help calm his two Xeno children.