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more than i could chew — joining - Printable Version

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more than i could chew — joining - guts - 08-19-2018

She felt like she had been walking for an eternity.

She knew such a time length didn't exist. Nothing went on for eternity, and eternity itself didn't last. Everything ended, one way or another. She wished her time with her former group hadn't, though. It had all happened so quickly, it was all blurred, but she knew what had happened was a good thing. They called themselves the Rebels, and at first she was scared of them with such a name, but quickly realized that they were actually the good guys in it all. It didn't take much convincing for her to join them.

Her eyes lift towards the sky, not a cloud in sight as the sun beat down on the waves of golden sand that seemed to stretch on for miles. She would do anything for at least a little bit of shade from the heat, her body weak and covered in sweat underneath her pelt. She was made for warm temperatures, but not this hot, nor with such little water. Speaking of, her mouth was dry, her tongue feeling like a sheet of sand paper against the inside of her cheeks.

Cosette sighed, the simple action causing her to go into a small coughing fit. She didn't want to die out here. She had tried not to think about it earlier, but now, the panic was swelling in her chest. She didn't want to die. But would her death even matter? There was none to miss her, not anymore. They were all gone, or didn't even know she was still alive. So, simply put, it wouldn't matter in the least if she died out here. She would be a faceless body out in the middle of the desert.

But even with all of that, the selfish desire to continue living was there, the last bits of her instincts urging her to try and press on. She did, groggily trudging forward, and noticed the tops of trees peering over the horizon. Her eyes widened, her energy reignited as she picked up her pace the most she could, half-limping through the sand. It didn't last long, and soon she found herself tumbling onto the border, face buried and barely clinging onto consciousness.
tags :: updated 8/18:

Re: more than i could chew — joining - melantha - 08-19-2018

Melantha is a lot of things. Cold. Distant. Judgmental. Solitary. Morally grey. A bit of a bitch. But she is not cruel without reason. A lot of times, she just likes to bare her teeth and put on a show so people know not to cross her, but it takes a special kind of bastard to actually inspire her with the motivation to kill. Which is why the golden puma approaches the ailing serval with intentions to aid, not harm. Perhaps it is strange for a clan filled with criminals, but Mel tends to do what she wants. Cultural norms be damned--as long as it does not conflict with a direct order from a higher-up, the young female has no qualms when it comes to acting according to her whims.

"Do not be afraid," murmurs the huntress so that only the unknown female can hear. "I will take you somewhere you can rest." Had Cosette walked right past the border like she owned the place, Melantha's reaction might have been different. But clearly the young serval needs help, so that is what the strong arm is going to do. Ever so gently, Mel aims to pick up Cosette by the scruff of her neck; wrapping her jaws around the other creature's throat much like a mother would do to her child. Assuming the stranger does not resist, Melantha carries the girl to a shaded area in the oasis that is near a small stream.

Re: more than i could chew — joining - ninazu - 08-20-2018

The druidic erudite knew when someone needed her - well, rarely, and sometimes she ended up wrong. The art of guesstimating obviously wasn't an exact science, but she seemed to hit the jackpot this time. With slow, deliberate steps the serval walked over to where Melantha took the younger serval into the shade; her ears twitched as she heard the rustling of leaves from the oasis.

Dropping her leather satchel, her paws rummaged around inside before she pulled out her metal water bottle. "Good work getting her in the shade - she's probably suffering from heatstroke or dehydration, perhaps a mix of both," Azu commented with a slight nod, before her bronze eyes drifted back to the outsider.

Re: more than i could chew — joining - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 08-21-2018

Dante almost seemed to follow Melantha around, though that was only because of the drama between them. What could he say, he liked the tension he had with her, and he was quite honestly waiting for the time she just decks him. He was waiting for somebody to deck him in general, but her - and North - were the two people he was really hoping for.

”She shouldn’t have come to the desert without damn resources.” Dante said with a snort as he neared the three females, his eyes narrowed at Cosette, whose name he didn’t know, of course.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px darkorange; font-size: 24px;"]— DANTE

Re: more than i could chew — joining - pallid-i - 08-21-2018

One Chance
"It's alright Dante. Sometimes these poor things don't have the resources." Yes Man stopped by and stared at the female. Another savannah. Something about her seemed familiar, but he didn't know what.. The ardent's eyes narrowed and he lightly shook her, ear twitching. "Hey, don't sleep. It'd be stupid if you slept."
code by spacexual

Re: more than i could chew — joining - guts - 08-21-2018

Darkness overwhelmed the corners of her vision, blobs dancing in and out. Although it was very tempting to give into unconsciousness, she jolted awake at the arrival of someone, able to vaguely see their paws through the shadows. They spoke quietly to her, a female it seemed by the voice, but despite their calming tone she still found her heart beating rapidly in her rib cage. She didn't know this person, or their intentions. They may have said one thing, but they could mean to do something entirely different. A lot of people weren't honest, and that was one thing she had learned early on.

Despite the fear gripping her chest, Cosette allowed the other to drag her, her body going limp in submission. She was thankful for the shade, though, the gurgle of a nearby stream making her perk up some. But she remained frozen, unsure whether to move or not. Her doubts were only encouraged when more people showed up, wincing at one of their comments about her unpreparedness. She would have brought resources if she had even planned on coming through the desert. Unfortunately, she hadn't originally planned on it, as she had been in quite a hurry beforehand.

The female didn't have much time to think about it, though, when someone else approached. This one caught her attention right off the bat. Another one of her kind. The only time she had seen someone like her was when she and her family were still together. This guy rung a lot of bells inside her head, and yet she couldn't place a paw on it. When he shook her, she grew stiff, but urged herself to relax.

"I-I'm not asleep," she says simply, though she didn't make an effort to move. "But you do look..familiar,"
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Re: more than i could chew — joining - pallid-i - 08-22-2018

One Chance
His ears perked as she mentioned he looked familiar. He moved his paw away from her and lifted it to scratch at his chest. "You ah.. do too, I guess." His ears flattened and he looked away from her, trying to remember. But.. it hurt to remember the past.. Before.. Before the incident.

The male shook his head and looked back over to the loner. "You better rest up. Then you'll have two options.. Join us, or risk becoming a slave while you attempt to leave." Yes Man wasn't going to get soft.. No, he was not a soft creature. He had a reputation to uphold.
code by spacexual

Re: more than i could chew — joining - guts - 08-22-2018

She laid there awkwardly on the ground, studying him closely. For a split moment, she forgot about the others gathered around, her focus on the other serval cat. His grin was a bit unnerving, but she hardly noticed it at this point. She was mostly just trying to figure out how and why he was so familiar.

"Um, I'm sorry. My name's Cosette," what was she apologizing for? Who knew. Anyways, they knew she wasn't a threat now, or at least she hoped they did. But her heart dropped at his next statement, eyes widening to the size of dinner plates. She couldn't be a slave again--not after all she had went through to be free. "N-no! I'll join, just--don't make me a slave, please," her desperation would probably strike them as odd, but whatever. She couldn't help the vigorous shaking of her head and the tremble in her body.
tags :: updated 8/18:

Re: more than i could chew — joining - ninazu - 08-22-2018

The serval watched the odd exchange between the ardent and the stranger, her bronze gaze flickering between them in time with their speech. However, when it seemed little came of this 'familiarity' between the two of them, she decided she might as well step in and do her goddamn job instead of gawking like an idiot bystander. "Hmm, well you made the right choice, Cosette - though that's obvious, why anyone would voluntarily elect to live and die a slave... meh?" she mumbled, more to herself than the recent joiner as she grabbed the leather water bottle she previously pulled out of her bag.

Passing it to the younger serval, she grunted, "Consider this a joining gift; you better make a habit of staying hydrated after this." She didn't exactly want to lose one of her valuable water transportation items, but... whatever, she knew she'd just loot it from the girl's quarters if she disappeared or got killed. Tilting her head slightly, she added, "I'm Ninazu. Now, are you excessively hot? Feeling mentally sluggish?" She might as well make sure the girl wasn't dying of dehydration or some other shit she could deal with now.

Re: more than i could chew — joining - Luciferr - 08-23-2018

something dark and sinous in movement slunk out behind the group, teeth glinting slightly as it assessed the situation - this was wounded prey! food! yes?

but strange-hivemates were not attacking? Blacktide trilled idly in confusion - they should kill it! more food for them in this barren wasteland! surely spotted-queen knew this? - Blacktide hissed loudly as he shoved forwards trying to get through the cluster of bodies.

"HrrrrrRRRRRR" he seemed to question Spotted-queen, confused by the not killing of the food-prey - where was Pale-mother? he'd agree! pale-mother knew sense of hive.