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FLOWN TOO CLOSE TO THE SUN && power discovery. - Printable Version

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FLOWN TOO CLOSE TO THE SUN && power discovery. - DELILAH. - 08-18-2018


trans femme ♥ tanglewood ♥ 15 m/o
[div style="background-color:#F0B1DB;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"]Delilah had to admit, she was unstable as hell. The only thing keeping her slightly sane was the medicine that Malphas gave her, otherwise she'd be a mess. A crying, sobbing mess.

That didn't mean that she didn't cry. She kept remembering her ex-lover, constantly. The whispers of her family in her ears, harsh and unforgiving. She loved them. She truly did. Why didn't they love her?

Mind you, Delilah also didn't like to be alone. She usually stayed close to Malphas' house, just in case something happened, but she didn't want to be too bothersome. It was late at night, after all.

The pastel feline had been fiddling with a pile of herbs, shuffling through them and merging a few liquids together in an attempt to make some liquid type of syrup. She could discover something, help make Malphas' job a bit easier. After all, chewing herbs became a chore after a while. She could make something in a liquid form, right?

Everything was fine, quiet, as Delilah merged a small cup of water into a vial with some mushed up herbs, before pouring it into a bowl to continue to puree the mix. She had to make it a thick pulp, but thin enough to drink. Then, unconsciously, she saw a vial lift into the air, and without a second thought, reached out to grab it.

Wait- It lifted on its own? Delilah turned soon enough to see about four or five of the vials levitating, and her eyes widened in shock. What? What's going on? One moment, she had been thinking about which vial was next, and then they were all levitating!

"What is going on.. Dear Gods.." She muttered, rubbing at her eyes momentarily before she lifted a paw out, a vial of mushed up goldenrod moving towards her.

//power unlocked: telekinesis

Re: FLOWN TOO CLOSE TO THE SUN && power discovery. - ophelia. - 08-19-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 65%; line-height:120%; text-align: justify;font-family: verdana;"]While she normally tried to keep up a good schedule, Ophelia found herself up tonight because of taking a nap that fell too close to the definition of sleep. She was just wandering about, deciding to patrol the area instead of just lazing around, eyes open and ears pricked. She was just walking past when she heard the sound of Delilah's voice, sounding perplexed. Slightly worried, she crept toward the sound.

When she got near, her eyes immediately flicked to the floating vials, then to Delilah's form. "Are you... alright?" she asked, unsure. Her eyes moved back to the floating objects as she slowly drew nearer, confusion wrinkling her brow. She didn't think Delilah had powers, but... Well, anything was possible. She'd mutated wings later in life, so it wouldn't exactly be out of the ordinary for someone to develop strange powers later in their life.

Re: FLOWN TOO CLOSE TO THE SUN && power discovery. - DELILAH. - 08-19-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
However unusual it was for Delilah to even have powers, it was likely. I mean, her family members all had some type of power, but most of them were powerful and destructive. Hers seemed to be.. Supportive? Her new power would have to be shown off in battle, she could aid people with it. This was great, she wasn't as useless as she thought she was.

When Ophelia arrived, Delilah's gaze shot up and a smile graced her pastel features. "Look, Ophelia! A new power! I can move stuff with my mind!" She fawned over the power, levitating a few objects over to her before setting them down. Then, a pain came in her head, and everything fell to the ground. Rubbing her temples with her paws, Delilah then gave another smile towards the raven-colored felidae. "Ah, seems how much I can use this is limited.."

Re: FLOWN TOO CLOSE TO THE SUN && power discovery. - ophelia. - 08-19-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 65%; line-height:120%; text-align: justify;font-family: verdana;"]Seeing that Delilah was more pleased than distressed, Ophelia's tensed muscles relaxed a bit. Letting out a breath she was unaware she had been holding, she smiled softly as the other girl moved objects around the room for her to see. "That is quite useful." she commented, gaze flicking back toward the pink feline just as she seemed to get a headache, the items she had been moving falling to the floor. Concern struck her again, but she pushed it down when Delilah returned her smile.

"You'll learn to control it, with time. It might be like a muscle, requiring work to be honed in completely, much like my wings when I got them." she said, hoping she was as reassuring as she was trying to be. Hm. She might as well humor her a bit. Laughter was the best medicine, right? At least, that's what she'd heard. [b]"Nevertheless, you should be delighted about this change."[b]

Re: FLOWN TOO CLOSE TO THE SUN && power discovery. - arrow - 08-20-2018

[glow=#001200,2,300]☆ ARROW - TANGLEWOOD - TAGS ☆[/glow]
"Don't strain yourself, flower girl." Arrow frowned slightly when she caught Delilah rubbing her own temples, everything she managed to get floating dropping to the ground. Something about a new power, eh? She still didn't know how all this worked, powers and the like. It seemed to defy everything about life that she'd learned in her time, only in Tanglewood had she discovered such things. Did it extend out into other territories, or was it the radiation?

She shook her head, a lopsided grin taking the prior frown's place, other than the pain it seemed to bring on, this was some cool shit. Things were floating, it was like something out of a little children's fairytale book. She was like a little witch in her little forest cottage. "This is pretty rad, Delilah."

Re: FLOWN TOO CLOSE TO THE SUN && power discovery. - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 08-20-2018

Re: FLOWN TOO CLOSE TO THE SUN && power discovery. - madster - 08-20-2018

delilah was worried about bothering malphas. while a nice sentiment, the medic wouldn't have minded- he spent most of his days just sorting shit or sewing (oh god, what was he becoming) but everything had been pretty nice in his life. thus, he'd have probably liked the company his patients gave him, but he of course wouldn't want to make her uncomfortable.

straying out of his house, he wore a few hours of sleep deprivation on his face, dark eye circles and resting bitch face. still, though, he saw delilah, and forced himself to look a little better. he saw delilah had powers, and he tasted a bitterness in his mouth. he wanted powers. he was the stupid mortal, the creature without powers, and it seemed like everyone around him had powers. it was tragic. still, though, he had mostly worked through it.

he offered a real smile to his patient. "hey, that's pretty neat. it'll be really useful, too- think of all the possibilities," he said, his tone soft. oh god. he was being... nice... and for once, he didn't feel gross. it felt right.

Re: FLOWN TOO CLOSE TO THE SUN && power discovery. - Morgan - 08-20-2018

Morgan appeared from behind Vigenere, visibly amused and excited by the display of power. "This's great, Delilah," he barked. "Malphas is right. You can be an even greater asset to Tanglewood now - all you have to do is practice. You can break through your limits if you keep pushing yourself."

The canine looked around, trying to count off who did and did not have powers that had manifested themselves before. "Maybe we can have a public training session sometime. Not sparring, but just practice for all of us who have these strange abilities. These 'powers' are vital to help protect and rebuild our town." He turned to Malphas, then added, "... Not to ignore your work, I mean. You do plenty for us, Malphas." He knew that Arrow, too, did not have powers, but Malphas had in the past shown a strong insecurity due to his apparent lack of them.

Re: FLOWN TOO CLOSE TO THE SUN && power discovery. - DELILAH. - 08-20-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
Delilah was pleased with herself with the results she had gotten from the syrup, at least. She had been so focused on that and Ophelia, that she hadn't noticed Arrow pop up to greet her. Then came Vigenere, Malphas, and Morgan. The girl seemed to shrink a little at the crowd, but soon got over it when they all seemed to be interested in her new power. More than her, it seemed.

With a weird, scrunched up look on her face, Delilah tried to lift a finished vial up, using Telekinesis to float it over to Malphas and set it down at his feet gently. "I made.. syrup for fainting." She mewed, pointing towards when she saw him pass out when he asked Stocking out, however indirectly that was.

Then, she turned to Arrow, Vigenere, and Morgan, dipping her head to them with a shy, tired smile. "I.. It makes me feel a bit dizzy and nauseous when I use it, but I'll practice! The training session is a good idea!"

Re: FLOWN TOO CLOSE TO THE SUN && power discovery. - arrow - 08-22-2018

[glow=#001200,2,300]☆ ARROW - TANGLEWOOD - TAGS ☆[/glow]
"Damn, you're just leaving me in the dust with all these powers and shit." Arrow snorted, sticking out her tongue playfully at the idea of a training session. Self consciousness found it's chance to crawl back up from hell, grabbing her by the ankles. The tip of her tail twitched, eyes on the floating vial she lifted up next, eyes squinted slightly. She was still so, so lost when it came to all this.

"Malphas is our main man." The chocolate feline said under her breath, taking a step back from the group and sitting down behind the others when she got tired of standing, deciding it was in both of their best interests to give Delilah some space, and it wasn't like she could really do much else except say "gee golly that's pretty impressive". She looked around, diverting her attention intentionally, letting the rest of the Tanglefam do their thing. She could go, yeah, but part of her wanted to see if anything else went down, even if it was confusing and slightly bitter to her. Not that she would ever voice that.