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GOOEY — open, asking stocking out - Printable Version

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GOOEY — open, asking stocking out - madster - 08-18-2018

malphas thought that love would never meet him. all throughout his life, he was an anxiety-ridden recluse, and wasn't ever a candidate for someone to love anyways. he was an asshole and enjoyed it, but ever since the rosebloods incident... he had promised to change. for himself, for the betterment of tanglewood. he met stocking, ushered her to health- she was his first patient, and it was inspiring to watch her heal completely. he did that. abathur or mira didn't help her. he was her doctor.

still, late at night, when he wasn't worrying about nayru or iota, his mind wandered to stocking. he wished he had her with him. he wasn't sure if she liked him, even- but that movie night... she had even wrapped her soft wings around him. she had to care about him a little bit, right? but then again, who would love him? he could understand if she didn't. he was an idiotic drunkard who hurt more than he helped.

malphas decided he'd solve this once and for all. if stocking said yes, then he'd be happy, but if stocking said no, then he would understand. in his house, he searched- he wanted to give her something. what did he have? maybe he could give her his socks? no, that was just weird, and he didn't want to explain his scars to her yet. he found a bag of weed and decided- what the fuck, she'd like this, and then headed out.

in the morning light, he found himself in the middle of their territory, squinting from the sun. "hey, stocking? are you around?" he asked, hoping he could see her. he didn't want to have to hunt her down, that'd make him look creepy. then he realized what he was about to ask, and he begun to tremble and his chest hurt. of course. thanks, anxiety.

Re: GOOEY — open, asking stocking out - SOCKING - 08-18-2018

✯ — if you don't fuck with us then motherfuck you
it's perhaps been the third day in a row she's been like this. Snout buried into a can of yogurt. Soothing herself with food as plip silently watches (as much as a plant can watch without having eyes) on.

The din of a familiar voice drew stocking out of her spontaneous pigout. The knowledge of his sudden presence outside if her cabin sent her veins alight, something roiling within her belly like wriggling insects and rotten butterflies.

Maybe it was the food.

Emotion was a fickle thing. Wild, unpredictable, and stocking did not know what to expect from it as ever. She certainly had not, least of all, expected to find that emotion led her to become enraptured with a clingy medic. She noticed how he had begun appearing around her more lately; sticking to her presence like a fly against a horse rump. Was that a bad analogy? Most likely, by she still found the bobtail endearing either way.

"Yea, come in."

Her nerves felt addled with ice, a cold gaze roving over her pelt before dhr soothed her ragged fur with a sheathed paw. Right. She needed to look presentable now.

Which was odd, granted she never usually cared what anyone thought she looked like. Maybe the yogurt was making her all soft in the head.
✯ — female. tanglewood. moderate difficulty. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: GOOEY — open, asking stocking out - aya - 08-18-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]Usually, Aya wasn't one to pry into people's business unless it involved a corpse or science. But the tone of Malphas' voice made her stop today, ears twitching. That was an unusual tone for him. She almost thought it was... Nervousness? Fear? The tortoiseshell approached quietly, careful not to intrude - ah, he was talking to Stocking. That made sense.

Wait. Nervous voice... Looked like he had a gift (weed?)... Asking for Stocking... Aya was no social expert, but she did know of people, and this seemed like a setup. The tortoiseshell's tail flicked with interest, stepping back and tilting her ears forward to listen. No matter what Stocking said, this was sure to be interesting.

Re: GOOEY — open, asking stocking out - madster - 08-18-2018

oh, there she was. his expression softened, greeted by the familiar warmth spreading from his stomach. this feeling comforted his anxiety in the same way her presence comforted him. as she approached, though, the panic spread back through him. he was angry, gross, and she was a literal angel. she was literally an angel. sure, she was fallen and all that, but still... she had those divine wings on her back, and everything about her was just heavenly. she was a goddess, and he was a pitiful dirty peasant.

oh, and aya was there, too. he had an audience, huh? he begun to shake at the knowledge. of course stocking wouldn't want to go on a date him. it was stupid to even think. and now, he was going to get rejected and aya would watch. sweating bullets, the medic turned his red eyes back to stocking.

"l-listen," he stammered out, trembling. "i... i really like you, so..." this was really happening. his head hurt and the world went blurry, his gaze dropping to the ground, clearly panicked. who knew something as lighthearted as a confession of love would send him spiraling? "do you want to... be my girlfriend?" he asked, and then promptly fainted.

what a gentleman he was.

a few seconds later, he was conscious again, except on the ground. "i'm alright." he clarified, still panicked. "so, uh... you game?"

Re: GOOEY — open, asking stocking out - DELILAH. - 08-18-2018


trans femme ♥ tanglewood ♥ 15 m/o
[div style="background-color:#F0B1DB;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"]Holy crap. People asked others out? Delilah watched on, coming up behind Aya quietly, nudging the girl with her shoulder gently to announce her presence. Not that it wasn't impossible to know, with the cherry blossoms littering the ground, but still! "Do you think she'll say yes?" Whispered Delilah, tilting her head a bit.

She hoped she did. Malphas was a good kid.

Re: GOOEY — open, asking stocking out - aya - 08-18-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]Aya was ready to help when Malphas seemed to drop down and die - oh, no, he just fainted. The tortoiseshell stayed put, then, ears twitching in acknowledgement as Delilah came over. "I think she will, but who wouldn't be hard pressed to say no to that smooth operator?" She joked lightly, motioning to the half-conscious, crumpled figure of Malphas on the floor.

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Re: GOOEY — open, asking stocking out - SOCKING - 08-19-2018

✯ — if you don't fuck with us then motherfuck you
stocking wasnt unused to the frivolity of relatonships. She knew of flings and passions that were long lasting. She had seen her fair share of lovers herself-- the encounters not whofully unpleasant, but always ending the same. Messy. Broken. Melancholic.

She eventually numbed herself to love. True affection was few and far in between for her.

But malphas was a special case. All brooding and just a little bit cynical. Just like her, and whenever she saw him, warmth filled her chest like the slow, gradual spread of blood soaking through white cloth. It wasn't noticeable at first. Stocking thought that love was to be loud and cumbersome, sweeping into your house to rob your cat and piss on your floor.

But this type of love was sweet and subtle. Gentle, even.

She stared at him through the opening of her doorway. She rubbed her forelegs, almost self consciously, hiking up a little bit of the skin on her stocking. She wondered if she looked presentable. She had never had to worry about appearances before, but now? She felt like it mattered.

She watched aya and Delilah slowly creep into view from beyond the door frame, behind malphas. She allowed their presence to distract her momentarily before the slap of the medic's words, as hesitant as they were, hit her full in the face, leaving her with a broken jaw and bloody nose to match.

Metaphorically, at least.

Stocking had no issues with confidence or self assurance. She was not particularly prideful, but she had the self love to rival a peacock and the social awareness of one.

This did not stop her, however, from faltering before the bobtail. Instantly, all she could hear was her own steady heartbeat and the air rushing to her head with excitement-- or was that blood? She was breathless.

Malphas fainted.

In any other ordinary situation, stocking would have guffawed in a completely un-pretty fashion. However, she was sure that this was no time to laugh.

She stood on the doorway, shocked and unsure, and worried before he sprang up seconds later.

Stocking blinked.

He wanted her to go on a date? With him? Such finesse. Such suaveness. How irresistible. And you would think stocking was joking as she thought this, but she was not. He was cute and she was going to rock his little world.

Instantly, she snapped foward, attempting to lean over and press a peck against his lips none too gently. Maw parted slightly, it was not innocent, but it lacked the clumsiness of an inexperinced person. She aimed to chase the lingering touch, before soothing over the peck with a lick of her tongue against his own mouth; a sealed deal, and lean back.

"Does that answer your question?" She asked, drawing a tongue against her lips in an afterthought as if tasting the traces of the kiss. An obviois response to both malphas and the questioning onlookers.
✯ — female. tanglewood. moderate difficulty. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: GOOEY — open, asking stocking out - arrow - 08-19-2018

[glow=#001200,2,300]☆ ARROW - TANGLEWOOD - TAGS ☆[/glow]
Arrow also did not usually pry into other's business, and she was late to most of this interaction, only really seeing Malphas keel over and faint of all things after finally asking out the girl of his dreams. At least, she figured Stocking was the dream girl. You wouldn't ask someone for help on asking someone out if they weren't, right?

"I'm proud of you, you funky little dude." She said excitedly, feeling a wave of relief on his part when Stocking clearly accepted the offer of being his goth gf, this was an interesting combination of personalities. Oh, she was gonna run this little boy into the ground, wasn't she? Well that was a problem for another day, rest in peace Malphas.

Re: GOOEY — open, asking stocking out - DELILAH. - 08-19-2018

[Image: mfTikER.gif]
The sight of Malphas fainting nearly made the inner medic in her want to rush forward and help him, but she stopped, merely pushing her side closer to Aya's to wait and listen. She had to wait, this was Malphas' job. He had to do this. After all, he clearly held deep affections for her, didn't he?

When Stocking leaned in and kissed Malphas, Delilah nearly fell over and fainted herself. "D-Do people always do that?.. Is that like.. A custom?" She whispered to Aya, a deep shade of red tinting her cheeks in embarassment. She had never been in a deep relationship that showed that much affections. Her ex-lover gave her kisses, but they didn't make her feel like she had butterflies in her chest. They made her sick to her stomach. He tried to kiss his abuse away.

No, she had to be happy. She couldn't be all depressed when Tanglewood just got their new couple. Stepping forward to stand beside Arrow, Delilah gave the duo a tired, happy smile. "Congrats, you two. Stay safe, you hear?" She meowed, tilting her head to the side. She wondered what Abathur thought about romance in times like these, maybe he wasn't prone to romance? She'd have to ask him.

Re: GOOEY — open, asking stocking out - aya - 08-19-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]Aya chuckled at Arrow's response, ears tilting as Delilah asked her something. "It's a kind of romantic custom, yeah." She confirmed, tail flicking at Delilah's next comment to the couple. "Yeah, sport, don't be too hasty." She advised with a chuckle. Gods, Stocking was going to show Malphas a whole new world, wasn't she?

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