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SHOWDOWN — o, sparring - Printable Version

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SHOWDOWN — o, sparring - MARCELLUS - 08-18-2018

HEARTFELT PROMISES { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]TAGS
With his stiffening joints and pain all over he had decided that it was time he worked his ass off to get back into shape again, and he had already been starting to jog again here and there but it definitely wasn't enough. The pain in his joints still occurred and his body was screaming for him to get back into shape. Besides that fact, he was apart of the Grim Rays and he barely even acted like it, though in his defense he had been sick and still was, but it was time he stepped out and acted like he was actually apart of the Grim Rays division. The Grim Rays were the fighters, the more battle-driven members of the group and he acted like he was neither of those. It was true he was more of a pacifist than he was a fighter but he joined the Grim Rays for a reason and he would soon have to come to terms with the fact that he can't be a pacifist forever, thus he would have to begin to adapt. Not only was the Grim Rays a fighter division, but the Typhoon on it's own was an anti-group and anti-groups weren't pacifists on most occasions. Marcel would soon come to realize that and hopefully start to adapt the aspects of that fact.

The king cheetah was interest in having a friendly spar with someone else in the group even if he knew he was at a complete disadvantage; no powers, he had only three legs to work with, and he was sick which meant that his strength was greatly diminished until he would make a full recovery. But he wouldn't let that stop him. He had been stale for long enough and it was time he stretched his legs in the fighting portion of things. With this thought in mind, a while back Marcel had heard of a Hidden Colosseum where members of the Typhoon can go for torturing, sparring, fighting, anything pretty much related with violence. At first the mention of the Colosseum had failed to spike his interest, but at this point in time it was his only need to find that Colosseum and request a spar from one of his fellow Crewmates in the group. With that, the king cheetah had found himself asking around, taking paths he normally wouldn't take unless he wanted to get lost, looking around every nook and cranny of the path until finally,

he found it.

He had been near the waterfall of the mountain nearest to Barracuda Bay when he saw a small path off to the left side of the waterfall, the male padding down that path and turning a curb to reveal a set of stone stairs leading upwards that went behind the waterfall. Marcel limped up the stair path as quick as he could, his limp slowing him down. Halfway up the stairs he could feel his chest tighten as being sick had shortened his breath, causing him to only take so much until he ran out of breathing room. After that, it wasn't long until he finally got past and up the set of the stairs, but what faced him now scared him. He had heard talks of patterns being at the end of the staircase in which you had to insert a certain pattern which frankly he had nearly forgotten. He had a few memories to go off of when some told him of the pattern so thus he would have to try and guess and hopefully remember. With his life on the line he only grew more and more nervous.

Marcellus looked between the two skulls and tried his best to remember, outstretching his paw to press one of the skulls, his eyes tightening as he flinched and looked away, waiting for impending doom. Nothing. He opened his eyes hesitantly and looked back at the skulls, clicking the other. Slowly the pattern came back to him and his worries had died down once he remembered it, pushing the skulls accordingly until a rumble shook through the ground and the doors opened to allow him in, a relieved grin plastering his maw and his paws beginning to carry him past the double doors. Instantly the first thing to hit him was a strong wave of heat, causing the male to burn up even more than he already was due to being ill. For a moment he was a bit phased once he peered over the interior cliff of the mountain to see lava beneath, his eyes moving over to fit the stone bridge into his view. He was hesitant to cross but quickly made his way to the straight where he slowly began to make his way across, trying to block out the sounds of cracking lava below him.

He wasn't ready to die yet and he really didn't want to. At the sound of a loud crack of lava, his eyes widened and he quickly sprinted to the other side of stone bridge, gasping heavily for air as the sense of panic died down when he realized he was on the other side.

A sense of relief broke through Marcellus, the king cheetah turning on his heels and walking straight ahead which led him to the large old school Colosseum, his eyes taking in the breathtaking view and remembering every bit of it. On the ground he could see lines of bones and skulls along the sides which made him grow a bit weary, but other than that he was ready. Marcel stepped deeper and deeper into the round walls, making his way completely to the center. "Would anyone like to join me for a spar?" His voice though scratchy, he raised it for it to be loud enough to echo off the walls of the Colosseum in hopes that someone nearby would hear him or just by chance someone had wanted to spar and saw him there as well, assuming  the same. At the yell he winced, his throat tightening but he forced back the feeling as he waited for someone to step up.

Re: SHOWDOWN — o, sparring - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-18-2018

The only reason Caesar had joined The Typhoon in the first place was due to the fact that it was a warbound group. The political stance was self-explanatory in of itself, but what really sold him on The Typhoon rather than Tanglewood was the fact that The Typhoon had a reputation for being pirates. Pirates were merciless, stealing things whenever they could, when they wanted. They had freedom and didn't hold back, and that is exactly what Caesar needed in his life. So that explained why the demon had joined here, so why did his join the Grim Rays? For the exact same reason; they were the fighter Division and Caesar definitely was not a medic; he cared little for herbs and their healing properties, and the demon wasn't the one to engage in social parties. So of course the Grim Rays was the only who suited his tastes.

It was no secret around The Typhoon that Caesar was a fighter and you could usually find the Officer in the Colosseum. It was like a second home to him, and he enjoyed how people showed up there for fights. It was exactly his cup of tea, and he was there, regardless whether or not he was actually participating (although the latter was rare). Although Caesar was known for being a reckless fighter, choosing to fight long-range with his powers and showing no mercy. He wasn't above killing the person, either; most NPCs were near death by the time he finished sparring them. Of course, he wasn't clean by any means. Because of his reckless fighting and having a tendency to have no rules, Caesar often got his bodies beaten the hell up often. Half of the time he was near death himself.

Caesar's attention snapped to the entrance of the Colosseum as Marcellus's words echoed against the halls, and the yellow feline stood up, eyeing the king cheetah. Three legs? He mused, not knowing the Marcellus had no powers, either. Oh, this is going to be easy. A grin formed on his maw as he approached Marcellus, looking up at the cheetah as he spoke, "Let's go, pal. Ready when you are."

Re: SHOWDOWN — o, sparring - MARCELLUS - 08-20-2018

HEARTFELT PROMISES { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]TAGS
A voice could be heard behind him, Caesar's voice. The voice rang through the colosseum and instantly Marcellus turned around on his heels, giving a small sniffle of his nose as he looked  to see the domestic feline. He was so fucked. Not only was Caesar his superior in the Grim Ray's division but while he was a domestic feline, he had powers and not only that but Marcel was at a severe disadvantage due to his three legs and lack of any powers at all. Great, looks like today would be the day he dies so it seems. He studied the domestic feline for a moment before making his way a bit closer. "Alright, best of luck." He wasn't exactly saying that towards Caesar but towards himself as instantly he knew he would need it. While it would probably be a waste of time to spar when he knew he wasn't going to win, Marcellus needed the experience to get stronger and grow as he went along so he wouldn't end up staying this way his entire lifetime in the Typhoon. He needed to be able to fight not only because he was in this type of group, but because of the division he chose.

Breaking out of his thoughts, the king cheetah took a hesitant step forward. First thing he needed to work on, not hesitating. Fighting was a art that happens far too fast and hesitating would only result him in a sure death. With as much speed as the sickly male could muster, he would begin to run at the Officer as fast he could manage which wasn't much due to his limp, trying to lock his into the Officer's scruff and throw him as far as he could manage. A very weak move and start on his part but he had no powers or weapons to help him, thus having to reside to using his tooth and claws which were a very outdated way of fighting. If his attack hadn't hit he would try his best to whip around and aim to bite into the domestic's back leg and throw him that way, though that would only be if the Officer hadn't already moved out of the way should he had missed his first attack.

Re: SHOWDOWN — o, sparring - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-20-2018

Honestly, the fact that Caesar used powers may be considering cheating, but then again... Marcellus didn’t state any rules, though obviously the given ’Don’t fuckin murder your Crewmate’ was in place. Otherwise, Caesar could argue that the cheetah didn’t state any rules and therefore, powers were fair game, regardless if he had any or not. After all, he can’t actually control the opponents’ move if they had powers. Besides, Caesar had a cooldown period with his powers and he had to wait a while before using one power after the other, especially if said power was fire elementals. That ability took up a massive amount of energy, despite how often he seemed to use it for trivial things, such as lighting himself on fire if he got pissed off.

As Marcellus moved towards the center of the Arena, so did Caesar, watching the much larger and lithe feline with a narrower black gaze. He lowered himself into a defensive position just as Marcellus started to run at him, although due to the guy’s limp it was easier to tell when he was coming. Caesar tried to move to once side as much as he could as Marcellus snapped his jaws at him, and the demon felt his Crewmate’s teeth dig into his hind leg. The leg went numb, shooting a tingling sensation through his body as he tried to kick at [member=1489]MARCELLUS[/member]  with his good leg, trying to make the guy let go.


Re: SHOWDOWN — o, sparring - Grey - 08-20-2018

He'd been smithing for some hours now, finally taking a break because his limbs felt so sore that it was as if every muscle in his body had degenerated. His bones were as if they could shatter at any moment, turn to dust and cause him to melt in both agony and spinning fatigue. Bakugou can feel his rib cage begin to ache and tremble when he walks, dragging his body along because he could have sworn he heard the faint reverberation of a bell. As dramatic as he has described the pain to be, Bakugou doesn't look like it. The pain is overwhelming, throbbing his every joint, but he refuses to let such show. As long as he can walk, he can continue to do other jobs around The Typhoon. He doesn't want to simply give up and he doesn't want to have blacksmithing disable what he could do around the island. This dream, however, to get to the bell vanished upon hearing the call for a spar. Immediately intrigued the cream-furred male turns. He's not interested in dueling himself but he is curious to see who is willing to take the challenge, arriving to be almost disappointed to see Caesar having grasped the opportunity himself.

Bakugou twitches an ear, sitting down with slight difficulty and watching the fight commence. He used to watch heroes save the day all the time, observe how their movements were formed right before the moment of impact. Unfortunately, the way animals move is different to that of humans so it's been his mission to watch more Typhooners spar against each other. It allows him to recognise the importance of protecting certain body parts such as the tail, meant for balance, or the hind legs meant for impactful rushes. As he sits and watches, his eyes remain like stone - indifferent to who he wishes to be the winner. Although he has more respect for Marcellus, he doesn't particularly want to bet on the lemon-furred officer to lose. It would be hideously embarrassing for The Typhoon's only officer to lose to the likes of a normal crewmate, especially considering the king cheetah had been so sick not too long ago.

Re: SHOWDOWN — o, sparring - MARCELLUS - 08-21-2018

HEARTFELT PROMISES { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]TAGS
With the smaller felines leg actively in his mouth he would try to think his next move though maybe a little too slow. He felt the kicks at his face and instantly he loosened his grip enough for the Officer to slip out of his jaws, the male taking a dazed step back to recuperate before he opened his eyes again and got ready once more to move towards the Cipher. He would try not to bite or scratch hard to limit the amount of injuries and also since he didn't want to risk getting his ass kicked by Pincher for fighting with his superior, even if it was a spar. Marcellus took a stride towards the feline and opened his jaws to try and bite into the Officer's tail and pull him backwards, taking one of his large paws to try and batter it against the side of the Officer. Though on two legs he was extremely unstable and one movement from the smaller feline could easily cause him to fall over in a second. Personally Marcel wondered why Caesar wasn't using his powers as this would be an easy win for the male and he was only hoping that Caesar hadn't decided to go easy on him out of pity.

If his attack would hit, the king cheetah would try to back up before one could hit him to try and avoid it, though with his legs he would easily be unstable in doing so and would take a moment to regain his posture and try and stay on his feet. Briefly he would observe his opponent and try to sort out any weaknesses he could use to his advantage, one already being the obvious height differences. But while Marcellus had multiple weakness at Caesar's dispense, he had no doubt that Caesar had some of his own as well. For a few moments the king cheetah was oblivious towards the spectator before he turned his head slightly, eyes looking off from his sparring partner to see another figure in the distance of the colosseum, watching the two spar each other. He was momentarily distracted by Bakugou's appearance before turning his gaze back to the Officer and whether that would serve to be his downfall, looking away in the middle of a fight, he would try his best to be ready for whatever attack the Officer may throw at him.

Re: SHOWDOWN — o, sparring - Character Graveyard. - 08-21-2018

Ah, a sparring match. Interesting. It reminded him of U.A and the training Class 1-A had done almost everyday. He also remembered the training camp and how Aizawa had forced them to stay inside the building while every other student outside had to fend for themselves. How the villains had taken Bakugou and nobody had been able to stop them. Kirishima had blamed himself very heavily and he'd been the one who had come up with the plan to rescue his friend from the league of villains.

His crimson-eyes would notice Marcellus and Caesar sparring, a spark of interest igniting in his eyes before he would settle down beside Bakugou, who he would give a playful prod of his paw to as if he was trying to give the other a fistbump, before he would focus all of his attention on the two training males.
tags :: updated 7/26:

Re: SHOWDOWN — o, sparring - Keona. - 08-22-2018

✯ — female. striker of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
A sparring match?  The tiny feline flicked an ear.  She'd grown into the habit of exploring new places, and the Colosseum had been relatively new to her, considering she had not known the secret knock before her uncle had shown her inside.  Now she popped inside every once in a while; not terribly often, but enough that it was not entirely odd to see the little Striker around.

She never fought though, and unsurprisingly, Keona would take to the stands and sit off to the side, a little away from her other crewmates, ears perked attentively as she listened to the movements of Marcellus and Caesar.
code by spacexual

Re: SHOWDOWN — o, sparring - guts - 08-22-2018

She had been interesting in fighting for a long time now, though the reasoning was a little less than fortunate. Even so, she enjoyed it, the rush of it all--even when she was just training against a dummy. She wasn't much one for thinking and calculating, but when it came to spars and such, she was a natural at it. She had room for improvement, of course, but she was still a lot better than some. Maybe one day she could find a mentor to teach her a few tricks.

For now, though, the cat-shark would sit off to the side with the others, watching as it all unfolded. She wasn't sure if the guy should be fighting with such a limp, but didn't comment on it out-loud. Instead she stayed silent and kept her eyes on the pair.


Re: SHOWDOWN — o, sparring - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-23-2018

Caesar’s biggest weakness was likely in the fact that he didn’t know how to properly take care of himself. The demon’s body was terribly malnourished, although not nearly as bad as the other bodies he had possessed. Caesar had slowly learned that eating, drinking water - not alcohol - and sleeping were important things for a mortal body. Of course, this didn’t mean that he did properly take care of his body just yet. Which made his body particularly easy to harm.

Caesar let out a hiss as he felt teeth latch onto his tail, though he barely had time to react before his body was battered and pushed aside, with Marcellus jumping back so he couldn’t properly lash out at him. With a growl, Caesar rose to his paws, his gaze focus on the three-legged cheetah in front of him. He payed no mind to the spectators whatsoever, and hardly even recognized that they were there.

Caesar made a clicking sound with his mouth, which immediately prompted a fireball to form. The flames burned his tongue, throat, and the insides of his mouth in general, but he didn’t seem to particularly care. As the heat became too unbearable to handle, Caesar aimed to shoot the fireball at [member=1489]MARCELLUS[/member] .

Now, regardless of whether or not his attack succeeded, Caesar would be left with a bloody, burnt mouth and the demon spat out the black substance he knew as blood. His ears were pinned to the back of his head, showing his discomfort at how numb his mouth felt, but otherwise he didnt appear to be in pain. He wouldn’t be able to use his power for a while, but that was fine. He was just praying he was able to hit Marcellus.
