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he meant people all from the start - soup! - Printable Version

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he meant people all from the start - soup! - Lokisaurus - 08-14-2018

Being a loyal member of the Pitt could be exhausting sometimes.  Dealing with hellions like Stryker and Yes Man (bless their hearts), it was a trip from beginning to end.  However, Butch would be a very bad parental figure if he did not encourage his.... younger accomplices.... to be the very best at everything they did, so here he was in Snowbound territory, upholding Stryker's rule over the place.

Considering the circumstances, Butch had decided that he would at least to be the most civil of his peers, and everybody had to eat.  He would not allow the Snowbounders to go hungry for some Pittian's kicks.  So, in the light of his decision, the pit bull had gathered together the ingredients for chicken noodle soup.  He had collected these things into a little building that had been abandoned some time ago - a layer of dust had covered everything before he cleaned to cook.

After a bit of struggling with a fire start, Butch began to shred and chop his chicken and vegetables for his broth with a knife he found in the corner of the place (he had to use his mouth to grip the handle, but he had done this long enough to be very adept at the odd handling.)  It only took a bit before his stew began to come together nicely, and the pit bull was able to search for bowls as the scent of soup wafted out of the open door.

Re: he meant people all from the start - soup! - madster - 08-14-2018

henri loved the takeover. it was kind of violence he loved- pure, unadulterated misery. it was proof that clans were inherently awful. even snowbound. they had been weak enough and atbash had been such a pushover that it happened, and there was nothing he could do but listen in. it was so fun.

he got along fine with the pittians. after all, he was in full support of them. he strolled up to butch, tilting his head. he was blind, and thus couldn't really see. "whatcha' makin?" he asked curiously, grinning.

Re: he meant people all from the start - soup! - Lokisaurus - 08-14-2018

"Chicken noodle soup."  Butch said, stirring his masterpiece with a bent ladle.  He reached for a bowl with his empty paw, balancing waveringly on his haunches. 

"Would you like some?"  He paused in his awkward position, teetering a little bit as he waited for his answer.

Re: he meant people all from the start - soup! - TSUYU. - 08-14-2018

"Take your soup and shove it up your ass, alright? Get out of here." Came Tsuyu's harsh voice- surprisingly- as she hopped over, charcoal eyes narrowed with anger towards both of the two. They were fucking conversing with enemies now? How pleasant. Tsuyu had enough of dealing with people around her, anyways. She couldn't fucking stand seeing her comrades turn their backs on her and Atbash and the others. Were people in this world always so disloyal?


Re: he meant people all from the start - soup! - MirrorEdge - 08-14-2018

"I have to agree w-with Tsuyu. Please leave." She stopped herself from adding on her usual apology, pupiless eyes hardening a bit as she stood behind the hybrid. The confidence she had felt at the takeover, when they fought to try to get Atbash back, had quickly been extinguished, yet, black paws refused to move Gwen's body back any further, the Snowbounder standing firm for now.

It had quickly been clear to Gwen she wasn't strong enough to win a fight, even against the smaller Pittians, let alone somebody like Stryker, or Butch. However, it didn't mean she was about to buddy up with them to avoid confrontation. Gwen still had a bit of pride left.

Re: he meant people all from the start - soup! - Lokisaurus - 08-15-2018

"Don't take the soup then."  Butch responded calmly, taking another bowl out and serving himself.  He prodded the fire a little bit and settled down, lapping at the stew contentedly.  Though he wished to prove himself not to be a threat, he would not be moved by Snowbounders until Yes Man or Stryker decided they were done playing with their new toy.

Until then, he would sit and drink soup and read books.  Any of the Snowbounders were free to try to stop him if they pleased.

"I'm not moving," he said after a moment, just filling the silence, "my joints are sore and this fire is cozy.  If I am such a threat, do me a favor and go for the throat.  If you are unwilling to make a swift kill, then I implore you to warm your toes and fill your bellies.  You are not required to like me, nor are you required to want to like me, but free food is free food."

He looked up, his hazel eyes weary.

"I have a wife at home.  I promised her I would at least attempt to be civil.  What you do with my offering is up to you."

He turned his attention back to his bowl and resumed his meal without another word.

Re: he meant people all from the start - soup! - pallid-i - 08-15-2018

One Chance
"It ain't that simple, kiddos. Though I am impressed.. Someone offers you aid and yet you still reject it. How pathetic."

The ardent sauntered over with a sneer before he took a stand next to Butch. "I'm surprised you still want to help after these ungrateful shits outright rejected your help. You're lucky I'm not even pissed over the whole thing." Though Yes Man supposed there was use in keeping the snowbounders healthy. He could easily take one as one of his slaves...
code by spacexual

Re: he meant people all from the start - soup! - MirrorEdge - 08-15-2018

"M-maybe because we have a bit of p-pride, still. U-unlike you." Gwen managed, her voice lowering a bit at the end. "It's our food you're making it with. O-our homes you're using. Our r-resources. So d-don't act so high and m-mighty." Filth. She wanted to spit at the two. The fact she managed it was amazing, and without a shred of politeness this time, no pleases or apologies, just stated her opinion. Maybe this takeover was forcing her to actually come out of her shell a little bit, even if it was for a few fleeting moments, and the hard gaze she directed at Yes Man during while she spoke quickly flitted towards Tsuyu and Henri, and back down to the ground.

//Feel free to injure her

Re: he meant people all from the start - soup! - SICARION - 08-15-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 500px; text-align: justify;"]Soup. How quaint. It wasn't a food source Floris could consume, because apparently, while the squishies were externally fragile, their digestive systems were essentially, "fuck it we'll eat anything," whereas Floris had to be more selective. His process involved gizzard stones, when he got his talons on vegetation. Soup didn't require much chewing, but- to put it simply, he was allergic to much of what these mushy people ate, as were his fellows, though he wouldn't have eaten the soup if he could. He didn't trust any of the bastards from The Pitt, even less so the outwardly kind ones. It wasn't a matter of pride for Floris, but reason. Maybe if the shits swallowed some of it themselves he might be more convinced, except even then they could've concocted an antidote beforehand.

In short, Floris was already tired of it all.

The mutated dragon gave carapaced shoulders a stretch as he approached, standing beside the two Snowbounders. There was a third, but from where Flo was standing, he'd already thrown his lot in with The Pitt. He supposed this meant he himself had thrown his in with Snowbound.

Floris approached the pot of soup, taking the ladle between his teeth and scooping the shit into a bowl at his feet. He shifted his toes beneath it, balancing the dish carefully to walk away with it, though as he passed, the dragon abruptly flung the bowl and its contents toward Yes Man, aiming to strike him in the face with both. "Try not to choke on your own bullshit."

Re: he meant people all from the start - soup! - Cosmic - 08-15-2018

Ursa had arrived just in the nick of time to see the dragon fling her husband's bowl of soup at Yes Man, and the blood boiled in the elderly bear's veins. In a quick and swift retaliation, the Pitt member would attempt to throw a small dagger at the dragon's shoulder in the hopes that he would learn his place. And perhaps a little respect.

"We could starve you if we wanted, Snowbounder, but my husband was generous enough to donate his time and energy to help prepare food for your fellows. And to disrespect both my love and the Pitt Commander? I will have your hide."

Such a loud, aggressive and intimidating growl was almost unheard of from Ursa, but this was ridiculous. Free food was free food, and at least some Pitt members were kind enough to keep them well fed and cared for.

The ungrateful bastards.