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the pantaloon + open, joining - Printable Version

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the pantaloon + open, joining - Orion - 04-02-2018


//no need to match muse, as i'm developing this boy.

His paws were bruised, scraped, and beaten to the hell by the ground as he walked miles looking for civilization across Pangea. For six months, he was on the outskirts of his former group following the scent of the moving clans and yet he found no one. Until now. The familiar scent of beings crossed the black panther's nose once again. Flaw's ears only drooped a few, as it seemed this was another dead end. A grumble of frustration left the back of his throat. "Hope drives you. You must keep going," he enthused in his thoughts. "There has to be something better." ... Better than that shithole he once lived in.

Far away, there were other territories and clans that have yet to interfere with the groups they knew of now. One contained his parents and ancestors. Despite that, he did not want contact. All of them were abusive, reckless, and unrelenting in their actions. The hope that they had destroyed their own dreams. And yet, he still held onto hope. It was the closest thing he had and the thing that kept him going. His family just did not use it appropriately. They shouldn't of wished for the best, but instead the average, otherwise things spiraled out of control. Just like how his life started out.

Flaw's parents have been known to have birth complications from day one, but when they receive the children of their dreams, they are not given what they want. ​While the rest of the children remain healthy, one of their 'beloved' children remains the deformed runt. This happens to be a child they deemed to be 'Flaw'. His father did not dare to stare at such a child, while his mother threatened to leave due to the creation she had spawned. The siblings laughed, but that was not all. With such a cruel name, any normal clan member would think that would be the end, but no. They beat him, abused him verbally, and drove him to the edge, eventually causing him to leave in the darkness of the night once he reached six months. Even so, he could not forget the names they called him or the get rid of the marks left on his pelt. Ever since then, he had been on the run with hopes to find a new home.

Six months of travel led to Snowbound. As the cold winds whipped against his exposed wounds and the snow froze his feet, the black panther kept trudging on throughout the paths before him. He had to keep going. Somehow, someway, there had to be a way out of this mountain range or something in it's depths. This could not be another dead end... but what ingrate would stay within a cold habitat? The panther scoffed at it lowly, but kept heading his own way.

As the scent grew, Flaw's hope flourished. It had been months since he had heard himself speak, as he had lost the hope of calling out many weeks ago. "Hello?" the unfamiliar, deepened voice called out. The panther's green eyes wavered down to the ground, noticing smaller footsteps within the snow that had almost been covered over. Hope "HELLO?" he yelled out again. Tears had already begun to stream down his face, freezing almost instantly, as his thoughts rasped in relief. 'Finally.'

Re: the pantaloon + open, joining - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-02-2018

*waves at star*

Killua still didn't have a concrete definition of what was considered to be family or not. He knew that his expectations were probably higher than the clans that he grouped up with when it came to family. They say once someone joins a clan its as if they become one big family. But all Killua really ends up seeing are animals that don't have enough courage to stick up for themselves in any shape or form. It was honestly pitiful in the assassin's eyes, especially since he had the guts to go up against a family that could easily kill him with a flick of their claws. His family wasn't exactly the picture perfect type in any regard. They were the type that were willing to try and destroy their own son's hopes and dreams and to try and shape them into the weapon so that they could become rich once he decided to take over the family business when his father decided to step down as the head of the family or even possibly go into retirement. He knew that the way that his life was set up for him, he doubted that there would be any time for rest and doubted that there would be a chance that he could die peacefully. Most of those that were in his family didn't end up dying young, at least what he knew about his great-grandfather and so on. They had only died when they were a lot older, which could mean that the assassin had plenty of time left unless he bit off more than he could chew in a battle such as that. The young male had an idea of what he wanted to do with his life, and it consisted of never seeing his family again if he could help it. Sure, there was a chance that he would go back to them as long as he needed information about someone, but other than that he would leave everything to its own devices and figure out everything that he needed for himself. If he needed to question one of his siblings, he would use the traditional method of sending birds back to the estate. He knew that there was a chance that he could use his telepathy to control a bird as soon as he got into contact with them. Shouldn't be all that difficult, because he could make others feel all sorts of different emotions given enough time to pick and go through someone's brains and emotions. Figuring out what made someone tick. That was one of Killua's best skill, and he used it even to this day despite it being somewhat of a bad habit in some regards. He knows that he needs to just accept others that the way that they are, but most of the time he just ends up seeing unused potential. It was annoying yes, but there was no much one could do if someone didn't wish to better themselves and make their lives a whole lot easier. Killua often wondered about those that joined the clan, whether or not they realized how violent these groups could end up getting with one another? The body counts usually remain somewhat low of the clanners themselves, but there are a lot of resources that are used in their little wars. Killua often debates if they realize that they could easily beat those that were in the war by sending assassin's out to kill primary targets. Easy as that. Yet they had a moral compass that said that they shouldn't kill anyone. Which was still a concept that Killua couldn't quite just grasp yet, and it was slightly frustrating too. He wanted to be able to accept some of the clan's way of thinking, but it went against all logic. When he usually ended up getting frustrated, it wasn't uncommon for Killua to lash out at others that just wanted to get close to him. But he didn't find anyone in the group to have really peeked his interest, other than maybe Jacob. Killua wasn't going to approach the other Snowbounder at this time, but maybe some other time when he could figure out something for them to do that isn't just sitting around and talking, as he got bored quickly of that. Similarly to Flaw, Killua had been regarded as a prodigy, meaning that he already has enough skill and training to keep himself alive when it came to the clans. He was never the runt, but it also didn't mean that he was the strongest in the family either. His father, his older brother, and his grandfather could easily wipe the floor with him if he wasn't careful enough.

The wildcat had high expectations put on him, which he could care less about anymore as he didn't want to go through that again. He had been tortured most of his life when he was a kitten, nearly drowned, broken bones, poisoned, and everything in between. He doesn't fear pain, but he does indeed fear death. Despite Killua's species being that of a one to live in a warmer climate, Killua didn't have any issue of living in such a cold place such as Snowbound. His fur was a bit longer than that of a serval, and he used his powers to help regulate the temperatures if he did get too cold. He knew how to survive in cold weather, as the territory of this place was similar to a group that he once lived with. Killua also could always just end up teleporting in a direction he knew a cave would end up being. The albino serval blended in perfectly with the environment, other than the fact that his eyes weren't white obviously. The young male kept to the border most of the time to figure out if someone interesting would end up being there in the meantime. He stayed up in the trees to give himself a little bit of a vantage point, his metal claws providing support so that he didn't slip off from his perch. Killua was in a tree when he heard a voice that was calling out. It almost sounded desperate to his ears. The serval got up onto his paw and silently jumped from branch to branch until he arrived a little bit closer to the border. His air elementals making so that it was impossible to catch his scent, and to muffle each movement that he made. It wasn't hard to see the black panther that was on the ground. One that was quite a bit older than he was. His sapphire blue eyes studied the other for a couple moments as he laid on the branch that he was on. The other seemed concerned about something from the looks of it. "Scream any louder and you might attract something you might not want to." Killua would state back toward the male, wondering if the other had noticed him at all above him in the tree. Killua spoke in a bored tone, but it was obvious that the other was upset in some way. Maybe he could be somewhat nicer to the other male. Just a little bit. "Who are you? And why are you crying?" Killua no longer sounded bored, and instead he sounded slightly concerned about the other's condition. His gaze moved from the other for a moment, and looked back in the direction that the panther most likely came from, trying to see if there were any signs that he wasn't alone. He didn't see other signs that he had others following him. He returned his attention toward the jaguar, the tip of his short tail flicking behind him.
snowbound -- apprentice -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: the pantaloon + open, joining - jacob w.c. - 04-04-2018

JACOB W. corleone
✯ — he'll be the best of us
Jacob's family was a sticky, complicated business that he admittedly didn't like thinking much about. He'd moved around so many times and there were so many things that were kept from him and things that he had to keep from others. A long string of secrets that he'd been born into or forced into and none of it was anything he wanted to be involved it. His worst fear was someone showing up at the border asking for his name because someone had died or fallen ill, not only because he cared deeply for his remaining family, but also because he had no intention of ever taking over the 'family business'. He wasn't so sure a thing like that could be called a business, though. He wondered sometimes if everything had really been out of necessity. He believed his Babbo and his Pa were good men, when they wanted to be and when they felt like they could afford it, but there was no doubting the fact they'd both done terrible things to get what they had. His Pa had died for it and Jacob had to be careful because of both of them. It was what led to him speaking little about the city he came from or ever mentioning his last names. Most here didn't even know he had any and that was the way he'd like to keep it. Still, he didn't like all the lies and secrecy and he hoped one day he wouldn't have to worry about it anymore but that felt more like a dream than any kind of feasible reality.

He was yanked from his thoughts when he heard someone screaming. His heart twisted and he began to rush towards the sound as fast as he could. His bad legs threatened to give out but soon he arrived beside Killua to see a stranger. "Don' worry, we're 'ere? Are ya' alright? Did ya' get hurt? You should really get inside n' I can give ya' some herbs n' look after ya', if ya' need me to-" the boy spoke quickly, his eyes searching the other boy's frame in obvious concern. He wasn't sure what happened but no one screamed like that for no reason. He looked up and around, as though searching for some sort of threat before his eyes returned to the creature before them.

Re: the pantaloon + open, joining - JERSEYBOY - 04-05-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; color: black; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;"]( tw for mentions of abuse )

Did Jerseyboy know what it was like to have shit parents? Certainly not to the degree that Flaw did, but he could relate to an extent. His mother had been an angel on earth; his rock, his anchor. She had been his saving grace in a sea of childhood troubles, and those troubles had stemmed from his own father. Just the small things that he did such as smoking and drinking and going on angry, drunk rants had all rubbed off onto him. As if it all weren't enough, he had even mistreated him as a kid. Badly. There were nights when he had wept, but he eventually learned to keep it all inside. In fact, he had started fighting back. Things escalated out of control most of the time, and by the time he was barely over 6 months old, he had decided to leave home. It had been a hard decision, but Jerseyboy wanted to see the world for himself. He didn't want to be held up in a small town going down a dead-end road. He wanted to get away from the neighborhood and from his drunkard father. This way, he had met Jacob. He had seen the city. He felt like he was able to take on the world.

It was impossible to ignore the cries sourcing from the border, and when he arrived, the tuxedo tom saw a distraught-looking young panthera. Killua and Jacob were already there, but that didn't stop him from wanting to investigate himself. Jerseyboy, one of the less comforting of the trio, approached and told the newcomer, "Kid, kid- calm down, huh? What 'appened?" He looked battered and bruised, and he couldn't help but wonder just what had happened to him.

Re: the pantaloon + open, joining - Orion - 04-13-2018


Flaw's eyes widened at the appearance of the albino serval, taking a step back in awe. Finally, someone to share a life with. It was a second chance to live out his hopes and aspirations. After all this searching, there was finally somewhere to be his new home. Though he was thrilled, he choked back the tears and wiped the previous remains away from his face as he began to gather himself. "As long as it's sentiment, I wouldn't mind the company," Flaw's words slipped out mindlessly. He stopped momentarily at the realization. Before he answered the next question, his back straightened and he moved his paws so he stood upright. Conversely to his previous appearance, the young panther began to present himself more seriously as he wasn't sure how to introduce himself after the lack of social interaction for six long months, which practically drove him bonkers. Thankfully, that reign of madness was done. Only serenity was in his future.

There were too more to arrive before him. His eyes darted between the two rapidly, observing them carefully and making sure they weren't a figment of his imagination. Loneliness tended to get weird. Nevertheless, these were real men standing before the young panther and he could not deny the reality. Even so, he was still skeptical, but that would not divert them to taking habitat within their territory. Anything, possibly a toxic relationship, was better than nothing currently and there were points in time where he regretted leaving, even if he knew it was not going to benefit him. There was something about loneliness that drove a person made. Being deprived of it for so long made him clingy and desperate for something more special.

After letting their questions fly in from all sides, his ears pinned backwards. "My name is Flaw," he introduced. It was as if he didn't know his name was a disgraced term. Yet, he continued. "I..." His words drifted for a moment, thinking of what to say before he said anything regrettable. Should he mention the past events? Or keep it simple? It was a shot in the dark, but he decided to explain what he could. "I escaped my abusive home and have been walking for-" His eyes darted down towards the bottom of his front right paw where he marked the days that went past. They were simple scratched in tallies. 'Five, ten, fifteen...' "One hundred and eighty-two days." Of course, Flaw was going to be way too open with his life after never having a contact for several months, as he dearly needed to vent. "I figured I'd never see another man in my life..." Now if only a woman could show her face. He had to satisfy that libido somehow.

The male awkwardly shuffled for a moment. "May I stay within this territory?" he asked, but quickly rephrased his question afterwards. "Where am I?"

Re: the pantaloon + open, joining - jacob w.c. - 04-14-2018

Jacob watched the boy with growing concern. Then he spoke his name. Flaw? Who would name a child such a horrible thing? He wouldn't say anything, of course, but he couldn't imagine whatever life this boy had lived. Then he spoke again. An abusive home. Jacob had experienced plenty of terrible things within his lifetime but that wasn't one of them. Perhaps that'd come as a surprise to some but Vito had always been a good and loving father, as had his Pa and, eventually, his Ma. Even if they weren't all really family, they'd treated him as their beloved son and they'd never laid a paw on him. Then the boy stated how long he'd been walking and Jacob was even more horrified, though he tried to think of all the possible medical problems as he looked at Flaw. Then he asked if he could stay. Jacob barely held his sigh of relief. He was staying. He could treat him. It would all be okay. "Of course, I ca-" he would begin before falling silent when the boy asked about where he was. "You're in a place called Snowbound. We live in a place close ta' 'ere, in some caves n' tunnels n' stuff. I can show ya' the way there. Oh, and 'course you're welcome ta' stay with us. I'm the frosthealer, or doctor, 'ere. Since ya' 'ave been out for so long, would ya' like somethin' ta' eat n' drink n' I can take a look at ya' ta' make sure you're in good health n' all that," he offered, hardly able to let the words leave his lips fast enough. He knew he needed to look over Flaw to be sure he wasn't sick or malnourished or injured. As of last week, anyone who came to Snowbound was now under his care and he was going to make sure they were all well. 

though the scars remain and tears will never dry, i'll bless my homeland til i die ━

Re: the pantaloon + open, joining - Orion - 04-16-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify;"]YOU SHOULD NEVER TRUST THE PANTALOON
All those freezing nights alone in the winter with a cold were not long forgotten and his body had definitely taken a toll, but Flaw did not seem to realize the extremity of the situation he was in. Whether this was about the cold breeze giving him frostbite or the mental abuse he suffered, he just did not know. This cruel realitywas just normal to him. He knew nothing else except this life. Those pained by his story should not be comforted with his words, as Flaw expected them to be in the same situation. It was a harsh reality for him, really. Though, he couldn't picture living his life without the foundation to his life story, as it caused him to take many different routes. All ending up here.

"Snowbound," he repeated out loud. As Jacob continued, he just slowly nodded with wide eyes and tried to take in all the information as possible. "I'd like that, darling." That was just a term of endearment, which he did not realize was generally gender-specific, that his father used towards his mother on occasion. By using it, Flaw assumed it was a way to show his politeness.  "May we stop for some grub first though?"  the panther enthused lightly with his head craning off to the side. "Not much out here besides a few rusty hares."

//private thread, jacob???

Re: the pantaloon + open, joining - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-16-2018

It was touch and go with Killua when it came to social interactions. There would be plenty of times that Killua could feel like he was independent enough that he would need to interact with anyone. But wasn't that why he was here in the first place? He was trying to figure out how to make a friend, never erally havning a friend before. Well, that was a lie, he did once have a friend but it didn't turn out to have any sort of happy ending at the end of it all. Besides, the other wasn't entirely capable of speaking eitther so it made it hard to have social interactions with him, but when he was a kitten something like that didn't exactly matter all that much. He was a kitten and he didn't try to overthink things as much as he just had fun with the only animal that wasn't in charge of training him how to kill other's that probably didn't really deserve to have their lives taken from him. In the means of an assassin, most assassin's were hired to usually kill those that had done them wrong or were running a shady business. There were instances where Killua once thought of himself as a hero for helping those dealing with a problem group by completely getting rid of them entirely. Maybe he had given himself this notion so that he wouldn't have to look at the reality of what he was doing for the majority of his life, and still doing even if he was clean for the past couple months up to this point. Killua hadn't been raised to be able to figure out how to make friends, as he was taught over and over again that friends were just distractions that were used to try and get him off the wrong past. That eventually he would betray the friend that he had made, which came true with the puppy that he had found and made a friend with when he was a kitten. Being forced to kill the puppy just because his family had told him to. Maybe if he had been stronger he would have been able to take his friend and run as far away as possible so that the other didn't have to die a horrible death, albiet it was a quick death. An assassin like him wasn't one that wasn't supposed to feel any sort of emotion with other's and feels nothing as he was about to kill them. he was only a tool to his family. They had used him over and over again because they were thinking of the benefit of the family instead of thinking about the family as a whole instead. He hated that. He hated that so much, and it was one of the primary reason why he didn't have faith when it came to dealing with adults either. So, when it came to interacting Killua usually ended up going into his bad habits. Which consisted of him analyzing those that he came across and figuring out whether or not he would be capable of killing them in a short time.

Could they possibly be a threat and if so why were they trying to attack him? He was an assassin, and every movement he usually made did matter when it came to him being on a mission. Not a portion of his life that was all that willing to be forgotten due to how his family had practically brainwashed him to believe what they were believing. It was only after he was able to go on missions and look at those that were around that what his family had told him were basically lies. There was some truth here and there when it came to what they had told him, but he would have much rather figured it out himself. What Killua didn't seem to understand though was that he was incredibly lonely. He wasn't lonely right now because he didn't have a huge issue to talk to anyone about. Instead, he just thought to himself whenever a problem did arise, and right now it wasn't an emergency. More of an annoyance than anything. Now when it finally came to the moment where he did need someone to talk to, there would be no one he would be willing to talk to about his issues. If he did, they would realize that he was a murderer, not exactly by choice, but he was a killer and those that lived in a group like this weren't killers. They were all happy and healthy and enjoyed eating with one another over and over again. Except maybe Jersey, but that was the other just being himself and he couldn't really blame the old man even if Killua didn't get along with the domestic at all that well. Reading the other's body language easily told him that the other was nervous, and when the other saw him and heard him, that was almost gone completely. Relief. That's what he could see in the jaguar's eyes, and he wasn't sure how he should feel about that. Usually those that saw him didn't feel any sense of relief, and instead usually felt fear or even became uncomfortable with him around. Maybe it was just the vibe that he gave off. The assassin's ears perked when the other spoke, and he couldn't help but chuckle a little bit then and there. Sentient huh? Well, it was obvious now that the other hadn't had any social interaction with others. Could Killua have survived as long as the other did just living alone without anyone to talk to? Maybe. He had no social connections with Snowbound just yet. The albino serval got up onto his paws and let himself drop silently onto the snow that was below. He offered the other a small grin from his jaws, before his eyes turned toward the direction of Jersey, who seemed to be fairly concerned about the situation that the other had himself in. Well, that was a first. "Well, I'm pretty sure I'm sentient." Killua teased the other as he raised one of his paws and had a quizzical look on his face. He then poked his shoulder with his own paw to go along with the joke before putting his paw back down onto the ground.

The other's body language change after he spoke, and he grew serious, but Killua's body language remained calm as he wasn't going to do anything to the other. Studying him however, wasn't out of the question as he watched the other's every movement. Then the other finally spoke his name. There was no shock spread across Killua's face at the other's name. His own name literally meant Killer. As if no one in the group had been able to figure that out just yet. Maybe if he wrote out his name for them they would be able to grasp the meaning of his name. His family wasn't really great when it came to coming up with name for their children. Killua tried his best to not go with the name that tries to define who he is. He doesn't want to be a murderer anymore. Abusive family. They definitely had that in common for certain. Killua had left a family that had physically tortured him for a majority of his life. Not that he was willing to state it though. His family was to remain a secret for as long as possible. "Yeah what Jacob said. You're basically welcome to help yourself with anything right now." The young male would state as he shrugged his shoulders toward the larger wildcat. At the mention of food, the assassin would raise one of his paws and conjure up a snow hare for the male, one that obviously didn't seem to be starving. It probably wouldn't be warm, but hey food was food. He would toss it over, and this basically meant Killua had an infinite supply of food at his disposal with his conjuration. "There ya go." Killua would say calmly, the grin still spread across his facial features as he remained standing in the snow. He was able to recognize the way that the other talked toward Jacob. Darling? He sure as hell hoped the other wasn't about to start calling him that, it just sounded weird anyway. "Oh. Name's Killua." The assassin would finally introduce himself, but continue to remain looking at the panther, as if to gauge the other's reaction if he was able to actually figure out what his name meant. With the mixture of his Japanese accent though, it was probably a little bit difficult.
snowbound -- apprentice -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: the pantaloon + open, joining - Luciferr - 04-17-2018

"Hm, a new body to join the masses?"

Ah yes, snowbound's local horror show had come to say hello, the six legged mutant creature shambling into view, taloned feet clawing into the soft flesh of the snow below as they made their way over - an eyeless face with a double set jaw and two gaping skull like holes where eyes and brows should be grinned at the stranger.

"Flaw?" their head tilted - the jutting spine that looked almost like it had burst from his neck clicking at the gesture - and the fleshy sides of their jaw looking like it hanged open and connected by a thread quirked upwards "I have heard stranger, welcome to snowbound - I am silentgrave or silent if you wish" their disjointed speech had a hollow echoing cadence to it as they observed - somehow - the Panther.

They did not have family in truth - unless one considered the mass consumed minds that added to its intelligence and strange hivemind functioning could be called family, though they would likely protest if they were able - none had been consumed without complaint after all.

They hummed lightly as killua passed them some food - hungry - and simply watched, the secondary set of front limbs that rested behind the first coming up to clasp strange thumb clawed hands in the air before plunging back into the yielding snow for better grip, the tendrils sprouting from the beast moved idly in the air, seemingly reaching towards whoever was closest at the time.

/don't mine him, he's just creepy cx

code by spacexual

Re: the pantaloon + open, joining - jacob w.c. - 04-17-2018

Jacob gave a light nod to confirm the name of Snowbound before he heard Flaw's next statement. Darling? Jacob raised his eyebrows slightly but said nothing. This man had been alone for a long time, he probably didn't know what he was saying. Still, Jacob couldn't help the heat that came to his face. "Oh, don' worry 'bout it. I like the company so it ain't no trouble ta' me." Should he correct him? Should he just not do anything? Oh man, he was already moving on to another question, it was too late to correct him now, the moment was lost. He was sure it'd be fine. Someone would tell him eventually, right? He was about to answer the next question when Killua simply pulled a rabbit out of thin air. Jacob's first thought was to the magicians he used to see on the street. Of course, those rabbits had been alive but the point still stood. Jacob briefly glanced to Silentgrave but didn't linger on the creature for long. He knew he should treat him with respect and invite him for pasta or something but the creature unsettled him, with it's many limbs and many voices. It was like it'd walked out of a nightmare. Of course, it was sentient and Jacob would never say those things to it. Perhaps it was a pleasent individual with a nice family somewhere. Jacob really doubted it but he was trying to be optimistic. "Well, I can take ya' out ta' the camp now. If ya' want more ta' eat than jus' that, I can get ya' somethin' from my house. I got lots ah' extra food n' stuff so ya' can jus' help yourself once we get there,"h he answered.

//slightly rushed and sure!!

though the scars remain and tears will never dry, i'll bless my homeland til i die ━