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load previous save // o - death - Printable Version

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load previous save // o - death - valo-kas - 04-02-2018

//if you don’t feel like reading, valo escaped sinking into mud and drowning only to get ate. they’ll be back in this thread lmao

it had been...well, it wasn’t a huge shock...that was-

nobody should have been surprised by this.


valo-kas was practically a walking countdown timer, an accident waiting to happen. survival of the fittest was not a law that favored something so horribly unfit, unnatural, undeserving by this point. perhaps they knew that. someone more inclined to sympathize with them might posit that the foundation upon which they built their behavior of being the worst and the foulest was the knowledge that one day soon they were going to meet an untimely end, and it would be best that nobody mourned them.

that said, it could also be claimed that valo’s filthy and bizarre tendencies, the same which drove others away, were destined to be the very catalyst for their death. so it was a big, stupid ouroboros. the principles behind their death aside, it hadn’t been pretty. death can be pretty. just, and heroic, and peaceful. this wasn’t.

they had been searching for a gator, and the mud of the swamp sucked at their paws as they plodded through, eyes peeled and ears keenly focused for any gatorly sounds in the area. naturally, they didn’t care which way they were headed. naturally, they were soon lost.

the mud pulled at their ankles. they pushed further.

valo-kas felt a shudder run down their spine. something told them that something should have made them turn back. a split second of clarity unfolded before them purely thanks to kind of emotional wisdom. a learned intuition. a you’ve been here before, you just don’t know it sense that looked on in abjecg horror as valo pressed on in total confidence, ignoring their gut. the cruelest part of everything was that they were never  really given the chance to learn from their mistake. the chance for growth.

valo-kas hissed out a complaint as the mud grabbed at their legs, stopping when it became hard to walk. the mutant pulled stubbornly, yanking and twisting their feet out of the earthen slime, trying to push forward toward a dry bank ahead until suddenly the ground was mire water than it was mud, disguised by a layer of silt and debris that had just moments ago sat untouched, giving the deep pool the appearance of a mere stretch of mud.

valo-kas sank down and water rushed into their mouth when they tried to scream. the cat thrashed, disoriented and afraid, coughing underwater and only succeeding to let more of the dirty liquid rush into their mouth as they struggled forward, trying to remember which way the bank was and panicking too much to get a handle on swimming and-

and they were fine. valo-kas surfaced on the dry(ish) land coughing and shaking but intact amd most importantly, alive.

[color=salmon]fuck, dude! most unspectacular...” they sucked in a deep breath, beads of diluted pink hanging off their chin, and they laughed. they did not notice the alligator, but it sure noticed them. all that was left of valo-kas in the aftermath, once the crunching and screams subsided, was a few pink smears and tufts of bristly brown fur that floated atop the disturbed water.

Re: load previous save // o - death - beck. - 04-04-2018

    Maybe Valo-kas deserved to be trapped in an endless loop of death and amnesia. Maybe the mutant had done something downright awful and as nasty as their frothing drool in their past to deserve a bizarre curse. Yet when it came down to it, Beck knew nothing about Valo. Nobody did -- including Valo themselves. What a coincidence, no creature in Tanglewood could remember their lives before they cramped together in the swamp, or were choosing to withhold their reasoning for joining. Damn, he should have been a philosopher when he was alive, or at least aiming to be for when he grew up. Plenty of missed opportunities with his untimely death. His unregistered hours spent idling in the middle of nowhere had become a notable hobby for him, time wasted by fiddling with stolen objects and dissecting plants into green slivers. Skinning the stalk of a bracken leaf with a little claw, he ignored the distant sloshing with an irritated twitch of his ear from time to time. It was just someone hunting, probably, despite his hypocritical orders to stay out of the marsh. Well, unless they had a so-called "buddy", a last minute addition used as an excuse to trail after a certain mutant's gator search. The poltergeist drowned out the irritating sounds with the white noise of a subtle electrical hum from his own being and the wispy rattle of his damaged chest. The abrupt snap of jaws and faint splashing started him enough to care, bewildered panic in his glare as he flinched into action. Scarred expression stretched into a state of shock, he forced himself to stalk towards the scene.

    The aching dread of the notion that this was his fault was enough to make scraped knees wobble as he stared out over the murky expanse. Blurred eyesight couldn't quite distinguish the brown fur from brown water, but a familiar pink eyesore caught his attention. "Holy shit," was the only phrase he wheezed, slowly piecing the clues together. Valo-kas hadn't been in the water, right? Did the alligator lurch up onto the banks? What if the alligator came back for seconds? Where was it? Where was Valo? A flurry of questions clashed in his skull as his pulseless heart was strangled by its own aorta in guilt. He bet the mutated feline was being thrashed around in a death roll with hundreds, thousands of crooked teeth embedding into a grimy side as Beck just gawked at the water's polluted surface. No hope of rescue in light of a tragic accident. Gnawing furiously on the inside of his intact cheek as if drawing his demonic replica of blood would magically summon Valo-kas, he kept his gaze locked on the calming waters, albeit surely someone else would approach to investigate the sounds of struggle as well.

Re: load previous save // o - death - valo-kas - 04-13-2018

the surface of the water broke, and valo-kas bobbed back toward the bank again, looking...dazed? afraid? they certainly didn’t resemble the chunk of bubblegum meat that had been gulped down moments before.

the mutant stood in the mud looking around themself, shaking water free until they were slick, but no longer dripping. “[color=salmon]dude what the fuuuuck.” they muttered in a flat tone, wincing. pain like a belt pulled tight around them flared and they wondered why. they were completely unscathed. and lost?

valo-kas’ eyes settled on beck and they stared for a long, uncomfortable moment. that tense silence was pulled thin, and finally came undone with a tentative, “[color=salmon]yo, dude, this your mud?” he seemed like an alright person to talk to, despite the uh, appearance. valo-kas didn’t feel threatened at least. they looked at the water, where some of their own fur bobbed along the surface. the connection didn’t seem to register. “[color=salmon]hey do i uh. live here?” they asked suddenly, looking back up.

Re: load previous save // o - death - Luciferr - 04-14-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
Fenrisulfr had watched the proceedings events from afar as the draconic wolf creature slowly ambled his way through the squishy mud - hardly getting stuck when the mud hardened about his burning feet and cracked easily as he moved.

Initially he'd been slightly alarmed - but then the cruder valko-kas had resurfaced seemingly unharmed and how Lillith would have found that interesting, such a strange phenomena - still the war wolf drifted closer, coming to stand just to the left behind Beck with a raised brow - Hm, amnesia perhaps? Brought on by whatever had just occurred (his mind wandered, regeneration? Death and rebirth? A much faster form of reincarnation Hm).

He let neck take the lead, he didn't exactly know valo-kak past meeting him when he'd joined.


Re: load previous save // o - death - COSMIIX - 04-14-2018

Well, that had certainly been interesting.

She was as surprised as anyone else that was there. The dragoness slowly following after Fenrisulfr staring at Valo-kas, she didn't necessarily like him but a death by an alligator was not fun and appeared painful especially when said reptiles using twisted their prey to get chunks of meat off. Luckily, Valo was small prey enough to just crush between strong, killer jaws and was swallowed the moment he was dead. Her tail flicked to the sides as her eyes watched the waters cautiously almost daring the alligator to rise from the murky depths for seconds, she cleared her throat standing next to Fen as she spoke with a curt nod "Yes, you live here." She decided against asking him any questions as of right now realizing that Val had possibly gained a type of amnesia though she was unsure of how that had occurred exaclty. It puzzled her.