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two of a kind — visitors - Printable Version

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two of a kind — visitors - lavi s. - 08-12-2018

"I think we took a wrong turn," the young Andean mountain cat mused, tail flicking.  Despite the fact he was a little lost - not entirely surprising given his lack of knowledge reguarding his tribe and their neighbors - Lavi Solo was the perfect picture of calm and relaxed.  Being lost now was not a set back to him, when they just escaped a desert of all places, and their surroundings were... Peaceful, really.  Lush trees.  He was fairly certain he could smell a large amount of flowers nearby.

It was oddly quiet though.  Lavi furrowed his brow, glancing behind him to check on his companion, a rather stubborn sand cat named Tena, wondering if she noticed the problem.  He could sense very few presences out and about in the open, despite the fact there was a border here.  He breathed in slowly through his mouth, then out through his nose, focusing on seeing.  Indeed the number was small.


The young Jedi took a patient seat, curling his tail around his paws. "Let's ask for directions," he suggested, smiling at his friend, hoping she did not get too restless.  He also left out the fact he felt... He felt like the Force halted him here for a reason.  There was something important about this place.

[ [member=298]Tena M.[/member] ]
code by spacexual

Re: two of a kind — visitors - Suiteheart - 08-12-2018

[lemme know if i need to delete this!!]

The reason the number of those around was so incredibly low was due to the fact that most everyone was locked inside of the Observatory. An intense malfunction had occurred, trapping the bulk of the Clan inside the metal building. Try as she might, Suiteheart couldn't figure out a way to get inside. It was worrying. And as she padded towards the border, pulled forward by the voices and scent of Snowbound, the white feline wore her concern in her now amber-hued eyes - if only minutely.

The visitors of the last few days had worried her. She kept expecting the Typhoon to stage an attack, to hit them while they were weak and vastly outnumbered, but so far, nothing of the sort had happened. She wouldn't hold her breath. Still, Snowbound were friends. She did not mind encountering them at all.

"Suiteheart Folie," the Admiral called in introduction, emerging from the territory and stepping closer. "Directions? You guys lost?"

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: two of a kind — visitors - Tena M. - 08-12-2018

[ you're good c; ]

Of course they were lost.  Tena, for her part, manages not to scowl at her Jedi friend, wondering if perhaps, she had one too many friends of that variety.  Starting with Lavi's twin sister, him, and well, she supposed Anakin was a Jedi, right?  Wasn't that entire family lousy with them?  It was hard to keep up, really.  The petite sand cat shuffled her paws, grumbled under her breath and sat beside Lavi, her own ears registering the odd quietness of the land.

It seemed though, that there was someone out and about.  "… Yeah." Unfortunately, she muses, with no small amount of bitterness and impatience. Truly, the Demdji was just exhausted.  It'd been rather foolish of her to rush off into the desert, towards her old home, and even more idiotic of Lavi to come with her, but that was all done.  They were just trying to get back to the tundra they had both found and decided to settle in.  "We legitimately have no idea where we are." Tena managed to crack a smile, although it was mostly sheepish.

"I'm Tena Moonspinner, this is Lavi Solo," she explained, gesturing a paw to her companion as she spoke, distinct blue eyes flickering around curiously.  "We're supposed to be trying to find our back to Snowbound, but Lavi must've taken us down the wrong way." Because of course, it was the Jedi's fault.
[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: lowercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px steelblue; font-size: 12px;"]— tena moonspinner

Re: two of a kind — visitors - MADI - 08-13-2018

[Image: f39e62cfa7330dd5366bf6dbf7940d98.jpg]
Octavia was not at all pleased with the current affair of things. Her Bastille seemed to be stuck inside that dome they all lived in, much to her disdain, and the filly had grown tired of prancing around the damned building furiously. Glaring at it seemed unlikely to force it to free those inside, and even Arion's anxious presence was doing her no good these days. She spent her days prancing about, occasionally following those few locked outside with her, and intermittently checking for any status change with the Observatory. Today, it would seem she was following Suiteheart at length, not quite trusting her fully given the weird attitude towards her that Bastille had taken at late.

At the signs of strangers, however, the filly came striding forward with a haughty upturn of her head. The Arabian was a proud thing, and studied them down her curved nose closely, as if to check if they were going to provide any insight about their little problem. Thus far, they didn't seem particularly helpful, and she snorted.

Re: two of a kind — visitors - MOONMADE - 08-13-2018

[size=9pt]"Damn it, Lavi." Says Moon as he drags himself over, a grin sitting sloppy on his torn up maw. "You had one job." There's humor glinting in his one good eye as he glances from one feline to the other. They seemed like a cute duo, but who the hell sets out on a journey like that without getting their Sat Nav straight? "Unfortunately, I don't know this territory-- or the snowy place you're talking about-- for shit, but I'm sure our good ol' Second In Commad here can point you in the right direction."

Re: two of a kind — visitors - lavi s. - 08-13-2018

Lavi quriked an eyebrow in Tena's direction, clearly unimpressed.  He sighed resigned and shook his head in exasperation. He could bring up this whole expedition was Tena's doing, but decided it was perhaps too early to joke on such matters.  Later, perhaps.

His own lips quirked up into a smile, flicking his ear.  "At this point it's an inevitability of my existence.  Runs in the Solo family actually," he joked.  For, after all, his twin had been rather good at wandering around, though she had reasons.  "If you ever run into my sister, you can tell her I said that " he added humorously, although a glint of sadness flickered in his eyes.  With their Force bond gone, he could no longer keep tabs on the other wandering Solo.  Maybe she had found a place to settle as well.

"..." Something still felt off, even if there were faces here.  He could sense more life forms out here than what was... Out here.  "... Has something happened here?" A brief image of darkness flared in his mind and Lavi bit his lip, wondering why the Force had decided to start giving him more premonitions than usual as of late.  First with Tena, now here.  "Can we help?" Perhaps that was... Impulsive.  Sharply, he glanced at Tena again, hoping she did not mind.  "It's only fair if you're gonna help us find our way home."
code by spacexual