Beasts of Beyond
STRANGE SHAPES | Open, Discovery+Join - Printable Version

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STRANGE SHAPES | Open, Discovery+Join - Luciferr - 08-11-2018

The Pitt residents were perhaps somewhat unaware just how much of their precious pyramids were unexplored - oh certainly perhaps they'd scouted the surface levels and the area surrounding, but the deeper depths of these ancient structures? no - and perhaps if they had, they might've been more cautious in their step.

Inevitably someone triggered something, sliding away into the oblivion maw below - before they could so much as cry for help, but perhaps the Pitt didn't care overly much for a missing slave.

it wouldn't matter - it was too late for the scraggly one eyed feline - consumed in the dark below where something much more insidious lay in wait and ancient hidden mechanisms groaned lowly from misuse as the same rituals of so long ago ground into gear once more - for one last time.

only one insidious seed flowered - the others long dead after the stasis failed and with no queen, no more were forthcoming, only this lucky survivor - or unlucky perhaps for everything else at large, for the ancient scourge of the stars was better off dead in the minds of those that knew better.

the slave was old and slow, the inevitable.

hours later a reedy wail - and days later with a corpse torn asunder and eaten - the chittering low wail of something newborn and strange calling for kindred that wouldn't answer.

he was alone.

there was no comradery - no soothing ever present link to others kin to him, no commanding maternal thrum - and the little newly moulted creature chittered quietly to itself, small ears flicking forwards and back even as it crouched curled beside the decimated carcass - what food there was gone, just bone and even then that wouldn't last long.

the child creature turned its head, this way and that - eyeless? yet seeing - before it's small ears, holdover of the genetic template, caught the faintest traces of voices coming closer.

inevitably it seemed - the pitt residents had grown curious of the many hidden spaces and darker underhells of the ancient structures, for now seemed they came to investigate and stake a claim on what they found.

of course, to the still growing creature - barely out of its first moult - this meant danger, meant threat and in greater numbers - exoskeletal fangs snarled revealing jaws beneath it as the small creature hissed quietly, awkward limbs carrying its form into a half arched standing position, layered scales near its throat flattening against the exoskeleton as he turned scampering into the shadows,

tiny claw gripped massive human sized slats as he clambered upon one - past the desiccated decaying remains of an egg that once would have spawned a sibling - a brief pang for that missing link - alone, alone, alone - a thin quiet wail at that, he knew intrinsically there were supposed to be more - a sense of hive - but there was nothing, just a gaping absence.

the voices got closer,

small ears pinned backwards against the black carapiece and he turned searching for refuge - to many to take on, danger!, must survive! - spotting a small alcove above, he bunched small but powerful hindlegs and leapt - claws gripping the carved reliefs of the wall as he scrambled upwards and vanished into the alcove's shadows, his bladed tail the last thing to follow him in before he turned and sunk down, watching where he was safely concealed.

maybe the pyramid traps would trigger - separate them, then he would have food again, pick one off, survive until another opportunity - the creature that would come to be known as Blacktide found those ideas preferable, he couldn't fight them all - but separate one and there would be food enough to last awhile.

/longer than I thought it was gonna be - but yeah the intr kinda insp by the AvP movie where the pyramid in antarctica was rigged up to be a breeding ground for these things so I thought it'd fit c;
he's gonna end up imprinting on esklav.


Re: STRANGE SHAPES | Open, Discovery+Join - GRIMNYTE - 08-12-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family:arial; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]The pyramid stank of what had been forgotten, the smell of ages old rot settling on chattels that once had a clear purpose. Whoever lived here before had long been dead ― only this pitiful memory remained, dank and dusty, telling of much simpler times than the ones they lived in now. It was too dark to truly meander about in search for answers, of course, so the being who had curiously crawled inside set out to do the impossible. A task, if you will, to appease his fickle mind of the thoughts his master would once reign over in all his tyranny. Thinking for himself was not new, but the amount of which he did it was, and so he sought to give it new meaning that could be applied to his everyday life, rather than the jumble that it had first started out to be. This was his chance.

Esklav had never been inept to risking himself for foolish assignments; just before he had stumbled upon The Pitt as his old master died right in front of him, he had been searching for a cure to prevent his death, as was commissioned by an animal who was now the husk of the man he had been before. It was not in his own design to dismiss these unrealistic expectations, only to do as he was told. Those with souls had never been particularly smart. For what he lacked in with heart (as some would deem the emotions that thrummed through every life form in response to certain situations that arose) he made up for with efficiency and loyalty. If his individual agenda leaked somewhere between those lines, it was hard to tell. In his nearing death his master had made the mistake of ignoring his creation's oncoming deviancy.

The leopon was enticed to do what he could to familiarize himself with The Pitt's layout, as it would be odd not to. He did not find it satisfactory to end up getting lost here and there when going about his day.

The fair figure of the animal prowled the innermost workings of the structure, his light steps eerily loud in the silence that accompanied him. It was not long before his attention had been drawn to the familiar reek of death that emitted throughout the room as a pungent stench. Instead of recoiling from it, as most in his place would do, Esklav would approach it with the curiosity of one who wanted to learn, to acknowledge. What had happened here? As he neared it, his eyes adjusting to the Stygian lighting of the apparent ossuary, his ears twitched to attention at the skittering note of a nearby life-form.

He stood to attention, reaching his full height from where he had been leaning down. From there on, his dutiful way of walking was replaced by cautious steps forward, slow and meaningful. He dared not speak. Whatever was down here with him was not to be startled, lest he sought to risk being torn to shreds.

Re: STRANGE SHAPES | Open, Discovery+Join - Luciferr - 08-13-2018

Small ears perked forwards with interest - the ancient pyramid's halls had deceived his senses, that or others were lingering further back, but all that had enetered the room was a singular being.

the stranger - Threat, prey? - was larger than it's current state, but it seemed similar to it's 'parent' corpse - feline, a subset of genetic memory offered as the small creature mulled it over, peering curiously downward at the light feline, eyeless head tilting.

the stranger was alone,

he was hungry - and instinct won out over staying hidden, he'd chance trying.

Blacktide rose slightly from his concealed alcove, obsidian carapiece hidden by the shadows as the smaller creature shifted and gripped the ceiling of his hiding space, carefully creeping from the hole to scuttle slowly down to the shadows in the annexes between thick protruding columns of the temple chamber where long faded reliefs were sill partially visible - where strange creatures were depicted, ancient ancestors of his kind and their hunters - keeping pace as the pale feline slowly padded around, but sticking where it could remain hidden.

it was when sliding between one and the next waiting for the right vantage point and moment of precise striking, that the ebony beast halted momentarily at sudden movement - caught? seen? - and then backing further into the thin space and its shadows, teeth bared briefly, disappointment, was it's opportunity lost? had the pale feline seen it?

/tad smaller, sudden headache ;-;

Re: STRANGE SHAPES | Open, Discovery+Join - pallid-i - 08-14-2018

One Chance
"What are you doing here at the serpent temple, hm Esklav?" Yes Man walked up to him and stared at the other male, ear flicking. The scents of the pyramids were ones he was used to, seeing how he lived in the pyramid of the sun. While the savannah caught the scent of death, he didn't notice the noises that would have otherwise set him off. He looked around before looking back over to Esklav again. "Smell that? I think a slave might have just upped and died." He chuckled at the thought, tail flicking back and forth.
code by spacexual

Re: STRANGE SHAPES | Open, Discovery+Join - GRIMNYTE - 08-15-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 540px; min-height: 9px; font-family:timesnewroman; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]"Training." it seemed a simple enough answer, one that would quiet the male up before he spoke a little louder and disturbed whatever was in there with the both of them. Esklav's larger figure was relaxed but slow to move, placing himself directly in front of the Ardent. Out of the purity of his heart, it was difficult to say. "Ardent, if I could ask you to not move or speak, that would be most helpful." his own voice was hushed. At the Ardent's next comment, Esklav would blink. Of course he smelled it. It was hard to miss.

Had he made a mistake?

Nothing seemed to be happening. The creature clearly did not require him, whatever it was, even as he sought it out willingly. It made him feel ― confused. Was that what it was, this feeling deep in his bones? Never mind that. It was irrelevant. What the leopon did instead was refocus on what he had originally set out to do, which was to coax whatever was out there into the light. In a spur of thought, Esklav would continue his walk forward, making a clicking sound deep in his throat. Come, he'd think. Come to me.

Re: STRANGE SHAPES | Open, Discovery+Join - Luciferr - 08-15-2018

it hovered in the shadows, watching - annoyance - as another came to join the pale stranger, another feline-prey, spotted - a chance for tricking an easy meal gone when utnumbered by two large predators.

but now it noticed - pale stranger made noises, sharp and constant clicks, it was familiar in a way - curious - the baby terror inclined its eyeless cranium, sniffing quietly as it watched for a moment as pale stranger moved forward still clicking - pale stranger was aware something was here, pale stranger-prey?- was curious.

Blacktide as he would be called shifted weight onto his claws again, slowly inching out of the shadows - curious, pale stranger, talking? - the clicking reminded it of ingrained behaviours, drones would click to unmoulted juveniles, keep the young safe in hive genetic memory supplied, clicks and deep thrumming growls like distorted purring.


dim light caught against the sheen of eyeless carapace as the child abomination tilted its cranium, body half melted still into the shadows of the dark room, seemingly confused? though small spines along the neck bristled somewhat in an effort to make the still small creature more intimidating outside of the strange shapes that seemed to create its make up.