Beasts of Beyond
I'M SO HELLBENT — open, joining - Printable Version

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I'M SO HELLBENT — open, joining - madster - 08-11-2018

fuck parents. fuck mom, fuck dad. you don't just chuck out your son just because he's too weak to be a real demon or way too concerned with his virginity to ever actually get laid. fuck them. ornias was going to make it on his own, whether it meant having the backing of his stick-up-their-asses parents or not. he had just turned ten months ago, and now he was in the middle of the fucking desert. awesome. he was exhausted, saliva dripping from his tongue as he panted.

like his parents, he was a demon too. unlike them, he had no servitude to a higher power or whatever. he was a demon by genetics, not by choice. he was a cat, of course, but he had red horns emerging from his temple. other than that, he looked pretty normal. he had a few piercings here and there, the most prominent being his snakebites, but that was it.

he collapsed in the sand. well, he was going to die here. and he didn't even get to see one hot girl, after traveling all this time. damn it. i'm dying a fucking virgin. awesome. maybe in my next life, i'll be a fuckin chad. god's gotta make up for this.

Re: I'M SO HELLBENT — open, joining - pallid-i - 08-11-2018

One Chance
Ah, there was a body here. What the fuck.

Yes Man quietly made his way over and stared before looking around. "Uh.. Somebody leave a body here? Or did someone just randomly fucking die?" The savannah said before looking down and taking note of the saliva. That's when the leader had the brilliant idea to just straight up poke the dude. He attempted to violently shake Ornias while still smiling. "Yo.. Scruffy, get the fuck up or you're gonna stink up the place." Not like it really mattered. The Pitt probably stank anyways.
code by spacexual

Re: I'M SO HELLBENT — open, joining - Character Graveyard. - 08-11-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 400px; line-height: 100%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: black;"]Toga didn't have any happy memories of her parents. They had either been sleeping, drinking or smoking when she was at home, so they had never spent anytime with her. Nobody would miss them- so she had killed them and made it seem like they had killed themselves. It was rather gruesome, but she hadn't cared much for them anyways.

The Warpriest had caught sight of Yes Man and what appeared to be a corpse on the ground. "Yes Man! Yes Man!" Toga called out as she approached the scene. "If it dies, can I keep it's body?" A grin would plaster itself onto her maw and a excited look would grow in her yellow-eyes.

Re: I'M SO HELLBENT — open, joining - madster - 08-11-2018

[size=9pt] malphas was panting, his vision blurring. he heard someone walk over, though, and clenched his teeth. he stayed quiet as yes man asked if he was dead, and he let out a sigh. "not yet." he said, and sat up. had he died and gone to heaven? his heaven was apparently a hot as fuck desert- oh, there was a hot girl. she asked if she could have his body. that was kind of hot. "uh... where am i?" so they speak english. cool. glad that worked out. this is like... a clan, right? i should see if i can join, i need water bad. "look. my name's ornias. i'm a demon or whatever, yadda yadda, got some sweet horns. i need a place to stay after my folks kicked me out. would you guys be like... willing to let me stay for a bit? god, i am so thirsty."

it turned out he was thirsty in another way, as he listened to toga ask for his dead body. "i'm not dead, but..." he got closer to her, grinning. "you can have my body anyways, if you want."

Re: I'M SO HELLBENT — open, joining - GRIMNYTE - 08-14-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 540px; min-height: 9px; font-family:timesnewroman; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]Esklav had always had one parent, a parent of the less gentle sex that had expected much out of his obedient creation. In the days that Esklav had been with Father he'd been tasked with many things, and depending on the outcome he was judged as his creator saw fit - mercifully, at times, but less so when his temper got particularly sour.

"You're in The Pitt, young sire."

His soothing tones were at odds with his lifeless visage, ice blue eyes keenly narrowed at the scrawny, pathetic thing scampering below him. The leopon leaned downwards. "Unless my superior has any qualms, I'm sure you're allowed to join us, provided you don't get mixed up with the slaves." it was so very easy to do that, especially in the malnourished state Ornias was in at the moment. "Water?" shrugging off his flask, Esklav nudged it forward. He always had one with him, just in case.

Re: I'M SO HELLBENT — open, joining - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 08-15-2018

At least Orinas had parents. As edgy as that sounded, Dante honestly didn't care that he wasn't raised by his mother or father. He was born in a damn lab and experimented on by scientists, do you really think his parents would taken care of him if they wanted to? Hell, his own damn mother died giving birth to him, likely due to the fact that scientists thought having the shark as a father was a wonderful idea. Dante didn't know either of his parents, didn't care of them honestly. He didn't let that bother him, believe it or not. No, the reason he was so damn angry at the world was due to the scientists' treatment of him.

"You need to shapen the fuck up." Dante rumbled as he arrived, eyes narrowing at Orinas as he realized the malnourished state the demon was in. His words were a bit hypocritical, considering he was destroying his lungs with cigarettes, which he was smoking right now, by the way. The hybrid breathed out smoke from the cigarette as he waited for a response, his shark-like tail flicking behind him.
[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px darkorange; font-size: 24px;"]— DANTE

Re: I'M SO HELLBENT — open, joining - melantha - 08-19-2018

[align=center][div style="font-family: georgia; font-size: 10pt; width: 60%; text-align: justify;"]Melantha seems to materialize from nowhere. Not by magic, of course. She just moves incredibly silent; each step chosen with the utmost precision, tawny golden fur blending beautifully into the backdrop of sand. Originally, the young puma almost ignored the congregation of people entirely. However, she changed her mind upon spotting both Esklav and Toga. Good thing she did, because it looks like the weaselly little newcomer is trying to make a pass at the female warpriest. A low growl rumbles in the lithe predator's throat as she steps in between Ornias and Toga, shooting the former a withering glare. "Back off, runt." Her voice is low and threatening, a deep rasping rumble of a famished hunter. Of Melantha is the one to have to put the young tomcat in his place. Dante sounded like he was going to tell Ornias to mind his manners, but of course her fellow strong arm decided to insult the newcomer instead of do his job.

The tawny huntress takes a step backwards, remaining in a defensive position near the warpriests. Her expression is unfriendly, but no longer menacing. As far as she is concerned, she got her point across that she will gladly castrate the young male if he does not mind his manners around her.

Piercing olive eyes observe Ornias with mild curiosity. Another strange hybrid? No, no, he said that he is a demon or something. Makes sense. "I am Melantha," she introduces simply. No smile, no bob of the head, no nothing. He is lucky that she even bothered to tell him her name.