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butterflies [★] welcome aboard - Printable Version

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butterflies [★] welcome aboard - Keona. - 08-09-2018

✯ — female. striker of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
In the Striker's earliest days among the Typhoon, the kitten had been surprised by a creature others called a butterfly.  Of course, Keona had not known what such a creature was.  No butterflies out on the open ocean, and before landing ashore here, the open seas had been all she'd known.  Just a big ship, a fun crew and her da.  No flying insects to fascinate by landing on her little black nose.

Keona had not exactly been sure of what to do when she had felt the foreign weight on her nose.  It'd never happened before.  She made the assumption it was some kind of bug, but was uncertain of it's intentions.  Friendly? Dangerous?  The first to find her in the situation had been Papercutter, who also did not recognize the creature at the time.

No amount of shooing had done any good though; the butterfly had not been intimidated by the former desert-dweller.  Such a brave, indifferent creature.  A real model to aspire to be, when one was small and rather scrawny, still sporting a good amount of kitten fluff, and could not see.

At the time though, the Striker did not yet aspire to be the toughest butterfly on the block - as it was so deemed - rather than just to find that butterfly again.  Unfortunately, the life of butterflies could often be short, varying from species to species.  It was highly unlikely Keona would ever track down that one, brave butterfly, whom not even a pirate could scare off a kitten's nose.

No tough butterfly or not, Keona found herself with an unexpected visitor while she was napping beneath a palm, tired out from a day's exploring.  One of the elegant winged creatures had landed on her forehead and seemed comfortable enough to stay there.  It woke her up, but the tiny fem remained as she was, supposing if she was going to be a rest stop, she'd be a polite one.

Then a second butterfly landed on her back and settled there, atop her spotted fur.

Perhaps the creatures recognized the young Fae has a safe place.
code by spacexual

Re: butterflies [★] welcome aboard - snare - 08-09-2018

snare mortem   male wolf typhoon minnow argus x npc
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #633c00;"]Snare was young, and wasn’t familiar with every kind of animal that inhabited the world yet.  The illustrious butterfly was one of them, with their elegant wings and tiny forms.  The wolf pup hadn’t had the fortune of encountering any yet, so when his eyes would settle on the sight of the small creatures settled around one of his crewmates he naturally would approach to investigate.  His steps were slow and curious, his pale eyes big as he approach cautiously as if he expected a million of the things to pop out of the foliage beyond and swarm him if he came towards them the wrong way.

”What are those?”  Snare would question, his gaze flickering towards Keona as he stepped the tiniest bit closer to where she was resting with her small companions.  The puppy’s eyes would shift about as he searched out more of the butterflies seemingly, his posture crouched to the ground slightly as he observed the surrounding area.

Re: butterflies [★] welcome aboard - JUNIOR - 08-09-2018

[color=#5B81AE]"Butterflies," answered Junior as he neared the two younger children, baby blues flicking over the small form of Keona and her two little companions. Though not much of an animal guy, there had been a fair amount of butterflies back home, mostly orange ones- monarchs, he was pretty sure they were called. A mighty name for a not-so-mighty insect, he could recall thinking, for butterflies were so fragile, so easily crushed. Whatever, though; as long as he never met the scientist who had come up with the stupid idea to name a species of butterfly such a thing, he decided it wasn't a very big deal. Besides, the winged creatures perched upon Keona didn't look to be the kind from back home. "No idea what kind, though," he went on, not that it mattered. What he was most concerned about at the moment was why Keona was just gonna lay there and let them sit on her. "You just gonna sit there, kid?" It was certainly an odd sight to see, but not really a problem, he guessed.


Re: butterflies [★] welcome aboard - Keona. - 08-10-2018

✯ — female. striker of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
Keona's ear flicked.  These voices were only somewhat familiar at best, but they smelled of Typhoon at least, marking them as crewmates.  They sounded young too, closer to her age than most others she knew.  The fae opened her pale eyes, not moving her head as she listened to the two each speak.  She would nod in affirmation but was frightened she might startle the winged insect resting on her head.

"I don mind them," she murmured, pushing back to the urge to shrug.  Keona preferred them almost, as companions; they were nothing but quiet, and did not judge her or if they did, she never had to worry about feeling their eyes or hearing such words.  Her worries were... A bit farfetched of course; most of her crewmates did not seem to think ill of her whatsoever, but she was self-conscious nonetheless.

She frowned briefly.  "How many... Kinds are there?" She inquired softly, honestly a little daunted.  Keona could not see the differences between the insects, and thus had no clue there might be many kinds of butterflies.  A butterfly was just a butterfly to her.
code by spacexual

Re: butterflies [★] welcome aboard - Kian. - 08-11-2018

So bring on all the monsters, That lie sleeping in the blue
I'll fight 'em all bare handed, Screaming I ain't scared of you
"More than I certainly want'a keep track of," Kian chuckled as he padded over, tilting his head curiously as he regarded the two butterflies that settled on his daughter.  Indeed, there must be hundreds, maybe even thousands of different butterflies out there.  They were lovely creatures, though he spent quite a lot of time without seeing them, considering they were not exactly oceanaic.  "No doubt there's quite a few kinds in the jungle."

God knows Kian worried about Keona making friends.  She seemed to keep to herself quite a bit.  Quiet.  Rushing off alone.  He was glad she did not seem to mind the attention right now. "Perhaps you're a butterfly magnet, a leanbh." A concept absolutely adorable to the pirate.
typhoon | rusty spotted cat | #faesquad |
© madi