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bellyache / open - Printable Version

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bellyache / open - Character Graveyard. - 08-07-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 400px; line-height: 100%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: black;"]She was certainly happy that Yes Man had chosen her to be a Warpriest. In the old world, none of the other villains would have picked her for something that meant she would have to work hard for. But honestly, she didn't care about the other villains. In reality, she had been in the League of Villains only because of the Hero Killer Stain and his ideals. Of course- she looked up to him, but she also wanted to kill him. Since she had met Deku, the green-haired boy, she had felt a strong urge to get to know him, though that was very unlikely as he was friends with the brown-haired girl and the dark green-haired girl. She also happened to like those two, but if they got in her way of getting to Deku, she'd want to cut them down.

The Warpriest had been sitting in the camp, drawing in the dirt with her knife, a manic smile on her maw.

Re: bellyache / open - pallid-i - 08-08-2018

One Chance
Yes Man probably should have been patient with promotions, but really, he just needed strong arms and warpriests. Of course, only he and the warpriests really knew about the strong arms. They were a secret rank after all. He needed more warpriests, actually. Toga couldn't be the only one. Though he was gonna have to settle with just her for the moment.

The female still made him uncomfortable, but the feeling was beginning to lessen over time. In fact, the ardent fully expected himself to get over the fear he had for the female. It was very unbecoming of him, after all. So he made his way over, watching Toga with a brow raised. "Having fun there?"
code by spacexual

Re: bellyache / open - melantha - 08-08-2018

[align=center][div style="font-family: georgia; font-size: 10pt; width: 60%; text-align: justify;"]Considering the sorts of people who choose to make the Pitt their home, Melantha is remarkably...normal. Plain. Average. Sure, she can kill someone if she has too or torture a guy if it's pertinent to completing a task, but it's not like she'll die of boredom or whatever if she doesn't. And sure, yeah, the girl has a bit more of a moral code when it comes to slavery and harming children or innocents, but that does not make her a good person. She is just a person. A person with no memories beyond vague fragments who is just doing what she can to survive. Without much to go on in terms of who she is as a person, Mel plans to fly under the radar and make as little waves as possible. She will do her job and do it well, all while drawing as little attention to herself as possible.

Strangely enough, the golden wildcat can be spotted prowling near the main encampment. It is strange considering Melantha's preference for solitude. But boredom compels her to seek entertainment in places aside from the ocean of dunes and she seems to be approaching the duo with predatory grace. Admittedly, were if just Toga creepily stabbing the dirt, Mel would have found something else to do. But the presence of Yes Man is enough to encourage the huntress's curiosity and compel her to approach. "Nice, uh, dirt..?" Mel tried, but she clearly isn't good at making meaningless conversation. The discomfort upon saying random, worthless words expresses itself as a grimace upon her angular visage. "You're Toga, right?" the female only asks because she tends to see people from a distance and very rarely interacts with them directly. Which is probably obvious given her severe lack of social graces.

Re: bellyache / open - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 08-08-2018

Toga didn't exactly make Dante uncomfortable, though her actions were definitely strange and odd. They almost disgusted him, despite himself not having a morally right compass. She was definitely a weird one, and Dante didn't like it. The hybrid made his way over upon seeing Yes Man and Melantha gathered and frowned at Toga as he watched her draw with her knife. A cigarette was in his mouth and through careful maneuvering of it between his teeth (since he couldn't exactly hold it with his paws), Dante exhaled, forcing smoke to come from his mouth as he breathed. "The hell are you doin'?" He asked with a small snort, shaking his head with what could be considered disgust.
[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px darkorange; font-size: 24px;"]— DANTE

Re: bellyache / open - miss ririchiyo - 08-11-2018

[Image: tumblr_inline_p0gf8uROU01v0ahz0_400.png]
[div style="text-align: center;"]"The real question is why the fuck do you have your knife like this? It'll dull the blade, Toga." Came Dabi's sinister, but bored voice as he walked over, blue eyes narrowed at his fellow villain. Like Toga, Dabi only joined the League of Villains because of the Hero Killer and his priorities. While he didn't mind Toga, she still managed to annoy him slightly.

Re: bellyache / open - Character Graveyard. - 08-11-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 400px; line-height: 100%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: black;"]Toga would blink for a second as Yes Man approached, before she would look up at the Ardent. If she had to be honest, she looked up to him. He was cool, in her opinion. But, she still held a lot of respect for Stain, even if he wasn't in this world. "Yep!" She would chirp happily to Yes Man, continuing to drag the knife around in the dirt- before she noticed a few others showing up. She recognized Dante and Dabi- but she didn't know the other female. "Yep! That's me!" She would say to Melantha before she asked. "Who're you?"

Of course, her attention on the other female didn't last long and she looked towards Dante, noticing the clear look of disgust on his face. She honestly didn't care that he disliked her. "I'm drawing! Look!" Toga would point to the drawing in the dirt, which was of her and another feline who appeared to be dead in her drawing. Toga knew she wasn't really sane, but she ignored everyone's judgement. Then she would glance at Dabi as he approached and she would respond. "If I wanna fight someone with this blade, they might get a infection if it's dirty!"

Re: bellyache / open - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 08-12-2018

Honestly, Dabi had a point. Dante looked at the drawing Toga was making and his wings twitched, unimpressed. "That's a shitty ass drawing, if you as me."
[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px darkorange; font-size: 24px;"]— DANTE