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DON'T GIVE UP JUST YET // o; joiner - Printable Version

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DON'T GIVE UP JUST YET // o; joiner - KION - 03-31-2018

Kion didn't know where he was going. He had just been walking, and walking, for quite a while now. It had been a while since he had left his last home, but he knew that there was nothing there left for him anymore. The cub didn't want to return to the pridelands, either. It wasn't that he didn't love it there, because he really did, but he knew that if he went back it wouldn't be much longer until he would have to leave again.

So for now Kion was a lone traveller, wandering all around in search of a new place to stay. Hopefully somewhere with others who were friendly, as he didn't want to live alone much longer. Stumbling upon the plains, the lion perked up in surprise. He allowed a smile to brighten up his expression. "Wow," he murmured under his breath to himself, feeling rather at home already. "What is this place?" He wondered out loud, gaze scanning the area. Could there possibly be others around, already inhabiting these plains? Little did he know that there was.

Re: DON'T GIVE UP JUST YET // o; joiner - ghostpact - 04-01-2018

"DAMN DUDE." tags
"The Ascendents, yo!" Immortal piped up in response to the kid's outloud question. Man, he was beginning to enjoy patrolling here almost as much as he enjoyed it at his last home. He met cool people and they occasionally wanted to join. Actually, they mostly were all joiners. Still. It might liven up the place just a bit more. He already loved his new home, but it never hurt to wish for more, right? The serval bounded down from the hilltop he'd called from, skidding to a halt in front of the cub and pressing on his hat push it back into position. "Sick, another lion. You're like a baby lion, though, huh? Cool. What's your name kid? You need kinda young to be away from your parents. They abandon you or something?" He remembered meeting the other kid who'd been abandoned and frowned slightly. He hoped that wasn't the case. "Oh, yeah. I'm Immortalhd Marchant, just a member around here. You can call me HD, everyone does."
code by spacexual

Re: DON'T GIVE UP JUST YET // o; joiner - KION - 04-01-2018

The Ascendants? So this was a group! That was good news for Kion, yes, very good news. The lion cub couldn't help but feel his smile grow wider as he listened to the serval's words. This guy seemed friendly enough, so surely there'd be others like him here in the Ascendants. "Oh, that's great! Could I join?" He'd quickly ask, though narrowed his eyes and lifted his paw up rather cautiously at the serval's sudden series of questions. Another lion? So there were more? Abandoned? That wasn't right. "Uhhh no, I wasn't abandoned... I left my old home," he explained, shaking his head as if trying to attempt the guilt of leaving from bothering him. "And my name is Kion. It's nice meeting you, HD."

Re: DON'T GIVE UP JUST YET // o; joiner - tristitia - 04-01-2018

[Image: tumblr_n0vm3xxo8y1trav8xo1_500.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]And Scar here had just gotten accepted into this little... group. The brown lion strutted to the cub. Ugh. He almost looked sickeningly like Simba, that pesky little brat. At least he didn't have to welcome the... familiar cub by himself.

He would watch the cub. The way he perked up, his grin, his... his oh great Pride Rock, was that what children called manes these days?!  He glanced over at Immortal, who didn't seem surprised. Maybe this was Simba's son. At least he actually had a start of a mane. His voice was laced with a sickly sweet tone. [b]“Yeah, The Ascendants..” he began but was soon cut off by his gaze traversing to his shoulder.

That mark.

It was the mark of the Lion Guard, prestigious protectors of the Pride Lands, lions with powerful abilities. Guardians of the Circle Of Life. He once held that position. What he felt was his got it taken away from him. His maw twitched and he grinned, answering Immortal's question proudly, a paw to his chest. [b]“HD, that is Kion. He must be Simba's son to be leader of the Lion Guard! He would likely be here on a trip... or something.”

Edit: ninja’d and on mobile sorry

Re: DON'T GIVE UP JUST YET // o; joiner - ghostpact - 04-01-2018

"DAMN DUDE." tags
"Of course you can join, kiddo!" As far as he knew, there wasn't anything against any new members. It was rather unforunate Bast's tradition turned out to be false. Then again, no one was around that could tell him otherwise. It might be fun to mess with him. He perked up at that revelation. "Oh! But, there's thing you gotta do before you can be a real member-" He glanced sideways at Scar's sudden interruption. Rude. He liked the guy so far, kinda weird, but he thought he was cool. "I don't know who or what that is, and I literally don't care. I'm discussing something important with hin." With a heavy sigh he looked back at the cub and smiled, "Anyway! You gotta, like, show me your best dance, y'know? Usually the leader's around to watch, but you can show him later." Becuase he wasn't sure if he'd get Bastillepaw back for that little ruse, so he might as pass it on to someone else.
code by spacexual

Re: DON'T GIVE UP JUST YET // o; joiner - FINNEGAN F.M.R. - 04-01-2018

[Image: xWinQeE.gif]
I'VE BEEN WRITING ON YOUR GHOST PAGE, BABE — It was hard to fathom the idea of a mere child wandering the lands by himself, but Vinny had been in Kion’s shoe- err, paws, once upon a time. However, he hadn’t chose to wander alone- his family had just abandoned him when he needed them most. Although it had been almost 2 years ago now (god, he felt old), the wounds still stung whenever he was reminded of their betrayal. Nevertheless, Mementomori was attempting to put it behind him now, but it was still a struggle- some days more than others.

Still reeling from the shock of becoming a literal kangaroo, as well as going through somewhat of an accidental gender change, he hadn’t been keeping up on all the joiners. From what he had heard from some NPCs, however, it sounded like a lot of lions were joining. Were lions just overpopulated here or what? He had never seen so many in one place... it couldn’t just be a coincidence. Whatever the reason, Vinny was determined to get to the bottom of it. Hopping over to join HD and the others, the 6 foot kangaroo adjusted the brown hat on his head, giving Kion a faint, friendly smile. “Joining, huh? Welcome to the Ascendants then, I’m Mementomori, but most call me Vinny.” He introduced himself, flicking an ear and glancing at HD out of thd corner of his eyes. “What? When did we start doin’ that?” The kangaroo said with a scoff, rolling his eyes. Perhaps he had missed that detail during the last meeting, but he didn’t quite remember there being any sort of “dancing initiation test”. Knowing Starry, however, perhaps something as silly as that was to be expected. — I'VE BEEN WAITING BY YOUR GRAVE


Re: DON'T GIVE UP JUST YET // o; joiner - BASTILLEPAW - 04-01-2018

BASTILLEPAW AURELIUS ✧ ascendants — fireball — tags
[div style="background-color: #e3dfdf; border: 1px black solid; width: 500px; line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin-top: -1px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; color: black; padding: 10px; text-size: 10px"]
”You got really lucky, Vinny,” he said seriously as he was suddenly just there. The bengal’s invisibility seemed to be acting up lately, without Bastille’s noticing — no one had pointed it out, and he’d had complete control of his powers since he was born, thanks to Grimmkit. He would have never considered that they were acting out, and would continue to live in ignorance until someone mentioned it.

A faint headache emerged as he spoke, no doubt responding to the activation of his powers, but Bast had been living with constant headaches for days. He was used to it by now, and even seemed to have shaken his grouchy mood over it. He shot a smirk towards HD, and added, ”You joined just before Starry thought up this one, so you didn’t have to do it.” His ice blue gaze fell on the cub, and he cocked his head before adding, [b]”I’m Bast. Welcome, I guess.”

Re: DON'T GIVE UP JUST YET // o; joiner - KION - 04-05-2018

As another lion, a much larger one arrived, Kion was suddenly taken aback by the words which he spoke. Wait... he knew who he was? It took a few moments of the cub staring down the other to finally realize who he was, but when he did, he felt his eyes widen in shock. "... S-Scar?" His heart began to pound. Oh dear, this was not good. Wasn't Scar supposed to be... dead? How was this even possible? The cub was prepared to run, or fight - he wasn't sure which, but he was prepared for something.

He only ended up feeling himself relax though as Immortalhd spoke up once again, snapping him out of his fearful thoughts. He had to... what now? Dance? Well that was a bit random, but Kion supposed that it could be worse. Just as he was about to dance though, some others came by, and confirmed that since the dance thing was new he didn't have to do it. "Er yeah, I'll pass up on that, if that's okay," he said, trying his best not to let Scar's presence get to him. It'll all be fine... I can deal with him later. "It's nice meeting you both!"