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BE PREPARED || o, Joiner - Printable Version

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BE PREPARED || o, Joiner - tristitia - 03-31-2018

[Image: tumblr_n0vm3xxo8y1trav8xo1_500.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Somehow, he was alive. At first, he wasn't sure what it felt like to be in a physical form. It had been so long. He assumed he had that Nobody to thank, though, admittedly, he didn't like being turned into a Heartless in the first place. He shook his head, raven black mane flopping a bit. Right... he had gotten a thrashing last time. He did not appear as a spirit, instead, his old form was back. Imperfect as it was, it was homely to him.

Now, he had to figure out what to do. Scar moved along to the border, a grin of yellowed teeth and emerald eyes gazing into the territory. Joining a group, and seeing how things worked in these lands would be a good start. His voice was calm, yet proud, [b]“Hello? I am Scar. I wish to join... your group.”

Re: BE PREPARED || o, Joiner - KION - 03-31-2018

track !!

Re: BE PREPARED || o, Joiner - ghostpact - 03-31-2018

"DAMN DUDE." tags
Immortal never had to deal with anything other than his own, perfectly good body. He was born in it, grew up in it, got beat up, still lived in it. It was nearly perfect (save for his lack of apparent powers), and he was perfectly happy with that. He couldn't even deal with the thought of waking up like Meme had in that kangaroo body. How disorienting. Don't even get him started on the afterall and spirits. (He actually didn't have anything to say. At all.) Patrolling the border, as the serval often did, he quickly found the stranger that he'd scented not far back and then heard his declaration of joining. Adjusting his snapback, he stopped a few paces in front of the new guy. "Cool." To be honest, he was kind of excited to have a lion around because he hadn't seen one in a while and their next biggest member (besides the raptors, but they hardly counted, he figured) was a fucking kangaroo. "I wanna say cool name, but it's kinda... whatever." He waved his paw and shrugged. "I'm Immortalhd, call me HD or whatever you like. This is the Ascendents and welcome home, I guess. Need a tour or somethin'? I can show you around."
code by spacexual

Re: BE PREPARED || o, Joiner - BASTILLEPAW - 04-01-2018

BASTILLEPAW AURELIUS ✧ ascendants — fireball — tags
[div style="background-color: #e3dfdf; border: 1px black solid; width: 500px; line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin-top: -1px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; color: black; padding: 10px; text-size: 10px"]
So, he didn’t have a headache this morning. Miraculously. Bastille felt like he hadn’t gone an entire day without a headache in... well, ages. He actually couldn’t think of the last time he’d been entirely pain free. Needless to say, he was less relieved and more suspicious — why now? What had changed? He hadn’t done anything differently today, so it just seemed to be... random.

”I’m Bast,” he supplied as he joined them, ice blue gaze flickering over the stranger briefly. He gave a slight nod and added, [b]”Welcome, I guess.”