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THAT'S HOW WE LOVE // recovery - Printable Version

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THAT'S HOW WE LOVE // recovery - ATBASH CIPHER. - 08-05-2018

i know i should stop believing
i know there's no retrieving
Atbash was definitely feeling a lot better now after the attack, although her muscles were still a tad sore whenever she moved. The wound on her neck and shoulder have scared up by now, though whenever she talked, her throat did twitch a bit in an uncomfortable way. But now that she was feeling a lot better, the she-cat decided now would be the time for a little celebration. Snowbound had been through a lot lately - with her getting attacked and Kirishima being captured, as well as Izuku and his schoolmates being attacked. Snowbound needed a little game to bring up the fun!

"Hey everyone, why don't we play a game of truth or dare?" Atbash spoke loudly as she finished laying out cups of hot cocoa for everyone she assumed would be coming. Did she make a lot? Absolutely; she just didn't want to be short. "I'd like to get to know everyone better, since I've been cooped up in my cabin for a while."
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: THAT'S HOW WE LOVE // recovery - galexiux - 08-05-2018

  Normally, cry would laugh at the idea of playing such a trivial game. Such a waste of time when she could be doing something productive... Or sleeping. Sleeping is nice... But... At this point she was under Atbash's paw. She'd do anything for the cat, just like she would do anything for her family. The crow sighed and landed beside the Savannah cat. Sure. She'd join in the game, but she wouldn't be a huge fan of it.


Re: THAT'S HOW WE LOVE // recovery - arcy - 08-05-2018

While Atbash may be mostly recovered, that didn't stop Izuku from constantly worrying. He spent a good majority of what time he was willing to spare fretting over the poor feline. He's sure she's getting sick of it, but Izuku couldn't really help it. Besides, it was a good distraction from .. the mess that was Izuku's life right now. Seriously, he thought he had it together but then his classmates and Locket were showing up nearly by the dozen and everything is falling apart again. Not to mention Izuku has relapsed enough to start picking fights, so .. that's great.
"I'll participate, Atbash!" Izuku chirps warmly. He'd been on his way over when he'd heard Atbash's call, and as worried as he always was, he couldn't fault her for this. She was pretty well recovered, anyways. The dragon strides over and makes to curl up next to the feline, and pulls a hot chocolate cup towards himself. He's still growing, so he's kind of worried about how big he'll be, but for now there's still cups of hot chocolate that are big enough to suit Izuku, so he was content. Izuku isn't quite sure how he'd get by without hot chocolate, considering that it was his pick-me-up drink. Then, he settles his head on his talons as he waits. Locket's shuffling weight on his shoulderblades is a little distracting, but she seems quiet enough. He wasn't willing to look up at her expression right now, honestly. .. Though, chances were that she'd want to participate. Even if she didn't say anything. Because of course she would, what did Izuku expect from her.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: THAT'S HOW WE LOVE // recovery - dead chars - 08-05-2018

He'd been working on doing literally anything except laying around lately, though often his attempts were rendered unsuccessful whether it was due to a lack of his own ideas or his own motivation. Getting up and walking around was just taxing. Still, Toshinori knew he'd better get out and do something today other than poke at a chunk of clay or strike a rock with his claws until he bled. So, the serval had decided to socialize.

Talking to others used to be almost therapeutic. He was at ease in the center of a crowd. He loved attention. And yet, now, it was anything but. Actually working up the courage to just speak to anyone was draining. Luckily he'd seemed to be running on empty for a while now, so he was used to it, but his fatigue was still clear in his frame as he slunk over.
"I'll play," he announced. His voice made it clear that he'd be playing whether they thought he should sleep or not. After all, there were hot drinks here, and any hot drink should work like coffee, right? Toshinori slid a cup towards himself with less grace than he'd imagined, but he took a quick sip and brightened ever so slightly. He could work with this.

The serval had settled himself next to Izuku, of course, and his cerulean gaze drifted up to Locket. He wasn't sure how he felt about the shrike- she seemed to like downtalking his former student, which wasn't his favorite thing in the world, but Izuku also kept her around, so... who knew. He flicked his attention to Cry for a moment. She was a much better bird than the dragon's pet, even if she was a tree hugger.

Not quite content, but certainly not uncomfortable, Toshinori settled back into his haunches, sipping his cocoa.
code by spacexual