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no fairytale in your eyes | puddles - Printable Version

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no fairytale in your eyes | puddles - pallid-i - 08-05-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Abomy normally wasn't out of her hole.. The hole she kept hidden away from others and was known only by her. Though now she was outside, paws crunching through the snow and her long blanket dragging behind her. She had no idea what she was doing, but it was nice to get out and stretch her legs. So imagine her surprise when she came across a puddle. On rainy days the circus had puddles too.. But she could never play in them. She was too scared to play, out of fear that the ringleader would yell at her and force her back into her cage as punishment.

She wanted to play in the puddle really bad.. So she looked around and with a small smile that was hidden, she jumped in, getting her paws and blanket wet. The flash of pain she felt through her body made her wince lightly. Still, she messed around in the puddle despite the pain, and even let out a couple of soft giggles. It was nice to be able to unwind and do something you've never really done before.

Re: no fairytale in your eyes | puddles - ATBASH CIPHER. - 08-05-2018

i know i should stop believing
i know there's no retrieving
It really was nice to relax every now and again, wasn't it? Atbash remembered the few days she had been able to relax without worrying about The Typhoon or Caesar attacking, but then the fucker returned and messed up her grove almost as soon as she was getting comfortable in Snowbound again. But oh well, what didn't kill you makes you stronger, she supposed. Atbash's ears pricked as she heard the sound of splashing, and an amused smile formed across her face as she came upon Abomy playing in the puddles. "Are you having fun?" She purred, quite happy to see Abomy actually look at ease for once.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: no fairytale in your eyes | puddles - arcy - 08-06-2018

Izuku -- didn't quite consider himself better than to play in puddles. Quite the opposite, honestly, since Izuku still considered himself a kid. Sure, he was apparently nearly the same age as Jacob was when he left, and Izuku had considered Jacob an adult, but Izuku was still a kid thank you very much. Anything else to suggest otherwise could and would probably make Izuku cry, but what was new. Anyways, the only reason he hadn't played in the puddles that were around the territory from melting snow was 'cause he didn't have time. Izuku never had time, despite outside appearances. Also, he was generally so injured that getting wet was an absolutely terrible idea because the puddles. Izuku was .. still injured, but it was to a lesser degree than usual.
"I mean, it looks fun!" Izuku chirps. He'd arrived a few moments after Atbash, largely because he was overprotective and worrying and liked to trail after her sometimes. He was like .. a worried kid. That was what he basically was anyways, though. Still, the dragon lowers himself to the ground and perches next to Atbash, eyes wide and ears perked. He tries to maintain a .. more friendly posture? He knows Abomy is easily spooked. He doesn't want to scare her. Especially since Izuku is just .. so big. And sharp. Very sharp.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: no fairytale in your eyes | puddles - dead chars - 08-06-2018

Toshinori was not a kid, on the other hand. Did that stop him from loving puddles and things? ...Well, for the most part, yes. It was mostly his preference to not be wet and dirty that kept him out of the things, and while the snow got him wet anyway, at least it wasn't muddy. Of course, he didn't expect children to stay out of them- kids did what they wanted. They played in mud and they ate play doh. That was just the way things were.

The serval had managed to lug himself out into the territory for something akin to a patrol, but not quite a patrol because he was doing a rather poor job. Of course, though, he'd managed to stumble into a distraction.
He'd only met Abomy once- she seemed kind, and most people here did, but there was something a bit strange about her, too. She seemed like one who had a lot to hide. Of course, he could be wrong. Toshinori had only met her once.

His gaze followed her as she splashed about in the mucky water. Oh well- she was having fun. Even if he hardly knew her, he did know that having fun was important for any kid.
"It certainly does," he agreed with Izuku, ears twitching. He glanced at Atbash for a moment, nodding his greeting before returning his attention to the kid. Hopefully he didn't scare her off, either- he was blissfully unaware of her skittish tendencies, and had padded over without much warning.
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