Beasts of Beyond
BLAME / open - Printable Version

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BLAME / open - dead chars - 08-05-2018

Toshinori had been having a bit of a rough week. Most of his weeks weren't stellar at this point, but this one had been especially bad. With the appearance of Shigaraki, his limited activity, and all of his former students popping up in the clan... he'd just been missing out on a lot while only catching all the bad stuff. All in all, things hadn't been great for him. But things hadn't been great since he'd died, anyway, so he'd almost learned to deal with it at this point.

The serval had been looking for ways to distract himself (other than arts and crafts, which had been going rather terribly at this point), but he'd been unsuccessful so far. In fact, he'd been so unsuccessful, it seemed that he'd been stuck thinking about not only the past, but also his encounter with Shigaraki. Not only had he failed his students in his past life, but he'd failed himself again when he'd lashed out against his mentor's grandson. Even if he had a lot of... hatred... for Shigaraki, he knew that violence wasn't the answer. Didn't he?

Toshinori was standing, facing a tree. Claw marks gouged its surface. He was huffing with effort. He... had a lot of work to do. His technique was sloppy, he hadn't been properly taking care of himself, and it showed as he tried to improve his fighting skills once more, but failed. Dammit.
With an angry huff he swiped at the tree one more time. His claws scored its bark and he stared at the results, unsatisfied.
code by spacexual

Re: BLAME / open - pallid-i - 08-05-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — "B-Be careful not to-to hurt yourself..." Abomy murmured, making her way over to the stranger and looking at him with owlish eyes. She took a seat next to the tree and held the black blanket around her tightly. "What's w-wrong?" She asked in a soft voice. The devon rex didn't know this guy, but when she saw someone upset, she would do anything in her power to at least try and comfort them.

Re: BLAME / open - galexiux - 08-05-2018

  Cry landed in the attacked tree with a huff. Wow. No respect at all. The crow raised a brow, staring down at Toshi. Wow, She called down, Y'know I bet'he tree don't like y'u 'tacking it like that. She spoke. Was it a a taunt? A little bit. You'd imagine that someone would have a bit more respect for something that provided oxygen. The thing that animals breath but. Here was a majestic creature. Demoted to a punching bag. She blinked, turning her eyes to Abomy for a few moments (who the hell was that??) before turning back to Toshi. The weirdo already asked what was wrong, so there was no need in repeating, though her eyes were focused on the angry several, clearly interested in knowing the answer.


Re: BLAME / open - arcy - 08-05-2018

Izuku could relate. His last two weeks had been .. pretty much hell, sorry to say. Between Toga, Shigaraki, Stryker, the Typhoon, Locket, and many other things, he'd pretty much been in hell. This, of course, doesn't stop Izuku from worrying over his clanmates more. Like .. All Might. The situation with Shigaraki had been a big mess. And .. well. Needless to say, it hadn't taken terribly long for Izuku to find where All Might was.
The dragon's ears twitch as he considers the serval striking at the tree. He doesn't think he's actually seen the other since he shapeshifted, aside from the Shigaraki incident. Regardless, Izuku strides over, tail sweeping. It doesn't look like a terribly efficient system without a tutor. Learning on your own lead to a lot of mistakes. A lot of mistakes that were hard to unlearn. Izuku would know -- he still hadn't managed to unlearn the 'instincts and brute force' thing yet.
"You're doing even worse than the brat was when I first met him!" Locket squawks. Izuku flinches, a little startled. She didn't talk a lot, unless it was to rub in how much of a bad person he was. It happened a lot. He hadn't heard her voice this much in his life. "Well, he also didn't know what 'holding back' was, so it was all even," The shrike, perched on Izuku's shoulder, somewhat unfortunately, snorts. Izuku elects to ignore her. It was easier.
".. You should be careful," Izuku agrees with Abomy, voice soft as his ears flatten. He isn't very good at the comforting thing. Not anymore. He didn't know how to. All he could do is agree and give pointers. Which was weird, considering that All Might had been his mentor. Had been the one to train him to be anything at all. Izuku's talons flex against the ground nervously. Sympathy. He could try for sympathy, but that probably wouldn't go out smoothly. "You'll exhaust yourself like that. You could've just gotten somebody to give you pointers," He tilts his head absently. He's too tired for this. That could just be a side-affect of being poisoned a few days ago, but y'know, whatever. It wasn't that hard to ask for help, was it? Izuku had sort of learned how to. Key word sort of. He knew that, if it was something somebody could help you learn, it was probably better to get the help because the result would be better. I mean, Izuku had ruined both of his legs because he failed to ask for advice to actually re-learn that, but y'know.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: BLAME / open - dead chars - 08-05-2018

Toshinori was about to strike again when a soft voice alerted him to another's presence. The serval's shadowed eyes widened as he focused on Abomy. He hadn't exactly been expecting company, but he wasn't sure it was unwelcome. What was wrong?

"...Nothing. I just need to brush up on my combat skills," he explained. He felt he was entitled to keep his emotions to himself, so he said nothing more. Nothing about the guilt and turmoil he was experiencing all over again, nothing about the fact that he simply wasn't who he used to be. That could be saved for someone he was closer to, if anyone at all. He was about to wind up for another swing when a bird crowed down at him.

His brows narrowed ever so slightly- trees didn't have feelings. Well, he knew a guy who was partially a tree, and he had feelings, but regular trees... didn't. So what did it matter if he was attacking it? Still, he hated to be a nuisance about... really anything. He stared at the giant plant for a moment before glancing back up at Cry.
"Ah, sorry," he called, blinking. "Didn't mean to hurt its feelings."
Whatever. He supposed if he just got out of sight of the bird he could go back to kicking tree ass properly, but something about that idea didn't sit quite right. The serval chewed on the inside of his cheek. What would he use as a target now?

Then there was a new call, something he didn't quite recognize. He could tell that the dragon's thumping footsteps belonged to none other than Izuku, but that wasn't his voice. The serval whipped around, brows narrowed in suspicion before taking in the scene before him. Izuku had gotten a pet, huh? His ears twitched. Hopefully his former student could learn to tame its attitude. But, even if he was training his combat skills, he wasn't here for a fight.

"Then I can only improve," he growled back. He wasn't threatening, just angry, but it was still a growl. His sass had only grown since seeing Shigaraki. He wasn't sure if he liked it or not. Locket's second sentence fell on deaf ears, but he wondered if he'd found a new target. His annoyance grew for a moment at Izuku's soft suggestion. He'd rested for damn near a month now- he'd been 'busy' moping around and feeling sorry for himself. If Shigaraki's appearance had been good for one thing, it had been good for making him realize that he was a sorry excuse for Toshinori Yagi. Even though All Might had died, he himself had come back to life in this world. Perhaps it was time to be someone he could be proud of again. Long story short, he wasn't all too worried about exhausting himself.

Still, he wasn't sure he wanted to be angry at Izuku, and he certainly couldn't snap at the dragon.
"I don't need pointers. I can do it myself," he stated. His voice was just shy of even, hints of protesting anger unbalancing it. "I just need something to practice on, if trees are off limits."
He cast his cerulean gaze up at Cry for a moment, tail flicking irritably. Perhaps he should listen to the advice he was given, but he certainly didn't want to. If he spent another minute just laying around, he felt he might go insane.
code by spacexual

Re: BLAME / open - galexiux - 08-05-2018

  Poor poor Toshinori, because Cry was here to stay. The crow huffed, puffing up as she was looked up at the second time. Clearly that was meant to be some sort of jab, small or not. She glared down at him. Trees are important dumbass. They're living things just like you are! It's not fair that you'lloud to beat 'hmup for nooreason. The creatures of this world were so rude for no reason. She didn't want to imagine the swarms screaming at him if he dared to attack even one tree in the Evergrove. In that place, plants talked, and they got angry.


Re: BLAME / open - Dimitri - 08-08-2018

"Will you cut it out Cry?” The voice that approached was more feminine, as Dimitri’s body shifted into an orange cat with white hind legs and a white nose. "It’s just a tree.” Delta was.... more unforgiving than the others and the few times she was out for something besides defense, she wanted to train herself. That gave the brief idea that he life was monotonous.... but maybe this would be fun? She wasn’t sure. She had difficulty with things like that.
"How would a spar sound to you then, Toshinori?”
