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YOU COULD SEE THE SPARK ;; rosebloods! - Printable Version

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YOU COULD SEE THE SPARK ;; rosebloods! - PEYTRIVING P. - 08-03-2018

they have never done something like this before; or at least, never had the opportunity to. peytri's previous life had been shortened abruptly in the ruthless winters of their birth home. going off alone in their naive belief they could feed their clan themselves had cost them their life. now, two years later and they've become... this. a beast with three different species wrapped around itself and they're still unsure of how they've came to be. too many muddled memories that are now swift blurs in their mind. something had obviously happened for them to become this way, they just couldn't remember.

anyhow, they were here now. reunited with their older brother cainsmark. meeting the rest of their family; sola mortem, talia pendragon, and so on. their family name had spread far in their absence; they were happy to see cain content. now with the rosebloods, they had been given the task to tell other settlements they were active. they of course had taken the mantle to a few places, the pitt being their first stop.

the desert heat had felt nice against their leathery wings and the thick exoskeleton of their scorpion tail. their mane could do without the extra heat, but the fact that a society could thrive in these conditions absolutely fascinated peytriviing. so much that they could create and destroy. the desert destroyed all that came to its grasp, yet the pitt thrives.

the manticore settled themselves patiently at the border, digging through a small satchel and picking out a canteen, drinking from it as they waited.

Re: YOU COULD SEE THE SPARK ;; rosebloods! - pallid-i - 08-04-2018

One Chance
The desert was a safe place for the Pitt. Enemies that came would have a hard time with the sweltering heat and the hot sand. It was nice for him though, after he had gotten used to the heat. Though there came the cold nights with the desert, and Yes Man despised it. It was freezing and he always found himself snuggled under two or more fur blankets.

The savannah cat was always at the border of the desert territory. Call him crazy, but he always liked seeing if anyone new would be coming. And he was proven right. There was someone there.. Someone from those other groups. Not the big four, rather an up and coming one. The smiling ardent made his way over and dipped his head in greeting. "Hey there, kiddo!" He said as he looked up at them. Now he was aware they weren't actually a kid but.. It was just a thing he liked to say a lot. He meant no ill will by saying it. "I'm sure you know where you're at, but allow me to introduce myself! The name's Yes Man, and I'm the current leader of the Pitt."
code by spacexual

Re: YOU COULD SEE THE SPARK ;; rosebloods! - axiom - 08-04-2018

© lexasperated
The cheetah is hardly old enough to wander away from her family at this age, but the girl isn't from the nicer places - she doesn't even understand a society that isn't ruthless. She knows that her family, the Mortems, are elite in their home; with her mother the Queen, it took very little for that assumption to take root inside her head. And so she needed to prove herself, she knew, as a capable Mortem. Families survived by a conjunction of two key factors: a large memberbase and enough intelligent, loyal members to coordinate their resources. As she steps beside the manticore, she decides that she wants to grow up to be one of those key members for the Mortem family - and for the Rosebloods as a whole, she supposes. After all, groups operated in a similar manner to families; if she is successful in her family, then she can focus on bringing prestige to her home.

Her golden eyes turn to Yes Man as he appears, a fluttering of curiosity in her eyes before her expression cools into haughty and aloof. If she wants to become The Queen, like her mother, then she needs to know more than just her home; she needed to know these other groups. "Good day, Yes Man. I'm Charon Mortem, and this is Peytriving," she spoke, gesturing to the manticore with a flick of her long tail. Her voice is polite, though she sounds reserved and not too friendly. After a bit of a pause, she added, "We're here to tell you that we, the Rosebloods, have recently formed." She glanced at Peytriving for confirmation, not sure how much they should share with the desert-dwelling group. Charon wasn't told whether her mother wanted an alliance with this group; as far as she knew, they weren't seeking any aid or other such things anyway.

Re: YOU COULD SEE THE SPARK ;; rosebloods! - PEYTRIVING P. - 08-05-2018

rose hued eye's fall upon yes man as they see the savannah approach from over the desert sands. they await patiently, scorpion tail uncurling and paws outstretching their claws to break the ache in their muscles from staying still for so long. they dip their head in greeting to yes man, opening their jaws to introduce themselves, but it would appear their niece had everything settled already. they couldn't help but chuckle; this one definitely took after sola more so than cain.

they offer charon their canteen of water, setting it in front of her for her to take before returning their attention to yes man. "yes, thank you, ahh..." he was slightly thrown off by the term 'kiddo'. part of him feels comfortable with it, the other is not so sure... whatever, a stupid thing to mull over, right?

"yes, as my niece ssaid; the rosebloods have formed and are a growing in numbers. we felt it appropriate to greet our neighbors, and let you know of our presence. we are led under sola mortem, if you have any political intrigues feel free to set up an appointment with either her or our advisors, prestige and felix." they tried not to sound so stiff when they spoke, still not used to the political chop talk.

"if you have any personal questions, feel free to ask. though at the moment know that the pitt is under a neutral alignment until you and sola have come to an agreement otherwise." that sounded about right. peytriviing wasn't all too sure on how to say it other than that. they held no power here or home, but they knew who did and whom to direct outsiders to if needed.

Re: YOU COULD SEE THE SPARK ;; rosebloods! - melantha - 08-05-2018

[align=center][div style="font-family: georgia; font-size: 10pt; width: 60%; text-align: justify;"]From the haze of a mirage emerges the lithe figure of Melantha. Chiseled muscles ripple beneath a pelt of faded gold as the formidable huntress expertly navigates the shifting sands. It is clear from her distant expression that the plain-faced female would prefer to be anywhere else than here. She is not fond of speaking with strangers. Or just not fond of strangers in general. Perhaps it is her paranoia. With a whole lifetime's worth of memories gone and only a concussion in it's place, Melantha is suspicious of everything nowadays. Perhaps she has always been like this? Who knows? She cannot remember what she used to be like, and there is no one around to tell her. The fact of the matter is that Mel does not want to be here, but she is. And the only reason for that is because she possesses the duty to guard the Ardent and to collect information. If Yes Man was not so eager to personally greet every single person who stepped foot on the Pitt's territory, the solitary predator would conduct her business from the shadows.

Piercing olive eyes study the two strangers with blatant distrust. There is no reason to hide it. They are strangers in her home and she is allowed to be wary. Melantha prefers to be upfront about how she feels about a person, anyways. Saves a lot of time in the long run because they'll always know where she stands. The manticore draws her gaze first for obvious reasons. Terrifying creatures inhabit the desert, but this is the first time she has encountered this manner of beast; though they seem peaceful enough. It is the horned cheetah who draws attention. Charon Mortem. She withholds a scoff. People who introduce their first and last names always strike Mel as elitists. Self-centered and haughty. The solitary wildcat is more inclined to like the manticore than this well-spoken female, that's for sure. Melantha does not trust those who wear masks.

The huntress does not sit and instead takes a defense position beside Yes Man. "I am Melantha," she introduces with a polite dip of her head but nothing more. "Welcome to the Pitt." Yeah, they're welcome. But Mel doesn't want them here. Well, Charon specifically. Peytriving intrigues her, though. As such, she directs her questions to them. "So what are the Rosebloods about, exactly?" World domination? Indoctrination? Trade? Power? Arts and crafts?