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kangaroo court | o, power malfunction - Printable Version

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kangaroo court | o, power malfunction - FINNEGAN F.M.R. - 03-31-2018

[Image: xWinQeE.gif]
I'VE BEEN WRITING ON YOUR GHOST PAGE, BABE — It had been quite a while since his powers had malfunctioned, of course, how could they malfunction if he never used them? It was true that Vinny was somewhat afraid of using them, simply because he worried about getting stuck in whatever body he shapeshifted into. It happened before, and it could certainly happen again.

Mementomori referred to it as “The Duck Incident”. He had just been fooling around with Mike when he accidentally changed into a duck. In the end, he was forced to leave the city because it was too dangerous for him there once his best friend had disappeared. Weeks passed before he was finally able to return to his normal form, and even after that, Vinny still had trouble staying in his husky body. There would be times when he accidentally switched back and forth between the two forms, especially when he was flying, almost causing him to crash land. So, in a way, he considered his fears of shapeshifting to be valid.

When he woke up this morning, Vinny hadn’t been expecting anything particularly bad to happen. Really, everything about today seemed fairly normal. He had eaten breakfast, visited the raptors, taken a walk through the flower field for some exercise, then he had gone back to his room for a nap. This is where his normal day had taken a strange turn. When the male awoke from his power nap, he felt... different. Before, his bed had seemed large to him, as it was made for a human and not a dog, but now, it was perfect... too perfect. There was no way he had grown over night, had he? Blinking open his green eyes, he ross his head, turning to gaze at himself just to make sure he wasn’t going crazy. What he saw was completely unexpected.

Somehow, in his sleep, Vinny had become a large, 6 foot tall kangaroo. It seemed something rather... important was missing though. Instead of retaining the... well, perhaps he shouldn’t say that. Let’s just say this kangaroo was not a male as he had first expected. Instead, it had a pouch on it’s belly, like a female would have- and this is where he became upset. “I’M A GIRL!?” He cried in alarm, a loud thump following as he fell out of his bed. How... how did this happen? — I'VE BEEN WAITING BY YOUR GRAVE


Re: kangaroo court | o, power malfunction - Starrynight ! - 03-31-2018


Starrynight badly wanted to decorate the halls of the underground complex. He wanted them to seem more friendly and less... white. White tiles, white walls, white florescent lights (that sometimes flickered), white doors... The signs he'd asked HD to put up had helped. The stark red paint stood out, but it wasn't a friendly color. Maybe he would do something about that. As he continued to wander the halls, ideas began to pop in his head.

Unfortunately, his thoughts were interrupted when a surprised shriek rang out in the silent complex. Starrynight jumped, tail involuntarily fluffing out as his back arched. Wide magenta eyes flickering from side to side as he tried to scope out the source, a thud from the room next to him pinpointed the location. Shuffling over with a concerned crease on his face, he knocked on the door gently. "Are you alright in there? What's wrong?"


Re: kangaroo court | o, power malfunction - ghostpact - 03-31-2018

"DAMN DUDE." tags
Immortal had no powers, that he knew of. For that, he should've been grateful, to avoid any accidents like one Vinny was experiencing. Instead, he was downright angry about it. He was a great guy and he could honestly do much, but no, he had to be some normal guy who got to sit around watching all the ungrateful kids discover their cool powers. That was perfectly fine, then. If that's how the universe treated him after all the help he's offered (it wasn't a lot), then whatever. He could deal with it and besides, he was cool enough on his own. (Right?) Hearing the yell down the hall, he quickly perked up. What a weird question to yell. He had to find out what it was about and so the serval leaped from his bed, skittering out of his room. He nearly ran into Starrynight in his haste to just find out what was going on. "Ay, Starman. You know what's happenin'?" He didn't wait for a response, though, before he pushed open the door and glanced in. Then laughed, "H-holy shit, dude! Look... look at you!"
code by spacexual

Re: kangaroo court | o, power malfunction - BASTILLEPAW - 04-01-2018

BASTILLEPAW AURELIUS ✧ ascendants — fireball — tags
[div style="background-color: #e3dfdf; border: 1px black solid; width: 500px; line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin-top: -1px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; color: black; padding: 10px; text-size: 10px"]
Bastille had been born with complete control of his powers, courtesy of Grimmkit; he had never known what it meant to struggle with them. Of course, he’d had a lot of struggling with his souls to make up for it — juggling the souls of three dead assholes was kind of a fucking hassle. Especially when they decided to be vocal and try to dictate his life.

That being said, ever since he’d passed out, his invisibility had been kicking in at random. Bastille hadn’t noticed yet. As it were, the Fireball was suddenly just there beside Starry, flickering abruptly into view as he eyed the others with a slight scowl. [b]”What’s going on?”