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PEPPER STEAK -- JOINING - Printable Version

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PEPPER STEAK -- JOINING - guts - 08-03-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman; color: black;"]He wasn't sure where he was, or why he was here, but one thing was for sure--he had done his job. Their dimension was gone with the literal flick of a switch. It had been a long journey, but in the end, he had achieved what he had set out to do. They were freed of their corrupt selves. Yet he was here now, staring down at his new body, flexing the toes of his paws with a vaguely puzzled expression. Interesting.

He turns his head, surveying the area he had found himself in. For miles, golden sand occupied the space, the wind kicking it up and sending it flying in his direction. Shaking himself off, he stumbles forward a step, still uncertain about his new form. Nevertheless he continues, fumbling and awkwardly placing one paw in front of the other until he had built up a rhythm of sorts. He still wobbled, but at least it was something.

The Batter. That was his name, or at least what he went by. He was a savior, someone who purified wretched souls. He had done just that, but then why was he here? Were there other places that needed to be saved? He supposed he would find out soon enough, a sudden scent hitting his nose and making his four eyes blink. He was unaccustomed to having such a strong sense of smell.

Glancing around, he waits, though he isn't sure for what. Maybe just for something interesting to happen. Either way, he knew he had been sent here for a reason.


Re: PEPPER STEAK -- JOINING - pallid-i - 08-03-2018

One Chance
If Yes Man had known the Pitt was going to attract so many delightful characters, he would have founded this group sooner. He loved being around people who gave him purpose, no matter how wicked they seemed. So when the smiling tom saw a new face, his features lit up. His white eyes glowed bright and he found himself making his way over to the Batter. A strange one.. He looked almost confused.

"Hey there sport! Whatcha doing out here?" He asked before holding his paw out. "Yes Man's my name, and you're in Pitt territory! Lucky I found you first.. Some of my groupmates aren't so.. pleasant." He smiled at the stranger, exposing sharp teeth as he did so.
code by spacexual

Re: PEPPER STEAK -- JOINING - guts - 08-03-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman; color: black;"]He had no knowledge of how this world worked, and thus he was a little startled when a talking animal approached him. But it wasn't that odd to him, as he had been acquaintances with a talking feline in the past. Of course, they ended on bitter terms, but it was all in the past. He had done what needed to be done. Quickly recovering, he straightens up and looks out at the other from the rim of his hat, studying him closely. "I'll be residing here from now on. My name's Purifiedsavior, but you'll call me the Batter," was that his actual name? Not really, he just felt like mixing it up a little.

With that, Purifiedsavior slips past the other male, not waiting for him to accept or deny him. Their structures looked weird to him, but he was used to the dull and yet somewhat eye-catching colors of his former dimension. All the scenery was new to him.


Re: PEPPER STEAK -- JOINING - Character Graveyard. - 08-03-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 400px; line-height: 100%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: black;"]Toga had come to the Pitt, as the name of the group had sounded interesting to her. The pampas-cat had clearly made both Yes Man and Dante somewhat uncomfortable when she had joined but she honestly didn't really care that she did.

The Warpriest had strolled up to the scene, yellow-eyes running over Yes Man for a couple of seconds before they would land on the newcomer. A rather-manic smile growing on her maw, she would attempt to stand in Purifiedsavior's way and she would introduce herself. "I'm Toga! A Warpriest here! Nice to meet ya, Batter!"

Re: PEPPER STEAK -- JOINING - pallid-i - 08-03-2018

One Chance
Interesting. He wasn't used to someone being rude to him, but Yes Man didn't even mind all that much. When Batter passed by him, his smile simply grew wider. So this one had some flair. The savannah cat turned around and quietly followed Batter, eyeing Toga as she spoke. Still weird.

"Got any plans Batter? You're walking like you own the place, so you must know what you're doing." The male's white eyes glowed and he looked at Batter. He walked with purpose, it seemed, making Yes Man wonder if he had ever been here before. He doubted it, really, but it was just the way he talked, the walk.. The attitude.
code by spacexual

Re: PEPPER STEAK -- JOINING - guts - 08-03-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman; color: black;"]He stops as someone comes to stand in his way, his eyes narrowing somewhat. He didn't want to cause trouble, though--not yet, anyways--so he simply stays put despite the urge to force her out of his path. He still had a bit of a violent streak. "Hello," then he side-steps the feline, his steps growing more steady.

The tip of Purifiedsavior's tail flickered with irritation. He wanted to be left alone so he could figure things out, but these people seemed to be dead-set on talking to him, for whatever reason. But maybe whatever information they had would prove to be useful. "Purification. I'm the savior that was sent here to get rid of all the wretched souls," the male turns around then, eyeing Yes Man. For the other's sake, he would hope he wasn't a spectre.


Re: PEPPER STEAK -- JOINING - melantha - 08-05-2018

[align=center][div style="font-family: georgia; font-size: 10pt; width: 60%; text-align: justify;"]Although most creatures choose to live in environments abundant with grassy hills and ancient forests, Melantha cannot imagine herself living anywhere besides here. Surrounded by oceans of sands rather than water, the merciless sun observing her every step. She does not remember much of her life before...before here. There are vague notions of snow covered mountains and dense woods, but it is within the Pitt's vast desert that the huntress awoke. Her life before now is darkness. Some flashes of her childhood, fragmented names and faces, but anything beyond those early days with her family is gone. The sun and the sky and the sand is all that she knows now. Her lost memories did bother her for a time, and perhaps they still do, but Melantha is content with her place here.

A slender figure of dense muscle and sleek golden fur emerges from mirage of heat reflecting off the granules of sand. Sagacious eyes the color of grecian olives lock onto the unfamiliar shape of "Batter." The powerful mountain lioness prefers her solitude, so it is rare for her to make herself known unless absolutely necessary. But something about this stranger bothers her. He is just so...empty. And Mel is a paranoid creature; suspicious of all and in tune with her instincts. "My name is Melantha," she introduces, but her voice is flat. She does not bother to conceal her suspicion.

She looks the male over. Four eyes, blank expression, annoyance in his stance. Seems that this guy does not wish to be bothered with meeting the people he is supposed to work with now that he has joined. Mel gets it. She has an independent streak and is slow to trust, but there is a certain willingness to cooperate that is necessary to live with a group. And people who behave as if they are above all that only make themselves more of a suspicious character in her eyes. "And who--or what--gave you the authority to do so?" asks the creature with a narrowed gaze. "What do you do with the "wretched" souls?" Unlike the others, Melantha is not "nice" nor does she pretend to be. She doesn't trust this guy. Guess she'll just have to keep an eye on him in the future.