Beasts of Beyond
ON MY WAY --- joining - Printable Version

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ON MY WAY --- joining - ikaia - 08-02-2018

IKAIA | current track ♪ | current shape: oncilla | entering. . . typhoon waters. . . | [Image: zgR219p.png]
A little sailboat bounced happily over the deep blue ocean waves, thankful of the good weather.  The sole occupant beaming as ocean spray hit his face.  Sea-salt and wind made his day.  The child - albeit a child of fae and demons - was all on his own.  Not that he had ever minded.  It had never occurred to him to.  Instead, he wandered about with a grin on his face and adventure in his heart.  Home had been a little grove, tucked away in a beautiful green countryside with flourishing flowers and singing birds, but it'd been lonely without anyone to play with.  It became time for a change.

Ikaia acquired a boat.  A simple, little thing.  No doubt it'd prove too fragile for a storm, but thus far his luck had held. At the sight of land, the little oncilla's chocolate hues shone like the stars.  The tracks of railroad perplexed him a moment; a sight he had never seen before.  While he was still quite a ways from shore, he set to slowing the boat, furling the sails.

> changing shape. . .

Without abandon, the child, in the shape of a young sea otter, dived into the water.  Ikaia did not know for sure, but he hoped that here, in this jungle, he would not be alone.  It would be, even if that be the case, a new adventure.  As his webbed paws touched sand, the shifter set his eyes on the overgrown train - odd, he'd never seen a machine like that - and a sign with rather pirate-esque vibes to the child's mind.

> reverting. . .

Small, but agile as he was, the little spotted feline bounded up towards the train and sign, itching with curiosity.  Pirates did not bother Ikaia.  If anything, the idea excited him; a few times he had wanted to play a game of pirates, but without anyone to play with, it was rather hard.  Even imaginary friends got boring after a while.  He wanted someone real.

"Hello!?" The boy's voice felt a little weak; unused to the idea someone could actually be listening for once.  "Anybody out here?" The smile remained plastered on his face as he paced around restlessly, hoping someone would come soon and they did not want him to leave. "I just wanna be friends!"
( you are the dawn of a new day that's waking, a masterpiece still in the making )

Re: ON MY WAY --- joining - adomania - 08-02-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]Today had been one of the few days that Des wasn't patrolling the beaches that served as the border to the territory. It wasn't because it was a tiring or boring endeavor, for he rather enjoyed staring out into the calming waves, but instead he had been a bit too preoccupied doing other things to take the time to do what had become like second nature to him. Wake up, eat, patrol, then do other things, only to end his day with another patrol as sleep refused to take him. That was his constant schedule, and it took something serious to get him to break it.

The reason was serious enough, however. The last few days were spent worrying over the 'jungle juice' endeavor that he had been told of that joiners were expected to initiate. Although some went into it blind, Des was curious and wary by nature, and he had soon found out just what that juice did to your brain.

He wasn't looking forward to the 50/50 chance he had to either live his greatest dream or his greatest nightmare for five hours.

It was why he had missed the boat, something that would once again prove to be a new sight to the male. It was why, as well, he was surprised to hear a voice coming from someone who he had never met before, and the child's words only enforced his belief that it wasn't a random member he had yet to meet, but rather someone... who had came in when he wasn't paying attention.

It was no secret that Des had a soft spot for kids, but also a general lack of knowledge of how to take care of them. He had been raised on the streets without a father in sight, so his model was shaky at best and terribly incompetent at worst. Still, he offered the best smile he could to the oncilla, padding up to try and discern where the kid had come from and, more importantly, why.

"I hear ya, kiddo," Des called out in response, finally stopping at where the child stood with a soft wave of his tail. "I'm out here, but... you chose a strange place to find friends in. Where'd you come from? What's your name?"

Re: ON MY WAY --- joining - ADAKIAS - 08-02-2018

[div style="letter-spacing: 1px;"]i'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies ----- information
[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:50%;font-family:georgia;font-size:11px"]On days like such Sylvina enjoyed sprawling her ebony pelted body among the sand occupying Barracuda Bay and soak in all that the sun had to offer. It was quite nice out with the ocean breeze sweeping across the beach; not too hot but most definitely not cold. For a child such as herself it was a rare thing that she'd prefer staying in one spot rather than exercising her youthful limbs. Not that she never took the latter option - because she sure did - but the kitten had a side of her that desired the relaxation of lounging about.

As she began to settle herself down within the dug out sand, viridescent hues would catch glimpse of a small sail making its way through the calm waves. She would pause her previous motions and watch with an interested tone as a figure dived into the water, making its way to land a bit away from where she was sitting. Curiosity overtook her gullible mind and the she-kitten would bound after Desperado to meet up with whomever had taken the plunge to come ashore.

Sylvina would trot into a walk, and then into a standing position, her eyes never being taken off the stranger. He was young, most likely around her own age, so what threat could he possibly subdue? She'd wait for her crewmate to finish speaking before blurting out her own mind on the matter. "Where's your parents?"

Re: ON MY WAY --- joining - Luciferr - 08-02-2018

Everyone who had ever known Lucifer for even the barest fraction of time knew his tendency to be overprotective of small defenceless children and crewmates - which usually meant everyone for everyone was small to the gigantic dragon and thus everyone had to live with an overprotective shadow.

it was also why when his senses detected 'tiny child voice' his patrol route took an immediate detour and he found himself landing on the beaches to behold Desperado and Sylvina talking to said unknown child - his own immediate thoughts echoing Sylvina's question - and wryly agreeing with Desperado's, after all strange place to find friends with a
group of pirates no?

"and what brought you all the way here?" the great dragon hummed.


Re: ON MY WAY --- joining - ikaia - 08-02-2018

IKAIA | current track ♪ | current shape: oncilla | engaging. . . | [Image: zgR219p.png]
The child had to crane his neck as the other approached, bouncing happily on his paws to have his call answered, seeming rather unbothered by any question of 'where' and 'why'.  He was just happy someone was here.  "Ikaia," the boy chirped before jutting a paw in the direction of his little boat.  "I came on that." He puffed out his chest a little, eyes dancing.  "Are you pirates? Can I be a pirate too?"

Anything was better than nothing, really.  Ikaia hoped that by obviously being capable of some actual sea-travel, he'd make a good pirate.  If that was not enough, he supposed he could always show off his ability to change into something more pirate like; maybe a parrot.

His head swerved as others arrived, someone his age - he had never met another child before - and someone much, much larger.  More and similar questions.  It was the other child's that made him pause.  For a brief second, his fidgeting ceased altogether. "I dunno," he admitted, shoulders rolling back, ear flicking. "Disappeared?  Don't remember much." Someone would have been there to wean him, but the way Ikaia aged, it was hard to say how long ago that was exactly; he does not think it was a very long time.  If anything; he does recall a storm the night they disappeared, but that was it.

That said, the boy resumed his absent movements, raising his eyes to the largest pirate. "I got bored." Simple as that.  All questions answered, Ikaia glanced around, hopeful.  "Can I please stay here? I'll be a great pirate, promise."
( you are the dawn of a new day that's waking, a masterpiece still in the making )

Re: ON MY WAY --- joining - CELESTE G.M. - 08-02-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-size:8pt;font-family:verdana;border-bottom: 1px white solid;padding-BOTTOM: 3px;"][b]"I don't see why not." She offers the child a smile, the odd looking canine with her six wings and golden eyes, claws and antlers. Her appearance still unsettles her, so she can't imagine anyone else finding it appealing. [b]"I have no doubts that you'd make an excellent pirate, especially with that sailing skill of yours Ikaia."

That's actually a good point - the majority of the Typhoon don't seem to have the ability to sail. And yet, here is this kitten who apparently sailed here by himself, looking very proud of himself ( like he should ). Temulin herself had no idea how to sail, one of the main reasons she was still on this island instead of leaving to go home.

Re: ON MY WAY --- joining - VANDAL R. - 08-02-2018

(tame the fire in you)
"Do I hear a new pirate joinin' the family?" It doesn't take long for Vandal herself to make an appearance, padding over with an easy grin on her face. She's taken to liking popping up in different places at different times, because it gives her the opportunity to see a lot of things she normally wouldn't if she'd been staying still. Sure, it's caused a severe delay in her tree-mansion project, but she doesn't mind. The Capricorn Tavern is always open for her to sleep in while she... well, while she procrastinates.

"Glad to hear you're joinin' a li'l band of misfits, Ikaia!" With her greeting, the mutated maned wolf stretches out one of her four wings and pins it to her chest, dipping her head with a joking bow - nothing but for shits and giggles, Vandal's never been one to stay too serious for long. "Vandal Roux, at your service! If there's anythin' you need, I can usually find somethin' for ya. Clothes? A peg leg? Hooks?" She's joking about the last two - or maybe she's not, she's sure she's seen them at the trade outpost before. "Welcome to the pirate life!"

Re: ON MY WAY --- joining - Keona. - 08-02-2018

✯ — female. striker of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
The sightless child materialized behind her crewmates, taking a detour from her jungle exploration.  Her pale sea-green eyes flickered as she tried to follow the sound of everyone's voices and avoiding running into anyone as she scooted a little closer to the newcomer.  Based on his voice, he was among the younger generation like herself.  Even better, he seemed a little closer to her in height, meaning she did not have to crane her neck to 'look' at him.

"Aloha," the Striker murmured, "'m Keona.  Welcome to the Typhoon."
code by spacexual

Re: ON MY WAY --- joining - ikaia - 08-04-2018

IKAIA | current track ♪ | current shape: oncilla | interacting. . . | [Image: zgR219p.png]
The young oncilla felt his muscles relax subconsciously.  That was... Well, rather easy, really.  Not a hint of suspicion crossed the feline's face however; he did not mind the simplicity of it all really.  His eyes darted between each speaker, growing happier with every welcoming smile, not at all bothered by some of the more unusual presences.  Vandal was saying something about them being 'misfits' and all.  The odder, the better; of course, Ikaia did falter a little bit at the mention of peg legs, shaking his head bemusedly.

"I think my legs are alright for now, miss." If he ever wanted a change in looks; he could shift into something with a different set of legs anyway.  Sometimes fins were more fun than paws.  The boy would keep it in mind however; not one to be above accessorizing.  Perhaps he could find a hat, or a cool eye patch.

It seemed like there were plenty of children here too.  Ikaia was glad and turned his massive grin onto the last arrival, though quickly realizing she would not be able to see the friendly expression.  "Thanks! Does aloha mean hello? I like it."

"Oh... Uh hey, where did everyone come from anyway?" They all just sort of appeared out of the jungle; maybe they lived in the trees, that'd be cool.  "Where do I get to stay?"
( you are the dawn of a new day that's waking, a masterpiece still in the making )

Re: ON MY WAY --- joining - snare - 08-04-2018

snare mortem   male wolf typhoon minnow argus x npc
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #633c00;"]The wolf pup’s fuzzy ears caught sound of a newcomer, a stranger to the entirety of the Typhoon.  Well, at least this time around Snare was just as clueless as everybody else.  He hated that too, the fact that he didn’t just know things.  Why couldn’t he have been born just knowing everything, having all the skills he needed to survive, and be able to serve his clan right from the get go despite his age and size?  He would muse on that as he loped up to the newbie with his crewmates, the name Ikaia sticking in his head.  The muddy colored wolf pup would tilt his head and press his mouth into a thin line with the tiniest hint of a smile at the corners.

”You gotta train to be a pirate though.”  Snare would comment, sitting his hindquarters down and tapping his tail against the ground once.  ”You have to like, work for it.  I get to do that when I’m older.  You'll probably be awesome at it though.“  He would keep his bitterness towards his youngness to himself right now, betrayed only by the smallest shadow behind his eyes, pale and bright like moons.  ”Oh, um, my name is Snare.  We live here, this whole place is our home.  Somebody who’s older can help look around if you want to do that.”  He could hardly wait till he was older and could perform crewmate duties; when he could be looked at like a powerful member of his group instead of just a baby.