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DANCE, DANCE | open, wt; sparring ! - Printable Version

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DANCE, DANCE | open, wt; sparring ! - JUNIOR - 07-31-2018

Junior had been instructed to find someone to spar with for his weekly task- been told it was so he could practice, or something, though he, personally, didn't think he needed any practice (he was also, personally, quite mistaken). Whatever, though, it was something to do, right? That's what he told himself, anyway. After receiving his task, the boy had set out to find a sparring partner, finding himself in the middle of the Typhoon's base and feeling rather stupid. So he was just supposed to, like, yell out to everyone? That didn't feel right, but he didn't see any way to go about it. For a minute or two more, Junior glanced around his surroundings, occasionally taking a step toward someone only to say nothing, until he called, [color=#5B81AE]"Hey- anyone down to spar?" Junior's only experience with "sparring" was the fights he'd had back home, but he'd won most of those, so he wasn't too nervous about this. Who cared if he hadn't had a person to train him? In the end, experience mattered above all else, in his eyes.


Re: DANCE | open, wt; sparring ! - ANDRAS - 07-31-2018

rinto didn't look the type to enjoy sparring. he was tiny and already pretty injured, with pastel bandages wrapping around his legs and large, innocent pink eyes. still, if there was one thing he loved a little more than luca, it was violence.

rinto was a surprisingly good fighter, having learned his lesson with caesar. "hi!" he greeted, his voice sweet and light. "u-uhm, do you want to spar with me? i know i don't look like much, but..." he batted his eyelashes, putting on a facade of total inexperience to battle. "i'd love to see what you're made of," rinto purred, narrowing pink eyes.

Re: DANCE | open, wt; sparring ! - CLEO R. C. - 07-31-2018

[color=#445544]"Can I watch?"

Cleo's inquiry was quiet, sweet yet laced with an underlying edge of something more. Something darker. She'd look between Rinto and Junior silently, unfamiliar with the both of them but intrigued to see their spar. She had always wanted to be a fighter, craved the feeling of flesh under her paws and blood in her mouth. Eshe told her that she would make a remarkably skilled warrior one day, feeding the fascination she had with war, and of course, the young bengal believed her. Eshe could tell her that the sky was falling and she'd agree, knowing nothing else save what the snake whispered in her waiting ear or in the back of her mind.

The child would take a seat, her expression crafted carefully, a smile tugging upon her lips. Faintly, Cleo wondered who would be the lucky winner of this little brawl. Her mind immediately suggested Junior but she was smart enough to know that making judgments based on the appearance of others was somewhat wrong. Rinto looked like he possessed no interest in sparring and that was what made him a bit of a wildcard. Cleo couldn't wait to see what he could do. Sitting back, she'd flick a tail dismissively, tiny (yet sharp) claws sinking into the ground below.

Re: DANCE | open, wt; sparring ! - Keona. - 07-31-2018

✯ — female. striker of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
One day perhaps, the little Striker would insist on sparring.  On being given a chance to knock someone off their ass.  Tiny as she was - not to mention blind - she was not so confident yet.  One day.  She'd show them she could be just as good.  But for now; Keona was an observer.

The petite kitten took a seat nearby, ears perked attentively as her head swerved in the direction of everyone's voices.  She may not be able to see the way they would fight, but she could listen and from that, learn.
code by spacexual

Re: DANCE, DANCE | open, wt; sparring ! - goodsprings - 07-31-2018

sparring? that was something the tom definitely had not heard of before. at first he assumed it was a swim technique but taking in the context clues from what rinto has said, he had a close assumption it was play-fighting.

"i'm in too! though, i'll wait for someone else so you guys can still go." the striker offered, sitting down next to cleo.

✯ — male. the typhoon. easy. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: DANCE, DANCE | open, wt; sparring ! - JUNIOR - 08-01-2018

The first person to approach was Rinto, who, although he didn't know the boy well, Junior was at least familiar with. They'd never really spoken, but he'd seen him around, and he seemed... okay. Not annoying, or bad, or anything, just kinda quiet and a perhaps a bit timid at times, which weren't necessarily good or bad traits. Junior just hadn't really noticed him. Blue eyes flicked over the slightly older male's form as Junior felt his eyebrow twitch slightly. Rinto was injured, kind of chubby, and he had pink eyes. The young tabby didn't know if this was supposed to be some kind of joke or if Rinto had some sort of trick up his sleeve, but it was whatever, he guessed. [color=#5B81AE]"Sounds cool," Junior  returned, taking a step back to size the boy up a bit better. He was a bit shorter than Junior - no surprise there -, too, so he had a feeling he wouldn't be much trouble. "Claws?" he questioned lightly, hoping the answer would be a hard "yes", because otherwise, though he was sure he could do it, fighting would be a whole lot more boring.

Three more arrived- two to watch, the first seeming somewhat familiar and the other a total stranger, and the last one, Captain, his name was, announced he was doing... something else, sparring someone, apparently, if they came, but Junior just offered him the same half-smile he did the others, not quite sure what to say in response. He figured it was fine to leave it at that.


Re: DANCE, DANCE | open, wt; sparring ! - VANDAL R. - 08-01-2018

(tame the fire in you)
Vandal has no plans of joining their little sparring session, opting to instead watch from the sidelines with other younger members of the Typhoon. She isn't sure who to sit next to, doesn't want to show any form of favoratism towards anyone, so she plops herself down behind the triad with a loud huff coming from her lips. "Well then, good luck, Junior! Rin!" She doesn't know Junior that much (hasn't had the opportunity to really form a connection with him as she has with the others), but she considers Rin her friend. She's interested to see what they're both made of, considering she's never seen either fight before, and eagerly awaits the beginning of the little scrap.