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day and night | stryker - Printable Version

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day and night | stryker - pallid-i - 07-29-2018

One Chance
He shouldn't be here on territory where he doesn't belong. Especially with the cold and snow he was for sure not used to, but Yes Man had seen someone.. Someone interesting that screamed power.. Hopefully the looks weren't being deceitful. Yes Man hated being fooled into thinking something that wasn't right. Not like it could really help.. Considering his mental conditioning. Though he wasn't going to dwell on those thoughts.

So the smiling tom awkwardly trudged along the territory, cringing internally as the snow crunched under his paws. Maybe if he was lucky, that strange snowbounder would find him. He just wanted to talk. Recruit maybe, but that was probably a stretch.
code by spacexual

Re: day and night | stryker - Stryker - 07-29-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ — Why miss such an opportunity before him? That man that came to Snowbound's border spoke with such an elegance to his voice that he could not describe, despite his questionable name. It was as if his place promised much more than Snowbound did. For once, the thrill of the world could consume him if he wished, but yet he stayed in the shadows when the world called for him. Stryker couldn't help but think what could happen. The boundaries he was kept in were home and without them, he would be free to do whatever he pleased... but that wasn't necessarily the greatest of things. Stryker was a savage of a new kind. Chaos would reign and his urges would take ahold of him if he didn't set limits for himself like the Snowbounders did for him. If he inject himself into that community, he was not sure where things would go, though definitely it would not be in a good direction. Yet, his mind and heart told him to go searching. There was something that he wanted for once in his life and that was freedom from the judgement that the Snowbounders gave him... Freedom to do whatever he pleased to them if they did judge him... Freedom to do what he wanted.

Within the night, he bowed out of the camp with no word to trudge along the territory, hoping to find himself within the promise-land after a few hours of walking. All he had to do was follow that man's scent. Catching a wiff, he trudged on. Something put him off about the freshness of the scent and the tracks upon the ground, suspecting he was still roaming. Atbash and him were most likely discussing still. For such an unfriendly clan, they were way too talkative... and he liked that.

A short time passed and he found himself in the bushes, staring at the man himself. Venomous teeth gritted together. 'Why are you doing this?' came his thoughts, but he pushed through the bushes as if it was nothing to him. Concerns were for later. It was now or never. His first shot was missed, but it was time for his second to make it's debut.

With a snort, he made his presence known. "May I ask why you are wandering the territory?" Stryker curiously implied, his eyes cheekily narrowed in Yes Man's direction. Hopefully they were both here on mutual terms and not from two different of the group spectrum, otherwise he would be disappointed in himself.

Re: day and night | stryker - pallid-i - 07-29-2018

One Chance
The grinning tom turned to look at Stryker, glowing white eyes widening. Ah, so there was the man he was looking for. Looks like he found him before he could find him. Yes Man stood straight and his grin turned rather smug. "Why hello there!" He said warmly, doing a small bow. "I was looking for you, of course! That's why I'm all over your territory." He chuckled as he rolled his shoulders, popping them. "I'm sure you heard my name when I was speaking at the border, kiddo! So do you mind giving me yours?"
code by spacexual

Re: day and night | stryker - Stryker - 07-30-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ — He was taken aback. The tom seemed too enthused by Stryker's presence, but the lion could only demonstrate the same feelings on the inside. His appearance was rather grunt for now, doubting Yes Man's truest intentions. Every word he spoke seemed over the top and too polite for a wreckless clan. It seemed off. Everything so genuinely polite up front, but held different intentions. Still the venomous being rolled with his act and observed Yes Man's every move carefully, noting each thing he did. 

Stryker's head craned to the side. "Why hello to you too," he remarked back slowly. A split green tongue flicked quickly out of his mouth then back in like a snake as he spoke, warning the tom to stay back. "You were looking for me?" 'Creepy fucking stalker.' Yet, he wanted to know more about the Pitt and their leader who stood before him. "I'm not at all interesting, but if you see it fit, then I am here for your pleasure," the lion noted inquisitively. What was he getting into?

"Yes, I did hear your name..." A smirk met his lips. "Yes Man. I suppose you're called that because you don't take no for an answer," he continued. Stryker nodded approvingly as a claw circled the air around the Pitt's leader quickly and then with a thrust of his arm, he pointed at Yes Man. Dramatic as always. "Though, I'd like to point out that it's a very cocky name. I thought I was a cocky asshole, my acquaintance, but I might have found some dickish competition." Competition was always pleasuring. The raving heat of the air and the thrill through his veins kept him on his toes. Snowbound never did such a thing, but with the Pitt, maybe things could change.

"My name is Stryker, a member of the great Snowbound," the pierced lion pointed out. His voice held simple sarcasm in it, seeing that Snowbound wasn't exactly the best of the groups right now. Peaceful and a bore! He wanted more than that. It seemed like Yes Man knew that... "Why do you confide in my presence so dearly?" came his question finally.

Re: day and night | stryker - pallid-i - 07-31-2018

One Chance
Was he a creep? Yeah, he supposed he was. Not intentionally though.. This was just how he was.. How people shaped him to be. If it made people uncomfortable, then so be it. It wasn't something he could control. At the assumption of why his name was Yes Man, he bit back his laughter. "Something like that, yes." He said, shrugging and resisting some more laughter. "Cocky hm? Yes, I guess I am. When you're leader you have to be confident, sport." He said simply, tail flicking back and forth.

Yes Man watched him closely, taking note of his posture, the way he spoke and held himself. Then there came his comment about Snowbound, and Yes Man chuckled. "Great. Glad we both have the same view." He then moved closer to Stryker, eyes narrowing. "But we both know you can achieve greater things in a clan that allows you to do things your way. The Pitt lets you do that! You would just have to prove your loyalty to us.. One way, or another. Maybe you could prove your worth by hurting someone here. Wouldn't that be a perfect way of proving yourself to us?" His voice got lower and his white eyes glowed with malice.
code by spacexual