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attack of the disease | the pitt, visiting - Printable Version

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attack of the disease | the pitt, visiting - pallid-i - 07-29-2018

One Chance
/please wait for [member=1391]DANTE NORTHWEST.[/member] to reply! thank you <3

Again, this environment was weirder than the last, and Yes Man wasn't comfortable with the marshy setting. The smiling tom stood at the border of Tanglewood and waited patiently for Dante to arrive. He should be close behind this time, Yes Man was sure of it. Maybe he should give Dante a chance to take the lead for once, but for now, He was going to be the one doing introductions.. Er, maybe.
code by spacexual

Re: attack of the disease | the pitt, visiting - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 07-29-2018

Unlike with The Typhoon, Dante had little to no interest with Tanglewood's territory. In fact, it kind of disgusted him. Just as Yes Man assumed, the hybird was behind him. As they arrived at the border, Dante took a seat and huffed, waiting for these Tanglewood people to arrive.
[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px darkorange; font-size: 24px;"]— DANTE

Re: attack of the disease | the pitt, visiting - SOCKING - 07-30-2018

✯ — if you don't fuck with us then motherfuck you
they were standing by the border. waiting for something; of which she did not know.

the fallen angel was slow to lope over, fixing a steady, placid gaze onto the two strangers.

"hello?" she called out, wondering vaguely if they were a pair of joiners, or something else. they looked like they wanted something. of course, the marsh was always unpleasant but they must have had something of importance if they had traveled all this way.

"what can i do for you?"
✯ — female. tanglewood. moderate difficulty. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: attack of the disease | the pitt, visiting - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 07-30-2018

Re: attack of the disease | the pitt, visiting - pallid-i - 07-30-2018

One Chance
He looked at Dante and gave him a wink before turning to look at the two who arrived. How could they stand to live in such a place like this? The Savannah cat didn't understand, but maybe he shouldn't judge. He lived in a dry and harsh desert after all.

Yes Man straightened up and his smile turned into a toothy grin. He was always smiling. Not like he had a choice. "Why hello there! I'm Yes Man and this fella-" He paused and gestured over at Dante with his tail. "is Dante! We're both from the Pitt and we're here to tell you we're a new group. Now don't think we're here to tell you that we're gonna be requesting for an alliance because that simply just isn't the case. We don't do allies or neutrals. Heck, we don't even do enemies. We're here to do business." He said, making little jazz hands at the mention of the "business" part.
code by spacexual

Re: attack of the disease | the pitt, visiting - madster - 07-30-2018

"yes man? that's a shitty name," murmured the melancholy nurse, making his way over slowly as he kept his crimson eyes trained on the two. what weirdos, he thought. from a place called the pitt? and they wanted to do business? he thought that was pretty stupid. did they not know how clans operated? he finally arrived, brushing furs with stocking then relaxed his shoulders.

"so what are you even here for? what kind of business? do you sell alcohol?" he asked legitimately, noting his booze cabinet was rather empty these days.

Re: attack of the disease | the pitt, visiting - beck. - 07-30-2018

    Personally, claiming a swamp with a natural defense called bad reputation was much more preferable than living in the slums as he observed his fellow urchins endure so many years ago. Here, nobody sought to exterminate you, and if that privilege meant wallowing in mud half the time, than so be it. Besides, the swamp thinned out once one delved deeper into their territory.

    Dragging his scarred paws through the undergrowth, the poltergeist stumbled along to follow the foreign scent of a new group intruding on their land, holding back a tired wheeze by the time he caught up to Stocking and Vigenere. Beck half-heartedly shook out his grimy pelt in a fruitless attempt to make himself look presentable as he listened in on the rest of what this Yes Man had to say. His split brow perked in vague interest at the mention of business, yet Malphas barged in and spoke his concerns for him. The mangy commander offered the nurse a bitter huff and a glare before turning his narrowed scowl on the other leader himself. "If we do 'business' or whatever with ya, then y'all will help us out? Like if we need supplies 'nd stuff? Or for y'all to fight on our side?" Beck inquired with a tilt of his head, surprisingly serious as he continued rasping, "We've don't have no money, but we've got plenty of stuff to trade if that's what ya want." It was basically the same as an alliance, albeit with a little bribery from one end. And with the Ascendants proving to be distrustful, it wouldn't hurt to have a back-up plan. A slight grin twitched on the corners of his unscathed lips, revealing a flash of jagged teeth as he straightened and chirped in a shrill tone, "Name's Beck, and, uh, I'm the leader over here, 'case ya were wonderin'. These jerks can tell ya their names themselves." With a hoarse giggle at his teasing jab to his peers, the scrawny feline extended a frigid paw for a handshake, copying the gesture from television screens rather than his own experience.

Re: attack of the disease | the pitt, visiting - TALIA P - 07-30-2018

(i'm here 'til i die)
"Talia. I'm interested to hear about what you can trade. I got a couple of trinkets and weapons I can part with, s'long as you have something of equal value." Talia has always been interested in trading, in commerce - back in her hometown, they used to have a shop system that she absolutely adored. Many of her days were spent wandering the marketplace and looking at whatever is being offered by the others of her clan; it was fun to browse and even more fun to barter. She misses it, the casualty of it all, the easiness in looking and the tenseness in haggling, the thrill of parting with one thing to receive another. It's nostalgic.

She wanders closer to the group and flicks a pierced ear at them in greeting. She doesn't admit that she's listening for them to make their own introductions - she's sure they've seen her around before and her them but she has no clue which is who and what they do, hasn't been around long enough to know their names or what they like. It's not much of a problem, personally, but it'll be nice to at least put a name to somewhat familiar faces despite her often seclusion and insistence of sleeping far away from their camp.

Re: attack of the disease | the pitt, visiting - pallid-i - 08-01-2018

One Chance
He looked at Malphas and smiled warmly at him. "It's an okay name." He said with a small shrug. "But yes, we can sell alcohol to you!" Yes Man kept plenty. Only for special occasions, however. Though he was willing to sell them just to seal a deal with these guys.

Then the leader came over, Beck, and Yes Man's ears perked. "We could give you supplies.. and help you, yes. I know some of my clanmates that would love to taste action and feel skin rip under their claws. Since you don't have money right now, we'd be willing to cut you some slack and accept trade offers. For now." He said, holding his paw out to Beck. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Beck."

Talia's voice grabbed his attention briefly and he thought it over. "I'm sure my warpriest, Toga, would have something of interest to you. She's an interesting character.. A bit on the wild side. We have some relics that hold value to them. If you'd like, you can come to the Pitt and I'd gladly show them to you." He said, thinking of the elephant shaped ruby that was in one of the pyramids.
code by spacexual